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Visual Delusion 07-21-2008 07:56 PM

Everyone Dies Twice ( Under Construction )

This is from my RP on Gaia, in the Literate Roleplaying Guild.

Welcome to Union City!

We're so glad to have you in our humble city! Please, stay a while and enjoy the beautiful sights to see, and the places to visit!

The world must be in a terrible state when the only shred of hope is being uttered by a television monitor in the tourist center. The hard, cold truth is... Nothing is beautiful in Union City. Plans that were devised to keep the city safe from crime, keep the homeless off of the streets, and to keep congestion in the streets down are slowly killing what's left of its population. Many buildings were made to house the homeless, littered with beds in cubicle-shaped dwellings, they lacked any sort of emergency exit. Many folks headed there for safety, but... They got in. A subway system was developed to help aid the congestion on the streets, and it worked fine for the living. The subway runs from every major building throughout the city, even though Union City is not too vast, it is quick and efficient.

The people of Union City are in trouble, but in a world where the dead walk the earth, the world 'trouble' loses a lot of it's meaning. They have no idea what's going on, they have no idea why they're being punished. The faithful are turning to god, but cursing him when they receive no answer, no help. The police force is a fraction of what it used to be, the hospitals in the area, all dead. Hope rests in strength in numbers, but doom rests there as well.

The whole of Union City can be seen from atop Washington Hill, not that there's much to see anymore. The only two ways in and out of Union City are two tunnels, the Lincoln tunnel and the Jefferson tunnel, as it sits in a basin surrounded by a chain of mountains. It's perfect defensively, as it's self-contained, but if something were to happen from the inside, there would be no way of getting out in time...

The three major buildings that jut over the skyline of Union City and the Tri Towers, each representing a branch in the Democratic system. They're also named after three of those who signed the Declaration of Independence, the Monroe building, the northern, Adams building, the southeastern, and the Hancock building, the southwestern. Each were built in a triangular shape, meeting at the middle. From the top of the building, the two sides form a ninety degree angle with the building adjacent to it. Besides the odd shape of the buildings, they aren't built any different than most office buildings. The companies inside of them vary as they ascend floors, but mostly they generate commerce, regulate laws, the quality of life in Union City, and develop new technology to be used. All-in-all, Union City is a prototype city of the future.

Aside from the Tri Towers in the center of town, there are other buildings that stand out from the view up on Washington Hill. There's the Civil War Museum, which holds... Uniforms from the civil war, out-dated technology and weaponry used in that time, and it had a gift shop. It is a popular field trip visit for elementary school kids, seeing as it's history, it's close, and it does not charge admission.

Instead of the generic school districts found in most towns, Union City has revolutionized to the field. Their brilliant scheme was the Unified School District, which consists of three large, three floored square buildings that were built in a circular rotation around a large, enclosed park. Each building has a floor dedicated to the level of teaching, the first floors are K - 8th, the second are 9 - 12th, and the top floor was given to advanced learning students, and grades 12th and for students interested in further learning.

Also in the area of the Unified School District, there is a large library with an extensive collection of books, rivaled only by the Library of Congress. It is a three story building with only two actual floors, the third is a balcony that runs around the inside of the building, along rows of books. Book shelves line up against all the walls, running the height of the building. Aside from the book shelves, the layout for the individual shelves seems erratic, but is actually assorted by an advanced system of organization.

And last but not least, the Union City Parkview Mall. It has a district of it's own, the Commercial District. Not so much of it's own, but it is the main attraction, many a store litter the inside of the mall, and the outside. The mall is built much like one of the other two structures, rotating in a circular pattern, and joining in the center. In the center of the triplicate of buildings, there you'll find Independence Park. The park is beautiful in all senses of the word. I has two man-made ponds, a giant bed of multi-colored flowers, all red and white, with benches circling it. Everything in Union City has a circular pattern, and even the circle of flowers does. The pattern consists of alternating red and white, four red, and four white.

Amid all of the structural organization, all of the beautiful city life, there lies an ugly source of power. This is, in itself, the most efficient source of power in the western hemisphere. Inside it there lies a sophisticated system of fusion and fission driven powers, of which is too complex to go into much detail.


1. Obey the ToS
2. You will die.
3. You will not survive.
4. I hold the right to kill you off rather than ask you to leave.
5. Make it as realistic as possible, that makes it scarier.
6. This is a literate RP, type it like you're telling a story.
7. In the PM title it 'Ooga Booga' or I will simply tell you to read the rules.
8. To join you must go through an application process, of which I reserve the right to deny.

Visual Delusion 07-21-2008 08:30 PM


The lives of humans are of such an inconsideration to a government hierarchy that they're willing to kill many for the whole.

The government is constantly working, constantly watching, and constantly experimenting, whether it's known by the public or not. They operate as clandestine as possible, and they will continue it, they control the media. One of the newest experiments has been a biological weapon, it does not go by any name, at least known by the public, they can only guess. The local news team attempted to cover the story... Their failed attempt follows.

"Uhh... Uhh... Rick, we're here at the Liberty hospital, and it's just... Well, Rick, it's hell on earth..." the petite blond news reporter on the other side of the camera looked severely uneasy as she turned to look at the carnage behind her. "As you can see... It seems that... All I can say is Rick, riots are forming... And they're eating people!" as she turned back to the camera, what was left of the police force drove up in police cruisers. The police officers were obviously terrified, their shooting was shaky at best, and they couldn't stop their legs from shaking. This is not what they were trained for.

"As you can see... R-Rick, this is... This is terrible." she was holding back tears before, but now she was openly sobbing. "R-Rick... C-can we come back now? It's... It's..." she started sobbingly uncontrollably. "Travis... Travis s-shut off the c-c-camera..." he was looking away from the camera, down at the ground.

"Susan! Susan look out!" Travis, the camera man shouted, although he had lowered the camera, the audio was clear enough. "SUSAN, SUSAN NO!" he was frantic, the camera dropped to the ground with an audible crack, and hard plastic extensions on the camera littered the ground around it. Now, a fat dead man was on top of Susan, biting at her throat.

"Edgar... Edgar that's enough..." the gray-haired man behind the news desk groaned. "Sorry ladies and gentlemen... We've lost our field correspondent Susan Ethridge. We can safely say... It's not safe to go out. We will stay on air as long as possible to keep you folks posted... It is safe here, at the Monroe building. I don't recommend trying to get here unless you are... Well armed..."

All connections in and out of the city have been severed by the government. They're isolating the city so it can slowly destroy itself. All internet connections have been cut, the only thing left is a short-wave TV broadcast and very few cable broadcasts, but they wont last long because the power will soon fail.[/I]


From the works of Dr. Pecos, a retired agent of the FVZA.

When there's no more room in hell... The dead... Will walk the earth...

There are three stages of infection, they are as follows.

Stage One: Infection

- Victims usually know they're infected, at least it's fatal if they do. They can be infected by breathing it in, ingesting contaminated food or water, contact with infected blood, or a bite from an infected zombie, although only the latter two are usually quickly fatal, the others depend on the concentration of the virus.
- Victims usually exhibit flu symptoms; a rising temperature, headache, chills, vomiting, shortness of breath and trouble breathing.

Stage Two: Coma

- Victims drift easily out of consciousness, their pulse rate slows, they start to sweat, and the breathing becomes shallow.
- The elderly and the very young do not survive this coma.
- Usually lasts for an hour or two, again, depending on the concentration of the virus.

Stage Three: Transformation

- The victim seems to 'wake' from their coma, but they are not fully conscious.
- Victims are caught between life and death in this stage, but they wait for the virus to kill them.


There are four levels of concentration, based on their mortality rate.

Level One

This level is not deadly by any means, although the contagion will multiply 'under the radar', if you will. This is when it multiplies in your lungs, and multiplies in your blood by infecting your blood cells.

Mortality Rate: 5%

Level Two

This level could be deadly, depending on the strength your immune system. This is coming into contact with an infected surface. The contagion can be absorbed through pores in the skin, and then absorbed into the blood stream. It is not fatal, but once dead, the virus can feed on the carrion and re-animate your body four to five hours after death.

Mortality Rate: 45%

Level Three

This level is also deadly, but this pertains to the concentration in edible food, such as livestock or game. The virus can be evaporated into the atmosphere and then can fall down with the rain onto an animals food supply, or even the animal itself. This level is not as potent as level one because it had to have been digested, and then divided numerous times to infect animal cells. This kills the animal and any animal that consumes it. Pertains to the fish in a contaminated water supply.

Mortality Rate: 95%

Level Four

The most deadly of the four levels, this amount of the contagion is highly potent. This is the level for water supplies that have been contaminated by several dead bodies, or a small water supply that has been contaminated by one dead body. If ingested, this concentration will kill you within hours, if not minutes.

Mortality Rate: 100%


All of the transformations take place postmortem, in the stages of necrotic degradation.

All of the transformations take place postmortem, in the stages of necrotic degradation.

Initially, an the muscles in the jaw are strengthened by the contagion, giving it a vice-like bite that can easily tear through human flesh and even break bones.

To compensate for the incredible bite strength of the infected, a build up of calcium coats the jawbone. Although the jawbone is prepared to withstand the new-found bite strength, the teeth of the victim are not reinforced, so over time they crack and fall out, leaving the victim only to chew with their exposed jawbone.

Through the course of necrotic degradation, the brain of the infected person shuts down all but the primary motor functions and the five major senses. As the sense are heightened, the infected persons hearing and vision will degrade as the body decomposes. Due to the rapid degradation of the corneas, the infected suffer from severe myopia and are colorblind. Hearing of the infected usually only last for several weeks, so the infected must rely on poor sight and exceptional smell.

As the body is animated during decomposition, the limbs become stiff, so the walking becomes more of a shambling manner. The contagion does not counteract decomposition, so the body may start to pit and form soft spots where a weapon maybe be lodged and lost. Although one of the infected may seem harmless on its own, they can hide and jump out to take a chunk out of you in the blink of an eye. They're usually not found individually, they tend to hunt in packs, they don't know why, but they do.

Visual Delusion 07-21-2008 08:43 PM


Please, send the following to me in a PM. If you post in the thread, you will be ignored.

Account Name:
Character Name: ( Nicknames Included. )
Weapons: ( If any. )
Physical Description: ( I'll also accept links to real photos. )
Strengths: ( Include how this character is useful )
Weaknesses: ( Include any flaws that would slow down your team )
Roleplaying Sample: ( Atleast one to two paragraphs. More for bonus points. xD )


None yet.


An excerpt from the FVZA Agency Survival Guide.

The Five Pillars of Zombie Fighting

Never underestimate the zombie

Zombies are not mindless hunters. They are swifter and craftier than one might expect. A lone zombie can burst out of hiding and take a chunk out of you in the blink of an eye.

Never engage a zombie if you can avoid it
Though zombies are surprisingly quick in confined spaces, they are not swift runners. Engage the zombie only when you are trapped, and escape is not an option.

Focus on the task; keep fear out of your head
No one, no matter what their powers of description, can fully prepare you for your first encounter with a zombie. Their grotesque appearance and smell, along with the inhuman noises they emit, can induce a level of fear and terror that precludes rational response and causes one to freeze. You must not react to the zombie's appearance. Focus instead on delivering a combination of offensive and defensive strikes that will buy you enough time to escape.

Do not allow the zombie to get a grip on you
Once a zombie wraps you in its powerful grip, your prospects for survival are minimal. Therefore, your first priority must be deflecting away the zombie's hands.

Seek medical attention after any encounter
Always have trained medical personnel examine you as soon as possible after any encounter, even if no wounds are visible. The zombie virus can enter your body through the smallest opening in your skin, be it a scraped knuckle or a nicked elbow.

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