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evefarrel 10-12-2008 06:09 AM

Private (1x1 with DeserVe)
Eve sat up in a tree looking down at the guy walking with the roses in wonder jumping down landing in front of him asking, "What is wrong sir? You seem sad." She looked at him with a gentle smile.

!dLe^p@n!c 10-12-2008 06:25 AM

He looked at down at her and away then back again. Extending his hand Deserve lifted the flowers to her and smiled. "I think you just brightened up my day lill missy. Can i buy you a drink?" He gave her the flowers then remembered that he knew nothing about her and stood back scratching his neck embarrassed "Um... sorry if i come on too strongly." He then held out his hand. "I'm deserve."

evefarrel 10-12-2008 03:54 PM

"The name is Eve, a pleasure to meet you," she said bowing lightly, "And sure you can buy me a drink. It would be nice to be able to talk to someone, anyone actually."

!dLe^p@n!c 10-12-2008 10:18 PM

Deserve smiled. "Ok! Follow me." He lightly touched her elbow and led her down the side walk and into a bar. "what would you like?"

evefarrel 10-12-2008 11:14 PM

"A virgin pina colada please," she said softly with a smile.

!dLe^p@n!c 10-13-2008 03:42 AM

He chuckled "Sure thing..." with his eyes smiling at her, he tried her name "...Eve." Deserve liked the way it rolled on his tung. He went and ordered her drink and him a beer.

Deserve was 21 but dressed like a kid still. he was wearing black shorts and pink ankle chuck tailer's with long socks. His blue t-shirt was baggy with some design printed on the front. His hair long and dark was tied up in a bun on his head. he had hard skin that was tanned from hours of surfing, jaw line strong. Deserve was taller than the average man height but had strong wide shoulders.

evefarrel 10-13-2008 06:58 AM

Eve got a table waiting for him. Her hair hung into her eyes slightly as she noticed several guys staring at her. She was only 17 but looked almost 20 at least.

!dLe^p@n!c 10-13-2008 07:15 AM

Deserve came and sat down with there drinks and glared at the guys staring at her but smile because she was such a beauty to look at that he could not really fault them. "Here" He sat the drink in front of her leaning in close as he did, Enough to smell is cologne then took his seat. "Tell me about yourself Miss Eve?" a playful smile tugged at his lips "I mean... Does a lovely lady like yourself always climbs trees?" He took a mouthful of his cold beer not even thinking that Eve could possibly be under age drinking.

evefarrel 10-13-2008 07:44 AM

"Yes actually I do," she said with a smile lifting the drink to her mouth smelling it seeing if it had alcohol, "I feel calm in trees and I was just thinking of something, that's all."

!dLe^p@n!c 10-13-2008 07:35 PM

Deserve chuckled behind his tall glass taking another mouthful. He new there was alcohol in her drink and new she was testing it by sniffing. This bar he took her too did not do non alcoholic drinks.

"Tell me about yourself." He sat forward and gave her his full attention as the afternoon sun slowly wet down behind the buildings casting its last rays upon them. He looked into her eyes.

evefarrel 10-13-2008 09:14 PM

"Well for one I look older then I am," she said sitting the drink down without taking a sip when she smelled the alcohol in it, "I am daughter of the CEO of a big company in town so I am alone a lot. My father is rarely home, my mother died a long time ago in a car wreak, and I don't have any siblings."

!dLe^p@n!c 10-13-2008 09:29 PM

Deserve did not say sorry about her mothers death because he new what it was like when people say sorry for something that is not there fault. Instead he smiled with kind eyes and a soft voice.
"It must get lonely for you Miss Eve. Without a mother to care for you or brothers to beat up on you.."
He chuckled
"... or without sisters to hand your clothes down to."
He covered his hand with his his eyes distant.
"My mother died when i was 10 and my father died just last year leaving his company with me to run. not that I actually want it. I think I will sell percentages off to other company's... or the whole thing. I currently have no place to live and looking for a new house to buy."
He stopped and raised his eyebrow not pulling his hand away
"Um, how old are you??"
He laughed.
"I know its not polite to ask but you are not drinking your drink i bought you."

evefarrel 10-13-2008 09:59 PM

"Yeah, I'm only 17 so I wouldn't feel right drinking," she said blushing lightly, "Plus I don't want to get you in trouble for giving an underage girl alcohol."

!dLe^p@n!c 10-13-2008 10:19 PM

He laughed.
"Miss Eve. You look older and much more mature than 17. they know me pretty well around these pub's so if there is any complications I will see it through. Enjoy your drink."
He pulled his and away and leaned back in his chair. After he had finished his beer and had an idea
"Would you like to go ice skating? I know its in the middle of summer but there is a rink that opens soon when the sun goes down further."
The sun had gone down allot and it was almost dark outside. He stood to take her hand to help her up.

evefarrel 10-14-2008 12:48 AM

"Sure that sounds like fun," she said taking his hand getting up with a smile.

!dLe^p@n!c 10-14-2008 12:55 AM

He smiled down at her and led her to his car opening the door for Eve. Deserve drove them to the rink where they were issued skates. deserve stopped just before they got onto the ice. "You um... can skate right?" he was full of smiles as another one tugged at his lips and his blue eyes staring into hers. He tugged her out onto the ice before she could really reply.

evefarrel 10-14-2008 01:26 AM

She smiled nodding saying, "It has been awhile but yeah I can skate."

!dLe^p@n!c 10-14-2008 01:52 AM

Deserve turned around and held her hands skating backwards. "Miss Eve I this feels like a date. What would your father say if I wanted to continue?" He tugged her hands bring her close he placed an arm around her waist not too low, sending them spinning.

evefarrel 10-14-2008 05:26 PM

She smiled softly wrapping her arms around his neck now saying, "For one I don't care what my father says. I mean he doesn't pay much attention to me when I am having problems so if he did when I was happy then I would just hate him more."

!dLe^p@n!c 10-14-2008 08:04 PM

Deserves gaze roamed Eve's face until it fell to her lips "He certainly does not sound like someone worthy to be a father." He smiled and looked back to her eyes "Tell me your problems instead." He held her closer and pushed them around the rink. So far they were the only ones on the ice.

evefarrel 10-15-2008 01:36 AM

"Well as you know my mother died several years ago. When she died my father basically became married to his work and hardly ever saw me," she said sadly, "It gets worse every year. I live all alone basically since my father is rarely there. It has been 2 weeks since I have even seen him."

!dLe^p@n!c 10-15-2008 02:36 AM

To hopefully make her laugh Deserve saw her sad face and gently lifted the corners of her lips into a small smile. "Smile my Dear. You have me now and I will not leave you and I will listen to everything you say." In the summer night it started to rain making Deserve laugh.

evefarrel 10-15-2008 03:31 AM

She smiled lightly kissing his lips gently whispering, "Alright, I'm glad."

!dLe^p@n!c 10-15-2008 03:44 AM

He chuckled and took her face in one hand and the other hand on her neck and gave her a kiss with more fire in it. When he pulled away Deserve was almost out of air as he circled them around going faster on the ice. "Do you have a curfew??"

evefarrel 10-15-2008 12:10 PM

"Not really," she said as she skated with him smiling, "Why do you ask?"

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