Menewsha Avatar Community

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Queen_Andais 04-13-2009 06:05 PM very very quiet...Hunting the Easter Contest
Welcome to my thread. Wasn't sure until just now that I would want to do an event, but since this is Easter and a time of pastel colors, figured why not.
You don't have to pay to enter and you receive a gold prize at the end. You can submit an avatar via pm and it will be posted, or I might descretly ask you if I can add your avatar to the contest.

1. A single entry only, mules may participate if you haven't already sent in an avatar for your main.
2. MAC may be used
3. Unlike contests in the past where people vote, the winner will be chosen by me only, this leaves it open for everyone to particiapte if they so choose.
4. All entries must be received on the close of April 18th. Winners will be announced either April 19th later in the evening or on Monday April 20th.

1st Place: 500 gold and their choice of this month's CIs
2nd Place: Gets their choice of this month's CIs
3rd Placer: 300 gold

Have fun with the designs and good luck to all those that enter.

Queen Andais

EternalHearts 04-13-2009 06:08 PM

Sweet! I think I may actually have to put together an outfit for this one...

TrueLight 04-13-2009 06:08 PM

I might try :) On my main of course.

WinglessFairy 04-13-2009 06:09 PM

ooh! looks like fun! =D

I'll have to spruce myself up to enter! ^.^

Queen_Andais 04-13-2009 06:09 PM

Yay for support and another thread to post in, right? :) Today is an even steady of work and it has put me in a better frame of mind.

Elmira Swift 04-13-2009 06:13 PM

Hey babe! Home early today with sick kids! Other than that, things are cool :) I'll poke my head in here to help.

Queen_Andais 04-13-2009 06:43 PM

Way awesome Swift. Someone to chat with sounds divine. *huggles*

Just remember, don't post the pic here, pm it to me. It's safer and guaranteed to make into the contest that way.

Elmira Swift 04-13-2009 07:03 PM

Whatever is affecting the kids and Mark is starting to hit me again. Thought I was over it :( How are things with you? Any word from Rodd?

Queen_Andais 04-13-2009 07:25 PM

Rodd and I have talked pretty much all weekend, which was nice. We e-mailed back and forth for 8 hours on friday night, he called on Saturday night and we e-mailed each other last night.
He's such a good boyfriend.
Do you have an e-mail, I can forward you some of the things he says, it's amazing!

Elmira Swift 04-13-2009 08:23 PM

I do! Sorry, whatever this bug is that we have, it sneaks up on you.

Queen_Andais 04-13-2009 09:23 PM

Happening to me too I think. Just feel drained and eh, truthfully. Kind of sucks. Trying to be over not feeling so good. This time, I think it's my sinuses that are affected. Gross.

Elmira Swift 04-13-2009 10:15 PM

Took a nap, and still feel gross. BUT Otto is feeling better! My mom told me that the symptoms I described sound similar to what some of her friends out at the Ren Faire are going through. Have you been lately?? My parents are there every weekend.

Queen_Andais 04-13-2009 10:17 PM

We are going this weekend since it's my mom's birthday Sunday. Her friends from Nor Cal are coming down to go with us. There is a huge group of people going this year, close to 20 I think, if not a little more. Really excited because my friend Tara is going and she has never been before. She's way jazzed.

Elmira Swift 04-13-2009 10:21 PM

My parents are quite ancient. Dad rides around in a motorized cart that's made to look like a horse. Mom usually hangs around the guild yard (St. Cuthbert's) and gives demos of spinning roving into yarn. I look a lot like her, but taller and not a long-haired hippie. The guild they're in is in charge of the parades and do the opening and closing ones. They also have a stage show for the mayor around noon - I think. At least, that's how it was eons ago when I was in the guild.

Queen_Andais 04-13-2009 10:45 PM

I can just see it now, walking up to your mom and being like, "Oh hey! I met your daughter on this avatar forum website. Just so happens that I come to this fair every year, just wanted to say hi!" What's your first name anyways? I am Katie...

Elmira Swift 04-13-2009 10:49 PM

I'm Sarah - my mom is Judy. I still am stunned that she looks so hippie these days. Although they went to Berkeley, it was a few years before the sit-ins and so on. I remember when I was 5 (1970!) that she wore wigs and her hair was poofy. Now? Nope. Anyhow, they are there every year. It was something I was also into, worked there in a booth and as an actor (nothing major, mostly shrubbery), so I could hang out with my folks.

Queen_Andais 04-13-2009 11:01 PM

My sister and I have thought about joining a guild, but right now our schedules are just too hectic to make it a reality. Perhaps sometime in the future. We actually want to make our own court dresses. Love the crushed velvets and brocades, simply gorgeous.

Joico 04-13-2009 11:25 PM

This looks like fun :)

Elmira Swift 04-14-2009 10:33 AM

Ok - you're referring to the Guild of St. George. They are pretty strict about the costumes and you have to have a character based on someone who lived at that time. It's the only guild that does that. Some of the people write copious amounts about their persona and spend a great deal of time researching. The costumes are also wicked expensive to make. When I was doing the Faire thing, the majority of the people were super nice. No clue what they are like today. I liked the guild my parents are in because you could be a shrub on stage or do your own thing out and about. Plus, you could be a peasant or middle class. My parents tend to have costumes from both classes - middle class when it's cold outside and peasant when the weather becomes crazy hot.

Ivvy 04-14-2009 10:38 AM

Queen can my current avi be in the contest? I will PM you a screen shot of it in a while. :) I wanna play... >.>

Melody 04-14-2009 01:17 PM

Avatar contest!

I'll have to put something together. <3

TrueLight 04-14-2009 01:21 PM

Hey it's Mel!!!

Melody 04-14-2009 01:22 PM

we're you hunting one? xD
*hides in a hole just in case* :ninja:

Rylynne 04-14-2009 01:40 PM

Hey Queen! =D <3<3
I don't think I've seen you around during the event yet. ^^;; So, yay! :3 <3<3

EternalHearts 04-14-2009 01:51 PM

Morning Queen! How long do we have to get our avis in?

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