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Omi 11-04-2009 01:52 AM

Art of the Grimoire: Shop and Freebies
Happy Halloween!

I'll have art both for sale and as freebies for those who hang around. :D Remember, no spamming, bumping, or nonsense posts!

Freebies (could be a sketch, lineart, or full color) go to first post on pages:

10: Ferra
(I'll add more if people actually post that high)

If you want to bypass the entire process and order art-

I'm only doing color headshots/portraits for this event. Price is 600g. :3

Slot 1:
Slot 2: Hadsvich

There is no waitlist; sorry! Once I clear open a slot; the next person to send trade will get it. :3

Previous Orders:


Swordtear 11-04-2009 01:58 AM

It's open? (I'll delete this if you're still reserving posts)

But any OC from here?

(Sorry for gaia thread xDD;; )

EDIT: For a coloured headshot/portrait)

OnyxSaphire 11-04-2009 01:59 AM

Hi all! How's the event going for everyone?

Miliani 11-04-2009 02:02 AM

Your art is amazing! I shall stay and chat with you. :3

Sugared Tart 11-04-2009 02:03 AM

Hi! :3 how is everyone!? Im good... I just got back from finding the perfume ive been looking for, for years!! OMG! I am soo excited. XD U would never have thought u could be that excited over that.. but I am XD

OnyxSaphire 11-04-2009 02:03 AM

What perfume is it?

Swordtear 11-04-2009 02:04 AM

*gonna go grab some breakfast in a minute* xDD lil sister gets heaps excited over perfume all the time! Ahahaha~

And hello to everyone else <33 C:

Omi 11-04-2009 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by Swordtear (Post 1765451108)
It's open? (I'll delete this if you're still reserving posts)

But any OC from here?

(Sorry for gaia thread xDD;; )

EDIT: For a coloured headshot/portrait)

Nah, you're good. :D Go ahead and send trade and I *should* have it done within a few hours or less. XD

Heyo, everyone! ;D ;D

Sugared Tart 11-04-2009 02:05 AM

Its victorias secret : pure seduction.. It sure seduced me.. XD I love this stuff.. I looked like a crack head sniffin on the bottle in the store! XD I probly killed a couple brain cells. XD

Miliani 11-04-2009 02:07 AM

I love Georgio Armani's Code. x.x It makes me melt.

OnyxSaphire 11-04-2009 02:07 AM

Oh! All the Victoria Secret stuff I've smelled is amazing!I would have been right there next to you looking crazy.

Swordtear 11-04-2009 02:08 AM

@Omi-I've sent trade!
Thank you <333

Perfumeee...I think my favourite one is Desperate Housewives "Forbidden Fruit" ahaha~
It's my sister's so no idea how much she got it for ;;

"Curious" by Britney Spears is actually quite nice too :heart:

Sugared Tart 11-04-2009 02:08 AM

miliani - is that a perfume?? XD

Swordtear - I looove perfume!! I love sweet and flowery smells. X3

omi - hello! :3

OnyxSaphire 11-04-2009 02:09 AM

My friend is obsessed with Britney Spears' perfume but i can't say I've ever smelled it.

I don't know the name of it but i love the perfume that has some reaction with your pheromones so it smells different on everyone.

Sugared Tart 11-04-2009 02:11 AM

OnyxSaphire - ahhaa.. I know!! They are gonna have to make a psa.. ( perfume sniffers annonymous ) XD

Swordtear - I havent smelled those.. I want to go to a store with just perfumes... all over the place for your sniffin pleasure. XD I wonder if there are any of those besides like belk and jc penny.

Is that kinda vanilla like? Or is that her fantasy one?? idk.. i buy that one for my friend every so often cuz she loves it so much.

Swordtear 11-04-2009 02:12 AM

@Sugared-I also love sweet smells <333

Some people walk by and smell really nice when I'm out *O*
Others just make me gag a bit cause the smell is too much ;; (Like they've drowned themselves in it to cover their body odour) *cough*

I love mint smells they've just had mints or gum ahaha~

"Curious" is the only one I've smelt...I think she has several others xDD

Ahaha...unique scents~ <33

linapoo 11-04-2009 02:12 AM

Oh shi- HEY OMI. 8D Your art is snazzzyyy.

So I was wondering if I could grab a slot of this one for 600g.

OnyxSaphire 11-04-2009 02:12 AM

I would be a very proud member of the PSA

Izumi 11-04-2009 02:13 AM

Evening folks. I love your art Omi. I wonder if I have any more luck to win a page prize. :XD

Amice 11-04-2009 02:14 AM

Hello. I just had to say how amazing your artwork is Omi.

Miliani 11-04-2009 02:14 AM

@Tart - Yes, it is :]

Swordtear 11-04-2009 02:15 AM

Lina bby! :heart: 8DDD

@Sugared-Ahaha....whenever my family goes shopping and there's a perfume store there....we try to see who can distract my perfume loving sister from spotting the shop and making a beeline for there :rofl:

Nahh...don't think the Curious one smells vanilla-ish *trying to remember*

Ferra 11-04-2009 02:16 AM

Is that second slot still open? >__>; I don't know if you want to deal with little ol' pain-in-the-ass me again, but I'd like art of my zombie girl.
Fitting for the holiday? XD;

(Her hair is really dark green dreadlocks. Part of her mouth is farged up and the whites of her eyes are black, with yellow irises. 8D This was my original mock-up for colors, but ignore the stupid nose thing. >__>;)

EDIT: Doh! XD Missed linapoo's post.

OnyxSaphire 11-04-2009 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by Swordtear (Post 1765451567)
Others just make me gag a bit cause the smell is too much ;; (Like they've drowned themselves in it to cover their body odour) *cough*

I drove by a car full of teenage guys once and i swear I could smell them drive by they all had on so much cologne.

Sugared Tart 11-04-2009 02:17 AM

Swordtear - omg! I know!! thats how I finally found my perfume! I stopped the person and was like... you smell really nice.... what are you wearing?? XD

OnyxSaphire - Im sure we would have a large number of people joining us! XD Woot woot!! Shall we split the business 50/50?? hahaha.. xD

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