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Andraus 07-27-2012 01:46 AM

The Post Apocalyptic American Dream (Gemini & Andy)
The world itself is a Wasteland. When Atomic Fire Rained from the Sky's most of Earth's history burned with it. But not all was lost. Scattered Across the waste's, various human's settlement's remain. But Still, this did not Quence Humanity's thrist for blood-shed. Various Faction's reign for domainance. Good will and Intention's are rare to come by.

While Good Intention's are hard to come by, they do exist. Groups roam the Waste's, to preserve What little order there is left. They meet over-coming resistence, yet they do what they can. Other's, however, seem to want to control Dominian over people, and take the benefit's of all the land. Then You have your Dark-hero's, and Vigilantes, who dish out justic at their own Benefit.

Despite Humanity's Hardy nature, it alone did not survive the Nuclear Holocaust. When Mathematical Scientist's Predicted the Exact Date of the War, 600 Ark's were Constructed to Preserve 20 Human's each, of every Gender, and Every race. Inside each ark was a Archieve, which held the Complete History of Every Language, Every Race, Every Religion, Everything. They were Ment to be the building block, in which humanity could Reconstruct itself.

The Price for a Ark-Survivor is Beyond High, to those in the Sinister Authority. While they claim to be humanity's last hope for Peace, The Reality is quite Constrast. They Kidnap people in the Night, and take them to the Citidel's that have been constructed around the Ruin's of the state's. The Only large group that can come close to Stopping them are the Soldier's of Archemideus, a City Crafted from the Remnent's of over 100 Ark's, and Counting. They preserve the history in their Ark's, and then use the Metal and plating from the Ark's to craft a City. While they expand, and Search for the Other Ark's, they look after their own, who have settled into smaller community's. They do not care for the Community's themselve's, but to protect their own, they Defend them. The inhabitent's just happen to be there.

This is the Story of a Man, A Ark Survivor, and a Women, A Lone-wanderer. Their path's shall cross, and Calamity is sure to fallow. Earth is Hell now. Water is almost alway's Contaminated, food is scare, and there is alway's someone, or somthing, trying to kill you. Humanity is Barly Going, and if not saved, the Ember's of life shall soon Burn out. Our story Begin's in a Town called Springvale, the Ruin's of Chicago's Springfild. What the 2 hero's don't realise, is that the fate of The Post-apocalyptic America now rest's in their hand's.

But war.......War never change's.

Andraus 08-01-2012 05:26 AM


Andraus 08-01-2012 09:28 PM

RAGE Intro trailer - YouTube

May 13th, 2039. The Day of the great war.

"First Nuclear War-head Impact, in T-minus 1 hour " Joseph Antonio Vazquez's Nueral uplink buzzed. He pressed to his temple, where it was. "Roger Atlas Control, This is One-One-Three-Four, All Crypt's Secure, activating Emergency Nanite Injection. Cyrogenic Life-support System's online."he said, Over-seeing as the Men, women, and childern Entered the Stasis Pod's. While Everyone Wasen't Looking, Joseph Reached into his Ark-suit, and pulled out a Picture of his family. He then Silently Cursed himself For Not having the gut's to be with them right now.

His Mind was still plauged By the event's of Yestarday.....

May 12th, 2039

"Mom, Dad, Listion! I can Reserve you a Spot in my Ark, All you need to do Is purchase a Spot!"he Argued with them, and was Met with the Same Response. They would rather Die, then live in a Post-Apocalyptic hell. He knew argueing with them was Pointless, but he had to try.

"Big Brother......." Said a Small voice. Joseph's 10 year old sister was facing him. she handed him a Check for 10 grand. It would be Enough to Offically Reserve His spot in the Ark.

"But.......Nicole, This is the money for your Spot in the Ark! We Promised to go together! "Joseph pleaded with her, knowing that she was as Stubborn as his parent's.

"I'm going Ahead, Big brother. We will be watching over you.....we will wait for you. Good luck "she said and hugged him. She then went to stand by his parent's.

Joseph wanted to Continue to Argue, but knew it wouldn't do No good. He grounded his teeth, to fight back tear's, then turned, and walked out.

May 13th.

"All Ark's Secure, Buriel Sequence Initiated, Final Preparation's complete" His Nueral uplink brought him back to earth, and then Joseph went, and turned on His Chamber "Roger Atlas Control, All Target's Confirmed, Diagonstic's complete. This is One-One-Three Four, signing off. "he said, and then Froze himself, his picture in his hand. The Final message Broadcasted, before the Worled was swallowed in fire, was this. "This is Atlas Control, signing off........May we live to See another day" "It said, then the World was Consumed in Atomic Fire.

May 14th, 2475. Present Day.

A Alarm awoke Joseph, and he Slowly Unfroze. The Emergency Nanite injection Commensed, and He fell out ofhis chamber. He looked around, and saw that each of the Other Ark Participent's were Dead by Freezer burn. Ignoring them, Joseph Put on his Enviormental Ark-suit, and grabbed a Small 10mm pistol. He then hooked up his Wrist PDA data pad, and downloaded the Archieve's. After all is said and done, He activated the Exit Sequence, and slowly stepped outside into the Big unknown.

Andraus 09-25-2012 02:28 AM

Bloodyrosethorns1: I'v waited long enough, Rose. If you don't post in here soon, i'm going to do this rp with someone else. It's been over a month.

Andraus 09-30-2012 03:20 AM

Gemini: okay, rose isn't going to rp. you still intrested?

Gemini 09-30-2012 05:01 AM

((well.....ok.I'll make a character.but if rose comes back,I'm stepping aside-if she still wants to step in.give me a sec for a charrie profile...for my benefit,only.))

---------- Post added 09-30-2012 at 02:36 AM ----------

Name: Hikari
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Status: Wanderer
Info: to be revealed later

Andraus 09-30-2012 05:00 PM

(Alright, We Can Start this Thing, Finally.)

As the Bright light's flooded the room, Joseph Covered his Eye's. He then left the comfurting Steel of the Ark behind, for the Harsh, unforgiving dried earth of the Wasteland. His eye's wandered the Area. In the Far Distance, He saw the Remnant's of Highway 85, nearly black from the Invisible Fires. His face walked over to a Wrecked, abandoned car. The Skeleton of some Poor man was still evident.

Gemini 10-01-2012 04:24 AM

Hikari snuck forward,keeping to the shadows in case someone was was unlikely,but there was always a danger of encountering some desperate being.looking around,Hikari noticed something different.something huge and metal,and a person was stepping out of it.this person was strange,though.even from where she was she could see that their clothes were cleaner than they should have been.they looked better nourished.the stance is distinctly male. she thought,analyzing the threat level.he was clearly in better condition than she was.on the other hand,he seemed taken off guard by the ruins.then it struck couldn't be! an Ark survivor! I thought they were legend,but there it is.I think I could take him...perhaps there's food on that vessel.I just have to take him by surprise and knock him out,then I can eat! Hikari smiled at this thought,and moved into position.tossing a pebble into the rubble opposite her,she made the rubble shift,hopefully creating a diversion so that she could sneak up on the man.

Andraus 10-01-2012 04:36 AM

He looked toward's the sound. He searched around with his helmet, using the Scanner to pick up anything. He didn't see anything, he did see movement now and again, but shrugged it off as a rat or somthing. He moved carefully toward's the sound, keeping his pistol out. "who's out there? Show yourself!" he said.

Gemini 10-01-2012 04:59 AM

Hikari smirked.he fell for it! silently,she stole up behind the man and brought her hand down hard across the back of his neck.that should knock him out...unless this weird suit doubles as armor. she thought.

Andraus 10-01-2012 05:23 AM

He felt it of course. while he didn't knock him out, it did hurt like a bitch "Ow! Son of a bitch....."he said, holding his back. He then got up, and put his pistol to the head of whoever hit him. Surprisingly, it was a girl "who are you?! Why the fuck did you just hit me? Are you trying to get yourself killed ?"He said.

Gemini 10-01-2012 05:53 AM

seeing straight off that her plan didn't work,Hikari jumped back.of course,as soon as the gun was pointed at her head,she held still,not stupid enough to tempt the trigger.she smirked at the newcomer,giving away none of her thoughts."I was hoping to knock you out temporarily so that I could poke around for some food.I doubt you'll kill me,despite your threats-I saw your expression when you realized I was for who I am,that is of no concern to you." she said."actually,that's a lesson you should learn.lesson number one: never reveal your true identity unless absolutely nessecary." she added,deciding she didn't want this one to die within the hour.

Andraus 10-01-2012 05:57 AM

"Well, There's nothing in there, except dead body's. if your hungry, eat them. all the food I got is with me "He said, Lifting his knap-sack up "Now, Answear my question, or I swear, I will put a hole in your head. Who are you, and what Ark are you from?" he asked, thinking she was another survivor.

Gemini 10-01-2012 06:14 AM

this time,Hikari actually laughed."Ark? do I look like I came from one of those? no one has seen an Ark in ages! they're not even supposed to exist! you'd better not advertise the fact that you're an Ark survivor,or you'll have people after you faster than you can say yikes." she told him,ducking under the gun and grabbing his gun hand with hers,which forced the gun to point skyward."I will not telly ou who I am,because clearly it would mean nothing to you."

Andraus 10-01-2012 11:23 AM

This time, He was at pause. He dropped his gun, and his hand slide easily from her grip. "you.......humanity survived, even after the did, they could have too......"I start getting pissed, and having a fit of rage " &%$# Man! I should have been there with them! God damnit!" he said, kicking a rock.

Gemini 10-02-2012 03:28 AM

Hikari stayed out of the way of his tantrum."yes,humanity survived.well,some of it did,and not very well.what's left of us is...rather pathetic.sometimes frightening.some of us aren't even human anymore.there were only a few who survived the storm,and they were...well it was bad.the reproduced,simply to preserve the race,and the result was something they regretted.I was told once that the ones who died were the fortunate ones." she said candidly."I'm sorry."

Andraus 10-02-2012 04:24 AM

He had his hands on his head. "Sorry......"He said, picking up his pistol. He then searched in his pack, for some food and water. He stopped her a Half-empty bottle of Pure water, and a can of Pork n' bean's "Here. Eat up. Ain't Got a Knife, so your gonna have to crack the can open with a rock or somthing "He said.

Gemini 10-02-2012 05:57 AM

Hikari took the can carefully,handling it as if it were made of glass."this...I haven't seen one of these since...since I was a child..." she said reverently.then,overtaken by hunger,she pulled a battered looking knife from a strip of cloth around her waist that doubled as a belt,and pryed the lid off the can.then,using only her fingers,she tasted the contents of the can,carefully at first,then ravenously,finishing it off quickly.she drank only a tiny bit of water,then smiled at the man.her hands and face were covered in bean juice,and it struck the viewer just how thin she was."thank're alright,mister." she said."I haven't eaten that well in weeks."

Andraus 10-02-2012 04:37 PM

He looked at her, then at his bag. "ah hell......we were ment to be the 'building block of humanity' anyway.....Go ahead, and eat "He said, poiniting to his bag. "My stuff ain't irradiated, so you won't get sick. "He said. He was given some pre-war Food before the ark's were sealed. Stuff that would last a 'thousend year's' as they said. Sense his companion's were dead, he took their food. He was built up to make sure this nation could grow again, so he could afford it.

Gemini 10-03-2012 04:24 AM

Hikari's eyes lit up."really? you mean it?" she asked disbelievingly.the amount of food this man had astounded her.she knew of smal towns that had reserves of that size,but of course they used it up quickly and never had enough to share with wanderers.but that much for one person? it was unheard of."with this much food,people will think I'm royalty! and there hasn't been royalty around here in ages."

Andraus 10-03-2012 05:16 AM

"Not really Impressive. "he said. He then started pressing Button's on his PDA. A Screen then Appeared. "My Gaunlet PDA was Equiped with Geiger-counter's. I can Eliminate Radiation In Small plot's of land, and Build Crop's of my Choosing. While I can't grow food Right away, We still didn't have that Tech even back then, I can help farm "He said. His Tech was created as Part of the G.E.C. program (Garden of Eden Creation).

Gemini 10-03-2012 05:20 AM

Hikari blinked."I didn't understand half of what you just said." she told the man."but it sounded educated.did you guys have schools back then? my parents told me a story once about kids going to a building to learn stuff.was it really like that?" she asked curiously.

Andraus 10-03-2012 05:23 AM

"Yep. Graduate From Ivy League. "he said. "Basically, what i said was, I can help you grow food "He said, trying to keep thing's simple. "I also can Craft Basic medical Supplies, and Apply Combat first-aid. "He said.

Gemini 10-03-2012 06:54 AM

Hikari crossed her arms."I get it.but food is all I really need.Combat I'm used to,so I know how to fix myself up.and medical supplies,I can always use the remedies my mother taught me.we may not be as advanced as you,but we've learned how to have no idea..." she paused."you should know,since you won't survive long if you don't learn,it's far from easy living here.a few groups have managed to grow food,but it doesn't stay long and it lacks alot of nutrients.hunting is a little better,but even that isn't reliable all the commented earlier that if I was hungry,I could eat your dead companions.some people here do that,and probably will eat those men when they come across them.I have eaten another human before,just once,because I would have died otherwise.of course,he was a mutation..." She shook her head."but if you can grow food,actual,edible food,then you'll be targeted.savages will come in droves to steal what you grow.I wonder if your immune system can even handle all the things we have here?"

Andraus 10-03-2012 09:31 PM

"Actually, My body was Crafted TO withstand it "he said, and pulled his Enviormental suit off. He then Showed her His Once Blue, Now Black and Orange, Vein's pulsing threw his body "Nanite's. Mini computer's that Combat Viruses, and Disease. They Replicate fast too, so I never run out. They help in Regeneration, but if anything get's cut off, I'm screwed. "he said. "If you want, I can show you a few thing's my body Enable's me to acomplish. "he said.

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