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Talitha001 01-29-2011 04:14 PM

Corruption comes to an end or does it? <open and accepting>

Egypt is falling under chaos. The smaller peasants do not notice this but a bit higher you can taste the corruption. The gods have decided they no longer favor Pharoah. In order to appease them he will commit a moral sin. He plans to take the priestess Irisi as his new bride. She will undergo her initiation in five more days. He plans to take her before this time. Pharoah has many slaves. His freinds also collect beutiful young girls.

On the other side of egypt a resistance is working to free all of the slaves in egypt. Many are escaped slaves themselves. Some are just general people interested in helping. It is headed by a mighty leader. This leader knows that the best way to get into pharoahs castle is through who else but the new soon to be queen. How will this be acomplished?

Who will you be with? Will you be privy to pharohs corruptive lifestyle and perhaps even join in with your own version of corruption? Or will you aid the resistance and overthrow pharoah? Will you instead be one of pharoahs slaves?


1) Pm all profiles to me please.
2) Title them "Egypt"
3) Do not claim to be pharoahs favorite slave. Whomever plays pharoah can decide that.
4) No godmodding even if you are pharoah.

Application Template

Resistance or pharoah:
Occupation or rank:


Name: Irisi
Age: 17
Resistance or pharoah: Unknown at this time
Occupation or rank: Priestess to Isis Soon to be queen of egypt.


Originally Posted by xxxarcxangelxxx
Name: Callista
Age: 16
Resistance or pharoah: resistance
Occupation or rank: slave of the pharoah
[Callista before she was taken from her homeland, Greece, minus the wings.]


Originally Posted by Magician Girl Mirani
Name: Karasu
Age: 17
Resistance or pharoah: Pharaoh but does not know anything else, may be persuaded to join the resistance later
Occupation or rank: Pharaoh's slave
(Just with this outfit)

Name: Sekmeht
Age: 23
Resistance or pharoah: Resistance
Occupation or rank: A high up noble in the Pharaoh's court. She works from wtihin to try to free the slaves.
(For some reason it wouldn't work but here's a link instead)


Originally Posted by xxxarcxangelxxx
Alright. Just on more for me, then. :] If this is alright?

Name: Ahmes
Age: 19
Resistance or pharoah: resistance
Occupation or rank: palace guard- greek citizen in disguise


Originally Posted by finx15
Name:Finx Sunfara
Resistance or pharoah:pharoah
Occupation or rank:one of the brides of the pharoah

Talitha001 01-30-2011 05:23 AM

(until pharoah is claimed he is a ffa character. Anyone may play him if they wish.)

Irisi had packed up all of her belongings quite quickly and made her way to the palace. She did not cry nor did she smile. Her heart was torn and she felt as if life was going to end. She was escorted to the throne room where pharoah greeted her and then told some slaves to escort her to her chambers. She made her way slowly to her room where she was to be staying until her wedding night. She made it their quite quickly and sat down looking out the window. She felt as if her life were over. She would never be happy again and she knew it. She had been raised to be a priestess and now her life would be taking another turn. This was one twist she was not looking forward to.

Arc Angel 01-30-2011 06:34 AM

(Mkay. Works for me.)

Callista quickly scurried down along the hallway in the direction in which the guard had pointed. Once arriving at the room of the new soon-to-be queen, she set down the pitcher of water by the door, but before she had the chance to walk in, the guard behind her gave her a firm shove into the room. Callista stumbled forward, very nearly dropping her tray as she gave a small cry of pain, but said no complaint of it. Complaining would only earn her harsher treatment, after all. The tray she held consisted of three goblets, one of ice water, one of the best wine the palace had to offer, the third of some kind of exotic juice. Carfeully setting the tray upon the floor beside her, Callsita got down onto her knees, bowing deeply so that her forehead brushed against the floor, as she had been taught. "Refreshments, Your Highness." She didn't dare look at the woman in the chamber, fearing that she too may dislike being looked at, even if no eye contact was made.

Talitha001 01-30-2011 03:00 PM

Irisi glanced at the guard with a frown on her face. She immediatly yelled at him to leave now. He quickly left closeing the door to the room. She went up to the girl on the ground and using her hands she lifted her up.
"Please do not fear me. As a servant of Isis I am nothing but gentle and kind. Please what is your name?"

Arc Angel 01-30-2011 05:56 PM

Callista kept still in her bowing position until she felt hands grab her and pull her gently up. Callista, shaking a bit, expected the worse, but stood nevertheless, keeping her gaze lowered. Her facial expressions remained blank, even as she spoke of being a servant of Isis. After all, not all servants of gods and goddesses were kind and gentle. However, this was the best treatments she'd been given at the palace yet, and she was glad for it. "My name?" Callista's eyes widened in surprise, she had never been asked that since she left Greece. "My name is Callista, Your Highness. I am to serve your every wish."

Talitha001 01-30-2011 06:01 PM

Irisi stared at the girl a moment.
"It is most nice to meet you dear one. I am not a highness yet nor do I wish to be. You will please call me Irisi. I am nothing more than a priestess to Isis and I do not want any other postion or title."
She smiled very sweetly at the girl and then taking her hand in hers led her to where the drinks were.
"Please have a drink with me."

Arc Angel 01-30-2011 06:06 PM

Callista, for the first time, looked up at Irisi in awe. Never would she call her as she asked, and she already knew that for a fact. She would be beaten for that. However, her words did calm her a great lot. Callista grinned as her hand was grabbed, approaching the tray with three goblets, and holding them up for her. "His Majesty has selected three choices for you. The first, the finest wine in the palace. The second... juice. The third is ice water." She explained, pointing to each golden goblet on the tray.

Talitha001 01-30-2011 06:13 PM

Picking up the juice Irisi smelt it and then tasted it. She frowned and put it back drinking the water.
"Wine is against my vows and the juice is the wrong kind for me to be drinking. I appreciate the thought though. You may drink the rest. I shall stick to water."
She turned back to where she was sitting by the window and continued to gaze out over the river.
"How long have you worked here?"

Magician Girl Mirani 01-30-2011 06:23 PM

Sekmeht strode confidently down a hall of the palace. Everything was inlaid with gold and appeared to be extremely expensive, which it was. She resisted the urge to scowl as she spotted a delicately sculpted pot inlaid with many patterns and designs. The cost of such a trivial thing could feed five large families for a week at least! She hated the Pharaoh, hated him with a passion. He was corrupt and she wished nothing more than to see him fall.
All she needed was to contact the resistance. She already knew a few slaves that would be willing to take up arms against the pharaoh, Ra knows why more of them weren't of the same opinion!

Karasu walked meekly through the halls of the palace, limping slightly from a beating. She knew that she shouldn't have been so stupid but she just had to open her mouth and get herself in trouble. She regretted it and deserved the punishment. She winced as a particularly sore bruise throbbed on her upper right arm.
There was no time to think about that now. She had to get to the kitchens and take Pharaoh's meal to him or he would be angry. She did not want to lose her chance. It was an honour to be a part of the palace staff and she would not waste the Ra-given gift.

Arc Angel 01-30-2011 06:47 PM

Callista grinned, bowing her head in apology, "I apologize. What juice would you prefer next time?" Then, hesitated as she was told to drink the rest. Drink from a royal goblet? She'd surely be killed for that act! Callista shook her head fervently, "I-I can't do that! His Majesty would have my head." She then set down the tray as Irisi picked up her goblet, not daring to drink from either of the remaining cups. "I've... I've worked here for three years." She spoke softly, fondly remembering her homeland. Greece. Ah, the mere thought of it made her smile. It seemed like she had been taken from within her fair country's walls just days ago, for all the vivid memory.

When a limping noise came from the hallway, Callista peeked over at the doorway. Spotting the limping Karasu, Callista quickly stood, bowing her head to Irisi as she followed Karasu into the hallway before she got too far, "Karasu! I shall bring the Pharaoh's meal. You may see to his soon-to-be wife in my stead." she spoke hurriedly, not wanting to have Karasu do so with that limp after a beating. "That way you can rest some..."

Talitha001 01-30-2011 07:03 PM

Irisi followed the girl quickly. She noticed the girl in the hall who seemed injured and ran out to her. She quickly picked her up into her arms and laid her down on the couch at the end of the bed. She fetched the wine and handed it to the girl.
"Drink this. It will dull the pain."
She slowly removed bits and pieces of the girls clothes. She noticed bruises and frowned. She fetched her ice water and taking the ice she rubbed it along them.
"This should help. My name is Irisi. What is your name?"

Magician Girl Mirani 01-30-2011 07:05 PM

Karasu jumped in fright as she heard someone come up behind her and sighed in relief when she realised who it was. Unlike some of the other slaves around the palace Calista was nice which was definitely a chance. She liked the fact that there was someone here that was nice to her. She loved serving the pharaoh but it was nice to see a little kindness now and then.
"I-I couldn't do that though," she replied, trying to keep her voice steady. "I've been given orders..."
Her left leg was shaking even as she tried to take another step forward and she barely managed to stifle the urge to cry out as she fell forwards. She landed heavily and was glad that she hadn't been carrying anything right then. She shook at the thought of what would have happened if she had been carrying Pharaoh's dinner.


((Oops, I think we posted at the same time))

Karasu, who was used to obeying orders, drank whatever it was without question. It was only when she was finished did she realise who it was that had lifted her into the room and whose bed she was lying on. She tried to struggle up but was too weak.
"I-I was on my way to the kitchens to fetch his Majesty's food but I fell because of y injuries. I was too outspoken earlier today and I received my punishment from the guards," she answered, not wanting to be punished for refusing to answer a question.

Talitha001 01-30-2011 07:14 PM

Smiling at her Irisi lifted her head up.
"I am Irisi and I shall not hurt you. I am a priestess of Irisi. I would never hurt anyone. Now please relax and let me help you."
She continued to rub ice over her bruises and when it was all melted she stood up and looked at the girl.
"Do you feel better now? Also would you care to tell me what happened?"

Arc Angel 01-30-2011 07:20 PM

Callista couldn't help but grin when she saw Irisi helping out Karasu. It was a very happy surprise to her that there was now someone in the castle that actually cared about the Pharaoh's slaves. Bowing quickly to the two, Callista scurried off to the kitchen to fetch His Majesty's food. Perhaps if she delivered it in a timely fashion, he would not care that it was not delivered by Karasu. She really hoped he wouldn't, anyways. After getting the tray of food from the royal kitchens, she made her way through the palace halls in a quick but steady pace, gaze downwards lest she run into any more guards or nobles.

Magician Girl Mirani 01-30-2011 07:33 PM

Sekmeht raised an eyebrow as she saw one of the slave girls heading towards the Pharaoh's chambers with his dinner. THis was not an unusual occurance of course but she couldn't help but be surprised that it wasn't the usual slave girl taht was delivering the food.
"Girl," she said in a stern but not harsh tone. "Where is the usual bearer of his Majesty's meal?" She resisted the urge to snarl the Pharaoh's title. How she hated saying it, as if she respected him when in truth all she wanted was to slip a dagger between his shoulder blades.

Arc Angel 01-30-2011 07:59 PM

Callista froze in place when she was addressed, still not looking up from the ground. She didn't need to look up to recognize the woman as a noble. Nervous for te possibility of a ebating for taking on the responsibility of another, she quickyl made an excuse, "Karasu is unable to serve His Majesty today. She is not fit for walking, so I took it upon myself to deliver the Master's food in her stead." She bowed her head deeply, praying to Ra that neither her no Karasu would be beat for this.

Magician Girl Mirani 01-30-2011 08:03 PM

"You need not bow," Sekmeht said carefully. "You say Karasu is unfit to deliver the food? What is it that troubles her?" She knew about the 'punishments' that the guards saw fit to bistow on the slaves who they perceived to be out of line and she thought she had a pretty good idea of what happened. wouldn't hurt to have her theory confirmed.

Arc Angel 01-30-2011 08:18 PM

Callista hesitantly straightened up again, gaze locked upon the floor in front of her. Swallowing hard, Callista spoke quietly of what happened to Karasu, "A beating, My Lady. She took a beating and developed a limp. She collapsed just outside of the Fair Lady's chamber," referring to Irisi. If I don't hurry, I won't be timely. The Pharaoh will be upset with us. "Excuse me, My Lady." She again bowed deeply before taking her tray and quiickly scurrying along down the hallway again.

Magician Girl Mirani 01-30-2011 08:24 PM

Sekmeht frowned. She knew it. She hated the beatings, absolutely hated them! It didn't help that most of the time the beatings were undeserved and completely illogical. What was the point in beating a slave who didn't do anything wrong when they still had work to do? How could they do their job when they were unable to even walk?
"The sooner I get these girls out of here," she muttered to herself. "The better things will be for everyone."
The hard part was finding the slaves that were loyal to the Pharaoh and those that would be willing to escape.
It wasn't as easy as one would think.
She decided to return to her chambers for the moment. She could ask around later, discretely of course, and try and find out who would be willing to join the resistance movement.

Talitha001 01-31-2011 04:42 AM

(Haha guess we did >.> We shall pretend that my post was above yours then)

She smiled at her.
"Its ok hun. I promise you will never be harms as long as I am here. No one will harm you or hurt you anymore. Now that I have a higher position I will change what is going on in this place and I will fix everything. You will all be better treated. You may rest here as long as you wish."

Arc Angel 01-31-2011 05:20 AM

A few minutes after entering the Pharaoh's chambers to present to him his meal, Callista left, head bowed deeply until she was fully outside into the hallway again. Once outside, she straightened herself up, letting out a soft sigh. So he hadn't cared to notice that she had taken Karasu's place, after all. At least, he did not seem to. Walking back down along the hallway, intending to go back to tend to Irisi, she was stopped by a guard. He demanded to know what she had been doing in the Pharaoh's chambers, and she told him, but he looked doubtful. Accusing her of stealing, he grabbed her by the hair, dragging her down along the hallway as she screamed. The punishment for stealing was usually loss of limb. Needless to say, she didn't want that, so she struggled, something out of character for her.

Eventually, having too hard of a time with her, the guard simply searched her person for any items, found nothing, and gave her a warning. Callista, now scared, scampered back into Irisi's room quietly, bowing deeply again in the doorway. "Is there anything I can do for you, My Lady?"

Magician Girl Mirani 01-31-2011 05:31 PM

Karasu allowed herself to relax at the kind words given to her by the future queen. She felt safe here although she was unsure why. Maybe it was because she was a priestess too...Karasu didn't know but she did like the feeling.
That relaxed feeling was hsattered when she heard a scream. She bolted upright, recognising it as Calista. Before she could move from the bed however the scream stopped and Calista was back in the room.
She didn't know what to do. Should she ask Calista what happened? But then she might get another beating for speaking out of turn. She glanced at the future queen, wondeirng what she would do.

Talitha001 01-31-2011 06:17 PM

Hearing a scream Irisi cringed but looked at Callista.
"What happened? Why did you scream? Are you hurt?"
Irisi was frowning and she was really worried. Something strange had happened and she had to find out what it was.

Arc Angel 01-31-2011 10:34 PM

Callista grinned, trying to relax a bit. "There was a misunderstanding. I am quite well. Sorry if I caused a ruckus." Hell yeah, it was a misunderstanding. Deep down Callista was fuming, but she decided to let it go. One day... When I am back in Greece with my father, we will find these harsh Egyptian guards, and punish them severely. Never would a slave be treated this way again.
Then, looking up at Irisi, she repeated her question. "Is there anything else I may do for you?"

Magician Girl Mirani 01-31-2011 10:42 PM

Quickly, before she could lose her confidence, Karasu asked a question.
"Were you punished because of me?"
She knew that something like this would happen. She shouldn't have allowed Calista to take her place. It was forbidden...she should have done her duty to her pharaoh despite her injuries.

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