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Rion Nagase 07-29-2008 06:58 AM

Seiryu Academy (Needs Students and Teachers)
About the School

Hello students! Welcome to Seiryu Academy. This school is a prestigious public school for mystical creatures. The founder of the wonderful academy is the Principal, his name is Jinrai Seiryu. I am one of the teachers that work for Master Seiryu, my name is Shiori Hazufu. I'm glad to meet you all, here in the academy, we teach students about the world, we live in known as the Astral Plane and its inhabitants. We give and allow students to have education and healthy relationships, we have a dorm, a swimming pool, cafeteria and other essentials like a store for school supplies and other things included. Now and then humans come to our school, but they are rare to our world so please treat them with respect and be nice! See you all at school!

-Shiori Hazufu

Profile Skeletons

Student Profile Skeleton

Name: (Your name)
Age: (How old you are)
Grade: (Freshman, Junior, Sophomore, or Senior)
Race: (What you are)
Bio: (Short story of your life)
Personality: (How you're like)
Dorm: (Your dorm room)
Description: (A pic or a description is fine)

Teacher Profile Skeleton


Rion Nagase 07-29-2008 07:08 AM


-Please follow Menewsha's rules.
-Please be semi-literate, don't use shortcuts for words like 4ever or whazzup.
-No auto-hitting, flaming, or godmodding.
-Romance is fine, just no cybering please.
-Don't start until there are at least two other roleplayers excluding me!
-Don't post your profiles here please send them to me!

Rion Nagase 07-29-2008 07:12 AM

Student Dorms

First Floor

Room 101: Kaelin Devereux, Athear Constantine
Room 102:Kozakura Aiko
Room 103: Sapphira Hiro
Room 104: Tengi Kinasuka
Room 105: Indigo

Second Floor

Room 201: Rosemary
Room 202: Nina
Room 203: !+DeserVe+! ((Nick name: DV))
Room 204: Starmor Req Yama, Kurea
Room 205: Emelith Xiuhcoatl

(Students can pair up with others if they'd like to.)

Rion Nagase 07-29-2008 07:13 AM

Student Profiles

Name: Kaelin Devereux
Age: 17
Grade: Senior
Race: Dragon-born
Bio: as a young child, Kaelin could see dragons and often became friends with them since they were the only ones to truely appreciate her. She couldnt understand what or who they were until it was too late, until she was unable to see them once she hit puberty, she began to focus more on boys and school.

This took place up until she turned 16, then, it seemed, on her sixteenth birthday she felt something surrounding her, but, it wasnt a menacing spirit, it was something that had the need to protect her. It was, Jaden and Mystic, her first dragons. The first to have tracked her down and the first she helped raise, they grew along with her, but, she wouldnt realize that she actually created them, until she was seventeen.

She had begun an usettling fascination with magick, and behind her parent's back, and with out their permission she began fiddling with magick, this caused the young Kaelin to realize, (with the help of her first teacher) that she was indeed a Dragon-born, but yet, how could she had truely known without knowing anything else other than she was a dragon spirit reincarnated? So, after talking to another person about this, Shiori confronted her about her love for dragons, and decided to take her on as a student.
Personality: Mellow, sweet, but tempermental, quick to anger, but a good person to be around, very understanding, literate, intelligent, creative, eccentric, fun-loving, but really shy.
Dorm: Room 101
Description: She has rather pale skin, like she rarely goes into the sun, light brown hair and dazzling blue eyes with a reptillian pupil to them. She often wears black jeans with a ripped knee, black (adio) skater shoes with a black tank top. And, to match this outfit, she always wears a black studded belt and tucked under her shirt is her infamous black onyx crystal. She may wear purple or pink on a few occasions, but usually, wears all black. She may wear her hair up in a pony tail some days or even in a bun, but, its length does barely reach her shoulders, thankfully, she's able to pull it into many styles to suit her many moods.

Name: Emelith Xiuhcoatl (aka Emi)
Age: 18
Race: Dragonborn
Bio: She never cared about anyone, and never expected anybody to. Emi wanted to be alone for life so she could focus on her studies, which she didn't care about either
Personality: She's very shy, and she'd rather stay silent then say anything. Not many people understand whats going on her mind cause she shows barely any emotion
Dorm: 205

Name: Sapphira Hiro
Alias: Fenris
Age: 19
Grade: Senior
Race: Shadow Kind
Bio: Fenris had a very very bad past. She blocked most of it out of her mind, but sometimes it comes back to haunt her. She has no relatives and is a very quiet, shy, yet kind person.
Personality: Shy, Kind, Quiet, Not very outgoing.
Dorm: 103
Description: Five foot 4, deathly pale with gray eyes and long black hair. She wears nothing but black and grays and seems to represent the opposite of colorful. She seems desaturated at the very least.

Scars cover her body, which forces her to wear long sleeve clothing.

Name: Starmor Req Yama (Aka Star)
Grade: Senior
Race: Fallen Star.
Bio: Not much is known about Star. As far back as history has started, Star has been there. from the dinosaurs to the feudal wars in japan Star has seen it all. Born of a fallen star, Starmor has the ability to live for long periods of time. although he is by no means immortal. No he just ages slower then most humans. being a star has also given him special qualities that are fairly common among stars.
Personality: Star is a gentle soul and is very friendly to others. But he has a few mental problems like manic depression and a dual personality Named Req(Hence the middle name) who sort of live as his anger and rage. it is because of this that star tends to stay by himself most of the time and only likes to come outside at night when nobody else is around and the stars are shining brightly.
Dorm: 204

Name: Kozakura Aiko
Age: 16
Grade: Junior
Race: Angel
Bio: Kozakura's grandparents moved over to America when they first got married. So her mother is an American citizen.
When her parents married, her mother took on traditional American customs. They lived together for about a year before they had Kozakura.
When Kozakura was born, her parents decided to name her Kozakura (Little cherry tree.) Because she seemed so innocent and calm, but exciting at the same time. Her sweet personality shown even when she was an infant.
When Kozakura turned thirteen, she had been walking home from school when she was attacked by a gang of vampires. She has never forgotten the experience and is deathy afraid of vampires, she escaped and discovered something about her ansetors.
Many dynastys ago her mother's anscestor was an angel. Her family figured it was just a legend but figured out the truth when Kozakura had grown wings during the scuffle against the vampires. Now she goes to a special high school, eager to learn about her history...
Personality: Kozakura is a sweet and outgoing person. She is rarely sarcastic and when she is you know she's angry with you.
Dorm: 102

Name: !+DeserVe+! ((Nick name: DV))
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Grade: Senior
Race: Human, Use dark magic...
Bio: As a teenager DV studied dark magic behind his fathers back. He became rebellious and destructive. At 16 DV left home. Dropping out of school DV drifted doing odd jobs in exchange for magic teachings. lately he has felt a lack of knowledge in basic teachings and has decided to go back to school at a late age.
Personality: VERY moody. Cocky one moment and angry or silent the next. Tends to ignore people who are trying to make friends with him at the start, seemingly cold. Once he gets to know people his attitude changes.
Dorm: 203

Name: Athear Constantine
Age: 11
Grade: Freshman
Race: Dracolyte
Bio: at a very young age Athear was abandoned by her mother and took refuge at a local orphanige where the coniditions are rough and horrible. She always seemed to cry herself to sleep, but instead of being depressed, she worked on her dragon magick to help her find happiness.

she was known far and wide for her abilities, as the human who became a phoenix dragon mix.

Well, by age nine Alber had found the one child he had been looking for. Yes, he loved Aodh, but he had always wanted to find someone to pass on his legacy to. Thankfully, Athear was the one person to do that as well as Athear.

The amazing thing is, when Alber and his wife had divorced and she left while pregnant, she abandoned the child. This child, was Athear, Alber never knew about her until Aodh revealed her as being is adopted and biological sister.

She is the youngest person to ever have been accepted into the academy, she takes special classes taught by master seiryu and Alber.

Personality: very shy, sweet, kind, laid back, easy to anger, intelligent and happy most of the time
Dorm: 101
Description: She is about 4 ft tall, with light tan skin and bright orange hair with black streaks scatered through out it, her eyes, unlike Aodh's are bright orange as well. Her hair falls to about her waist, and has a light curl to it, she always has it pulled back into some cute hair-style. She wears black jeans, boots, and a tank-top with a punk-ish looking choker. She has no need to wear make-up since it'd tamper with her natural beauty.

She's got a very slender body and very beautiful face. Athear always wears a black carrier bag with a white fabric cartoon skull sewen onto the front. This bag is filled with draconic magick, magick, alchemy and dragology books.

Name: Kurea
Age: Unknown
Grade: Junior
Race: Homunculi
Bio: Unknown
Personality: Has no shame or sensibility, has a knack for learning, wants to learn more about feelings.
Dorm: 204
Description: (Later I'll put it on.)

Name: Nina
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
Race: dragon born
Bio: When she was young, Nina heard many stories of a dark dragon destroying towns close to where she lived at the time. It wasn't until she was 17 that she realized that it was her in the dragon form she never realized belonged to her. Since then, she has hated herself, and treated over people with fear. Not for herself, but for the ones around her. If anything she didn't want to hurt anybody... ever.
Personality: She's the sweetest person you'd ever get to know... until she turns into her dragon form
Dorm: 202

Name: Indigo
Age: 17
Grade: Senior
Race: Sorceress
Bio: Indigo has been an orphan who has raised herself on the streets since she can remember. One day, when she was 7 a kind, old woman came to her and brought her to her home. Indigo lived there for half a year with the woman who taught her magic until she died. Then she went back on the streets where she would perform magic tricks for money. When she was 15 a strange couple came to watch her do her magic tricks. They told her about Seiryu Academy and told her that is was for people with talents like her. They took her in and cared for her for two years. They tutored her so she wouldn’t have to catch up in the school and when the school opened this year they enrolled her.
Personality: Indigo is very street smart and has a very no tolerance kind of personality. She is fairly easygoing and friendly but usually not to many people. Trust me, you don’t want to get on her bad side…
Dorm: Whichever is available

Name: Rosemary
Age: 15
Grade: Freshman
Race: Shape shifter
Bio: Rosemary was the youngest of 6 children. She was never notest by here parents. When Rosemary was 9 she could turn into a pencil and did her homework in 5 min. Rosemary was very interested in want people say about Shape Shifters. That was when she figured out she was one. So Rosemary signed up for Seiryu Academy after her mom was confenced to sign the paper, to sign her up.
Personality: Very nice until someone makes me mad.
Dorm: 201

Name: Tengi Kinasuka
Age: 15
Grade: Sophomore
Race: human
Bio: no biological family transfered from private school in human realm payed for by foster family
Personality: calm but when he blows up you will know
Dorm: 104

Rion Nagase 07-29-2008 07:18 AM

Teacher Profiles

Name: Shiori Hazufu
Age: 18
Race: Dragon-born
Bio: Shiori is one of the youngest teachers in the academy ever. Not only is he wise but he's been a graduate of Seiryu Academy, and to top it all off, Shiori is also a Dragon Priest which is a high honor in the Mystic Society.
Personality: Shiori is kind, a little laid-back, wise, and a bit of a silly guy.
Description: (I'll do it later.)

Name: Darrel Sullivan
Age: 28
Race: Human
Bio: Darrel is a fairly young teacher, though not the youngest as he's almost reaching is thirties now. He grew up with his dad as his mom died during childbirth, spending his life training with his father in sword fighting until he was fifteen before he had decided to take a voyage out to sea with some of his friends, arriving back at age twenty. At age twenty-four he had finally finished school and was offered a teaching job at Seiryu Academy which he kindly took.
Personality: Darrel is nice for the most part, but is also very blunt and has a habit of being snarky as well. He is much looser outside of class and more laid back, but in class he isn't as nice.
Description: [Darrel]

Name: Kisu
Age: 20
Race: human
Bio: She wanted to be a teacher ever since she was a kid, but when she finally got the job, she didn't want to teach anything useful. Kisu has had some run ins with the master, being told not to flirt with the fellow staff, but she has her own motives
Personality: flirtatious, giggly, sweet talking

Name: Yuki Devereux
Age: 21
Race: Dragon-born
Bio: She and Kaelin were such a close resembelence when they were younger, at one point, they were actually considered to be twins, From then on in, Kaelin set out to be totally different from her elder sister Yuki, she wanted to be herself. And all yuki wanted was to be her sister's friend and mentor.

Since a young age, Yuki wanted to teach along side shiori and the wonderful staff, she grew up alongside the young man and always favored being around him. But since the drama broke out between her younger sister, him and Emelith, she decided to keep her distance.
Personality: Keeps to herself, quiety, loving, fun-loving and very artistic.
Description: She's about 5'3 with waist long beautiful blonde hair with deep green eyes (but the color of her eyes change with her attitude) with a reptillian pupil to them. She wears gothic clothing, but always looks like a Priestess. She has a birthmark of an upside down triangle (water mark) enclosed with an earth mark.

Name: Draven Antello
Age: [thousands of years old] Looks 18-years-old
Race: (dracolyte) Crystal Dragon
Bio: since she was a young child her dream was to serve the mystic dragon and do most of his bidding.

since she and master seiryu were around twelve or thirteen, she became known as the youngest priestess to have taken down a threat to society.

she's rather famous and highly talked about by Master Seiryu, or so, people have told her.
Personality: adorable, kind, cold hearted, warm, sweet
Description: [Draven] the picture is correct, except for, she has deep red tips to her hair and green rimmed eyes fading into a bright shade of sky blue

Name: Cormaq Xiuhcoatl
Age: 26
Race: human
Bio: Cormaq is Emelith's half brother. When he was 18, he accidently poisoned his sister so whenever she turned into her dragon form her form would burn until her form was so weak she wouldn't be able to turn into it. Then one day, when he realized what he did, he saw his sister flying around, knowing that he ruined her. Last he heard, her dragon form was completely destroyed. About a few months later, he saw a dragon that was inmistakenly Emelith, then he realized that the poison had reversed and it would eat at her human form instead. Now he is a teacher at her school, which she has no clue about yet
Personality: He is kind, unless Emelith is in trouble

Name: Marigold
Age: She recently turned 19
Race: Angel
Bio: Marigold is an angel without a halo but with wings. This is because she had not yet died. She was fired from her job as a nature teacher in her old school because the principal said that she was a distraction to the male students in her classes. When she found out that Seiryu Academy was looking for a new nature teacher when the old one became ill she quickly jumped at the chance and got the job. (You’ll find out more aout her in the rp…)
Personality: She is very nice, kind, and friendly but isn’t afraid to stand up for herself.
Description: Will be revealed in first post…

Name: Kazuki Manufua
Age: Frozen at 20.
Race: Vampire

Bio: Human turned vampire as a horrible accident. Lived in a storage room in an abandoned library and read many of the books in her spare time. Likes to talk in old english. Sometimes. Usually foils suicide attempts by sniffing out blood and drinking it, healing the fatal wound as an side effect. She really doesn't mean to though. Other ways of getting blood: Gets a delivery of blood from blood bank every few weeks, sucks on raw meat. Decided to become a student teacher after she got bored of reading the outdated books in her 'home'.

Personality: Stiff and formal to hide shyness. Needs to wear reading glasses which annoys her. Likes to have fun, but doesn't show that side to anyone. Is inverted from years of solitude in the Library. Usually writes and types instead of talking, so carries around a dry erase board at all times. Is an inner romantic. Still reads in spare time.


Rion Nagase 07-30-2008 03:14 AM

[You may start now.]

Kaelin Devereux 07-30-2008 03:18 AM

[YAY! *dances around*]

Kaelin, new to this school, as well as many others in the past, made her way from the street to her dorm room. She sighed and set her belongings on the undressed bed "one bed? Good" she giggled and shut the door behind her, there wasnt much she could do until the next day began, but unknown to her, this day, was her first day and she had arrived late.

As she unpacked her things, she heard the hustle and bustle of teens of all ages rushing to their classes, she blinked a few times and realized that she, along with other students, were going to be late for their first day of school. She unzipped her back-pack from the confines of her suit case, and ran to her first class, not taking into consideration that she was still wearing her dragon pajama bottoms and black wife-beater tank top with just one word written on the chest of it 'Eilerten'. She ran to the front of the class room before finally, sitting down and readying herself for Shiori to teach, she couldnt believe it, he was actually a teacher. She had befriended him just a few years ago, and yet, thought he was a student as well, this was a huge surprise for her.

Rion Nagase 07-30-2008 03:31 AM

Shiori walked from his home to the school. Shiori is carrying a few materials to the school. Shiori is very excited to be at school, Shiori heard that Kaelin, a female dragon-born that he is teaching through a special communication device will finally be in Seiryu Academy, and to top it off Kaelin will be in his class. How exciting, Shiori reached his classroom and left the materials on his desk, "Hmmm, class doesn't start yet, I must be early, ehehehe!" Shiori said as he smiled cutely. Shiori paused as he saw all of his students, "Ehh?! All of you are here? But class doesn't start yet, or is it that you all missed me after vacation?" Shiori said.

Kaelin Devereux 07-30-2008 03:35 AM

She let out a few exasporated huffs before settling into her seat, Kaelin felt rather embarrased to have mistaken the fact of hearing other teens making their way to their dorms instead of their classes "oh goodness" she giggled then turned her attention to her good friend shiori "well hey there" she giggled and slipped herself out of the desk, seat attachement and walked over to him, tilting her head slightly "looks like i misjudged things again"

Rion Nagase 07-30-2008 03:47 AM

"Hello there, Kaelin!" Shiori said happily. "Oh, don't worry, it's just that it's early. I'm surprised all my students are early though. It makes me smile!" Shiori said. "Everyone may I have your attention! You all have free time in class until the bell rings okay?" Shiori started to open the boxes that have the materials in them. Shiori grabbed the newest textbooks from the boxes, "Kaelin, would you like to help out?" Shiori asked.

Kaelin Devereux 07-30-2008 03:50 AM

"absolutely" she smiled widely and looked back to see about twelve other students sitting almost all together, she couldnt understand why she was one of the only girls in the class "What do you want me to do?" she giggled and looked back to see Aodhagan, her protector, lurking in the shadows.

Rion Nagase 07-30-2008 04:04 AM

"Can you please pass the textbooks to each of your classmates, please?" Shiori asked politely. Shiori then noticed Kaelin is wearing her pajamas. "Uhm.....ehehe, Kaelin? You forgot to change your clothes, silly!" Shiori rubbed Kaelin's head. "I'll wait for you to change your clothes first before you hand out the textbooks." Shiori said. The other students stared at Kaelin and started to laugh slightly. "I believe I'll get more new students soon. Most of the old ones graduated." Shiori said to himself.

Kaelin Devereux 07-30-2008 04:09 AM

she looked down and blushed a deep shade of red, she noticed that several of the guys had begun to stare in bewilderment and this set off Aodhagan, he growled and roared lightly "i'll be uh right back" she nodded and bowed to Shiori then to the rest of the class, Kaelin then ran past the dragon and motioned for him to follow.

Once back at her room she changed back into her usual outfit, then sighed from relief, she pulled her hair out of the rather sloppy looking pony-tail and brushed it out "ahh much better" Aodh huffed then nudged her, letting her know that she did a fantastic job at getting herself ready.

She then dashed back to the classroom after putting on her shoes, she pulled her pants up and fixed her belt, tightening it to another notch before walking back into the room for the final time today "sorry about that" she blushed again then did just as Shiori had asked, she began to pass out the books with an embarrased grin set over her face.

Rion Nagase 07-30-2008 04:26 AM

"It's okay, Kaelin!" Shiori said. Shiori watched the dragon, Aodhagan as Shiori was taking out more materials from the other boxes. Shiori pulled out a few jars. Each one contained a different material. One jar contained Dragon's Blood, the other jar contained Faerie Dust, the next jar contained a Basilisk's fang, on the jar of the Basilisk Fangs there's a note saying 'Handle with care', the fourth jar contained Phoenix Tears, and the last jar contained Incense of Female Cherubs. Shiori had to be careful mostly of the Basilisk Fangs and the Incense of Female Cherubs. Basilisk Fangs carry a powerful venom in them and the Incense of Female Cherubs carry a potent liquid substance that can numb any living being erotically if not careful. "Oh boy, getting this stuff is hardwork!" Shiori said as he looked at the materials.

Kaelin Devereux 07-30-2008 04:34 AM

She giggled then nodded "especially getting another dragon to give up that much blood" she squirmed at the thought of having yet another needle poked under her skin, she couldnt help but laugh after looking back at him yet again, there were so many materials and yet, who would have thought that he would have been able to carry them all "are all of the other teachers like you?" Kaelin was quite the curious one, as she walked back to him and helped him set the jars out, she tilted her head to the side in a rather adorable and curious manner

Rion Nagase 07-30-2008 04:48 AM

"Well, most teachers are uhm, well they're just the same as me, I think. And trust me these material aren't easy to get, the blood wasn't too hard. I asked the hospital to give me Dragon's Blood for an alchemic experiment!" Shiori said as he smiled. "Today is special, the class will learn how to make special candy made from these materials, pretty cool huh?" Shiori said. "Ooooh, you're so adorable!" Shiori said to Kaelin. Shiori looked at the jar of Incense of Female Cherubs. "Cherubs produce a special liquid from their bodies, female cherubs especially have a unique scent in the liquid, it's smells like mixed berries and something else that I will not speak of. Anyways one taste of this and you'll regret it. It causes any living to go love crazy, it's an afrodesiak in a way. Weird huh?" Shiori explained.

Kaelin Devereux 07-30-2008 04:57 AM

Kaelin wrinkled her nose after sitting down, figuring he was teaching the class she tilted her head and continued to eye the Dragon's blood, it had a familiar look to it. She perked up once hearing something about candy "ooo" she giggled then pushed her eyebrows together, now completely concentrating. Once she had leaned towards him, trying to hear him better, a small yawn sounded from the bag next to her seat, just as that happened a small puff of what looked to be steam rose up from the cracks of it. She then shyly bent down to see Anzerot staring up at her, he squealed and escaped the bag's confine "oh you" she whispered then set the small dragon upon her shoulder, all she could figure was that he had jumped into her bag while she wasnt looking.

"that's really wierd" she giggled again then looked from jar to jar "is it true that pheonix tears have magnificant healing powers?"

Rion Nagase 07-30-2008 05:07 AM

Shiori smiled when the small dragon went on Kaelin's shoulder. "Oh yes! Phoenix Tears have the best healing properties! That's why I have it as a counter action against basilisk venom. Mixing these materials is hard, so all of you must pay attention to my instructions, okay?!" Shiori said as the bell rang. "Ahh, it's time for class. Okay, everyone partner up with a classmate because I don't have enough materials for everyone if they work alone." Shiori said. "After you picked your partner, I'll hand out your materials in a set of a small amount in correct portions. Then I'll teach you about the properties of each material, then we'll go to the practice of creating candy from these materials." Shiori smiled.

Kaelin Devereux 07-30-2008 05:11 AM

Kaelin looked around then sank into her chair. She had never liked being partners with someone she didnt know, Anzerot let out another puff of steam then rubbed his ice-cold head into her neck, hopeing to comfort her. She giggled then placed a hand to his head and raised her hand sheepishly, noticing that everyone else in the class had paired off with each other, so, she was left partnerless "what do i do if i dont have a partner Priest Shiori?"

Rion Nagase 07-30-2008 05:22 AM

"Hmmm, well if you don't have a partner, you can stick with me if you like. I'll be your partner for now. We'll get more new students soon, so when there is more students you'll get a partner for yourself." Shiori said with a smile. "You can sit next to me if you like." Shiori smiled.

Kaelin Devereux 07-30-2008 05:25 AM

Kaelin jumped up from her seat and nodded after walking over to him and finally sat next to Shiori, Anzerot jumped onto the table and nosed at the jar that held the dragon's blood. The curious baby dragon squealed then puffed out more steam "eep! no! anzerot no!" she shrieked under her breath, quickly picking up the little one and setting him back onto her shoulder, just as she did this, he pouted and growled softly, acting just as any other child would "okay, we all have partners, now what do we do?" she giggled and smiled adorably yet again.

Cows Go Moo 07-30-2008 05:33 AM

Darrel sat in his classroom, spinning around in his chair. He didn't have class yet and was thankful for it as he needed some sleep. He had another long night and honestly didn't care whether students came late or not. Well okay he would, but he probably wouldn't mark them up for it. He took off his sunglasses, putting his head down.

Rion Nagase 07-30-2008 05:34 AM

"Well, since you and I are partners, do you want to help me pass the materials around? You'll get extra credit for helping me out. About 20 points worth of extra credit since you helped me once and this will count for the other half of the 20 points you'll earn." Shiori said. Shiori patted Kaelin on the head. "So, do you wanna help me out?" Shiori asked.

Kaelin Devereux 07-30-2008 05:39 AM

"sure! i dont mind" she giggled again then jumped up from her seat and took an armfull of the materials she needed to hand out, she began by placing the basilisk fang and cherub incensce onto every partner's desk, she smiled widely and finished by adding the pheonix tears, she was thankful that she had set everything down without a problem, as she did this, Anzerot watched her and nearly jumped at every jar of Dragon's blood "calm down" she giggled again then wrinkled her nose cutely "you gotta quit doing that Anzerot, you know it's a no-no. If i'm too young to have dragon's blood then you are too" she giggled again then tilted her head

Rion Nagase 07-30-2008 05:48 AM

"Curious little fellow ain't he?" Shiori said as he giggled. "So class, now that you all have your materials, lets learn about the properties of each material. Now class, can anyone tell me the properties of dragon's blood and what it can do to you?" Shiori asked. Shiori had watchful eyes on his class, half of the class raised their hands. "Oh by the way, if anyone gets it right, they'll get 30 points worth of extra credit!" Shiori said with a smile.

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