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-   Easter 2009: Carrot Crisis! (
-   -   Thread Killers wonder if you can draw a dunny! [drawing contest: CLOSED -decision making process begins-] (

secretdae007 04-11-2009 07:18 PM

Thread Killers wonder if you can draw a dunny! [drawing contest: CLOSED -decision making process begins-]
Ever been the last person to post on a page with no response? Feel like you killed the thread? We welcome you here then!

Where is here, you ask? This is the official Thread Killers thread for Easter 2009!

Here, we can support each other through those hard times here on Menewsha during the event when people aren't quite in the posting mode.

- Follow all the rules of posting here on Menewsha [here is a refresher course of some of those rules]
- No begging
- No flaming and/or harassing anyone
- No spamming and/or bumping
- no swearing or anything that would be deemed profanity [if it is censored with * or - I don't mind, I just don't really care for seeing it]
- no double posting [if you do so by accident, please get a Moderator to delete it]
- no page stretching
- Literacy is appreciated. I won't be a grammar master but too much chatspeak will lead to me asking you to leave the thread.

Thread Titles
◘ Wait? Thread Killers wonder why there is an Easter Bunny... Why not a Duck?
◘ Thread Killers wonder if you can draw a dunny!

secretdae007 04-11-2009 07:39 PM


•We will be having the usually contest for events. Last person to post in this thread before the event is closed gets a prize!

•Also, there will be an egg contest! Whenever Dae posts the words "Where are the eggs?" the first person to post a picture of a decorated egg [real or fake] will get a point. The person with the most points by the end of the event will get a prize!

Point Holders
Youn: •••
Will Rage: ••
Naisou: ••••••••••
Thulhu: ••
Nami Dragon: ••
Dystopia: ••

Dunny Drawiing Contest!
I suppose that you are curious as to what is a "dunny." It is a combination of a duck and a bunny! AlikaMorein created the name and the idea!

What does a dunny look like, you ask? Well, that part is up to you! We want you, the artist, to draw a dunny for us! Appearance is up to interpretation. Of course, a little law needs to be put down here:

1. Your dunny creation must be majorily duck and bunny. Accessories [items such as carrots, eggs, ect...] are allowed.
2. There has to be one obvious part of each animal. You can't just draw a bunny without putting anything from a duck or the other way around.
3. Other stipulations will be added if need.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM Secretdae007 or post it in the thread.

Now I'm sure you're wondering about the prizes....
First place: 500 Gold
Second Place: 250 Gold
[if there are enough participants] Third Place: 100 gold

Judging will happen on the last day of the event so get your submissions in before April 18th!

Thulhu: x
Youn: x
Answer42: x
Nissa: x
Naisou: x
Sapphyre800: x
Smith: x
Thor Star: x [in questioning]

Skrae 04-11-2009 07:52 PM

Oh hai~!
Yay another threadkillers thread. <3

secretdae007 04-11-2009 07:55 PM

Hello. ^^
As long as Dae is on Mene, there will always be a thread killers thread for an event. <3

Skrae 04-11-2009 07:56 PM

That's great!

I usually try to come find them, since I kill threads fairly regularly...^^;;

twizted child eve 04-11-2009 08:00 PM

Hooray for another thread killer thread. XD
Hi everyone. :)

secretdae007 04-11-2009 08:02 PM

Skrae: Haha, don't we all?

twizted child eve: -waves- Hello. ^^

twizted child eve 04-11-2009 08:03 PM

*waves back* Hi. :) How are you?

Winter Wind 04-11-2009 08:04 PM

Easter DUCK?


Because people eat ducks? o-o

I dunno.

twizted child eve 04-11-2009 08:11 PM

Hey Winter! :)

Aww. xD People eat rabbits sometimes too. D;

tigerangel 04-11-2009 11:41 PM

Hurray, I found the thread killers thread.
This is the place for me, especially during events.

Angel Spirit Girl 04-12-2009 03:21 AM

Hello, Thread Killers. ^.^

There are lots of Easter eggs on gaia for their event.

Ling 04-12-2009 03:25 AM

Hello. ^^

Bippy 04-12-2009 03:28 AM

Hello fellow thread killers!

Ling 04-12-2009 03:32 AM

How are we all today?

Angel Spirit Girl 04-12-2009 03:35 AM

I'm doing dandy. ^.^

Ling 04-12-2009 03:42 AM

Awesome! :D

Exrael 04-12-2009 05:28 AM

I'm apparently a really good thread killer, especially where most people have mainstream tastes. ;_;

AkashaHeartilly 04-12-2009 05:49 AM

Hello my thread killing people!
I be posting in here for the event, anyone on?

Amane 04-12-2009 05:53 AM

I return for another event! =D How is everyone? I'll see you on Easter or later. I better get to bed right now!

Hugs to ya'll~ <3

AkashaHeartilly 04-12-2009 06:13 AM

Well nighty night and congrats for being here for another event!

Ling 04-12-2009 06:25 AM

I'm here. LOL, timezones always amuse me, it's currently 3:54pm, Sunday here

Exrael 04-12-2009 06:26 AM

Ooh Ling, I absolutely envy your username. 3v3 That's one of the first ones that gets snagged on sites like these. x]

AkashaHeartilly 04-12-2009 06:28 AM

Yeah, it's 11:28 Pm. Saturday where I am right now.
Timezones are funny things like that, where are you located?

Ling 04-12-2009 06:34 AM

I'm in Australia :D

And yes, I've noticed that my username does get snatched on sites.

All times are GMT. The time now is 04:42 AM.