Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   -   Hurt by Love. A chat thread between teams. Contests & Prizes! MY BIRTHDAY IS TODAY!!!! 18 8D (

Protagonist 02-14-2009 07:46 PM

Hurt by Love. A chat thread between teams. Contests & Prizes! MY BIRTHDAY IS TODAY!!!! 18 8D

Welcome one and all to the thread Hurt by Love. This thread is for anyone willing to chat with others about what ever they wish. [: Please be respectful and courteous of everyone that comes into the thread. Valentines day appeals to everyone in different ways, for me..I don’t really like it that much, but my sister and mom and dad get me chocolate so it’s ok :drool: As for Candy, she says she’s ‘single and ready to mingle’ haha xD

And, Krystal aka AND LOVE SAiiD NO, ish mines, YOU CANT HAVE HER C:

Candycaneslippers 02-14-2009 07:46 PM

That right we got rules >.>

1. Follow TOS
2. Be nice
3. Be nice to Sofa (Carlie) And moi.
4. No cybering (eww)
5. No Flaming
7. I can add more rules when ever because I have the power

If violating any rules then boo black list

Protagonist 02-14-2009 07:47 PM

Ok, we are going to have a couple contests in our thread O:
Scarlett came up with the idea of the contests, and I came up with what it should be xD Yea, we work together ;D

So for the contest, we are going to chose the person that has contributed their time and such to the thread. The person that Scarlett and I choose towards the end of the event will have to be someone that has been nice, cooperative, and down right naughty with the pillow hitting ;D

The winner will get a Fox Hat from me [:

Mini Games

The traditional page prize game.

Every page that i post saying the first person that posts on the next page will get a prize.

Winners ::

Page 50 - Thoth Star » 100g
Page 100 - AND LOVE SAiiD NO » Purple Heart Buddy worth 250g

So who wants to play a game?

the name of the game is to pretty much stay active, talk, chat and so on..what you need to do is look for the post that i post with this icon for the black team ;D. i can post this icon when ever i feel like someone isn't watching ;D Or just to be an ass, wait it out for some fun -giggles-

In order to get the prize (which is only 50g) you will need to quote my post that has the icon in it and say ::


Carlie is the queen of pillows and team black is the best. She is also the Queen of feathers C:

NEWWWW as of 2/16

Scarlett will now be doing the same as above, except she will be using this icon

Her prize will be an event common of YOUR CHOICE under 151g [:

She wants you to say


Scarlett is uber duper awesome and the queen of pink


Winners ::

KatMagenta - 50g
Suona - 50g
BettyBeat - 50g
Azntwins - 50g
Azntwins - 50g
P r i n c e aka Azntwins - 50g
Azntwins - 50g STOP WINNING xDD


It's Quiz Time!

So, I will put down 10 questions about me, some will be easy and some will be hard. This is an easy way to get to know me better ;D
Every question I put is a point for you.

**NOTE** Through out the week make sure you check in to see if I have added new/more questions

Rules ::

1. In order to answer the questions you need to PM me the answers so that you get the points and not give the answers to everyone else.
2. The PM should have the title of "Getting to know Carlie"
3. You may answer these questions ONCE, and then if you are nice and stick around, YOU CAN GUESS AGAIN.
4. Remember, this is just a game, you do not have to play.
5. If you have any questions you can either ask them in here, or PM me.

The Prize !

A pair of Yumeh Slippers from me C:
Since this is a harder contest, a more valuable prize.

The Quiz ::

1. What is Carlies FULL NAME? (First and Last) If it is any help, my last name is part of a computer MMO game that I play.
2. How old will I be turning on my birthday?
3. What is my favorite color?
4. When did I join Mene?
5. Where is my "home" on Mene? Meaning, where do I spend most of my time when there is not an event.
6. When will I graduate High School?
7. What is my mules account name?
8. Who is my favorite person on this site? (You should know who you are!!)
9. What is the body part that I have broken, sprained and hurt multiple times from playing sports?
10. What to I want to major in in college?


11. What is my little sisters name?
12. If ya want my body, and you think im sexy? (finish the song)
13. Am I a Call of Duty 4 gamer chick?
14. Can a match box? (if you have ever done the 'Impossible Quiz on google, you should know this answer)
15. What is my favorite movie?
16. How many people in my family have had heart attacks?
17. What the the medical condition that I have?
18. Why am I so crazy?
19. What 'sport' do I dislike most? THIS ISNT EVEN BE CONSIDERED A SPORT!
20. What is my favorite class in school? (This is also the Honors class that I am in)

Scores ::

AND LOVE SAiiD NO » 13 points
*Hime* » 9 points
Azntwins » 13 points


Same rules apply. Except you PM HER! Not me <.<;;

Her Prize ::

Big Bang!

The Quiz ::

What's my first and last name :O?
(Last name is beach in french)
What's my favorite site?
Who are my favorite two people on mene?
Who was the last guys name I liked?
Was he younger or older then me?
What's my favorite sport?
Who texts me toooo much?
What state do I live in?
What is my favorite color :O?

Scores ::

Candycaneslippers 02-14-2009 07:47 PM

First off Carlie and Scarlett (thats us)
We are awesome no question.
DEPPY (Krystal,Love said no)
Suona Is also awesome cuz she is
Azntwins is just to awesome :P
and many others :P
(will add more later)

Protagonist 02-14-2009 07:48 PM

ok this is reserved for later

Candycaneslippers 02-14-2009 07:52 PM


Protagonist 02-14-2009 07:52 PM


Candycaneslippers 02-14-2009 07:53 PM

Last one postie

Protagonist 02-14-2009 08:12 PM

Officially open [:
Have fun everyone ^^

Monsieur 02-14-2009 08:13 PM


Protagonist 02-14-2009 08:14 PM

haha how are you?

Son Zack 02-14-2009 08:15 PM

Oh my gosh! Hey, youuuu


Protagonist 02-14-2009 08:15 PM

Hey Zack ^^
how are you

Son Zack 02-14-2009 08:18 PM

I'm doin' pretty well. Haven't had much time to be on lately, but I don't like to miss events. They're just too dang fun!

How about you? Whatcha been up to?

Candycaneslippers 02-14-2009 08:20 PM


Suona 02-14-2009 08:20 PM

Post of love!

Monsieur 02-14-2009 08:20 PM

What zack O:
hey Zackie
Its me Shoe Goblin

Protagonist 02-14-2009 08:21 PM

I am ok thanks ^^
Heh, nothing really I have been all over the place.

Chunsa-chan 02-14-2009 08:21 PM

I'm all for being friendly with the other teams. So much as they still let me hit them! XD

Son Zack 02-14-2009 08:23 PM

Haaai Scarlett! Haven't see you around in forever! Course, I haven't BEEN on in forever ;___;

How you beeeen!

Sofa King- That's good :3 Been looking forward to the event?

Shoe Goblin- Haaai~

Candycaneslippers 02-14-2009 08:23 PM

Chunsa Who isnt :O
@Sofie Same havent seen you in a while
I have been great xD my computer is going slow with all the stupid stuff I have up
xD but other then that great you?

wasashu 02-14-2009 08:23 PM

haha fo sho, lets all post together and give each other delicious feathers >:3

Protagonist 02-14-2009 08:23 PM

Haha, well that is a good thing Chun [:

I hope everyone likes our thread and has fun talking to everyone ^^

Suona 02-14-2009 08:24 PM

Yay people! :hug:

Chunsa-chan 02-14-2009 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by Candycaneslippers (Post 1763964891)
Chunsa Who isnt :O

There's been a few people who have already KO'ed on me. XD

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