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Tamerthanthou 08-10-2008 05:35 AM

Have You Ever Fallen In Love With A Character From A Book? Who?
Fess up. Admit it. Don't you dare lie. It happens to the best of us; we read a book and fall madly, irrecvocibly in love with them.

My first book-romance was Vidanric Renselaeus, the Marquis of Shevraeth from Crown Duel by Sherwood Smith. He's simply perfect and I reread the book constantly, despite the fact that it's beneath my age level.

I also have a thing for two of the most loved men in romance lit, Darcy from [u]Pride and Prejudice[/b] and Edward from the Twilight series.

On to the next confession!!!

Beatitude 08-10-2008 09:17 AM

I have, it's especially pathetic because it was a character from a science fiction book- Vacuum Diagrams, by Stephen Baxter -and for the majority of the story, he isn't even an actual person, lol, he's some sort of weird immortal awareness and he sort of floats through the book until the end of the universe.

I was really charmed by him, though.

Cherish 08-10-2008 04:42 PM

Oh, nobody could resist Mr. Darcy! Why do you think my husband was forced into wearing a frock coat for our wedding?
''I do take this man, Mr. Dar- I mean, Terry...''

And I also fell in love with Henry DeTamble from The Time Travellers Wife. He was such a great hero; sexy, protective, sensitive, and with that all-important darker side.

Emrysa 08-10-2008 05:29 PM

Mr. Darcy
Robin Hood
Sir Percy
Pretty much. xD

Tamerthanthou 08-10-2008 06:29 PM

Sir Percy!!!!!
How could I forget the dashing Scarlet Pimpernel???

Cemetery 08-10-2008 08:38 PM

I can't deny it, For my love is too strong. If given the chance I would totally allow myself to get bitten by Lestat from Anna Rice's vampire series. I can't deny that.. but only because i like vampires, it's something about them that makes me happy.

Michy Lea 08-11-2008 07:07 AM

I haven't actually fallen in love with a character before. I have wished to find a man like some characters in books. Like a lot of the men in the Dark-Hunter books by Sherrilyn Kenyon...

Ling 08-12-2008 09:06 AM

As an 11-12 year old I kinda thought I'd like to meet a guy like Bryce Poole from the Spooksville series by Christopher Pike. I swear, the books are good despite the lame series name!

MistressVampFreek 08-12-2008 01:03 PM

Not a book. But I fell in love with Billy(Skeet Ulrich) from Scream, and Stu(can't remember). They were so hot!


Originally Posted by Cemetery (Post 3835672)
I can't deny it, For my love is too strong. If given the chance I would totally allow myself to get bitten by Lestat from Anna Rice's vampire series. I can't deny that.. but only because i like vampires, it's something about them that makes me happy.

Me too! Lestat, Louie, and Armond! I love them all!

Heirii 08-12-2008 04:36 PM

omg edward cullen i love him :heart: who wouldn't like a quy like that so cute :squee:

Sera 08-13-2008 09:30 PM

I don't think anyone can help not falling in love with a character in a book. Every one I read, one of the characters capture's my heart but some more than others. I think the last one was Darius in Princess.

Crystal56 08-14-2008 04:59 AM

Its so easy to fall in love with characters from books. One of my greatest ones is Snape from the Harry Potter Series. That's right...Snape. Its an odd infatuation really.

I've also fallen in love with Rutaro from a book called School of Light by Jody Lynn Nye. Its a great book that's the middle of a three book series. Rutaro wasn't necessarily the best looking guy described in the book...but something about him just made me go WHOOO! I love him. Love him lots. I wrote a few stories about it too, but nothing I've really much shared with anyone. Its really more or less kinda just in my head.

Well, actually the character Peppardine was the first one I fell for, but somehow or other I switched over to Rutaro and have been there ever since. If anyone actually knows the books or the series, you're awesome.

I have a lot of guys I've fallen for that don't exist. Always falling for the guys that don't exist. Its kinda how I get inspired to write at times too. Which is always good, because I'm a writer and I love to write. Hope to make a living off of it.

One-eyed Jackal 08-15-2008 08:41 PM


Its so easy to fall in love with characters from books. One of my greatest ones is Snape from the Harry Potter Series. That's right...Snape. Its an odd infatuation really.
Omg me too. He's my whole reason for reading the books. I cried when he died.

Cherry_Doll 08-16-2008 07:29 AM

I'll admit it:
I fell in love with Edward Cullen and Jacob Black from the "Twilight" series. >///<
It's pretty impossible to choose only one in my opinion and they're both pretty terrific so yea, there ya go. :squee:

attackat 08-16-2008 06:19 PM

I've always been in love with the frog prince. I guess since I was so young when I read the real fairytale, since then I've read variations of the "Jimmy, Pickpocket of the Palace" and I always love the frog prince characters...:P

Mrs Mikato Hatake 08-17-2008 01:20 AM

Hi! I've fallen in love with Stanton from the Daughters Of The Moon series by Lynne Ewing. He's just so bad & he's so cool. Very very good character.


Dev 08-18-2008 10:58 PM

Personally, I've really only fallen in love with one character.

One certain irish "God" as he's been referred to in the books.

I'm talking about the bad boy Roarke from J.D. Robb/Nora Roberts' book series "In Death"

Snowkoyuki 08-18-2008 11:46 PM

Will.. I have to admit, it would depend. If it was an anime then I would fall in love with Raven from Pandora hearts. he is so cool and strong. He wields a big gun and is so mysterious. Also he has a chain called Raven which means that his real name is actually Gilbert. Okay, I do not like his real name but so what? But if it were a normal book sorta type then it would be the story that is like a retelling of Snow White. The guy in it is also called raven. he even looks like one but... The only prbalem is that he likes a girl that's name is Snow but is also called Jessica. :)

xox_Dark_Angel_xox 08-19-2008 05:04 AM

I have his name was "Logan stonewall" an he was a character in a seris of books by V.C. Andrews

Apocrypha 08-19-2008 08:41 AM

I'm in love with Edward Cullen, from the "Twilight" series, also. I find him, his actions and attitude charming. <33

If he's real, then I'd hunt him. XDD *clings to Edward*

Sho-Shonojo 08-19-2008 11:09 PM

Hm...well I know that I've definately fallen for a few. I loved Imriel from Kushiel's Scion, until the next one where he started being stupid with Sidonie. >.<;;; Joscelin from that series has always been pretty awesome, and Hyacinthe. =3

Um...I really can't think of any others from regular books. When I read the manga Train Man, I found myself completely falling for the main character. He was so cute and sweet!

lily_dragon 08-20-2008 11:49 PM

Xanatos from the Jedi Apprentice series.
He was the perfect bad guy. Then he committed suicide. T_T
Of course, no one knows who I'm talking about.
I'm such a nerd. X3
That series also led to my love of Qui-gon Jinn... who also dies... why do I fall in love with the doomed guys? XP

moon waltz 08-21-2008 03:37 AM

I fall in love with characters much less frequently than I find myself wanting to be characters, but I certainly did fall in love with Hugh Beringar of the Brother Cadfael mysteries - he's energetic, very clever, and most significantly has the ability to laugh at himself. I have, at times, also been in love with Stephen Maturin (of Master and Commander, etc.).

Cherry Who? 08-21-2008 05:23 PM

Uh, yeah, I have to jump on the "Edward Cullen" train here. ._ . Jacob Black, too.

And also Mr. Darcy.
But that's about it. I don't read many romances.

Stormy1 08-23-2008 03:56 AM

Jacob Black from the Twilight Series.

Also Mr. Darcy from P&P and Jesse De Silva from the Mediator series by Meg Cabot.

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