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Cecilia 12-09-2008 04:32 AM


Well, I think you should really really really join the Star Yellow Team! Becaauuse.... we're have lots of fun! And stars are pretty! They shine the best and the brightest and make funny pictures in the sky. And it's the Festival of Winter Nights, so there will be stars in the pretty night sky and everyone on the Star Yellow Team gonna be a star!

Won't that be fun? Oh oh! And Grandpa will probably make cookies and hot coco for us!

I hope you join the Star Yellow Team! So click here to join right now! We're gonna have fun!!


Everyone is welcome in the Star Yellow Team hangout thread, okay? Please be nice to everyone or Grandpa won't let me play!

anyone and everyone 12-13-2008 11:17 PM

It's very nice of your grandpa to make cookies and hot cocoa for the team, Cessy. :3

Kent 12-13-2008 11:34 PM

Cessy's so adorable! And I love stars!! <33

May I draw you as a star chibi, Cessy? o3o

galatea hottie 12-13-2008 11:49 PM

i want to be on the star team i love stars

Crystalunicorn 12-14-2008 12:03 AM

Hi guys, thought i would see how you are doing.

I really wanted to start singing twinkle twinkle little star. But i will spare you ;)

linapoo 12-14-2008 12:07 AM

I'm a sucker for cookies and coco. * U * <333 Go Yellow Star~
Hoho, is everyone ready for the event? XDD

Thoth Star 12-14-2008 12:07 AM

Yay! GO STARS~ <3333

How is everyone today? ^^

galatea hottie 12-14-2008 12:10 AM

go stars go stars go stars

Chinen Yuuri 12-14-2008 12:11 AM

I wanna join =]
Cecilia, cookies and coco!
Awesome >w<

linapoo 12-14-2008 12:12 AM

Thoth// I'm pretty good. XD yourself?

-eats everyone- >8D

yeah i know the coco and cookies is bringin' everyone ittt. haha. plus stars are AWESOME.

Chinen Yuuri 12-14-2008 12:15 AM

Hello everyone ^^
-pokes Thoth and lina-

linapoo 12-14-2008 12:16 AM

Hii~ What's up? XDD <33 Are you excited for the event?

galatea hottie 12-14-2008 12:17 AM

hello people

Chinen Yuuri 12-14-2008 12:17 AM

@lina: Heck yes!
Can't wait for it xD
And awesome avatar lina ^^

Hello galatea
How are you?

Iltu 12-14-2008 12:19 AM

I can't help but feel like I'm invading your space... But I wanted to say a quick hello to Cessy and wish her luck. :D

linapoo 12-14-2008 12:19 AM

galatea// hey! 8DDD your signature is pretty. haha. XD

chinen// YES! 8D i'm sooo ready for it. ;;
aw thanks! -grabby hands for the chicky on your head-

iltu// not at all? XDD <33 thanks~ you guys too!

Chinen Yuuri 12-14-2008 12:22 AM

Its alright Iltu I think Cessy would appreciate it =]
Thanks for stooping by.

@lina: no problem ^^
I've really have a hard time choosing what team I would choose.
I'm a big fan of Abel xD

galatea hottie 12-14-2008 12:23 AM

hello Chinen Yuur and linapoo what sup

by the way everybody i am know you know this but i just like saying it ~yellow team is awsome

Chinen Yuuri 12-14-2008 12:28 AM

Yellow is awesome =3
Its my second favorite color xD
My first favorite color is purple but seeing that there is no team purple >.>;;

twilightmoon 12-14-2008 12:28 AM

Hot coco! nice =D

galatea hottie 12-14-2008 12:31 AM

my fav colori s blue and fav season is winter but i just like the yellow team better nothing wrong with that

Melody 12-14-2008 12:32 AM

<3 stars and Cessy. It's all about fun. <3

Chinen Yuuri 12-14-2008 12:32 AM

Hello twilight ^^

@galatea: yup ^^
I just can't say no to little Cecilia

@Melody: yup fun ^^

Thoth Star 12-14-2008 12:38 AM

Nuuuu, don't eat me, Lina~ XD Hahaha.
I'm good, even though I feel mildly sick... My gut isn't killing me anymore. ><
How're you? 0 30

Hi Hottie, melody, yuuri, moon~
Whuts up, guys?

Chinen Yuuri 12-14-2008 12:40 AM

-glomps Thothy-
Long time no see 8D

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