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Tembila 09-21-2009 03:44 AM

Oh thank god this GD is not like Gaia's.
Gaia's general discussion is full of trolls, spam topics, picdrops, and stuck up people who hate you if you disagree with them. And there really isn't any discussion. :/
The one here is perfect. It actually has something to talk about. OWO

Emfy 09-21-2009 05:03 AM

Give it some time when it gets more popular. :[
And enjoy it while it lasts.

Gary Stargazer 09-21-2009 05:05 AM

No way. As long as they keep a good mod to user ratio there should be no problem. The thing about this place is they actually moderate the forums. Gaia never does.
The mods will rarely go out and ban a few hundred people at random just to make their presence known but it does nothing. Here you do the crime you do the time. >:3

Emfy 09-21-2009 05:07 AM

That's good to know.

Carbonated Cheesepuffs 09-21-2009 06:19 AM

Yeah, this place is a big relief from Gaia. People here can speak actual sentences! With actual words, too! :0 It's just one big hunk of awesome! The mods there never do anything. The people I report usually don't get any punishment for asking for my information or doing things against the ToS.

Emfy 09-21-2009 06:28 AM

It's also a lot harder when there is a much larger population to take care of.
But yes, I agree. I hardly see the mods doing anything on gaia. :[

Motion 09-21-2009 06:34 AM

That's why the upcoming Menewsha slogan says:

"Keepin it cool, yo."

Because we're cool. You know, like Antarctica. Well that's a bit too cool. How about an ice cube. No that's too small. A frozen boulder?

Listen, how about a raincheck on this?

Codette 09-21-2009 02:10 PM

@ Motion* Well what about cool as a penguin? or a Polar Bear. Or maybe cucumbers! Yummy. ^.^

cranky casey 09-21-2009 03:49 PM

im still stuck between gaia and mene. this is now my second day playing this and its quite hard to to make money and such. ive found it way easier to play gaia. but still. im trying this game for a week. i hope i still like it by then.

Dystopia 09-21-2009 04:10 PM


... Ahem.

8D;; Yeah, we don't have that around here.

Lost in Austen 09-21-2009 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Dystopia (Post 1765104658)

... Ahem.

8D;; Yeah, we don't have that around here.

LOL!!!! For realz! That got so irritating. >_<

Sakura no Takai 09-21-2009 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by cranky casey (Post 1765104633)
im still stuck between gaia and mene. this is now my second day playing this and its quite hard to to make money and such. ive found it way easier to play gaia. but still. im trying this game for a week. i hope i still like it by then.

I agree 100%.
I'm actually still liking Gaia more, but I meant 100%, this is my second day here.
So... dazzle me, Mene =)

To stay on topic, the GD on Gaia isn't really that bad if you stay out of it, lol
GD'rs (and most users in genreal) rarely venture out of thier local haunts, so if you don't like a forum, just avoid it.

I only entered Gaia's GD once, and that was enough for me.

sevie 09-21-2009 07:24 PM

I am a total CB'er on Gaia. Lol, GD bugs me on there. :D I like it on here. n_n So far no mean people. Lol. =3

Sakura no Takai 09-21-2009 07:30 PM

I'm a hermit on Gaia (kind of)

I just hang in my quest thread and my Battle Clan's main thread.

I'm scared of people in general, lol.

Hey, sort of random question: Are there guilds here?
I usually like to find a club and stick with the buddies I make in there.

sevie 09-21-2009 08:05 PM

Ok time for english.

Sakura no Takai 09-21-2009 08:16 PM

Sorry, what?

Vickyll3 09-21-2009 08:21 PM

Well Menewsha is not that different from Gaia to me. There many differences and similarities.

On Gaia I find it easy to make money by playing "booty grab."

On Menewsha its easy to make money by playing "attack of the fan girls."

But the people are different, and so Is the amount of mods.

I still play Gaia everyday but I'm also playing Menewsha at the same time.

I like how Menewsha avatars look, on Gaia there short and cute, but here they look realistic.

I don't like how Menewsha have a similar Gaia cash system. I would like to find a site where you can play an avatar game like Gaia and Menewsha, and don't use real money at all.

Or maybe like this other site I just to play called Faketown where you just play a price or 6 months, or 12 months and become a member. And you'll be allowed to get great items and able to sell them.

Sizzla 09-21-2009 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by Sakura no Takai (Post 1765105207)
I'm a hermit on Gaia (kind of)

I just hang in my quest thread and my Battle Clan's main thread.

I'm scared of people in general, lol.

Hey, sort of random question: Are there guilds here?
I usually like to find a club and stick with the buddies I make in there.

We don't have guilds yet, but we do have 'Social Groups.' Unfortunately, they don't get used that much, but there is the option. Check it out here:

@sevie: Please try to post on-topic when you're making a reply in a thread. Thank you!

Sakura no Takai 09-21-2009 08:34 PM

Oh, thanks!
I'll check those out.

@Vicky: Booty grab is great, isn't it? lol

I love attack of the fangirls, though. I just spent half an hour trying to get better at it.
So far my high score is only around 11 thousand xP

Emfy 09-21-2009 08:43 PM

Mene reminds me of Gaia in it's earlier years, to be honest.
Which isn't a bad thing. :/

The Ultimate Begger 09-21-2009 08:50 PM

I'm a CB'er there, and I don't find mene's GD that interesting thou.

VeRiTaS_CuRaT 09-21-2009 09:50 PM

Oh, yes. People in the GD are atrociously rude.

Me: Who would win a fight? Saddam or Hitler?

GDer: Neither, they're both made-up people.
I mean really?...

Sizzla 09-21-2009 09:54 PM

Gosh... :roll: Genius!

GD is a spamfest and so is CB. Gaia should just get rid of them both and save itself the trouble of modding those forums.

Sakura no Takai 09-21-2009 10:10 PM

But if they did that all the trolls and n00bs that hang around in the CB and GD will go into other forums.
And that would not be pleasant.

People on Gaia who don't like the "conversations" in specific forums should just not go into them.

I'm perfectly aware of the madness that goes on in those threads, but it never bothers me because I don't enter them ever.

Usually, people who post or lurk in the CB or GD know what they're getting into, and- for whatever reason- enjoy it.

Sizzla 09-21-2009 10:28 PM

Oh, I realize that... And I do not frequent GD or CB there because they make my eyes burn.

But I look at it from a moderator standpoint and it makes me cringe.

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