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Selki Seven 04-11-2016 05:55 PM

Campus Cafe & Library Hangout
The Local Nerd Hangout
(Kiyoto and Selki Seven OOC. I just didn't know what else to call it and this seemed appropriate. o u o)

(Look at that. I feel like nerds would love this because... I love this. It is so cozy. o u o So... cozy.... -pets picture-)

Kiyoto 04-13-2016 02:01 PM

Poor thread lol. I hope to get to this by at least tomorrow as a start. Today is a long day.

Selki Seven 04-14-2016 04:08 AM

>u< No worries. Take your time. I've still not gotten my character put together myself, actually. Been fighting off an earache. o.e

Kiyoto 04-14-2016 01:26 PM

Ouch x.x that's no fun

Selki Seven 04-18-2016 04:10 AM

Eh.. It is what it is.

Also, I forget to ask. How detailed are we making the character sheets? Super detailed (Things like what they think of themselves internally all the way to favourite colour), Moderately detailed (Height/Weight, visible blemishes, skin type), or just going to keep it minimal with like... Name, Age, Birth Origin, and.... a description of sorts?

Kiyoto 04-18-2016 07:50 PM

I have no idea XD

I can be very detailed or not very. Depends on being inspired enough by the character. Plus, we can always add on as we go.

Selki Seven 04-20-2016 08:03 PM

Sounds good! I will try to have up my sheet today. Is there any particular place to submit it? Special Thread or anything?

Kiyoto 04-21-2016 05:41 PM

I can make the main thread and we can each save a spot to put our pro on?

Selki Seven 04-23-2016 04:44 AM

That works. Sorry for late replies. I've been sick.

Selki Seven 04-25-2016 11:45 AM

I have a character up and ready! And I'm no longer sick! -throws up hands- This is an exciting day~

I can make the thread if you would like. :3

Any idea for a thread title?

Kiyoto 06-13-2016 10:59 PM

Totally never saw this x.x, been busy though. I need to get on my guy o3o, hmm....names names ....

Selki Seven 09-09-2016 06:59 AM

No worries. If you still want to continue let me know. :3 I just got back from an extensive... "Soul Searching" whatever, myself. But I am refreshed. :3

Kiyoto 09-10-2016 12:00 AM

Ah, been there..I think XD lol.

---------- Post added 09-09-2016 at 05:01 PM ----------

What was our plot? I should go back to my request thread and see x.x been so long.

Selki Seven 09-12-2016 10:09 AM

From what I read back at it sounds like:

2 Collegiate men set up on a blind date by their two best friends. Both consider themselves straight. Whether the two friends who set up the men on the date knew each other, bumped into each other, or noted how bad their dating lives were.... they decided to help. (We hadn't decided on how the initiators had met.) but then our two characters reluctantly... or maybe not reluctlantly, or excitedly... went on said date only to maybe be surprised by who was there. Or.... were waiting and talking... and after a bit found out they were each others dates.

That is what I gather. I don't think we had a super thick plot as of yet. xD

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