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Symphony of the Night 08-11-2016 11:24 AM

salvete + Nova_Alchemist
Nova_Alchemist: for the vampire roleplay! [squee]

Nova_Alchemist 08-11-2016 08:12 PM

Name: Vance/ Van
Race: human, in the beginning..
Age: 19
Bio: (gotta think of one)

salvete 08-11-2016 08:40 PM
Name: Amanda Silvern

Nova_Alchemist 08-19-2016 11:18 PM

who should start?


uh, i've never done that ^^'
apologies if it's terrible >.<

Summer vacation was over, and students had to start returning to their affiliated school- even the creatures of the night.. With so many newly awakened fledglings, all fledglings had an older and wiser vampire to watch over them- making sure to keep them from attacking some poor human. This led to many fights, but the college chairmaster had to keep the fledglings in check. Besides, it wasn't like he was starving his students. He just didn't want them feeding on humans. This specific private college was built in the center of the city of Moscow, Idaho..

salvete 08-20-2016 01:56 PM

could you set up a background and location for the roleplay :D

salvete 08-21-2016 11:36 PM

looks great, Nova_Alchemist! :D thank you for setting that up! <3


For Amanda Silvern, this came as no problem. After all, she was only part vampire. Fortunately, the witch and other heritages in her bloodline allowed her many freedoms, such as not having to drink blood and not being averse to sunlight, while at the same time being even more magically powerful because of her vampire ancestry. In fact, if she kept her powers in check and put in some colored contacts, she could even pass for a human being. That is what she did at her old boarding school, after all. And now she was here in Idaho to learn more about her powers and how to interact with other magical beings to prepare for the real world.

All that being said, she was well aware that a large percentage of her classmates at this college were vampiric and did indeed crave blood. It was against the school rules to attack humans, but she heard of fights breaking out sometimes when the fledglings did not obey. Amanda tried to stay away from those situations because she did not want to be implicated and also did not want to witness a poor human being attacked.

Nova_Alchemist 08-22-2016 01:14 AM

Vance was just a regular human being, unaware of the vampire college he lived so close to. He'd only lived in the northern state for a few years, when his parents sent him off to boarding school. This would be his third year in the four-year boarding school. This was a boy from the south end of America, now he was up in the snowy part of America.. He adjusted well, the first two years living here. Vance was glad with the college having dorms, and that his parents had already paid for him to stay there, otherwise he'd be out on his ass.

Now it was well passed ten o'clock, the perfect time for Vance to go out and enjoy the stars..and the quiet. He was actually heading out right now. Vance never got any crap from the teachers because he followed the rules, and he was a straight A student- though he didn't look it. He put on a nice coat and his boots and went outside to his favorite spot, to the dock near the school pond. Vance sat on one of the wooden benches and just stared up at the glittering night sky.

salvete 08-22-2016 01:25 AM

Nova_Alchemist: it is up to you *nods* since you will control the vampire character who bites him

did you want me to move Amanda outside right now?

Nova_Alchemist 08-22-2016 03:24 AM

*shrug* it's up to you
he'll probably be attacked soon.. so i'm simply suggest that she be moved outside either this post or the next ^~^

salvete 08-22-2016 05:34 AM

Amanda usually liked to be back at the dorms before it got dark. She did love the dark and seeing the stars in the night sky, but she avoided being out too late for safety reasons. After all, she was surrounded by magical beings at this school, and even though her blood probably was not tasty to her fellow vampires, she never knew what kinds of situations could arise.

However, this night, she had to be at the biology laboratory pretty late. She had emailed a professor over the summer expressing interest in becoming involved in a research project, and so she had been running some time-sensitive experiments. Finally, she finished and glanced at her watch. It was already past ten o'clock, and she needed to get some sleep before the next day since she had lectures in the morning. She packed up her things and walked out into the cool air. The night is beautiful, she thought, gazing at the distant twinkles in the sky.

Nova_Alchemist 08-22-2016 06:55 AM

Vance continued to sit on the bench, until the chill of the night air began to be too much. He out for a bit before the coat couldn't protect him from the cold. Vance began to stand, to go back inside- but he heard crying. It startled him at first, but after listening he decided to follow the sound. It sounded like a scared kid. Who the hell let their kids run around after dark?! "Hey, who's there?" He asked, curious yet cautious since he couldn't see. The crying seemed to stop for a moment, and he heard a faint giggle. What was going on? Then he saw eyes- bright red eyes.

The next thing he knew, he was running as fast as he possibly could. He heard fast, light, following footsteps, and faint a hungry beast was hunting him. A fledgling from the nearby in-human college managed to slip out and picked up the sweet scent of this human boy. He didn't even know where he was going, he was just running. The fledgling found it rather amusing, only he wasn't screaming..chasing him was fun though. Now- how far could he run before tripping or something? Then this game of cat and mouse would be over.. Vance was very agile, and flexible, but the fledgling caught up with him rather quickly and tackled him to the ground. He struggled, but got nowhere. The fledgling smirked and leaned closer to his ear. "No where to run, human.." The fledgling whispered coldly in his ear.

After a moment of blood-chilling silence, the boy's painful yell echoed through out the woods between the two colleges.

salvete 08-22-2016 09:17 PM

Amanda's stargazing came to an abrupt end as she was startled by yelling in the distance. She instinctively transformed into a bat and fluttered to the treetops before turning into her demi form (human form with wings) on top of a sturdy-looking branch. She wanted to be able to see what was going on from afar, without being in danger herself.

At first, she did not see anything. But her ears quickly tuned in to the direction from which the yells were coming. In the distance, she could see two young people, around her own age. She swooped down from the branches towards the sound and landed a few yards away from where two figures seemed to be engaged in a struggle.

"Stop!" she commanded.

Amanda was well aware that her youth and petite figure would be a lot less than formidable to these two strangers, but she thought to herself that she could take them. Her magic was extremely powerful for her age. Again, she yelled "Stop!" as she ran towards the two dark figures preparing to cast a spell to separate them.

Nova_Alchemist 08-23-2016 01:43 AM

Vance had never been attacked like this before..and he doubted that he could overpower whatever had him to the ground, but he couldn't go down without a fight. He had already been gashed a couple of times by the creature's claws, or fingernails. They felt like fingernails. So at least he knew he hadn't been attacked by a wild animal. He felt disgusted when he felt that he was being licked, and the creature seemed to be enjoying the blood that had surfaced. "Get off me!" He yelled, trying to force the being off of him. It was no use though.. The fledgling was too strong for him, and the creature knew it.

The fledgling heard the commanding female voice, but chose to ignore it. It was having waaayy to much fun to stop now. The fledgling had already tasted this human's blood, and was on a frenzy. When Vance's strength had exhausted, the fledgling couldn't help but laugh as it slowly picked up Vance by throat. "Aww, that all?" The fledgling teased. The fledgling sat lowered itself to ground level and held the human upright, almost cradling his torso. By the time the female voice was heard again, the fledgling had sunk it's sharp fangs into the boy's neck and was enjoying a midnight snack.

Slowly, Vance's consciousness began to fade as he could feel his strength slipping. The only thing that managed to keep the boy from completely blacking out was the small hope that someone was coming to stop this.. Everything was a blur though.

salvete 08-23-2016 09:01 PM

As Amanda got closer, she realized that it was a human being attacked by a vampire. It must have been a fledgling, maybe even one of her schoolmates, judging from how little control it seemed to have over its frenzy from tasting the human's blood. I can't believe this, she thought to herself. She finally got close enough to them and unleashed her spell, deftly extending her arm forward to force a huge gust of wind in their direction, powerful enough to knock both of them off the ground and several feet away.

Attacking and feeding on a human could be grounds for academic probation or even expulsion from the college. Amanda usually did not like to get involved with these types of situations, but she saw how helpless the human was, despite his struggles, against the fledging creature. She had always had a soft spot for the underdog in situations and disapproved of the magical creature using its powers to take advantage of a poor human passersby.

Nova_Alchemist 08-23-2016 11:01 PM

The fledgling let out a screech sort of sound when a spell was cast, which sent the fledgling and human flying away from each other. It fledgling landed on it's feet like a cat, and hissed at the witch. "Careful, you'll break him!" The creature taunted, indicating that the human was still somewhat alive- if the witch even cared. "He should make a nice specimen for the professor!" The creature laughed and shook it's head before making an attempt to get closer to the human, as it wiped the blood from its mouth.

Vance landed on the ground, after being sent flying by some supernatural force, with a "Ack!" Weak and barely conscious, he groaned lowly. 'Specimen..? Wha..' He thought to himself, wincing as he tried to at least sit up. Instinctively, his hand went to cover the spot where he had been struck, covering the bite marks on the side of his neck. What was going to happen now, and how much longer could he stay conscious?

salvete 08-25-2016 02:06 AM

Amanda's heart pounded as she faced the fledgling. She had expected her spell to scare it at least a little bit, but while it had let out a screech, it seemed overall unfazed by her attack. It even began to taunt and laugh at her, then started to move again towards the human. Amanda had to think quickly. She turned her head towards the human who had landed on the ground a few yards away and was now groaning and rubbing the side of his neck, then back to see the vampiric creature getting closer by the second.

"Hiya!!!" she yelled, unleashing another spell to knock the fledgling away and she leaped in the opposite direction toward the human and spread her wings. She wanted to buy some time but knew that the fledgling could come after her at any second. She swooped down to where the human was and put her arms under him. "Agh!" she said, attempting to lift him.

Finally, she got ahold of his trunk and kicked off. But where could she go to get him to safety? Her wings flapped furiously from carrying the heavy load.

Nova_Alchemist 09-04-2016 03:04 AM

The fledgling was hit head on by whatever spell the witch had cast, and again went flying. It screeched again, but since it had gotten hurt- the creature fled back to the college before any teachers could intervene.

Vance grunted as the stranger tried to lift him, as to get him away from the other thing? He couldn't have weighed that much..then again, most of him was dead weight- which tended to weigh more. Between it all, the human boy ended up blacking out while being carried. He wouldn't wake a for a couple of hours at least. A human couldn't handle this much stress, and trauma from being attacked by something he had never seen before.

When he did finally wake, the side of his neck that had bitten burned like cold-fire and he couldn't hardly remember shite. The room he was in looked like a hospital..or a nursing room.. Where was he? He did remember the face of the woman who had rescued him- where was she?

(ah, my post sucks x.x)

salvete 09-12-2016 02:10 PM

(it is a good post!)

Amanda had somehow managed to bring the human to the school's health center. She had considered bringing him to a local hospital but figured it might be better not to involve humans in this situation. Plus, she wasn't sure what would happen now that the fledgling had fed on him. Was he going to die? Was he going to turn into a vampire? Was there some sort of antidote? Her mind was a jumble of questions as she struggled to carry the human who was bigger than she all the way back to campus.

Fortunately some of her lab mates had just exited the research building when she came into view, and they helped her carry the human to the health center. After answering a myriad of questions and giving her statement about what had happened, Amanda was super tired. Despite her vampiric heritage, she preferred to have a good night's sleep when she could. And now it was way past midnight. She and her friends walked back to the dormitories together.

Nova_Alchemist 09-25-2016 07:35 PM

The nurse in the heath center gasped quietly when she noticed the boy come to. "Oh my, try not to move so much." She said to him softly, trying not startle the poor human. Her attempt was for naught, and Vance nearly jumped off of the small bed. He stared at her with confused eyes. The woman before her looked human- maybe he could relax? "You're alright.. I'm just a nurse." She cooed softly, slowly approaching the boy. "What..what happened- what attacked me? Who was that girl? ..and why does my neck burn?" He asked, in a confused panic.

The nurse shushed him gently and lightly placed a hand on the side of his neck, so she could look at the bite marks. "I know you have questions..but you need to rest now." She said softly, kissing the top of his forehead and sending him into a peaceful sleep. That was her ability, one of them anyway. She gently laid him down on the bed and went to the cabinet where she kept most of her supplies, picked up a bandage to wrap his neck, and some medicine to help ease his pain. There was nothing further she could do for him.. It pained her to see a human have to go through the torture of turning into a vampire- but the fledgling that attacked him had the power to do so, and there was nothing she could about it.

Once she tended to his wounds, she sighed quietly and went into her office. Morning would be here soon, and she wanted to be near in case any complications rose before then.


salvete 10-02-2016 03:39 AM

Amanda was woken up by her alarm. Yawning, she reached over to slam the snooze button. It was Saturday, so she had no classes that day. But she usually still got up early because she liked taking advantage of the day and often did so in order to check on her experiments in the research lab. Today, however, she had simply forgotten to turn off the alarm. Since she had stayed at the research lab so late the night before, she had nothing urgent to finish up there this morning.

Upon the next alarm, however, she thought about what had happened just the previous night. Amanda remembered how she had seen a human...and the other was a fledgling, maybe at her school...oh, and the vampire had fed on the human's blood. Yikes. And somehow, she had gotten the victim to the student center at her school, with the help of her friends. Thank goodness for them! she thought to herself as she glanced over the side of the bed at her friends who had fallen asleep on the couch and the floor.

Amanda was still feeling drowsy but was curious what had happened to the human. She had heard that a human who became vampire food would turn into a vampire as well...she had never seen the process firsthand, but she heard that some of her classmates had not been born vampires and were there because they had been bitten.

But seeing her friends still asleep just amplified her own drowsiness. She set her alarm to a later time and went back under the covers to doze.

(Ahhhh sorry if this was not super eloquently written.)

Nova_Alchemist 10-16-2016 12:53 AM

Vance slept through the night thanks to the nurse. The nurse herself was peacefully enjoying some breakfast in the cafeteria with the early-bird students of the college. She was so worried about the boy in her infirmary.. ..even if she couldn't really help him. She had to figure out what to do though.

The nurse would end of having to talk to the chairmaster, and tell him what had happened last night- and the boy.

salvete 10-25-2016 04:04 AM

(I'm sorry I didn't realize you had replied <3 here is my post Nova_Alchemist:)

Amanda woke up again to her alarm and decided not to snooze this time. Her friends were also waking up, anyway. She stretched in her bed, then suddenly noticed a red stain on her arm. Upon closer examination, she realized that it was dried blood.

Yikes! she thought to herself. She looked at the rest of her body but found no other red stains and no visible injuries besides a few bruises, although she did feel quite sore from the night before from trying to carry the human. I should really go to the gym more often and work out my biceps.

Amanda thought hard about where the blood could have come from, and concluded that perhaps it had dripped on her while she was trying to get the human to the hospital. Perhaps the blood was from the human's neck... she shuddered at the thought of someone else's blood on her body and quickly got up to go to the bathroom. Thanks to her witch bloodline, she did not rely on blood for sustenance, so she saw the blood more as a sign of injury than as food. Amanda rinsed the blood off with soap and water as best as she could. Meanwhile, she heard her friends also rising from where they had been sleeping.

After brushing their teeth and getting dressed, they decided to get some breakfast at the cafeteria. There weren't that many people there. There were a couple of nurses and some students who decided to get an early start to their Saturdays. After all, a lot of the vampires were shifting to nocturnal schedules.

Nova_Alchemist 11-21-2016 08:51 PM

Leaving the boy in the care of her assistant, the nurse decided it was time to talk to the headmaster. So that's what she did. She walked out of her office and headed down the long hall of the school, then took a flight of stairs and continued part way down another long hallway before coming to a closed door with a gold plate lettered 'Headmaster'. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door, waiting patiently to be called into the room.


The assistant wasn't too thrilled about being left alone to watch a human, the nurse hadn't exactly told him that the human had been attacked by a fledgling. He was just happy that the boy would sleep a while longer with the nurse's spell still in play.

salvete 11-25-2016 09:17 PM

Throughout breakfast, Amanda and her friends recounted what had happened the night before. Theories about what would happen to the fledgling, to the human, and to them as witnesses were dreamed up between bites of rugulach and cupcakes and sips of milk and orange juice.

Finally, it was decided that they would all visit the infirmary to see if they could learn more about what was going on. They weren't sure if they would be allowed in to where the human was being held, or even into the health ward where he was being kept. But they decided it was worth a try. After finishing breakfast and clearing their table, they walked over to the health center.

Nova_Alchemist 12-10-2016 11:11 PM

*poke* <3

The nurse discussed the matter of the boy with the headmaster and together they debated what would happen the school if word ever got out, and that the boy obviously couldn't return home as he was. It was decided that the girl who brought him to the health center would watch over and teach him. Dismissing the nurse, the headmaster called Amanda Silvern to his office over the intercom. He needed to explain the situation to one of his most prize students attending the college.


The nurse returned to her office and relieved the assistant to go to class and would continue to watch over the boy herself.

All times are GMT. The time now is 08:51 PM.