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Arc Angel 04-05-2009 02:46 AM

Children of the Night (Open & Accepting!)
For years, vampires and werepeople have walked among the human race, unnoticed by most. They blend in peacefully with the humans during the day, but at night.. they show their true forms. Some who know of them despise them, and chase them sown with one intent: to kill. Are you one of the children of the night? Are you a clueless human who's about to find out? Or are you a hunter, ready and armed for nightfall, waiting for the true monsters to arise?


Follow Menewsha TO's.

No God-moding

Keep it PG-13

Romance is allowed, but as stated above, PG-13 please.

Rather than disappearing, please notify me before quitting the role play.

Fighting is allowed, but no killing unless it is okayed with me and the other user.

This is semi-lit. No chat speak, and to talk in OOC, please use "()", "[]", etc.

PM me your character profile if you wish to join. More than one character is allowed.

Arc Angel 04-05-2009 02:46 AM

Character Skeleton

Race: (werewolf, human, vampire)
Weapon: (if any)

Username: xxxarcxangelxxx
Name: Victoria Ventura
Age: 758, but appears 17
Race: Vampire
Appearance: Victoria
Weapon: silver katana, for self defense only
Background: Victoria remembers little of her human years, only the night she was turned. Blood... everywhere. Her mind stained with that memory, she usually keeps to herself. Over the years, she's been traveling the world, trying to find her 'place'. At the moment, she's living in a rather nice apartment. Her life during the day is usually at work, at an art museum in town. She's a curator there, and she rather enjoys that job. Especially since she's lived long enough to know most of the artists who have work in it. She is a very quiet, calm person who shows her emotions through art. Victoria isn't one of the vampires who goes about feeding on people every chance they get, nor the ones who constantly cause fights with the werepeople; she feeds when necessary, and doesn't have any bias on werewolves.
Fears/Faults: She has a hard time talking to others and is very afraid of needles.

Username: xxxarcxangelxxx
Name: Xander Storms
Age: well over 800, but he doesn't keep track
Race: Vampire
Background: Companion of Victoria's. He doesn't remember most of his life leading up to the point where he found Victoria. He took her in when he found her laying in the middle of the street, unconscious. Soon, he found out that she too was a vampire, and he took a liking to her. They have to romantic relationship, they are rather like siblings. He is staying with Victoria in the apartment they share, paying his share of the rent with money he collects as a waiter. He does not enjoy work, and only smiles at work when his boss forces him to.
Fears/Faults: Victoria is his weakness, since he thinks of her as his younger sister. He also tends not to talk much, or show too much emotion towards people.


Username: NiccaWoodStar
Name: Renee Prestton
Age: 213 but looks 12
Race: vampire
Appearance: She has long, brown hair and very pale skin.
Weapon: none (:
Background: Renee doesn't remember her life at all. All she remembers is waking up from deep, deep pain to figure out she was a vampire. She does not know who transformed her and she hates her being. She's rather nice for a vampire but isn't friendly and prefers to be alone.
Fears/Faults: She hates it when her desire for blood comes.

Username: NiccaWoodStar
Name: Dan Stuart
Age: 25
Race: Werewolf
Appearance: He's tall and has messy, black hair and a slight beard.
Weapon: none
Background: Dan is not the only werewolf in his family. His brother, Pete, is one too. They were always together but Pete was killed by a vampire while in his human form. Dan is seeking revenge to who killed it.
Fears/Faults: He is afraid of vampires yet he wants to kill them too.

Arc Angel 04-05-2009 02:47 AM



Can walk in sunlight.

Do not need sleep, but they can if wanted.

Can hide their fangs, wings, etc. to better blend in.

Do need blood occasionally, but it won't kill them if they refuse to drink it.


Can change of their own will, except during the full moon.

Can usually control themselves in their wolf form, but that may be different if they are new werewolves.

Can chose whether or not to be in packs, most do, some don't.


Are usually human, hunting both inhuman races. But, can be vampire/werewolf/human hunting vampires/werewolves/humans.

Arc Angel 04-05-2009 03:08 AM

Victoria sat in her apartment, fingers tapping impatiently against the window sill. The sun was setting and the streets were starting to empty, so it would not be long now. Not long before she would start to see the creatures in the shadows, the other 'children of the night'. She sighed, turning away from the window and standing, looking at her rather nice apartment. She had cleaned it thoroughly after work, to keep her mind off of the hour of the day, but still, that hadn't been enough of a distraction.

Walking into her kitchen, she opened the fridge, which contained little. She looked over what she had, then decided a glass of water would suffice until later. She felt her thirst rising in her throat, and she quickly took a sip of water, trying to tame it a bit. She knew water would not be enough, she would have to go hunting tonight.

NiccaWoodStar 04-20-2009 09:03 AM

((Found it. >.< ))

Renee sat in her bedroom. She sighed, when she realized it was getting dark.
Not again, she thought, groaning.
The time of dark always depressed her. It was the time when she has to leave the home of the kind people who decided to adopt her after finding her in the streets and meet the other creatures. Creatures she deeply hated.
"Why do I have to be a vampire?" she said angrily. But she had to face it. It was her fate, and nothing could change it.

Arc Angel 04-20-2009 01:30 PM

Victoria returned to her window,watching, waiting. Soon the stars started appearing, one by one, and she could see figures now moving in the shadows of the city. It's time. she thought, smiling. She got up, setting down her water, and practically jogged to her door.

Once out on the streets, Victoria took a deep breath, smiling. The cool night air smelt nice, it had been far too long since she had gone out at night to hunt. Starting her walk down the street, she kept careful watch for any interesting looking humans, one she could feed on.

NiccaWoodStar 04-20-2009 11:21 PM

Renee sighed and said goodbye to her 'parents'.
It was time.
She stood up from her comfy chair, grabbed her backpack, and ran away as quick as flash. She was getting thirsty again and she wouldn't let her parents be victims of her horrid condition.
Once she went outside, she held her breath. Too many people were around. Too many weaklings she could kill in just a second --
You can do it, Renee, she thought to herself. Taking a deep breath, she walked down the alley, head down and ignoring the beautiful taste of the blood of the people walking nearby.

Arc Angel 04-20-2009 11:26 PM

Nearing the end of the street, the less busier part, Victoria spotted a potential victim. He was a rather large man, all fancied up with a suit and tie. It wasn't his attire she was interested in, though, it was his blood's scent. The sweet aroma teased her nose, her thirst automatically growing. Not only did he smell good, but she was guessing he was someone who could survive a bite.. Yes, someone she could make fall unconscious, borrow his blood, and he would probably wake up feeling fine. She changed direction, deciding to follow the man, though at a distance. Victoria intended on drinking some of the man's blood, but she had no intention of scaring the poor guy.

NiccaWoodStar 04-21-2009 12:39 AM

Renee looked at a small, chubby man standing by the lamp post. He looked exactly like the one human she killed.
Guilt washed through her as she remembered the day she killed Pete Stuart.
It was an average day, years ago, and it had been weeks since Renee last drank blood. She wanted it so desperately. However, she still tried to stop it.
She was there at the streets, lying down. And she saw him.
Pete was irresistible and he was incredibly nice. He sat with her and talked with nice topics. Renee tried to stop her thirst but it suddenly snapped.
She turned to him, her eyes bright and bit him. She didn't stop drinking until the last ounce of blood was out of him.
And then someone, someone caught her doing the act. Renee immediately took off. She looked back and saw the man holding the dead Pete, crying. Guilt filled her very heart. Guilt that has not escaped her yet.

Arc Angel 04-21-2009 12:53 AM

The man turned on to a deserted street, and Victoria smiled. Now was her chance. A second later, she had the unconscious man in her arms, fangs already in his throat. His blood soothed her thirst, though she was very careful to keep track of his pulse... she would never purposely drain someone too much. She stopped after maybe about a pint had been taken and released him, bandaging his wound. When he woke, he would feel no pain. He would merely wonder how he had fallen asleep on the side of the street. She placed his body on a bench, then wiped off her mouth.

On her way home, she spotted a girl. Not an average human, to say the least. From here, she could tell she was a vampire, and the way she was watching a rather chubby man standing at a lamp post interested her. Staying quiet, she got a bit closer, watching to see if she would do anything.

NiccaWoodStar 04-21-2009 01:04 AM

Bite him.
Don't bite him.
Bite him.
Don't bite him.
Renee took a deep breath. Maybe just a small bite -- She walked forward, paused, and stalked off to the next direction. If she was going to bite someone, it was definitely not going to be a look-alike of the human she killed.
A middle-aged woman bumped into her. Renee apologized and went off. She stopped -- and bit the woman. The blood filled her thirst and in a few seconds, she let the woman go. The woman was asleep, and Renee, who was very strong, carried her to the bench.
She turned and saw a woman looking--observing her.
She caught me, she gasped. Someone caught me!
She quickly turned to run away.

Arc Angel 04-21-2009 01:12 AM

Victoria raised an eyebrow, surprised by the sudden change of interest. she had been sure she was going to go for the man, but instead, she chose the woman.. Shrugging it off, she continued to watch. When the girl looked up, Victoria simply smiled at her. Yes, she had been caught smiling, but the look on the girl's face looked as if she might have just gotten caught murdering someone. She smiled warmly, waving at the girl, hoping she wouldn't run. She didn't like scaring people, even if she hadn't done it purposely. Victoria turned to walk away, showing that she had no intention of chasing after her.

NiccaWoodStar 04-21-2009 01:27 AM

Renee stopped when the woman waved at her.
Weird. No normal human would act like that.
Or maybe she isn't human.
Baffled, Renee ran after her.
"Excuse me," she said, tapping the woman's shoulder.

Arc Angel 04-21-2009 01:31 AM

Victoria was a little surprised when she felt someone tapping on her shoulder. "Yes?" she asked, turning to face them. When she saw the girl, she smiled. "Oh, hello." She was glad that it seemed as if she hadn't scared her, and that she hadn't ran. It was also nice that she had found another vampire, that might live nearby. She knew there were many in the city, but she had never talked to or gotten close to any of them.

NiccaWoodStar 04-21-2009 01:32 AM

Dan Stuart was lying at his chair at his front porch. It was nighttime and it was the time when -- they showed. He growled at the thought of it.
The werewolves --- well they're okay. But the vampires are just horrid. He remembered the time a vampire killed his beloved brother, Pete.
He spent the remaining years hunting for that vampire. He hasn't found her yet. But he will. And when that time comes, that vampire would wish she never laid eyes on his brother.

NiccaWoodStar 04-21-2009 01:37 AM

Renee bit her lip and tasted some blood. She quickly licked it.
"Um, uh--well--I s-saw you, erm, looking at me. I noticed that--that you didn't, uh, run away--when you saw what I did. Eh, are you a vampire?" she asked. She growled at herself when she said that. Of course she was. No human would act so calm after that.
"Um, because I am, obviously," Renee laughed nervously. "I'm no cannibal. I didn't kill her! I still left enough blood for her to live." Renee bit her lip again, nervous.

Arc Angel 04-21-2009 01:46 AM

Victoria couldn't help but chuckle a little. "Yes, I am a vampire, too. My name is Victoria. Victoria Ventura. Nice to meet you." she said, smiling. The girl seemed nervous, though she was not sure why. Sure, vampires may seem menacing to others, and she only hoped she didn't seem menacing to the girl. After all, she was a vampire too, and never in her 758 years had she met a younger vampire. The girl seemed young... maybe twelve. She wasn't sure how long she's been that age, of course.

NiccaWoodStar 04-21-2009 02:06 AM

"I'm not just twelve years old, if that's what you're thinking," Renee said. "I'm around 200 years old. I don't know. I don't keep track of my age. Makes me feel old." She laughed.
She observed the woman closer.
"You look --- full," she said. "Have you just drank blood?"

Arc Angel 04-21-2009 02:10 AM

Victoria smiled, laughing a little. "I was thinking you were probably older.. I'm 758... but I like to think of myself as 17. Makes me feel younger.." She was a little surprised that she could tell, but nodded. "Yes, I did." she said, gesturing to the unconscious man laying on the bench. "And no, I did not kill him."

NiccaWoodStar 04-21-2009 02:18 AM

Dan chose a different spot to hunt for the vampire. The city. He looked and turned and saw no one until --
He saw a girl and a woman talking by a bench with an unconscious man lying on it. He looked closer and saw the girl was the vampire that killed her brother.
He gasped. He had no idea he would find her here. He quickly ran towards her. He had no weapon with him but he didn't care. He would kill him with his bare hands, if possible.

Renee smiled at her. "I knew you weren't like the other vampires I saw. You actually care for human life."
She took a breath and turned. She saw a man running towards her, his face full of hate. She raised her eyebrows.
What the hell is he doing? she thought.
She just stayed there, thinking he was running after the wrong girl.
As he came nearer, she saw his face. Was it Pete? No, it was the man--the man who saw her kill Pete.
She gulped. "I have to go, Victoria!" she said as she quickly bolted away.

Arc Angel 04-21-2009 02:48 AM

(By the way, double posting might get you a refraction, so you might not want to do that anymore. Maybe you could just use one post for a both characters? Maybe you could use different font colors to differentiate?)

Victoria was startled when she heard running coming towards her and the girl. She smiled at the girl's comment, but when she ran, became confused. She turned to see the man, anger clear in his expression. Who was this man? Why was he so angry with the girl? "Hey, stop!" She shouted at the man, stepping in his way. She was very strong, considering that she wasn't mortal and her age, but she wasn't sure she could stop him, so she braced herself.

NiccaWoodStar 04-21-2009 02:59 AM

(Yes, I remembered that rule just now. I would delete the second post but I don't know how >.<)

Dan stopped when a woman stepped up before her. He was a strong man but he doesn't want to hurt a lady. Well, besides the killer vampire.
"Excuse me, but I have to get the girl!" he told her, and he quickly walked past her.

Arc Angel 04-21-2009 03:09 AM

Xander couldn't help but to interfere with the scene going on below. With a sudden leap, he successfully landed in the man's way. "I'd like to hear your reasons for going after the girl. If you are a vampire hunter of course, just say so, and that will be the end of it."

Victoria frowned. "You can't just go around threatening people..." She walked over to the two. "But I do want to hear your reasons. And I'd rather not have Xander here use force."

NiccaWoodStar 04-21-2009 03:27 AM

Renee stopped running and came a bit closer.

Dan growled at her.
"I'm no vampire hunter," he growled. "I just want her."
He turned to the other vampires. "You don't know what she did a few years ago, don't you?"

Arc Angel 04-21-2009 03:30 AM

Xander sighed. "Obviously not, since we're asking you for that information."

Victoria gently elbowed her brother for his rudeness, then offered a small smile to the man. "Would you mind telling us please? What happened that a nice girl like this.." she motioned towards Renee. "Would make you so angry?"

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