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Exchange 11-27-2012 09:39 PM

Leaving Mene - Giving Away Invo
Hey Mene, it's been fun but I think our time is over.
Giving away contents of my invo (and my mule's).

Commons are a free for all, let me know what you want and I'll send it over.
With my CIs, EIs, and other special items I'd like them to go away to people who are questing for them, so please link me to your quest thread for proof.


Seito 11-27-2012 09:54 PM

Oh I'm sorry to see you go. I wish you the best of luck wherever life takes you.

*pets your pretty commons* Could I have the Saffron Faerie Wings and the Bustier of First Love please?

Also I'm gonna go ahead and move this to the giveaway forum :3 <3

Falconwing 11-27-2012 11:21 PM

=( I didn't know you were leaving. I remember just a month ago I saw your shop thread and wanted to buy your Ink Blot.

I never realized you were leaving. *hugs on* I know we never really got to know each other but I would be really thankful if you would run through my quest thread and see if you wanted to donate anything. It would mean a lot to me. Those CIs are killing me. Lol. They are so expensive.

Could I have Sleepy Time? That is the one I would really love. If you want to give me a few more Ink Blot, Tome of Nightmares, Weather Forecast, or Book of Daydreams would be lovely as well. OOoo, you have the spring fling items I missed too. Jeez, I feel so bad for even asking for stuff.

Falcon's Quest Thread

Again, I am sorry to see you go.

Izumi 11-28-2012 12:42 AM

I'm so sorry to see you go. :( I understand that sometimes life makes you part ways though.

You have such a lovely taste in commons. I had to be greedy but I love your Japanese kimono sets, especially the purple one. I love Japanese culture and I also would love to collect those items. Let me know if you need exact names or if there is a limit. >_<

RoadToGallifrey 11-28-2012 01:06 PM

I'm really sorry to see you leave, I liked speaking to you in my hangout. :( I wish you the best in whatever you're going off to do. :')

May I please have either the Whalecow On My Head or the Pure Hatred Wings?

Also, I know that Clair Voyant: has been questing the Ink Blott item for a few months.

PWEEP 11-29-2012 02:42 AM

I'd appreciate anything you're willing to give. I don't have an active quest thread, but I am questing for every panda item on the site - is my panda avatar enough proof? It's being added to when new panda items are obtained. So I'd very much adore the slippers.

Clair Voyant 11-29-2012 03:31 AM

I would love to get the Ink Blott! :D

I just realized I haven't updated my quest thread in so long... so I will pass on the Ink Blott. :)

Greed 11-29-2012 07:59 AM

Hello, it's sorry to hear you wish to leave. :(
I would love however if you would check out my quest thread. I'm currently questing for all pink common items. :)
clicky here!

KageShio 11-29-2012 08:15 AM

I am sorry to see you are leaving us, as it is sad to see a member go, but it is wonderful of you to give away everything like this, it is always appreciated by other members. *smiles*

As for myself, there are a handful of items from my quest you have, but I am certainly most interested in the Ninja's Arsenal, as I have been questing it since it came out: Link I know it is a rather sought-after item though, so if you find another member more deserving in your eyes, I would not be offended.

Death_to_the_reaper 11-29-2012 08:21 AM

Sorry to see you leave.

I'd like the pure hatred skirt, the silver bracers, the hatred gloves, the black rambling rose, and the orange orchid hairpin.

My quest thread:

I'd appreciate any items given to me, thank you.

Melly 11-29-2012 09:03 PM

I am sorry to see you are leaving Menewsha.[:|] Maybe someday you will decide to return.

You have so many items that I am currently questing. Could I have the glacial circlet? ^-^
I am most interested in the (glacial circlet <- loves this the most), Ltd. edition 1st birthday cake hat, bunny hairpin and the pierced bunny headband. Also if you see anything else I am questing like the chaos/order armor sets, I would really appreciate them. I missed all these items, because I was on hiatus.

Here is the link to my quest thread:

Hadsvich 11-30-2012 03:56 AM

Nice of you to giveaway your items. I hope you do well wherever you go to from here.

I haven't really updated what I'm questing.
But I've been really wanting Tigra the Tiger lately. I'd really appreciate it~
; u;
& If you happen to have any of the commons I'm questing, that would be great~ > u<

dessertdesiert 11-30-2012 04:29 PM

Awww This is so sad to see Exchange....

There are only a few items I would want:
Golden top o' the Morning Top Hat
Silver top o' the Morning Top Hat

That's it xD I never got those when I was here during the event.
Oh here is my quest thread Here
It's also in my signature if that doesn't work

`Haru 12-02-2012 02:18 AM

Wish I could have that winter's flight. [drool]
I gave mine away to a friend when I thought I was finished for good with mene too.
But unfortunately I don't have an active quest thread anymore so... if that is a problem,
I'll get it again one day on my own. No worries xD

On another note though,
I WOULD take your whalecow if you're willing to part with him. :3

LaVida 12-02-2012 03:28 AM

Hope you have fun wherever you go! >.<

Can I get the Saffron Faerie Wings, Orange Orchid Shirt, Orange Orchid Skirt, Pink Orchid Skirt, Pink Orchid Blouse, and the Evergreen Party Frock by any chance?

Good luck in real life! :)

Nephila 12-03-2012 11:35 PM

I'm sorry to see another Menewshan go.

I would gladly take any of the commons other people didn't want.

WherededIGo 12-08-2012 04:45 AM

I didn't even know that Mene had half of those commons!

Its sad to see you going Exchange buddy :C

However, if no-ones snagged them yet, the fox pets, are they in the special catergory? If they aren't, I would love one ;3;

Otherwise, any of those cool fans you have.

foxotanashi 12-08-2012 05:28 AM

I'm on several avatar sites and it's never awesome to see people leaving. And I actually just got here :/
*waves* Maybe I'll see you somewhere else.

I'm interested in several items, actually. So I will just name them off and if you decided to give to me, then you can choose out of them or whatever :3

The Yumeh items/100k Cozy Heads
Team Floaties
Raven Ankle Wings
Dove Ankle Wings
Dove Wings
Raven Wings
Candy and Flowers
Who Hid The Catnip!! (if that is the item. I can't quite remember. It's that EI with a cat ear.)

Any Lingerie
Heaven Kitty
Pure Hatred Shirt
Pure Hatred Wings

So um... I think that's it xD Sorry for the list.
There is my quest thread. (Also a link in my siggy)

hummy 12-08-2012 08:06 PM

aw,Exchange♥sweetie please don't leave us.
i would love to babysit your black heart wingies.
hummy needs teal heart wingies becausse hummy and hearrts go hand in hand.

Dottie Mae Evans 12-09-2012 01:18 AM

I interested in the commons but I just don't recall their names. [:(] If I can get back with you which items they are before they give them away, then thanks in advance.

Sorry to see you go. [:(] Also see my photo gallery on Mene to see which items/commons I current have to give you an idea.

Dystopia 12-11-2012 10:43 AM

Hey Exchange.

If you don't mind, I'd like the Ink Blott. I don't have a quest thread, but I like it, and I could make some fun avatars with it.

Mononopoleon 12-12-2012 05:31 AM

Hey Exchange!

I am new to this community and it's so sad to know you are leaving. Hopefully I can inherit some of your items. Anything would be great.

Thank you for your generosity.

Velvet 12-13-2012 12:07 AM

Ooh. I always hate seeing people leave. D8

My quest link is in my sig.. I will post a link sometime..

---------- Post added 12-13-2012 at 12:09 AM ----------

I actually posted in your exchange thread asking to buy some of your CI's. I asked to purchase an Inkblott. Been after that CI for awhile now along with the Dark Alchemist. But, you have alot of items on my quest list, I would be most appreciative to receive something on my list.
My quest thread.
I have a huge list of commons on my quest list.. I don't know if you'd go through the lists or prefer us to post them. I don't want to sound or feel greedy... > w <

I actually got the Inkblott now.. So I don't need to ask for that anymore.

But anything would be helpful and I would be very grateful.

If you do not want to view my quest thread I will post a few items you have that I would appreciate receiving: Yumeh Hairpin, Carnival Hairpin (I have three EI's left to get from my quest and this is one along with the On the Farm and the Maytime the Old School Way one), the Sash of Chaos and Scarf of Order (Argh, the majority of your CI's are on my quest list to still acquire..), and I love the Bitter Hag Hat and the Heaven Kitty.

Thank you for reading this, dear.

Seridano 12-17-2012 06:18 PM

It's always sad to see another Menewshan vanish, especially given the recent lack of activity, but real life always comes first. If possible, I would like to hold on to your bunny hairpin, sash of order, snowflakes, orchid hairpin, golden top of the morning tophat, and life's a beach. Should you return, simply ask for me to return them to you and it will be done.

Seri's Quest Thread

SilverPhoenyx 12-17-2012 07:50 PM

It is sad to see people leave the site.
If I am allowed to request, may I please have a random assortment of black and blue items?
Thank you so much.

In fact, I would be happy for anything.. my inventory is so small and insignificant.

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