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Mirielle195 10-10-2009 04:21 AM

The Lost One (A Fantasy Romance)
Author's Note: This is the first story I completed and it's my baby hehe. It's part of a series too. And because the chapters are long, at one part I'll start dividing them up. Please tell me what you think because I do want to eventually publish it.


Chosen Path

There was a world that existed in a galaxy that thrived and coexisted with magic. It was called Serenai. It was lush with plants and filled with animals. A large number of majestic and mystical creatures roamed in this blissful utopia. Among the most treasured were the unicorns. They were guardians of every living thing. Everything was peaceful and just. Evil was not known there until, an evil force entered the galaxy and destroyed everything in its path. The world itself also fell victim to this force; therefore, the once peaceful and beautiful planet turned into a dangerous and barren wasteland. The wise and kind wizard, Drackor, who helped protect the land, managed to preserve a little bit of the world’s beauty and saved most of the creatures. Unfortunately, he was not able to protect the unicorns. But the unicorns’ fate was not all lost.
The rulers of the unicorns managed to save their only daughter’s soul. Her name was Pristine. This was how her parents saved her. When the king and queen learned of their beloved daughter’s death, they decided to use the legendary Crystal of Life in order to preserve Pristine’s soul. However, in doing so their lives would be lost forever. Ignoring the risk, they used all their power to make sure that Pristine’s soul was sent to the future where she would be reborn. They succeeded with the price of their own lives. But something else happened. During the process, Pristine’s soul separated into two souls. One was her unicorn soul, and the other was her human soul. When both of Pristine’s souls were reborn, it had been ten years since the Invasion. The human Pristine, having no memory of her identity or her past life, was born to a poor yet loving family. Evil had spread throughout the galaxy like a disease, but there was still good in different places.
And so this story began in the year 1100, eighteen years after Pristine’s reincarnation. Unlike her days as a unicorn when she was a care-free, spirited, and graceful young woman, Pristine was now melancholy, taciturn, and withdrawn. She knew that she was different and felt that something was missing from her life. She only had one friend, a little girl named Kyra. The eight year-old was the complete opposite of Pristine. Where Pristine was shy, Kyra was outgoing. Pristine’s figure was willowy and seemed fragile. Kyra’s figure was slender and athletic. Pristine trusted her instincts whereas Kyra trusted her mind. Pristine was pale completed and her platinum blonde hair was nearly white. The only color on her face was her piercing, celestial blue eyes. Kyra held more color to her face with her peachy skin and pink cheeks. Her hair was dirty blonde and her eyes were hazel. Despite their differences, they both went together like two peas in a pod. They also knew of the evils around them, but never imagined how drastically it would turn their lives up-side down. It was a cold and dreary autumn day as the two walked in a dead wood near their village. Kyra noticed that Pristine seemed a little more down than usual and decided that a nice walk would cheer her up.
“See, I told you some fresh air would do you some good.” said Kyra as they walked along.
“Thank-you, Kyra.” smiled Pristine.
“It’s hard to believe that this was once a living and vast forest.”
“Now all that is left is a memory.”
The girls hardly ever saw anything green or alive. It seemed that evil sucked up all that was living. Even during spring and summer hardly anything bloomed. They knew such places of life existed. Every now and then a merchant would stop by and let the children and young folk look at the books he brought and sometimes talked about the places he been to. As the two walked along, Pristine stopped and felt something was wrong. Kyra noticed Pristine’s hesitation and looked to see fear in her eyes.
“What’s wrong Pristine?” Kyra asked.
“Oh, I just had this terrible instinct that something is going to happen. Let’s go back.”
When they reached the village, everything laid in ruins. No one was in sight.
“Oh no! Tell me this is only a dream!” Kyra gasped as she trembled in horror.
“I’m afraid it isn’t, Kyra. Evil has shown its ugly face here.”
While Pristine didn’t show it, she was terrified. Suddenly, a large number of soldiers surrounded them. They looked like living nightmares in black armor. They also smelled of dead and rot.
“Who are these guys?” shrieked Kyra as she and Pristine huddled closer together.
“The men who obviously destroyed our village.”
“Somebody help us! Please!”
All of the sudden, a bright light appeared, and just like that, all of the villains vanished! Pristine and Kyra covered their eyes when the light appeared. They opened them and the first thing they saw was an old man standing by a burned down hut. He had long white hair and beard. His different colored eyes were green and blue. Both Pristine and Kyra guessed he was a wizard because of the style of dress he wore and the staff he held. Both girls gazed in amazement. His garments were crimson red and had gold trimmings. He also carried a dagger at his side. Pristine was the first to recover from her shock.
“Excuse me sir, but who are you?” she finally asked.
The elderly man walked forward and smiled before saying, “Greetings, young ones. I am Drackor.”
“The legendary Drackor? One of the most powerful wizards! The one who was able to place three protective barriers on our world?!” asked Kyra.
Who had not heard of Drackor? He was considered a legend in Serenai. It was said he was there when the world was created. He was the great teacher and confidant to the unicorns. Whenever there was a wedding or important event, Drackor was always there. But since the Invasion, not many saw him for the evil forces always searched for him. Drackor laughed after Kyra's response.
“Indeed I am he.” he replied.
“Drackor? Do you know what happened to our parents and the other villagers?” asked Kyra.
“Don’t worry Kyra and Pristine. I took them to safety.”
The girls sighed before Kyra said, “Wait a minute! How do you know our names?”
“I have been watching this place and many others over the years. I know everything that goes around here and everywhere else.”
That was partly true. He also made a vow to always watch over Pristine and he meant to keep it. As he kept glancing at Pristine, he saw a totally different Pristine from the one he once knew.
“Excuse me, Drackor, but what do we do now?” asked Kyra.
“Oh, I am sorry. I have an assignment for you two. I want you to find the lost unicorn princess.”
“But weren’t all the unicorns killed during the Invasion?”
“Don’t you remember Kyra. The last time the merchant came through he said that not all the unicorns died. Somehow, the princess of the unicorns survived thanks to her parents. He said that her soul was preserved and she was born in this time.” pointed out Pristine.
This was the first time she spoken since the conversation began. She had been a little intimidated by the wise sage. She felt power radiating from him. But she sensed his goodness and felt that she could trust him. Pristine had a way of knowing who to trust and who not to.
She turned to Drackor and asked, “Drackor, why do you want us to find the lost princess?”
“Because it is your destiny to find her.”
“Well . . .”
“We’ll do it!” interrupted Kyra.
Pristine looked at Kyra and saw the eagerness in her eyes. Kyra had always wanted to go on an adventure and this certainly would be one. Pristine took a deep breath. Deep down inside, she knew that she must do this.
“All right.” Pristine nodded.
“Uh, Drackor? How do we begin?” asked Kyra.
“First, you two must go to the Kingdom of Grom.”
“But, but, Drackor, Grom is many weeks away from here. It’s impossible to reach it. We have to cross an ocean.”
“Kyra is right sir. It would be consider treacherous to travel right now with winter almost here.” Pristine added.
“Nothing is impossible!” shouted Drackor as he raised his staff.
There was a crack of thunder and the three of them vanished in a cloud of smoke.


The next thing they knew, they were someplace else. They stood on a hillside overlooking a valley. Patches of green mixed with dull brown to signify the changing of seasons. In the distance, Pristine and Kyra saw a castle surrounded by houses.
“Wow! Where are we?” gasped Kyra.
“We are in the Kingdom of Grom.” replied Drackor.
“It’s beautiful.” said Pristine.
“Where do we go from here?” asked Kyra.
“Follow this road we are on,” indicated Drackor, “Then head for Grom Castle. The king there is good and will help you get started on your journey.”
“Drackor, how do we get into the palace? Surely there will be guards there.”
“When you reach the gate, just tell the guards there that I sent you to see the king.”
“But sir, surely you know that the guards are not going to believe that a couple of commoners were sent by a wizard. They’re going to want proof.” pointed out Pristine. “Hmm, you do have a point there.”
He made a red sash appear in his hand.
“Here, take my sash as proof.”
“Thank-you.” replied Pristine as she took it.
“The sash also holds my emblem on it. Now, all you two need is . . .” said Drackor before waving his hand.
There on the road appeared two horses. One was white, and the other was golden brown. “Oh! They’re beautiful!” Kyra replied, amazed.
“Thank you for everything Drackor.” thanked Pristine as she got on the white horse.
Both of them knew how to ride horses because their village use to be known for their horse farms, but since the Invasion, things went into decline.
“My pleasure, Pristine.”
“Man, it’s been a while since I rode a horse.” commented Kyra.
Unfortunately, when she got on the horse, she was facing the back! It was pretty obvious that she hadn’t been on a horse in some time.
Pristine giggled and said, “Oh, Kyra! When you get on a horse, you’re suppose to put your right leg on the right side of the horse, not the left.”
Realizing what she did wrong, Kyra quickly dismounted and got on correctly.
“Sorry about that.” she apologized.
“Are you two ready?” Drackor asked.
“Ready as we’ll ever be.” said Pristine.
“Then go and good luck to the both of you.”
As the two friends rode off, Drackor quietly said to himself, “May the spirits of this world protect you on your quest . . . Princess.”

kittykatt89 10-11-2009 04:54 AM

that is good. i look forward to reading more.

Mirielle195 10-11-2009 05:43 AM

A/N: Oh! Thank you! Thank you! hehe. Just for that this next part is for you. Here's the First Part of Ch. 2.


The Legend
Is Foretold

It did not take them long to reach Grom Castle. The country was small but cheerful. It was one of few kingdoms that still was good or was not destroyed by the evil forces. The evil forces felt that Grom was too small to be a threat. Kyra was in awe of the place. The town had feel about that was comforting and homey.
“Oh wow! It looks so much like the type of place you’d find in faerie tales.” she replied.
When Pristine and Kyra approached the castle gate, the two guards there stop them.
“Add where do you think you two are going?” questioned one guard.
“Please sir, we’re here to see the king.” replied Kyra.
“On who’s authority?” asked the other one.
“The wizard Drackor sent us.”
The two guards stared at them blankly then burst into laughter. Pristine and Kyra looked at each other.
Finally one of them replied, “Two, two, ha ha ha, young commoners, ha, ha, were sent by a wizard, to, to, to see the king!?”
The other gasped, “Now I’ve heard everything! That’s a good one girls!”
Kyra nodded to Pristine, who in turn took out the sash. She handed it to Kyra, who shown it too the guards. The two had gained their composures by this time. They stopped and examined it.
They both shook their heads before one said reluctantly, “Oh, all right. You win.”
They opened the gate. The two head in, both not knowing to expect.
Pristine and Kyra were going to see the king. Both were anxious and nervous. They heard that King Charles of Grom was a good man and fair leader. They just hoped that the stories were true. When they entered the throne room, all commotion there stopped. The two walked up to the king and curtseyed before him. He was round, with a bright reddish face with curly hair.
He stared at the two and said, “Good afternoon, visitors. What is it that you seek?” Pristine reluctantly stood forward and replied, “We need your help, good king. The wizard, Drackor, has sent us to find the last unicorn. Can you help us please?”
The entire court just opened their eyes wide and started to whisper amongst themselves. The king just sat on his throne and joyfully laughed.
“Well my dear, that’s a very entertaining story, but do you have proof that you were sent by Drackor?” asked King Charles.
“Here’s proof, your majesty.” replied Kyra as she held out the sash.
The king signaled one of the guards, and the guard went and took the sash from Kyra. He showed it to King Charles.
After examining it, the king looked back at Pristine and Kyra and replied, “You two are right. Please tell me your names” before telling the guard to give the sash back to Kyra. The two girls sighed with relief.
“I’m Kyra and this my friend Pristine.” answered Kyra.
The king sat and thought before saying, “All right my dears. I’ll help you. I’ll send one of my best knights with you. Plus, I’ll make sure that you-all have enough supplies. For now you two must rest.”
Pristine and Kyra smiled at each other.
They were about to thank King Charles when someone shouted, “Father! I want to go!”
The shout came from the king’s daughter, Ophealia, who was a young woman of sixteen years with fiery, curly hair and golden eyes. She ran into the throne room and right up to her father.
“I’m sorry, father, but I couldn’t help overhear. Can I please go?” she pleaded. “Ophealia, you are a princess. You’re unsuitable for a quest.” the king said.
“But dad . . .”
“That’s enough! Go back to your studies.”
Ophealia went off grumbling.
“Please excuse Ophealia. She’s spirited, but has a good heart.” apologized King Charles. “That’s okay, your majesty.” said Pristine.
“All right now my servant will show you to your quarters and you two freshen up for dinner.”
“Thank-you sire.” thanked Pristine before she and Kyra curtseyed.
A servant girl led the girls through the castle. There were suit of armors, tapestries, and other castle potpourri as they went along. Both of them gazed in wonder. Soon the servant stopped in front of two separate doors.
“All right, this one is yours and this one is yours. Dinner will be served in a little while.” the servant told them before leaving the two.
Wasting no time, Kyra burst into her room and gasped in surprise. Her room was draped in violets and blues. When she jumped on the humongous four-poster bed, it felt as light as a cloud. The sheets were made of silk. The dressers were all made out of mahogany wood. Kyra decided to get changed. When she opened the closet door, she was amazed to see dresses in her size. How was this possible? Well, little did anyone know, Drackor visited both rooms and made sure that Pristine and Kyra’s clothes would be fitting. During this time, Pristine entered her room. When she went inside, she thought she was dreaming at first. Her room was made up of light blue, lavender, and white colors. The dressers were made out of light oak. When Pristine opened the closet door, she became enamored of the different designs inside. She took out a teal dress with sky blue trimmings on it. A perfect fit. Deciding to see how she looked, Pristine walked over to the large mirror. But something was different. It was not her reflection she saw, but someone else, or was it? The angelic figure before her looked like her, but she was wearing white garments instead. Also, the lady had confident and peaceful look about her. Pristine shook her head and looked again. This time, it was her own reflection. “What magic is this?” thought Pristine.
Suddenly, she heard someone knock on the door. It was Kyra.
“Pristine? Are you dressed?” she asked.
“Yes, I am. You may come in.”
Kyra entered and gasped.
“Whoa! You look like a royal.”
Kyra was wearing a scarlet gown with magenta trimmings.
Pristine blushed at her comment and said bashfully, “Thanks. I guess it’ll do.”
That’s when they heard the dinner bell.
“Dinner’s ready! Let’s go!” Kyra said.
But as she turned around and started to run, she tripped over her gown. Pristine rushed to her side and helped her up. She could not help it, but she giggled.
“Are you all right?”
“Never better.”
“Let me get my slippers on and we can head down there.”
When they both made it down to the grand hall, they stopped, and gasped at the sight of the large tables. The king, his court, and Ophealia were already there. Soon King Charles noticed them and waved for them to come on over.
“Ah, our guests have arrive. Please come and sit over here and sit with me!” he requested.
As soon as the two came up, they noticed a man sitting next to the king.
“Ladies, I would like for you to meet Sir Reginald of Cranston. He is one of my finest knights. He will be your protector on your journey. Sir Reginald, this is Pristine and Kyra.” introduced the king.
The man was thirty-seven years old. He had a noble brow with black hair and deep blue eyes. His mustache curled at the tips and he wore shiny armor. When the king introduced him, he stood up and bowed. Both Pristine and Kyra became amazed on how tall he was. He must had been at least six feet and five inches. Despite their shock, Pristine and Kyra still managed to curtsey.
“It would be an honor to help you on your quest.” the knight said finally before sitting down.
“Please sit down.” requested the king.
As the girls sat down, Kyra asked, “Your majesty, I was wondering how you knew what size clothes I wore.”
“Funny you should ask that Kyra. Just as soon as you two left, Drackor appeared and asked if he do something to your rooms. I said if he could do it before you two got there he could it. He suddenly vanished and returned a few moments later, thanked me, then left. So Drackor must have given you both clothes for you to wear.”
While Kyra, King Charles, and Sir Reginald talked, Pristine looked at Ophealia, who was looking depressed.
Finally, Pristine got the urge to ask, “Are you all right, your highness?”
Ophealia looked at her and said, “No. It’s so unfair. Just because I’m a princess doesn’t mean I cannot join you on your quest.”
By looking into her eyes, Pristine could tell that Ophealia really wanted to go.
“Don’t worry. I’m sure things will work out.” Pristine said with a grin.
Ophealia looked up and returned her grin.
Soon the food was brought out. Pristine and Kyra never seen so much food in their lives. Some of the food they never even heard of. After they ate, the king called for some entertainment. A jester came out and told them of the legend of the last unicorn. “Legend has it,” the jester began, “That you need the Crystal of Life in order to find the lost unicorn. In order to find the crystal, you have to find three stones: water, fire, and wood. These stones are found in places of the old world before the Evil One took over. After all three stones are collected, you must place them in the Temple of Corlana. Only then will the Crystal of Life will appear. The crystal will lead you to the unicorn. That’s what has been told.”
After a few more songs, everyone head up to their rooms. While Pristine and Kyra head up to their quarters, they talked about the legend.
“I suppose that in order to find the unicorn we need to find those three stones first.” guessed Pristine.
“Yeah, but how do we find them?”
“Well, the jester said that they are found in places of the old world. There’s three of them, so it has to be three places that staid the same after the Invasion. Wait a minute. Didn’t Drackor place seals on three places before the Evil One could get to them? I bet it’s those places. If the Evil One cannot breach those places then those stones are probably in those places.”
“That does make since, now the question is where are these places?”
“I don’t know. But let’s worry about that in the morning. Good night, Kyra.” said Pristine as they reached their rooms.
“Sleep tight, Pristine.” waved Kyra before going into her room.
That night, Pristine received a vision. She was walking in a misty realm when she saw a figure.
“Pristine . . .” it called out.
“Drackor? Is that you?”
“Yes, Pristine.” nodded Drackor as he stepped forward.
“Drackor, I know Kyra and I must find the three stones, but where can we find them?” “That’s why I am here. I am going to give you one of four signs that will help you on your quest. You are to go to the underwater kingdom of Oceanica.”
“Oceanica? I’ve heard of that place. That’s where they say sea people live. They say that they look like humans and fish. How do I get there?”
“There are some mountains due west of here. There’s a river nearby. You find the river by following a trail. Once you find the river, you will follow it downstream until you reach the ocean. Someone will help you get to Oceanica.” instructed Drackor before vanishing.
Pristine felt herself fainting as the vision ended.


A/N: You know what is funny to me is that it's easy for me to come up with storylines, but the hard part is coming up with names: people, places, chapters, and even the title of the book itself lol.

kittykatt89 10-12-2009 07:03 PM

i bet. how many chapters do you have?

Mirielle195 10-12-2009 10:31 PM

Let's see, I think it's 12. And it's over 300 pages work typed. So what do you think of the first part of Ch. 2?

kittykatt89 10-12-2009 10:33 PM

its good. so far i think you should see if you can get it published.

Mirielle195 10-12-2009 11:26 PM

A/N: Thanks. I have tried getting published but that was a no show. Here's the rest of Ch. 2.


Pristine opened her eyes. The first thing she noticed was the sun peaking through the curtains. She quickly got up and saw her regular clothes on a dresser. They looked brand new. She dressed then brushed her long hair out. As she finished up, she heard Kyra knocking on the door.
“Good morning, Pristine. Ready for breakfast?” she asked after opening the door.
“Oh yes.”
The two friends head downstairs and were soon greeted by Sir Reginald and King Charles.
“Good morning, ladies. Sit down please.” insisted the king as they led them to the table. “I’m starved!” commented Kyra.
“Don’t worry Miss Kyra. Breakfast will come out soon.” assured Sir Reginald.
Soon their breakfast arrived. After they ate, they got ready to leave. King Charles had them meet out behind the castle where their mounts were. They were supplied with food, accessories, and other things. Pristine was given a light sword for her to use and a dagger. Kyra was also given a dagger. Sir Reginald offered to train them as they went. After they were ready, Pristine told Sir Reginald of her dream.
“Sir Reginald, I received a vision last night from Drackor. He said we need to head west to go to the Kingdom of Oceanica.” Pristine said as she got onto her horse.
“That means we have to go over the Radan Mountains. We better be careful.” said Sir Reginald before getting on his horse.
“Why?” asked Kyra after getting on her horse.
“Because there are outlaws there.”
“Then we will be careful. Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s get going!” yelled Kyra.
In her excitement, she accidentally kicked her horse and it suddenly galloped off!
“Kyra!” yelled Pristine before taking off.
“Wish us luck, your majesty.” said Sir Reginald before going after the two girls.
“Farewell!” waved the king.
During this time, Pristine caught up with Kyra. Kyra was trying in vain to get her horse under control.
“Kyra! Pull up your reins!” Pristine ordered.
She did with all her might and her horse finally stopped. Soon Sir Reginald caught up.
He gasped and asked, “Are you all right, child?”
“Yes, I’m fine.”
“You should be more careful.”
“I shall.”
“Um, guys, west is that way.” Pristine pointed in the opposite direction.
“Oh! Quite right!” agreed Sir Reginald.
They made their way toward Radan Mountains. While traveling, Kyra did most of the talking. Every now and then Sir Reginald commented on something. Pristine was silent through the entire way there. She was deep in thought about the trip there. She knew that something big was going to happen. She just did not know when. It took them a day to make it there. It was just before lunch time when they made it.
“Now what do we do? We can’t leave the horses behind.” Kyra said.
“There’s a path over there.” Pristine pointed.
“All right! Now we’re getting somewhere.”
“Shh! We should be more quiet here.” warned Sir Reginald.
“All right.”
They followed the path until they reached a nearby creek.
“Oh, I’m tired. Can we stop and rest, please?” asked Kyra.
“Very well, but we cannot rest for too long.” answered Sir Reginald.
They dismounted.
Wanting to be alone Pristine told them, “I’m going to freshen up a bit.”
“Be careful lass. This is not the time to be wandering off.” Sir Reginald warned her. “Don’t worry. I won’t be gone long.” Pristine answered before going off.
Pristine walked and soon made it to the creek. She knelt down and looked around. There was some vegetation here, but mostly dirt and rock. It was like nature was trying to live here, but just couldn’t quite made it. Pristine splashed some water on her face. When she looked at her reflection, she saw that angelic figure again. She rubbed her eyes and looked again. This time it was her own reflection.
“This is strange.” she thought.
All of the sudden, she got the impression that the others were in trouble. She stood up and ran.
During this time, Sir Reginald and Kyra rested.
“How old are you Kyra?” Sir Reginald asked.
“Eight. Why do you ask?”
“I just don’t understand why a wizard would send a child on a dangerous mission.” “Neither do I, but I am glad though. I don’t think Pristine was too crazy about the idea though.”
“Because she is terribly shy and is not the adventurous type.”
“So I’ve noticed.”
That very second, a bunch of men jumped out. Sir Reginald and Kyra backed up as the men surrounded them.
“Careful, Kyra. They are outlaws.” whispered Sir Reginald as he guarded Kyra.
Indeed they were. One of them stepped forward. The twnety year-old man was muscular with golden blonde hair and blue gray eyes. He was tall at 5’11”. His name was Lance and he was the leader of the group.
“Well, well, what have we here? Trespassers?” he replied with a sly grin.
Sir Reginald frowned at him before saying, “We certainly are not! We’re just passing through.”
“Oh really? Well then you’ll have to pay a toll.”
“Because this is our land, and if anyone wishes to cross it, then they’re going to have to pay a toll. Now, if you don’t mind, how about sharing some of that food there?” asked Lance as he and his man started to close in.
“Leave my friends alone!” someone shouted.
The outlaws backed off and everyone turned to see Pristine. Pristine was pretty angry. Normally she was very calm, but whenever someone was threaten, her temper would rise like wild fire. Lance was the first person to spot her. When he saw her, he barely managed to hide his reaction for it was instant. It was like a boulder hit him on the head. The woman before him looked like an angel.
He finally composed himself and asked, “And who might you be?”
“Someone you don’t want to get mad.” Pristine warned.
She had her hand on the hilt of her sword, ready to pull it out if she needed to.
“I mean it! Leave my friends alone or I’ll . . .” Pristine began to say when Lance interrupted her.
“Okay! Okay! Sorry lady. We were just hungry.” Lance interrupted as he held his hands up.
Pristine’s hand left the hilt of her sword, and her entire demeanor changed and lightened.
Her eyes soften and she replied kindly, “Oh? Well, why didn’t you say so in the first place? If you would of asked nicely, instead of ambushing my friends, you might have received some food.”
Lance looked up at her at that. That never occurred to him. He was an outlaw after all, and outlaws took first and asked later.
“Oh well, I never thought about that.” Lance replied.
“Hey Lance!” called out someone.
Everyone turned to see a young man dragged an animal toward Lance. He was Lance’s seventeen year-old brother Grayson. His wild hair was brown with blonde highlights. And his eyes were blue-gray just like his brother’s. He was a little shorter than Lance too at 5’9”. He pulled a buck by the antlers right up to Lance before letting it go. He took a deep breath before looking at Lance and the others. The others could tell he was out of breath.
“See Lance! I told you I could get us something to eat. Who are these people?” Grayson asked, referring to Pristine, Kyra, and Sir Reginald.
Lance sighed. His brother was always curious.
“This is my younger brother Grayson.” Lance introduced.
He began wondering why he was being so polite for he always intended to take stuff than leave. It must had been the lady for he had this intense need to get to know her. His men looked just as perplexed as well for they never saw Lance act this way towards strangers.
“And you must be Lance.” Pristine guessed.
Usually she was shy, but for some reason, she felt more at ease and opened toward this man.
“Yes ma’am. And may I ask for your name?” asks Lance after he bowed.
He might be an outlaw, but he was a gentleman.
“My name is Pristine.”
During this time Kyra and Sir Reginald kept looking at Lance with suspicion. Lance grinned and walked up to Pristine before taking her hand.
“It’s a pleasure.” he said before kissing her hand gently.
Pristine blushed from head to toe. The feel of his lips sent a tingly feeling throughout her body. Several of the other outlaws giggled a bit. Kyra wasn’t too happy. She started go over when Lance let go of Pristine’s hand and stepped back. He saw the girl coming toward them out of the corner of his eye. He liked Pristine’s reaction. The lady was as red as an apple. Pristine soon recovered.
“Uh, this is my friend Kyra and Sir Reginald of Cranston.” she answered.
Kyra kept her hand to herself when she was introduced. Despite the stern look on Sir Reginald’s face, he bowed. That very minute, they heard a yell.
“Hey boss! Look what I found!” shouted an outlaw as he came into view.
He dragged someone by its arm toward them.
“You let me go this instant!” the person screamed.
It was Princess Ophealia! She kept on trying to pull free of the outlaw’s grasp. He let go, causing her to fall down on her rear.
“You’ll be sorry for that!” she threatened, her eyes afire.
“Princess Ophealia! What are you doing here?” asked Sir Reginald as he went over to her to help her up.
But Ophealia just flapped her hand in front of him.
“I can get up myself.” Ophealia assured as she got up, though not gracefully.
“You shouldn’t be here! What will your father say?” Sir Reginald asked.
“Hey! I said that I wanted to come, and there’s nothing you can do about it!”
Pristine could tell that Ophealia was going to blow unless someone did something, so she intervened.
“She’s right, Sir Reginald. No one can order her what to do, except her father.”
That calmed Ophealia.
“Thank-you Pristine.” she replied with a sigh of relief.
But Sir Reginald still looked worried.
“Don’t worry Sir Reginald, no harm will come to her.” assured Pristine.
“How do you know?” asked Sir Reginald, unconvinced.
“Because I just know. It’s a feeling I got.”
“Believe her Sir Reginald. She’s always right about these things.” Kyra said, adding support.
“Oh, very well.” Sir Reginald said, finally giving in.
Ophealia smiled before hugging Sir Reginald, than Pristine and Kyra.
“Thank-you Sir Reginald. I assure you, I am no damsel-in-distress.”
During this time Grayson was staring at Ophealia, almost rudely for he never saw anyone so exotic and glamorous. Lance stole a glance at his brother, and shoved him a bit, knocking him out of his reverie. Lance grinned at Grayson, and Grayson just frowned at him.
Finally, Lance came forward and asked, “Umm, I don’t mean to interrupt, but do all of you want to join us for lunch? We have this buck here Grayson caught. It’s the least we can do.”
Pristine smiled and replied, “We love to,” before the others could deny.
Kyra, Sir Reginald, and Ophealia looked at her like she was crazy. Kyra thought that Pristine was too trusting sometimes. Sir Reginald thought that Pristine’s innocence could lead her into danger. Ophealia was just mad at the thought of dining with untrusting, thieving outlaws. Lance saw the three’s reaction, and really could not blame them. He was thankful that he has a better chance to get to know Pristine though, although he did not know why.
Smiling, Lance said, “Great!”
A few hours later, the meal was ready.
After they ate, Lance asked them, “So why are you here?”
Kyra forgot her wariness toward the outlaw, and answered eagerly, “We’re on our way to Oceanica!”
Sir Reginald and Ophealia looked at her with surprise. They never expected that Kyra would say something about the mission.
“Oceanica? Why would you want to go there?” asked Lance.
“We need the stone of water from there.” answered Pristine.
Ophealia and Sir Reginald frowned at her and were about to comment when Grayson suddenly replied in excitement, “Oh! I know what you-all are doing! You’re looking for the lost unicorn, aren’t you?”
Kyra, Ophealia, and Sir Reginald looked at him in surprise. They never knew that outlaws or any common folk known about the way to find the lost unicorn. Because only legends like that were found in books. Pristine and Kyra were exceptions because they were fortunate enough to learn from a merchant.
“How’d you know that?” asked Kyra.
“Grayson has always had a keen interests in legends.” answered Lance.
He got serious and commented, “Another thing, this is a very dangerous mission. It seems to me that you might need more protection. No offense Sir Reginald, I am sure you are a very brave and great fighter, but I don’t think you can defend three young women.”
These words caused both Kyra and Ophealia to speak up.
“Hey! I may be young, I can take care of myself.” protested Kyra.
“I agree. I may be a princess, but I know how to defend myself.” Ophealia agreed.
“I am sure both of you can, but do you know what you’re up against? Plus, the Evil One might discover what you are doing, and go after you.” Lance replied.
This caught the others’ attention. The Evil One was the source of the evil that entered Serenai and nearly destroyed everything. No one who seen this being had lived to tell the tale.
“So what do you suggest?” asked Pristine.
“Well, why don’t my gang and I join all of you on your quest?”
True, he did want to protect Pristine, but he also just wanted to be closer to her too. Suddenly, Ophealia asked, “How do we know we can trust you-all?”
“Your highness, my brother may be an outlaw, but he is an honorable one. That includes the rest of us,” began Grayson.
“Besides, I couldn’t let a pretty thing like you get hurt.” he finished with a grin.
Ophealia just sighed.
“Well, Miss Pristine, the choice is yours.” said Sir Reginald.
Ophealia and Kyra nodded in agreement.
“Lance? Are you telling the truth?” Pristine asked.
“Yes, my lady.” Lance replied honestly.
Pristine looked straight into his eyes and saw that he was sincere. Lance thought she looked into his soul with those eyes that were as blue as the sky.
“All right then. You may join us.”


A/N: We got most of the main chars now. Ch. 3 is when things really start to get going. First 2 chapters were to really set the scane. FYI, Kyra, Ophealia, and Grayson supply most of the comic relief. This story does get pretty dark.

kittykatt89 10-13-2009 02:40 AM

cool. i cant wait to read chapter 3. its always good to have comic relief.

Mirielle195 10-14-2009 05:40 AM

A/N: Yeah, so do you have a favorite char so far? I can never pick a favorite char from my stories. I love them all (yes even the baddies hehe). It's like asking who's your favorite child? Anyway, here's the first part of Ch. 3.


Under the Deep
Blue Sea

So Lance and his band of outlaws joined Pristine and her crew on their quest. As they rode along, Lance could not keep his eyes off of Pristine for the most part. He tried to get closer, but Kyra kept on glaring at him. Sir Reginald staid by Ophealia as if she was his ward. Lance really didn’t know what was wrong with himself for he never felt any feelings like the ones he was feeling right now. At one point he finally managed to get by Pristine’s side when she got a way from the crowd a bit by lingering back. Kyra kept looking back at them and frowned.
She thought, "If he does anything to hurt Pristine, he’ll be sorry."
Sometimes Kyra believed that she was the one who watched over Pristine rather than vice versa. Every now and then Lance looked at his brother and the princess. He grinned to himself. Grayson was trying to impress Ophealia by telling her of all the ‘great accomplishments’ he did. Lance knew that all the stories were rubbish and that Grayson just wanted Ophealia to like him. It also appeared that Ophealia was not buying them. Lance also knew that Grayson wasn’t exactly a knight in shining armor. In fact, he hid behind Lance for the most part and was more brains than a fighter. At least he could fight, thought Lance.
A while later, they made it to the river.
“This is the river that will lead us to the ocean.” Pristine pointed out.
“We better rest for a bit.” requested Lance as he dismounted.
Grayson and the other outlaws followed his lead. Lance raced over to Pristine.
“Here, allow me.” he offered.
“Thanks.” smiled Pristine before carefully turning in the saddle so she’s facing Lance. Leaning over, she placed her hands on Lance’s shoulders. Lance gently placed his hands on her hips just before she slid down. Pristine felt the same tingly sensation when Lance kissed her hand. Lance was in another world. They stared at each other for awhile before Lance let go of Pristine’s waist. Seeing what his brother did, Grayson went over to Ophealia.
Ophealia just said, “Thanks, but no thanks,” before getting off by herself.
Grayson sighed in defeat. This caused Ophealia to feel sorry for him and apologized. Sir Reginald shook his head and dismounted. Kyra was the only one left on her horse. Looking at Lance, she asked, “Why are we stopping? We need to get moving?”
Lance looked at her and answered, “The horses need to rest. We’ll be heading into harder terrain.”
Kyra shrugged and dismounted. She really wanted to continue. Pristine smiled at her friend before heading upstream. Lance began to follow her, but was stopped by Kyra. “Let her go.”
“She shouldn’t be going off on her own.”
“She likes to be alone most of the time.”
“I wonder why?”
“I am not sure, but I respect her privacy.” Kyra replied tersely.
She walked back to the others. Lance smiled at the little girl. She was certainly protective of her friend. Lance looked toward where Pristine went, before heading back as well.
Everyone talked when suddenly they heard shouting. The outlaws immediately drew out their weapons. Sir Reginald followed suit as well as Ophealia, who was armed with bow and arrows.
“Oh great! I was afraid this would happen.” said Lance as he drew his sword.
“Who are they?” asked Ophealia.
“Another band of outlaws.”
He was glad that Pristine wasn’t here.
“Stand by me Miss Kyra.” ordered Sir Reginald.
Kyra did not argue. During the fight, the leader of other band of outlaws appeared. “Lance!” he called out.
Lance looked up and saw a man with dark brown shoulder length hair and dark green eyes. He was muscular like Lance and was the same age and stood at 6 feet.
“Aaron! What’s the meaning of this?” Lance asked.
The two men were rivals, but friendly ones. Sure they fought from time to time, but never like this. Something must had happened for Aaron’s group to attack his.
“Where’s my little sister?” Aaron demanded as he jumped from a boulder.
He landed in an open area and made his way to Lance.
“What? I don’t know where Adrianna is!” Lance shouted at him.
“Someone told me you kidnapped her.” Aaron said as he stepped up.
“Hey! I may steal, but I am no kidnapper! Why would you think I’d ever do that. I adore Adrianna.”
“Well, who else could have done it?”
“I don’t know. All I know it wasn’t me.”
Lance was able to tell that the man was obviously out of it.
“I’m no liar either!”
The two started to fight.
Meanwhile, Pristine walked along the river. Suddenly she became sleepy and decided to take a nap. As she dreamt, she had another vision from Drackor.
“Pristine . . . Your friends are in danger. Zeather, the Evil One, has captured a little girl named Adrianna. She is the younger sister of Aaron, the leader of another band of outlaws. Aaron’s gang is the archrival of Lance’s. Zeather made Aaron believe that Lance has Adrianna. Aaron’s group is now fighting Lance’s. You must save Adrianna.”
“Where can I find her?”
“Go further upstream. There’s a camp nearby. Use extreme caution. Be brave and you will succeed.” Drackor explained.
The vision ended. Pristine woke up. Without thinking about the dream, she got up and headed further upstream. The way got rockier as she went, but she pushed herself on. Finally, she pulled herself over a ledge, and looked down into a valley. Down below was the camp. It was heavily guarded. Immediately, Pristine sensed the Evil One. He was near, Pristine thought. She knew that she must be quick and quiet.
“I need a distraction. I need to hide my complexion.” she thought to herself.
Indeed, she needed something to cover herself for she stuck out like a sore thumb. As if someone was watching over her, there appeared a cloak beside her.
"It is an invisible cloak.” a voice said.
It was Drackor!
“Thank-you Drackor.” Pristine smiled and said quietly.
Pristine putted on the cloak and silently slipped into the camp. It was hard for there were human guards and goblins all over. Pristine wanted to belch when she saw some goblins eating like ravenous dogs. And the smell did not help for it reeked of death and burned metal. There was numerous tents, some bigger than others. It was dusty and dirty in the camp as well. Pristine moved quickly for she knew that her scent could be picked up. Soon she spotted Adrianna. The little girl was seven years old with curly black hair and violet eyes. She looked terrified, but remained silent. She was tied to a pole. There was only one problem. She was right next to the Evil One, Zeather. The dark figure was covered in black from head to toe. No one could see his face. The only thing they could see were the piercing yellow eyes. Pristine calmed herself down for he was the source of all the world’s problem. Even with her disguise, she knew that the Evil One would be able to sense her. Just as Pristine sensed anything evil, Zeather sensed anything good and pure. She needed to distract him somehow. Then something caught her eye. She smiled. Quickly and quietly, she grabbed a torch, and set several tents on fire. The fire quickly grabbed the attention of Zeather and his men. Not wasting any time, Pristine rushed over to Adrianna.
She stopped suddenly when she heard the girl said, “You don’t have to hide. I know you’re there.”
Pristine lifted her hood and became visible.
“How did you know I was there?”
“Your scent.” Adrianna answered with a smile.
Pristine smiled back.
“I got to get you out of here.” Pristine said as she knelt down.
She took out her dagger that was strapped to her lower leg and cut the girl free.
“Okay, let’s go.” Pristine replied.
She picked up Adrianna and pulled her hood back over her head, which caused them to vanish. Pristine ran as quickly as possible. However, Zeather picked up her scent and threw a ball of dark energy at Pristine. It hit her directly on her side. Pristine screamed as she fell down. Adrianna held onto her as she fell, but lets go when Pristine was on the ground. She knelt down next to Pristine, who was clutching her side. Since her cloak was damaged, Pristine became visible.
She looked at Adrianna and managed to say, “Adrianna . . Go get help. Follow the river . . .downstream.”
The little girl looked worried, but nodded before running off. Unfortunately, some of Zeather’s men started running after her before catching her. To make matters worse, Zeather appeared in front of Pristine!
“So you’re the one who is giving me trouble. Let’s see what you look like.” he said in a sinister and dark voice.
He blew off the remains of the cloak. When Pristine lifted her head and looked at him straight in the eye, the Evil One suddenly screamed. His wail was so loud, that Lance and the others heard it. Seeing their master on the ground who seemed to be in pain, the two henchmen holding Adrianna dropped her and rushed over to him. With all the strength she could muster, Pristine managed to stand up, went over to Adrianna, and picked her up. She struggled because the wound at her side was extremely painful. It’s her mental strength that kept her going. She was able to follow the river through a ravine.
After Lance heard the scream, he looked over and saw the smoke coming over a hill side.
“Oh no! Pristine’s over there!” he yelled.
He started running while the others followed close behind. Aaron and his group looked at them with confusion before running after them.
“Look!” yelled Kyra as they came to a stop.
Someone was making their way towards them. It was Pristine, who was still holding Adrianna. Aaron shoved his way to the front to see his sister and the lady who held her.
“Adrianna!” shouted Aaron.
“Aaron!” the girl shouted with glee.
Pristine set the girl down and she ran over to her big brother. He picked her up and hugged her, thinking he would never let her go again. He held her back a bit.
“Are you all right?” Aaron asked her, trying to hold in his emotions.
“Yes, she saved me.” Adrianna answered as she pointed to Pristine.
Aaron looked at Pristine and said, “Thank-you. I can’t tell you how much it means to me to have my sister back.”
“It was no trouble at all sir.” bowed Pristine, although it took her some effort.
“Please, call me Aaron.”
Pristine was soon surrounded by her companions.
“Are you okay, Pristine?” asked Kyra.
“I will be.” said Pristine before touching her side and collapsing.
The injury to her side finally became too much for her. Luckily, Lance caught her as she fell and gently placed her on the ground. Pristine’s hand fell from her side and revealed the bloody wound. Everyone gasped in horror.
“Oh my gosh, Pristine! You’re bleeding!” exclaimed Ophealia, stating the obvious. Lance immediately tore off a piece of his cloak and put it on the wound to stop the bleeding. Pristine managed to open her eyes and looked at everyone.
Finally, she found her voice and explained slowly, “I’m sorry, but Drackor told me to rescue her.”
Lance, who looked like he wanted to take the powerful wizard head on, shouted, “Now why would he do that?!”
The man was ready to go wild. Pristine tried to sooth his temper by placing her hand on his cheek. He stopped trembling immediately. Her hand limped back to her side.
“I did it to stop the fighting. You see, Zeather was the . . .ah . .one who captured Adrianna. . . And he tricked you, Aaron . . .into thinking that . . . Lance did it.” Pristine said barely.
“I’m sorry miss. I had a feeling Lance didn’t do it. It’s just that I went ballistic when Adrianna went missing. She‘s the only family I have left.” apologized Aaron.
“You don’t have to explain. I understand.”
“Who did this to you, Pristine?” Kyra asked.
“Zeather. I was given an invisible cloak from Drackor. Zeather was able to sense me as I was escaping with Adrianna. So he shot black magic at me.”
“If you were hit Pristine, how were you able to escape?” asked Grayson.
“All right! That’s enough questions! Pristine’s wound needs to be tend to.” shouted Ophealia.
“No, let me finish. When Zeather took off the remains of the cloak and looked at me straight in the eye, he screamed and fell to the ground.” Pristine said quietly.
“Aaron, let me down.” Adrianna instructed.
Aaron nodded before letting her down. Adrianna placed her hands on the wound and seconds later, Pristine’s wound vanished.
“How did you do that?” asked Kyra in awe.
“Adrianna is blessed with the ability to heal people physically.” answered Aaron.
Pristine felt much better and carefully sat up with Lance’s help.
“Thank-you.” said Pristine.
“You help me. I help you.” answered Adrianna.
Pristine suddenly realized that her energy was back as well.
“We must go immediately.” said Pristine before suddenly getting up.
They rushed back to the horses. Pristine mounted hers before anyone else. The others followed suit.
“Zeather knows we’re on the quest.” Pristine said.
“What quest?” asked Aaron.
“Now’s not the time Aaron. You take care.” replied Lance.
“Can you ever forgive me?”
“Well, I guess I can let you off the hook this time.”
Aaron just shook his head.
“Pristine? Are you an angel or a princess?” asked Adrianna.
She looked at her as if she was a celestial being. In fact, that was how Adrianna saw her. “I’m afraid I am just me. Farewell!” Pristine answered.
They all waved as they rode off.
Finally Aaron asked, “Adrianna, why did you ask that question?”
“Didn’t you see her? She was wearing white garments and was glowing. She also had a crystal on her forehead.” Adrianna explained in great reverb.
Aaron knew that his little sister saw people in their true forms. She also thought everyone else could as well.
“Also, when she was carrying me, she ran so gracefully, that it was like riding a unicorn.”
That caught Aaron’s attention.
“You don’t suppose she could be . . .” commented Aaron.


A/N: This part was created to introduce the main villain, Zeather. Next part we go to Oceanica hehe.
A/N: Hehe,

kittykatt89 10-14-2009 06:12 AM

Pristine is favorite character. i can't wait to read what happens next. you stopped in a good place, the comment that Aaron said just makes me want to read more.

Mirielle195 10-14-2009 11:34 PM

A/N: Hehe thanks. I really related to Pristine. I think all authors put a little of their personalities into the main character. Anyway, hope you like Oceanica hehe.

Meanwhile, Pristine and the others continued to follow the river.
“I still don’t understand how Zeather could have been hurt by looking at Pristine.” commented Ophealia.
“It’s simple really. The Evil One is sensitive to those who have pure hearts. Pristine’s purity must have blinded him, like fire blinding us.” explained Grayson.
“If Miss Pristine has a pure heart then we better watch her more.” said Sir Reginald. “Why?” asked Kyra.
“Because Miss Kyra the Evil One has been searching all over for the world looking for those with pure hearts and destroying them.”
Kyra’s eyes widen as she realized something.
“That must be why Zeather attacked our village!”
“The Evil One attacked your village?” asked Ophealia.
“Pristine and I were not there when it happened, but when we got back, everything laid in ruins. Zeather must have figure out that Pristine’s heart is pure.”
Lance listened in and totally agreed with Sir Reginald. The idea of Pristine in the Evil One’s clutches did not sit well with him at all. In fact, it made him even more determined to protect her.
It took them a little over a week to make it to the ocean. The water looked magical as the afternoon sun shined upon it. It painted an enchanting picture. Pristine smiled at the view. She never saw anything so beautiful. Soon Lance’s voice snapped her back to reality.
“Now where do we go?”
Pristine sensed something underneath the water.
“Hello!” yelled Pristine with all her might.
That very second, a giant sea snail rose from the water. It was forty feet tall with light blue skin and a shimmering shell on its back. However, only someone who listened and looked with his or her heart saw it. Pristine was the only one who saw it at the moment. Also, all animals saw it so the horses started to get nervous.
“Easy girl. I don’t think it’s dangerous.” Pristine said as she soothed her horse.
“What are you talking about Pristine? There’s nothing there.” pointed out Lance. Everyone looked at Pristine confusingly. Pristine ignored them and turned to the snail. “Good afternoon!” Pristine greeted.
“So you can see me. Can you hear me?” the male snail asked.
“Yes I can. Can you take us all to Oceanica, please?”
“I will only take those who can see and hear me.”
Pristine glanced back at the others before turning back to the snail.
“I don’t think they can see or hear you.”
“They can’t see or hear because they are not using their hearts.”
“Oh! Okay, thanks.” said Pristine before turning back to the others.
“Guys! The reason you can’t see or hear the snail is because you’re looking with your eyes and hearing with your ears. Close your eyes and ears, and listen and look with your heart.”
Everyone else closed their eyes and concentrated.
As soon as they opened their eyes, Ophealia yelled, “Oh my goodness!”
Grayson’s face turned white and he said, “Uh, I think I want to go home now.”
Ophealia looked at him and smirked.
“Are you chickening out, Grayson?”
“No, no! Of course not!”
In truth, he did not want to go back. He just never saw anything like this Sea Snail before and it scared him initially.
“Can you-all see and hear me now?” asked the snail.
Everyone answered yes.
“Then come here. There is an opening to my shell. You may enter there.”
“What about the horses?” asked Kyra.
“They’ll be fine.”
“One more thing, does water get into the shell?” asked Lance.
Lance looked at everyone and they all nodded. They dismounted and entered the snail’s shell.
After they entered the shell, they settled down amongst the shell’s twists and curves. It was shimmering pink inside. The snail slowly sank underneath the water and headed for Oceanica.
“Wow! This is so cool! I never thought I would ride in something like this.” exclaimed Kyra.
“I’ve heard that these types of creatures use to thrive before the Evil One took over.” said Grayson.
“Sir Reginald, you were alive before Zeather invaded, right? What was life like?” asked Ophealia.
“Oh, I remember a little. Some of my favorite memories were actually swimming in the river with my brothers.” Sir Reginald told them.
He smiled in reminiscence.
“Have you ever seen any unicorns?” asked Kyra eagerly.
“Only one. I was playing hide-and-seek with some friends. When I was it, I ended up finding a unicorn instead.”
During this time, the giant snail swam through the deep blue ocean. Many different creatures swam around it. Finally, the snail reached the underwater kingdom of Oceanica. The kingdom was made out of coral and other materials that could only be found in Oceanica. The whole kingdom was covered by transparent domes. Like the other protected places, it had an invisible shield. No evil, especially Zeather, could gain entry to the place. There were many entrances to the kingdom. The entrances were caves. The snail entered one of the caves. The entrance closed up. The creature entered a gigantic room. The water quickly drained out. Another door opened as some of the inhabitants walked in. They were water folk. They looked exactly like humans with a few exceptions. For one thing, their skin was blue, they had fins on their arms and ankles, their hands and toes were webbed, and they had gills on their backs. So they breathed both air and water. They were also adaptable to both cold and warm climates. One of the water folk stepped forward. She had turquoise hair with sea green eyes. She was three hundred years old but her appearance was of a twenty-three year-old. Her name was Mallian. She looked at the snail and smiled.
“Good afternoon, friend!”
“The same to you Mallian. I have brought visitors.”
Mallian frowned.
“Visitors? We weren’t expecting anyone.”
“Well, they came all this way to come here. Let me call them out. Hey! We’re here.” the snail said as he shouted into his shell.
Pristine and the others got out. The water folk shuddered and whispered. None of them liked humans. In fact, most mystical races disliked them.
“Oh great, humans.” mumbled Mallian, irritation in her voice.
She walked over to them. While a few looked eager, the rest looked nervous.
“All right. Who are you and why are you here?” Mallian asked them.
Before Lance answered, Pristine boldly stepped forward. She felt all eyes on her. She felt their anxiety toward them, but she also sensed some curiosity towards her. Mallian was curious too. She could already tell that this was no ordinary young lady.
Pristine finally overcame her shyness and replied, “Hello, my name is Pristine.”
Every water folk in the room gasped. The others started looking around. Even Mallian showed a reaction by raising her eyebrows.
“Is something wrong?” asked Pristine with concern.
“Oh no. Now who are the rest of these folk here?” asked Mallian, a bit more politely this time.
“Sorry, this is Kyra, Sir Reginald of Cranston, Princess Ophealia, Lance, his brother Grayson, and Lance’s band of outlaws.”
“Outlaws!” gasped all the water folk.
“Don’t worry! We won’t steal anything!” assured Lance.
He really was not surprised by their reaction. Outlaws did not exactly have a good reputation amongst races. Mallian looked at Lance and frowned at him. She never trusted humans, especially outlaws, but since she and the other water folk would be watching them, she decided to take his word, for now.
“Well, for your sake, you better be saying the truth.” she told him sternly.
She turned to Pristine again and said, “You’ve yet to answer as to why you‘re here.”
“Oh, I am sorry. We are looking for the Stone of Water.”
The water folk started conversing amongst themselves. Mallian sighed. Deep down inside she knew that was reason for them being here. And if her guess was right, they were searching for the Crystal of Life and the unicorn princess.
So she looked at the group of humans and said, “Oh really? And I suppose you are also looking for the lost unicorn, aren’t you?”
“Yes, we are.”
Mallian looked at her people. They all nodded, trusting her. After all, she was one of their most respectable leaders. Mallian looked directly into Pristine’s eyes and saw the sincerity there.
“All right, you may have the stone, if you past the test.” answered Mallian.
The others sighed in relief.
Pristine grinned and nodded, but before she could saying anything else, Kyra stepped forward and said jovially, “Okay. Lead the way.”
“Very well then.” said Mallian.
She turned to the snail and waved, “We’ll see you around, friend!”
The other water folk waved as well.
The snail nodded and replied, “Take care.”
“Follow me.” Mallian instructed the others.
They exited the room before it filled back up with water and the snail went back out to the ocean.
Mallian led them down an intricate path of halls where they got a view of the city. The buildings were blue, green, and other sea colors. They looked out of this world too, Pristine thought. They passed numerous water folk, all of which glanced at them before moving on. Soon they made it to a large temple. As they walked, Kyra tried to start up a conversation with Mallian.
Excuse me, but what is your name?” she asked.
“My name is Mallian. I am one of the council members that helps governs Oceanica.” “Did your kind know the unicorns?” asked Ophealia.
“Knew them, we were one of their strongest allies.”
“Really? Did you ever know any?” Kyra asked enthusiastically.
“Kyra, Mallian wasn’t probably even born before the Invasion.” Ophealia told her.
“On the contrary, your highness, I was alive, but no, I didn’t know any personally. I was still young.” responded Mallian, starting to grin.
“Then you must be in your mid- to late-thirties.” Grayson guessed.
A few of the water folk giggled. Mallian was one of them.
“No, you’re way off.” she said as she giggled.
“Then, how old are you?”
“I’m three hundred years old.” Mallian said causing the others, except Pristine, to gawk at her in astonishment.
Pristine started to laugh, including Mallian and the other water folk.
Finally, they recovered and Grayson managed to say, “That’s a long time to live.”
“Well, that’s pretty young compared to Drackor."
“Oh really! Hey we forgot to mention that Drackor was the one who sent us on this quest.” Kyra mentioned.
The water folk glanced at them.
“Well, that’s something you don’t hear every day. Well, did you know that he’s over one thousand years old?” asked Mallian.
“Whoa! I didn’t.”
By the time they finished talking they made it to the trial room inside the temple. It was shaped like a dome and in the center was a pool.
“Okay. This is the trial room.” explained Mallian.
“What’s the test?” Lance asked.
“Oh, this.” Mallian said before pressing a button on the wall. The water suddenly started swirling around creating a whirlpool.
“That’s your test. You will have to swim twenty feet to the bottom, then you’ll be suck into a tunnel. The stone is at the end of the tunnel. The whirlpool is the easy part. The tunnel is almost twice as long. The key here is endurance.”
She looked at everyone’s faces. Pristine was the only one not showing any reaction. The others looked pale.
“So, any volunteers?”
All of the sudden, Pristine dived in as if something was pulling her.
“Pristine!!” screamed Lance and Kyra, knowing it was already too late as the poor girl swam deeper and deeper.
Pristine continued to swam as the current helped her get to the bottom. Her head was clear and focus as she went farther down. The water felt warm against her skin. She totally forgot that she couldn’t swim, but for some reason it felt natural to her. Soon she made it to the bottom and was suck into the tunnel. It felt like she had swam for hours. She was both exhausted and running out of air, but kept on going. Determined to reach her goal flowed through her. Finally, she saw the stone and felt the urge to go on. As soon as she touched the stone, blue light filled the area and Pristine found herself on a beach. The sand looked white and soft. The sunset in the distance caused an array of colors to appear. There was a soft breeze.
“Was this real?” Pristine asked herself.
In the distance she saw a couple walking along. The man was holding a small little girl, who looked to be about three or four. All of them were wearing white clothes and their hair was light blonde.
"I know these people." Pristine thought.
The man placed the girl down and the man and woman turned into unicorns. Both were white. The female knelt down and the child climbed on her back. The two unicorns galloped towards the horizon. The scenery vanished. Pristine found herself back in the room where she got the stone. Pristine looked around. The room’s door was shut and it wasn’t filled with water. Pristine also realized that she was still drenched. The Stone of Water was still in her hands.
“I guess I passed the test.”
“Well done Pristine.” said a female voice.
Pristine turned and looked to see an enchanting lady in white garments. Pristine saw that it’s the same woman from the vision, even though this one looked a bit older and wiser. She also had the same skin, hair, and eyes as Pristine did. She wore an ivory crown at the top of her head.
“Who are you?” Pristine asked in awe.
“Someone here to help you. Pristine, I am here to give you your second sign. Now listen carefully, my dear. You must journey northeast along the Radan Mountains, until you come to a cave. The cave leads you to a sequence of tunnels. Use your instincts and the stone to help you find your way. You will eventually find another mountain range, the Silver Mountains where the Stone of Fire is. Be careful though for the journey will be even more treacherous.” the lady instructed with an angelic voice.
“Thank-you. Now how do I get back to the others?” Pristine asked after bowing.
“Take this passageway.” the lady answered as an door opened up.
“Again, I thank-you.” Pristine thanked before running through the passageway.
The minute she left, the lady said with tears in her eyes, “Be safe, my beautiful baby girl.”

A/N: I worked very hard on creating Oceanica. I got inspired by the underwater city in the first Star Wars movie. The Waterfolk are my own creation. That Sea Snail was inspired by the old version of Dr. Doolittle where he meets such a creature. Pristine will start to have alot of dreams of her past life now too. The next section will be the last part of Ch. 3. It also has my fav funny scene hehe.

kittykatt89 10-15-2009 01:51 AM

if it was made in to a movie it would look beautiful. i look forward to last section of ch. 3 and the funny scene. i never saw star wars so i would not know what city or anything.

Mirielle195 10-15-2009 02:49 AM

A/N: Hehe thanks. It would be wonderful if this became a movie. Thanks again for reading this. I was hoping at least one person would comment on this story. Here's the rest of Ch. 3.


During this time, everyone else frantically screamed for Pristine. Even Sir Reginald was astonished by Pristine’s behavior. Mallian and the water folk were just as surprised as the rest.
“Pristine!! Come back!!” Kyra yelled hysterically.
“Dang it! I should have gone!” Lance complained.
“I sure hope she is a good swimmer.” replied Grayson.
“No she isn’t! She doesn’t even know how to swim! I don’t understand. Pristine’s never been one to do things like this!” said Kyra.
Sir Reginald tried to regain his composure, and commented, “Actually, it does Miss Kyra. Miss Pristine probably didn’t want anyone else to go so she went herself.”
“Well, she didn’t have to!” shouted Lance.
“Oh will someone go after her!” Ophealia ordered.
“No need.” replied Mallian.
“Why?!!” yelled Lance, Ophealia, and Kyra.
“Because she is right behind you.” said Mallian with a grin.
All at once, everyone turned around to see Pristine standing with the Stone of Water. She was still soaking wet.
“Pristine!!” cried Kyra as she ran over and hugged her.
“Well done, Miss Pristine.” congratulated Sir Reginald, his eyes showing their relief and admiration.
“Pristine, don’t you ever do that again!” ordered Ophealia.
“I must admit, that was pretty good, for a girl.” grinned Grayson.
Everyone turned to Lance, who was still under some shock. Pristine walked up to him. “Lance, I am all right. I am just wet and tired, that’s all.” Pristine assured.
“And shivering.” Lance added.
He took off his cloak and placed it around Pristine’s shoulders.
“Thank-you.” she replied.
“Why did you do that, why?!”
“I worried you?” Pristine asked, a little surprise.
“Worried me? You scared me half to death!”
“I’m sorry, but I did it to protect all of you.” Pristine apologized as she bowed her head a little.
Lance took a hand and lifted up her chin with it so he could looked into her eyes.
“Well, just warn me next time, before you put your life on the line, okay?”
“All right.” replied Pristine with a small smile.
Suddenly, Pristine found herself in Lance’s arms as he hugged her. With the stone in one of her hands, she wrapped her arms around his back.
“This feels so right.” she told herself.
Lance never wanted to let her go.
A moment later, Kyra said, “All right! Break it up! Break it up!”
The two separated. Pristine blushed a bit. Mallian and the water folk approached Pristine.
“Pristine, you’re either the craziest or bravest person I’ve ever met.” Mallian commented with a grin.
“Is that a compliment?” Pristine asked with a smirk.
“What do you think? Anyway, we better get you dried up before you get sick.”
Mallian stepped back and noticed that all of them looked worse for wear.
“I’ll tell you what. How about all of you get cleaned up. Follow me.” she said.
They followed her out of the temple to another facility.
“This is our healing facility.” Mallian told them.
They passed up water folk that were healers and care takers. Soon they came to a huge bubble. Mallian stepped through it as well as the other water folk.
“It’s magic. Don’t be afraid.” she encouraged them.
The bubble grew in size when they did enter.
“Relaxation Rooms on floor one-four-six.” Mallian instructed.
The bubble then moved up. Pristine and the others could tell they are moving at a fast rate. Soon they made it to the hundred and forty-sixth floor. The others got out as Mallian turned to her kind.
“You may leave us now. Go to the food room and have them prepare our guests a fine meal.”
They bowed and the bubble went down.
“This way.” Mallian told the others as she led them on.
They soon came to four doors; two on each side of the hallway.
“Okay now. The doors to your left lead you to what we call relaxation rooms. They are baths, only the liquid isn’t water, but it’s a hot liquid substance called ameline. It is very soothing and relaxing. The door to the right is for the guys and the other is for the girls. The other doors are our changing rooms. Your rooms are right across from each other. There are changing stalls inside as well as towels to wear while you‘re bathing. Be sure to leave your clothes in the room so we can come by later and clean them for you. Ladies, there are some clips in the room for you to use to keep your hair up. I’ll be back for you in hour or so.” Mallian said before walking away.
“Before I forget, here’s your cloak, Lance.” said Pristine before taking off the cloak and handing it to Lance.
“You sure you don’t need it anymore?” asked Lance, taking it.
“I am sure, thanks.” Pristine said with a smile before they went into the changing rooms.
A while later, they were all in the baths.
First with the guys, “Man! This is relaxing!” replied Lance as he leaned against the wall of the pool.
“I will agree with you on that.” Sir Reginald agreed.
“Sir Reginald, I don’t understand why people like you have grudges against us outlaws. It’s not our fault we are what we are. And we are not barbarians or animals with no feelings for others.”
“Oh, I guess it’s because you steal and are capable of deceit.”
“We steal to survive. A lot of us were orphaned at a very young age and we had to learn how to survive. Also, there are very few outlaws I know who are treacherous.”
Sir Reginald decided to change the subject.
“Where’s your brother, Lance?”
“Oh! He’s still in the other room taking his own sweet time.”
In the other room, the girls relaxed as they talked.
“Are you feeling any better, Pristine?” asked Ophealia.
“I’m fine, your highness.”
In fact she did.
“Would you please stop calling me that. Please, just call me Ophealia.”
“Can I call you that too?” asked Kyra.
“Yes, we are friends now so there’s no need for formalities.”
“Oh, I’ve received my second sign.” mentioned Pristine.
“What is it?” Kyra eagerly asked.
“Well, we have to go to the Silver Mountains.”
“Oh, I’ve heard a myriad of things about the Silver Mountains. They say that dwarfs live there mining the caves. Also, the mountains use to produce their own magic so it was never cold; however, since evil has enter this world, the mountains have been bitterly cold.” Ophealia told them.
During this time, Grayson got ready. Whistling a tune, headed out the door with a towel wrapped around his waist. But he did not realize where he’s heading, and ended up going into the girls’ room!
“Hey guys! I am ready for . .” he started to say, but then Ophealia screamed, “WHY IN THE BLAZES ARE YOU HERE!? GET OUT!! GET OUT!!”
“Princess! I’m sorry . . I’m . .” Grayson stuttered out.
He was just as shocked and embarrassed.
“Get out of here, or I’ll make you!!”
“Yes ma’am!” he replied before stumbling for the door.
He ran like lightning into the guys’ room. He stood wearily in front of the guys.
“What happened to you?” asked Lance.
“I . . .uh . . .ran into . . .a storm.” gasped Grayson.
“Storm? Sounded more like a blizzard to me.”
All the other outlaws started to laugh.
Awhile later, Mallian came for them. By then, they were all cleaned and dressed. “Well, I hope you-all are relax and cleaned-up. Would you like something to eat before you go?” Mallian asked.
“Oh, yes. Please.” answered Kyra.
“Uh, Mallian? Do you want to join us on our quest? You could be a great help to us.” suggested Pristine.
“I might. I’ll think about it.” replied Mallian before leading them onward.
“Princess Ophealia? I am sorry about that little intrusion.” apologized Grayson.
“Oh, that’s okay. I’m sure you didn’t mean to. I’m just a short-tempered person. And I am sure Pristine or Kyra didn’t mind too much. Right, Pristine?” Ophealia asked, nudging her.
“Oh no! I was a little stunned, but I wasn’t mad. I hardly get mad.” Pristine smiled at Grayson.
“Don’t worry, Grayson. I was more astonished than anything. Also, I found it a bit funny.” added Kyra.
Grayson nodded and sighed with relief. As they talked, they went downstairs to the cafeteria.
“Okay, here we are.” announced Mallian.
She opened the door and there before them was an assortment of sea food! The cafeteria was empty.
“Since you-all are humans, we had to pick out foods you-all would like.” Mallian mentioned.
“Smells wonderful.” complimented Ophealia.
“I’m starved!” said Kyra, her mouth watering.
“May we?” asked Grayson.
“Oh yes! By all means.” replied Mallian.
That’s when Grayson, Kyra, and the outlaws started rushing for the food.
“Hey! Slow down! All of you!” ordered Lance.
Those who rushed forward suddenly stopped and some tripped over each other. Ophealia shook her head. Pristine giggled. Lance looked sternly at his men.
“Sorry.” Kyra, Grayson, and the outlaws said.
“Lance, they were only hungry.” said Pristine.
“Well, my men should act like men and not like hogs. Besides, it’s always ladies first.” Lance replied while looking at her.
Pristine blushed knowing he’s referring to her.
“You-all can go ahead of me. I’m not nobility.”
“You’re a lady in my eyes, Pristine.”
“Oh, thank-you.” she replied, her blush deepening.
“Go ahead and go Pristine. You deserve it.” Ophealia encouraged.
Everyone else nodded.
“Okay.” Pristine complied before going to pick out what she wanted.
Then everyone else got their food.
“Does anyone want to try this soup?” asked Mallian as she went over to a bowl with a lid on it.
“I will. What’s in it?” asked Pristine as she stepped forward.
“Oh, I can’t tell you that. It’s a secret recipe.”
Actually, it was made out of kamari and tofu. Kamari was a rare sea flower found in Oceanica. Only a few liked it though.
“Here, why don’t you take a sip first.” suggested Mallian as she hands her a spoon.
“Thank-you.” Pristine told her before dipping the spoon into the bowl.
She slowly tasted it.
“It’s delicious.” Pristine smiled.
“Here, let me try some.” said Kyra.
But when she tasted it, she spat it out.
“Yuck! Sorry Mallian, but that’s horrible.” Kyra replied bluntly.
“That’s okay. It’s an acquired taste anyway.” Mallian commented.
She looked at Pristine and worked hard not to show the excitement she was feeling. Oh, she knew who Pristine really was. At first she felt uncertain, but now she knew. Pristine was the princess. It was her name that gave her suspicion at first. And only a unicorn earned the Stone of Water. Mallian’s assumptions became clear when Pristine tried the soup for only unicorns liked it, especially the princess. Besides, Mallian seen a picture of the princess before.
“Mallian? Do you want any?” Pristine asked, causing Mallian to snap back to reality. “No, thank-you. I already ate.”
Soon after eating, they went another coral building. They entered a large room with underwater ships. All the ships were chained down by large clamps.
“Pristine. I’ve decided to join you on your journey.” replied Mallian.
“That way I can protect her and watch over her.” she thought to herself.
“That’s great!” Pristine said with joy.
“One of the other water folk will accompany us on one of the ships. He’ll bring it back here when we surface.”
“We’re going to ride in one of those? Wow!” pointed Kyra.
As soon as they settled in one of the ships, water started to fill the room.
“Are we ready?” asked Mallian.
“Yes.” replied the others.
“All right then. Releasing clamps.” Ophealia ordered the other water folk in the ship. The clamps released the ship. The ship turned to the large door.
“Open the doors.” Mallian told the controller.
The male water folk pressed a button and the door opened up. The ship moved toward the opening. It entered a tunnel. The two doors behind it closed as it head toward another pair of doors. The doors opened up and the ship head for the surface. Soon it reached where the horses were. The door opened up and a ramp extended to reach the beach. All of the others, except the one water folk, exited out. Mallian waved to him after they made it onto the beach. He waved back before going back underwater.
“Oh Mallian. I forgot you need a horse.” mentioned Pristine.
“Don’t worry. I have it covered.” assured Mallian before whistling.
Suddenly, a pale green horse jumped out of the water and landed right next to Mallian. The horse’s mane was covered coral petals and a few large fins. There were also smaller fins on its legs.
“What kind of horse is that?” asked Grayson.
“This is a Sail Horse. They love to swim about the waves. We water folk also like to ride with them. It has to come up for air often because it doesn’t have gills. They can also travel pretty much anywhere.” explained Mallian as she pet the horse’s muzzle.
She got on the horse and the others got on their horses as well.
“So where to from here?” asked Grayson.
“We travel northeast along the Radan Mountains until we reach a cave. It leads to a sequence of tunnels. One will lead us to the Silver Mountains. That’s where we’ll find the next stone.” Pristine explained.
“We better bundle up then when we get there.” Lance suggested.
“Yes, we better. Shall we press on?” suggested Mallian.
“Yes! Let’s!” answered Kyra.
“Okay! Here we go!” shouted Lance.
They all galloped toward the mountains as a billion stars danced across the sky.


A/N: Funny scene huh? And I did like my idea of a Sail Horse hehe. The next chapter is a doosey. In fact, it's the longest chapter.

kittykatt89 10-15-2009 09:14 PM

it was funny. i like the sail horse idea too. ok split it up as you like.

Mirielle195 10-16-2009 01:48 AM

A/N: Hehehe this isn't the first place I've put this story so I already have the chapters divided. Anyway, here's the first part of Ch. 4.


Enter the

Pristine and her group continued to ride along the Radan Mountains. The further up they went, the colder it got.
“Brrr . . . How did it get so cold?” Ophealia shivered.
“That’s because we’re further up north.” explained Grayson.
“Here your highness.” said Sir Reginald as he handed her a thick cloak from his stash behind him.
“Thank-you.” Ophealia replied gratefully.
“We better put on some more clothing before we freeze to death.” suggested Kyra. “You’re right about that little lady.” agreed Lance.
“Mallian, do you want some of my clothes?” asked Pristine.
“No thank-you. We water folk produce our own heat because the ocean is pretty cold.” assured Mallian.
Pristine nodded before putting on her extra clothes. They others did as well.
“We best find shelter for the night.” suggested Lance.
“Let us keep going then.” agreed Pristine.
Soon they found the cave.
“There it is!” pointed Pristine.
“There is what?” asked Grayson.
“The cave.”
“We’ll stay there for the night. Let’s go.” ordered Lance.
The wind started to pick up and while the cave held a chill in the air, at least it was dry. They traveled a ways until they came upon several more tunnels.
“Now which way?” asked Grayson.
“We’ll worry about it in the morning. Let’s make camp here.” suggested Lance.
“Good thing. I am exhausted.” added Kyra.
They all unpacked some things and unraveled their traveling bed gear. Ophealia nestled next to Sir Reginald and fell asleep. Grayson looked at her before he laid down and went to sleep. Mallian slept by herself. The other outlaws scattered throughout the cave. Kyra laid down by Pristine and fell asleep.
Lance looked Pristine and said, “Good-night Pristine.”
Pristine replied, “Good-night Lance.”
That night Pristine dreamt and became unsettled. She saw that she was in the middle of a battle.
"This looks like when Zeather began the Invasion. Hey! Isn’t that Drackor?" Pristine thought.
Drackor stood and shot several beams into sky making the protective barriers appeared. He began to try and save any good creature. But his efforts were futile as Pristine saw creatures like gryphons, elves, winged-lions, and other mystical creatures fell, were capture, or were carried off. People ran and screamed, and there was smoke and fire everywhere. It was too much for Pristine to handle. She started running before stopping in her tracks. There before her was a trapped unicorn and the Evil One. He held a mighty sword in his grotesque hand and wore a mask. He raised the sword and swiftly brought it down toward the unicorn’s alicorn. Pristine screamed in protest, but he did not stop. Pristine woke up and wailed as she sat up. Everyone else woke up as well. Lance was by Pristine’s side in seconds. What he saw concerned him. Pristine’s skin was completely white, her eyes and mouth wide open in fear, her hand on her heart, and she’s breathing heavily.
“Pristine? Are you all right?” asked Ophealia.
“She’s frozen with fear.” explained Mallian.
“She must have had a nightmare.” added Grayson.
Finally, Pristine gasped, “It was . . .huh . . .horrible. There was . . .screaming, . . .crying, . . .running, . . .fear, . . .pain, . . .smoke, . . .dying, . . .war . .”
Tears streamed down her porcelain face.
“Pristine, it’s over. It was only a dream. We’re here.” comforted Lance as he wiped the tears from her eyes gently.
He was not the comforting type, but seeing Pristine so petrified stroke a cord in him. He wanted to cast away her fears and bring back the light in them. Mallian also looked concern.
"Poor girl. She must have dreamt of the Invasion." she thought.
Pristine slowly regained herself. She looked around at all the concern looks of her companions.
“It was so real.” she said.
She managed to grin and assured, “Don’t worry. It’s over now. I’ll be okay.”
“Are you sure?” asked Lance, not looking convinced.
“Yes, Lance.”
Everyone else went back to their places and slept. Lance lingered a little next to Pristine. She realized how close he was to her.
“You know, Lance. I am really scared.” Pristine admitted.
“Of what?” Lance asked quietly so only Pristine heard.
“I really don’t know, but I have this feeling that tells me something bad is going to happen.”
She leaned her head against Lance’s shoulder.
“I don’t want to be alone tonight . . .” she added as she dozed off.
Seizing the opportunity, Lance gathered Pristine and the blankets she’s in before standing up with her in his arms. He walked over to the side of the wall and carefully sat down, still holding her. For the first time, Lance inhaled her scent. She smelled of wild flowers. It took all of his willpower to do nothing more than hold her. Finally, Lance fell asleep. Kyra woke up and noticed the two.
Mallian noticed as well and whispered, “Kyra, come here” before sitting up and opening her arms.
Kyra crawled over and Mallian wrapped her arms around the child. Kyra’s surprised to find how warm Mallian was.
“I don’t trust him.” Kyra admitted.
“Me either, but I don’t think he’ll hurt her. In fact, I think he loves her.”
“Really? How can you tell? Outlaws don’t seem like the loving type.”
“Well, look at them. If you look at the way he treats her and looks at her, I think you’ll agree with me.”
Kyra looked at her and believed that Mallian was right.
“Don’t worry about it Kyra. Go to sleep.”
Kyra did and the two laid down. Mallian soon fell asleep.
At daybreak, Pristine slowly opened her eyes. She looked up and noticed Lance’s face. She felt her heart beat faster. Despite her uneasiness, she felt safe. She slowly and carefully moved out of his arms. She stood up and glanced around the cave. Everyone was still asleep. She quietly head out towards the cave’s entrance. Mallian woke up and saw that Pristine was gone. She did not panic. She prudently took Kyra off of her shoulder and laid her down before getting up and heading for the entrance. Just as she thought, there was Pristine watching the sunrise. She knew unicorns always loved to see sunrises.
“Lovely, isn’t it?” Mallian asked.
Pristine didn’t turn around.
“Oh yes. I’ve always admire the sun’s brilliance. It takes my breath away.” Pristine said in awe.
“Yes. We water folk use to enjoy watching the sun.”
“Why don’t you watch it anymore?” Pristine asked as she glanced back.
“Because of the Evil One. He has spies everywhere. We hardly get a chance to come up to the surface.”
“That’s sad.”
“Don’t worry about it. We better get back to the others before they start looking for us.” “You’re right. Let’s go.” agreed Pristine before following Mallian.
Everyone else started to wake up when the two returned.
“Hey! Where did you two go?” asked Grayson as he stood up.
“Nothing for you to be concerned about.” replied Mallian.
“I’m hungry.” Kyra replied.
“Don’t worry, Miss Kyra. We still have plenty of food. Tomorrow, though, we might have to go searching for more food.” Sir Reginald mentioned.
“Okay then. For now let’s eat.” said Lance.
So they ate before packing everything up.
“Now, which way do we go?” asked Ophealia.
“We could split up, but then there’s the possibility of getting lost.” suggested Grayson. “Good point.” agreed Mallian.
“I know where to go.” stated Pristine.
“How do you know that?” asked Lance.
“That way doesn’t smell as bad. And I was told that the stone would help me.” Pristine explained as she points to the right tunnel.
“How’s the Stone of Water suppose to help us?” asked Kyra.
“I don’t know, but it’s worth a try.” Pristine said before taking out the Stone of Water. She held it out and replied, “Please, show us the way. Show us the truth!”
The stone lit up as well as Pristine. Several of the horses became unsettled, and everyone covered their eyes. The stone’s light moved over the cave’s interior to rest above the right tunnel. Pristine looked at it. There was lettering. She could read it at once, although she didn’t know why for she was illiterate.
“Mallian? Can you read that?” asked Pristine.
Mallian slowly opened her eyes and looked at the writing on the wall.
“Yes. It’s dwarfish. It’s says ‘Find the rock of Irasis’. That means this is the right way. Nice job Pristine.” smiled Mallian.
The light died down. Pristine grinned.
“What is Irasis?” asked Kyra.
“Not what Kyra. Who?” commented Mallian.
“Who is Irasis? I’ve never heard that person.” asked Ophealia.
“Because she’s not human. Irasis was a female dwarf who was the first to find lucadon. Lucadon is a healing mineral only found in the Silver Mountains.”
“Was? You mean she’s gone now?” asked Grayson.
“Yes, she’s passed away when I was a baby. Before her findings, everyone had to solely rely on unicorns and faeries for healing. Lucadon was the first medicine that was created.”
“Wow! So what’s this rock?” asked Kyra.
“I don’t know, but lets go through this tunnel first.” suggested Lance.
Everyone agreed and moved forward.
Several hours later, they made to an open space in the cave. It was spacious with gleaming stalactites and stalagmites.
“Oh wow! It’s incredible!” gasped Ophealia.
“Yeah, but we have a problem. There is multiple tunnels here. Which way do we go?” asked Lance.
“Wait! I see something.” said Pristine before dismounting.
She went over to one stalagmite that was strangely shaped. It looked like a figure, or a statue and it’s surrounded by other stones and shapes. One part of the stalagmite stuck out like a hand.
Pristine was about to reach for it when she heard Grayson asked, “Pristine? What are you reaching for?”
Pristine looked at the others.
“It must be invisible to the others.” Pristine thought.
Well, Mallian saw it. She wanted to grin, but that might gave something away. The statue must of had a spell on it for only certain people to see. It was also a statue of Irasis. Pristine turned back toward the statue and took out the Stone of Water, and placed it on the hand. Suddenly, there was a rumbling. Lance jumped off his horse as Pristine took the stone off the statue’s hand. He pulled her away and covered her as several rocks and boulders started to fall. By this time, others dismounted and made sure the horses staid where they were. An opening appeared. Everything calmed down.
“Let me guess. The rock was there and it was invisible.” guessed Grayson.
“I guess so.” replied Lance as he and Pristine stood up.
Pristine was red in the face because of Lance’s nearness. Lance’s arms were around her and her back was up against his front area.
“Uh, are you two finish cuddling?” smirked Mallian.
The two drew back. Pristine’s face was totally red while Lance just grinned. They all mounted their horses and went through the tunnel.
They continued to follow the tunnels and paths until they stopped for a lunch break. Then they moved on. The trail picked up a bit as they traveled onward. Hours went by and they rested up a bit and ate dinner.
Finally, “Man! Are we there yet?” complained Ophealia.
“I hope so.” added Lance.
They made it through another tunnel and they heard something.
“Hey, do you hear that?” asked Grayson.
“Sounds like water trickling.” commented Mallian.
They set their horses to a trot.
“I see a clearing!” said Kyra with excitement.
Soon they came to the clearing. The water they heard came from a stream. They all looked up and saw they were in a valley. Just ahead was the Silver Mountains.
“We made it!” shouted Kyra in delight.
“Shh! It’s late.” scolded Mallian.
“We wouldn’t have made it without Pristine.” smiled Lance.
Pristine grinned, but inside, she was tired, mentally and physically. Using the stone continually sucked up her energy. She swayed as her eyes began to droop. Lance appeared by her side on his horse and caught her before she fell.
“Pristine? Are you all right?” he asked with concern.
“Only tired . . .” started Pristine before falling asleep.
“We best get some rest.” instructed Lance as he transported Pristine from her mount to his.
“Eorin? Get Pristine’s horse.” Lance ordered a copper-haired man.
Eorin nodded and grabbed the stirrups. They rode a bit back into the tunnel before dismounting and unpacking. Lance managed to get off his horse with Pristine still in his arms. He again slept with her against the wall. Kyra and Ophealia both sighed simultaneously before going to sleep.
That night Pristine dreamt again. This time Pristine was standing in a throne room. The room was mostly white but there were other colors in the room. Near the center of the room was the same couple from the beach as well as the little girl, only she looked a bit older here. She looked to be five here and she was sitting on her father‘s lap. There was a crowd there too. Soon Drackor and another elderly man came forward and bowed.
“Your majesties I’ve finally been able to find suitable girls for the princess’s court.” Drackor said.
“Thank you Drackor. Our daughter has been anxious to see which girls you’ve picked for her.” the king replied.
Drackor nodded and gestured for four young girls to come up. The girl smiled brightly and waved to them. Pristine guessed that the girl knew who they were.
“May I present the earth unicorn, Lady Joyce, the daughter of his majesty’s brother Duke Apollo.”
The small brunette waved at the blonde girl before curtseying.
“Next is the wind unicorn, Lady Grace, the daughter of Lord Elton.”
The eldest looking of the girls, who had curly gray hair, curtsied and grinned a bit.
“Next is the fire unicorn, Lady Fanesse, the daughter of Lord Hector.”
A girl with fiery hair jumped forward and exaggerated her curtsey causing the blonde princess to giggle and earning a stern looked from Drackor.
“Last but not least is the water unicorn, Allora, daughter of Lord Thaddeus.”
A blue hair girl stepped forward and smiling brightly, curtseyed.
Pristine felt a stirring in her as she watched the crowd before her vanish. Somewhere in the back of her mind she felt lonesome for them as she slept on without dreaming.


A/N: I like adding parts that talk about a planet's history for it gives the place more real. And I am careful to make sure the main character grows and has weaknesses.

kittykatt89 10-16-2009 02:27 AM

that is always good to do with a main character other wise it makes them to unreal. i love the parts about her past.

Mirielle195 10-16-2009 04:30 AM

A/N: Hehe thanks. In the next part you'll meet the next main character.


In the morning everyone else woke up except for Pristine.
“Man! She must really be tired.” commented Grayson.
“Well, it’s probably because she used the stone a lot. Using the stone requires a person’s energy.” Mallian stated plainly.
“Great. And we only had short stops too. Why didn’t she tell anyone she was tired?” pondered Lance.
“Because she didn’t want to complain. Pristine seems to be the type who puts others’ needs in front of her own.” explained Mallian.
“She’ll be fine, bro. Once she wakes up, we can get some food in her.” comforted Grayson.
“Uh, we have a problem though. We’re low on food.” mentioned Sir Reginald.
“Well, I guess we better find some then. Grayson, guys! Mount up! We’re hunting!” ordered Lance.
All the outlaws packed up and got on their horses.
“Hey Princess Ophealia. How about a kiss on the cheek for luck?” asked Grayson as he bended down and closed his eyes.
Ophealia walked behind the horse before smirking. Taking a part of her outfit, she whipped the horse’s behind. The horse reared before taking off.
“Whoa!” yelled Grayson.
“If you bring me something I just might!” shouted Ophealia.
Everyone else laughed.
“C’mon guys. Let’s go!” ordered Lance before they took off.
Mallian looked at Pristine to see that she’s still asleep.
Some time later, Pristine woke up.
“Good morning Pristine.” greeted Kyra.
“Good morning. Where’s Lance and the others?” Pristine asked, still half asleep.
“Oh they went looking for food awhile ago. They should have been back by now.” answered Ophealia.
Suddenly, Pristine became wide awake. Something was not right. She immediately got up and packed up her gear.
“What’s wrong Pristine?” asked Kyra as the others followed her lead.
“Something is wrong. I can sense it.”
“I believe you Pristine. They’ve been gone for way too long.” agreed Mallian.
“We’re going after them.”
She quickly jumped on her horse and took off.
“Hey! Wait for us!” shouted Kyra as she and Ophealia got on their horses.
“I order you to slow down!” ordered Ophealia as the two rode off to catch up.
Mallian and Sir Reginald soon followed. Pristine raced through the tunnel when she finally made it to the clearing. She stopped so everyone could catch up.
“Gees, Pristine. Do you have to go so fast?” gasped Kyra.
“Sorry, this way.” pointed Pristine.
They traveled through the valley before seeing a group of horses at the foot of the Silver Mountains.
“Well, here are their horses, but where are the guys?” asked Ophealia.
“They went climbing. So must we. Let’s go.” Pristine ordered before dismounting.
They started to hike up the mountain trails. Pretty soon, they saw someone. “Hey! That’s Grayson!” pointed Kyra.
“He looks so tired. I wonder why?” asked Ophealia.
Grayson was out of breath by the time he made it to them.
“Grayson, where are the others?” asked Pristine.
“Huh, huh, . . .captured, by . .goblins. I was told to get . . . Sir Reginald.” explained Grayson.
“Sir Reginald? Why just him?!” yelled Ophealia.
Even Pristine did not like the idea, even though she could see why.
“Because your highness, Lance wouldn’t risk you girls.” replied Grayson.
“Why I-” started Ophealia but was interrupted by Mallian.
“We’ll obey.”
The other girls looked at her in shock. Even Sir Reginald and Grayson looked surprised. “All right then. Let’s go Sir Reginald.” replied Grayson.
“You girls go back to the horses.” Sir Reginald told them.
As soon as they left, Kyra looked at Mallian and asked, “Why did you say that?” “Because I have another plan.” grinned Mallian.
The other three smiled.
“What is it?”
“If we want to save the guys, we must find the dwarfs first. They could help.”
“That’s a good idea.” agreed Ophealia.
“If we are, we must hurry. I sense danger.” mentioned Pristine.
“You’re right. Let’s go.” agreed Mallian.
They continued along as they made their way up the mountain. That’s when Mallian smelled something.
“This is not good.” she said.
“What’s wrong?” Pristine asked.
“Wolves. They’ve probably picked up our scent.”
“We better move then.” said Ophealia.
They picked up their pace.
Then suddenly, “Uh-oh! I think I see them.” pointed out Kyra.
Sure enough, about twenty feet away from them was a pack of silver wolves. There was eight of them.
“They look hungry.” commented Ophealia nervously.
The pack suddenly charged. Ophealia hesitated while stringing one of her arrows.
“No! Don’t shoot Ophealia.” ordered Pristine.
The wolves were just upon them when Pristine came forward and tried to yell into their minds.
Stop, please!, she tried to tell them.
The minute she said this, all the wolves stopped. They were about a few feet away from Pristine.
“Why did they stop?” asked Kyra.
Mallian knew. Unicorns had the ability to speak to all creatures telepathically.
“Pristine? What are you doing?” asked Ophealia as Pristine took a step toward the wolves.
“I am going to try to calm them down.” explained Pristine.
“But they’ll kill you!” protested Kyra.
“Let her try.” Mallian stated.
Pristine kept her eyes on the pack. They all looked hostile.
Calm down, she tried to tell them telepathically, I am your friend. I won’t hurt you.
The pack seemed to get the message, because some of them calmed down. All of the sudden, one of the wolves lunged at Pristine. Aware of this, Pristine ducked. The wolf flew over her, and fell over the cliff. Pristine sprinted to her feet and peeked over the side. The wolf was on a ledge forty feet from where Pristine was.
“Stay back!” Pristine ordered the others, including the wolves.
She glanced at Kyra and told her, “Give me a rope please.”
Kyra did without hesitation.
“What are you doing? You’re not going to actually go down there?” asked Ophealia.
“What do you suggest I do? Let that poor wolf die down there?” replied Pristine in anger.
“Whoa! Calm down, Pristine.” answered Ophealia, with a look of surprise on her face.
She did not know what came over her. She tied the rope around a boulder and her waist. Mallian, Ophealia, and Kyra took a hold of the rope before Pristine went over the edge. She slowly climbed down toward the wolf. She made it to the ledge. The wolf became agitated.
~Easy boy. I am here to help you~, she told him as she slowly crawled towards the wolf.
The wolf suddenly bit her right arm.
“Arrgh! Biting me won’t help.” Pristine replied.
The weak male seemed to get the message for he let go of her. Ignoring the excruciating pain in her arm, Pristine checked the wolf. The front leg was broken.
“There must be something I can do.” Pristine thought.
Whatever she did, she had to it fast for she felt her energy draining. That very second, the Stone of Water in her knap sack began to glow. She pulled it out and held it to the wolf. The wolf’s eyes opened widely and he shakily put his paw on it. Blue light shone all over the place. All the others looked up. The wolves looked surprised. As the light settled down, Pristine collapsed. When she woke up, she realized that the wolf was licking her face.
“Hehehehe, I’m awake now.” she answered as she hugged the wolf.
She got up and picked up the wolf. Her arm was throbbing.
“All right! Let us up!” she shouted to the others.
They started to pull them up. Even the other wolves joined in. Soon Pristine and the wolf were safe. Pristine put the wolf down. He walked over to the other wolves as they gathered around him. As Pristine untied the rope, the other girls walked up to her. Kyra noticed Pristine’s arm.
“Pristine! You’re injured!” she exclaimed.
“Oh, it’s nothing. He was just feisty.” explained Pristine.
“Pristine, you better get that patched up before you loose too much blood.” replied Mallian.
“You’re right, in fact . . . I do feel . . .” Pristine admitted before she fainted.
“Pristine!” shouted Kyra.
Seeing what was happening, the pack started to howl.
“What are they doing?” asked Ophealia.
“Calling for help.” answered Mallian.
“I hope somebody hears them.” prayed Kyra.
Someone did hear them. He was a twenty-eight year-old mountaineer with curly dark brown hair and beard, and grayish-brown eyes. His name was Drock. He lived in the mountains all his life. When he heard the wolves, he knew there was danger. He quickly hurried to the scene.
When he saw the girls, he said, “Okay, what happened here?”
The other girls turned to see him.
“Who are you?” asked Ophealia.
“The name is Drock. What happened?” he asked again as he came forward and butted in between Kyra and Ophealia.
“She was bitten by a wolf.”
Drock saw the wound and took out some medicine. It looked like a pasty substance. “What are you doing?” asked Kyra.
“Helping her.” Drock answered.
Drock tore off a piece of his cloak after he put the medicine on Pristine’s wound. He gently wrapped the cloth around the wound. Soon Pristine recovered. She looked up and the first person she saw was Drock.
“Who are you?” she asked.
“I’m Drock. I live in these mountains. Who are you?” asked Drock.
“My name is Pristine. That’s Kyra, Princess Ophealia, and Mallian.”
“You look different. Are you water folk?” Drock asked Mallian.
“Indeed I am. Excuse, me sir, but was that the healing mineral lucadon?”
“Yes, it was.” Drock answered guardedly.
“Lucadon is only mined by dwarfs though. Are you familiar with them?”
“And what if I am? How do you know I am?”
“Well, for one, thing, you are dressed like one and you have their emblem on your cloak.” “You’re good. Okay, I was actually raised by them. I was found as a babe in the mountains. They found me not too far from my dead father and decided to raise me.” “Okay well, can you lead us to the dwarfs?” asked Kyra.
“Why should I?”
“Because we need their help to rescue some people.” answered Ophealia.
“And whom might these people be?”
Pristine took a deep breath and replied, “They are Sir Reginald of Cranston and a band of outlaws.”
“Outlaws! Why should the dwarfs risk their necks for them?”
“Because I care about them. Besides, they protect us.” replied Pristine as she stood up. “You actually trust these outlaws?”
“Yes.” “Not entirely.” Pristine and Ophealia said simultaneously.
Drock grinned a bit before standing up himself. The other girls stood up as well.
“Another question. Why are you here in the first place?” Drock asked them.
“We were sent to find the lost unicorn.” replied Kyra.
“Oh, I see. You’ve come to get the Stone of Fire.” Drock asked sarcastically.
“It’s the truth.” protested Ophealia.
“Oh yeah, sure it is.”
“Drock! This is not a laughing matter. Since you were raised by dwarfs you should know my kind doesn’t lie. What these women speak is the truth. Don’t you want peace to return?” asked Mallian.
“Yes, sure I do. It’s just that, I didn’t expect a bunch of humans to be helping out.” explained Drock.
“Drackor is helping them.” replied Mallian.
“Hmmm, if Drackor is involved then this is a serious matter. All right I’ll help you. But I won’t promise you anything.”
“Thank-you Drock.” smiled Pristine.
When they all turned around, they noticed that the wolf pack was still there.
“Go now! Shoo!” commanded Drock.
“No, don’t!” protested Pristine.
She went over to the one she helped and knelt.
Are you feeling better?, she asked.
The wolf went up to Pristine and rubbed against her in affection. As soon as he backed off, he and the other wolves bowed down.
“What are they doing?” asked Kyra.
“They are paying homage or respect. That’s a rare honor indeed. What did you do to deserve such respect?” Drock questioned Pristine.
“I saved his life.” Pristine replied.
“That will do it.”
The pack got up and headed off. They looked back, and Pristine and Mallian waved to them.


A/N: Hehe Pristine shows some emotion for once hehe. I like role reversals too. The girls go and save the guys hehe.

kittykatt89 10-16-2009 04:46 AM

i like it too it makes women look stronger and able to defend them self. you don't see a lot of books with females like that.

Mirielle195 10-16-2009 06:37 AM

A/N: Right, well I hope you're ready for more action.


As they walked along, Kyra asked, “Pristine? That blue light came from the stone right?”
“Yes.” Pristine replied.
“Well, what did you use it for?”
“I healed the wolf with it.”
“You have the Stone of Water?” asked Drock his eyebrows raising.
“Yes, I do. Mallian, maybe you should take the stone. It does belong to your people.” “No, it doesn’t. We are only its guardians. It belongs to whoever earned it. Since you earned it, Pristine, it belongs to you and it will also protect you. Also, the Stone of Water has the ability to heal and reveal things.” Mallian explained.
“If the Stone of Water does that, than I wonder what the Stone of Fire does.” pondered Ophealia.
“It has the ability to renew. If something is destroyed, the stone would rebuild it.” answered Drock.
“Wow! That’s neat.” exclaimed Kyra.
“All right. We are here. Now don’t expect a warm welcome.”
Drock pressed a rock and a door opened up.
They all walked through a tunnel until they reached a clearing. The girls stared in awe. It was an underground world. There were caves, crystals, and dwarfs. They heard all sorts of mining sounds. There were even females about, but not much.
Suddenly, one of the dwarfs noticed Drock and yelled, “Drock! Who is that with you?” “Um, these ladies want to ask something of you.” Drock reluctantly answered.
Then another dwarf yelled, “A few of them are humans!”
Pandemonium broke out. Drock tried to calm them down without any success.
Pristine fixed the situation by pleading, “Please! We bring you no harm! We just need your help!”
Miraculously, the dwarfs calmed down, looked at Pristine, and gasped.
Finally, one of them asked, “Who are you?”
“I am Pristine.”
Now the dwarfs were at a lose for words.
“What do you want from us?” asked a female dwarf.
“We need your help in rescuing a band of outlaws from the goblins.” Pristine answered. She started to feel uncomfortable of all the attention she’s getting, but she knew that she must do this.
“Outlaws! Why should we risk our necks for them?” asked another dwarf.
“Because they are our friends! I know how you feel about outlaws and humans, but none of us here are untrue. The outlaws are not evil. Each of them holds honor. They would never do anything to hurt you. Besides, I care for them and I couldn’t live with myself knowing I could have done something. Now will you help us or not. Either way we’re going.” Pristine replied.
"Spoken like a true princess." Mallian thought and smiled with pride.
The dwarfs talked amongst themselves before one of them answered, “All right. We’ll help, but only because of you.”
“Thank-you.” thanked Pristine as she bowed.
During this time, Sir Reginald and Grayson made it to the goblins’ hideout. There were guards outside the entrance.
“We need to get in without being notice.” whispered Sir Reginald.
“I have an idea.”
Grayson picked up a rock and threw it with all his might. The guards heard it land and went to investigate.
“Nicely done.” grinned Sir Reginald.
“We better move before they come back.”
The two sneaked in and found a place to hide. The place reeked of smells that belonged to waste and worse.
“Now comes the fun part.” commented Grayson.
They sneaked around for awhile.
Then finally, “Lance is near. I can smell him.” Grayson said.
“How do you know that?”
“Well, it’s pretty easy to distinguish horses and dirt from rotten flesh.”
Soon, they made it to the dungeon.
“This must be it. Pss! Lance. Where are you?” Grayson called out softly.
“Grayson? Is that you?” responded Lance.
Grayson and Sir Reginald went over to the cell where Lance and a few other outlaws were.
“Way to go, bro. I see you brought Sir Reginald. You didn’t bring the girls right?” asked Lance.
“I didn’t.”
“That’s good.”
“Here’s the strange part. At first, Pristine, Kyra, and the princess resisted to stay, but Mallian says that they will stay.” Grayson mentioned confusedly.
“You know what that means?”
“It means that they are going to come to save us on their own.”
“Then we better get out of here before they do.”
“Where’s the keys?”
“Looking for these?” questioned a rough and disgusting voice coming from behind Grayson and Sir Reginald.
When they turned around, they saw the goblin king and a myriad of goblins.
“Seize them!” the king ordered.
That very second, all the goblins tackled Sir Reginald and Grayson.
Meanwhile, the dwarfs and Drock led Pristine and the others down a tunnel.
“Do you know where you’re going?” asked Ophealia.
“Yes, we do. This tunnel lead right to the goblins’ hideout, your highness.” explained Drock.
“We are near. I sense them.” said Pristine.
Her heart was racing, but she kept a calm face.
“Your instincts serve you well Pristine, because we are here. Now be quiet.” replied Drock.
Drock and few dwarfs removed a boulder. They were up high above the ground near the ceiling.
As Drock looked down, he said softly, “Uh-oh. Looks like we got here just in time. Those ‘protectors’ of yours are about to get sacrificed.”
Drock was right for the guys were bounded to the wall. The room was filled with goblins.
“Looks like they’re having a banquet and we’re the main course.” commented Grayson. “Be quiet, Grayson.” replied Lance.
“Kyra, I want you to stay here so just incase we fail, you can get more help.” instructed Pristine.
“Okay, I will listen to you.” obeyed Kyra.
“Ophealia? You got your bow and arrow ready?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” Ophealia responded, her arrow already notched.
“Pristine, I’ll stay with Kyra.” said Mallian.
“All right. Is everyone else ready?” asked Pristine as she drew out her sword.
Deep down inside, she did not want to fight, but she really did not had any choice. She felt that she had to be there in the fight. Pulling herself together, Pristine looked at the others. They nodded. Ophealia stepped up and aimed for the goblin priest, who was in red robes. Ophealia may not looked it, but she could shot almost anything hundred feet away. The goblin king called for one of the guys. Several goblins came up and fetched Lance.
“Let go, you big ugly buffoons!” Lance protested.
They dragged him onto a stone table before tying him to it. The goblin priest came up with a knife. He spoke in a foreign dialect before he raised the knife. Then an arrow went straight into his heart. The priest gagged before falling down dead. Everyone on the ground looked up to see who shot the priest.
“Princess!” shouted Sir Reginald and Grayson.
That’s when Drock and the dwarfs threw ropes down and slid down.
“You’re days are numbered, Goblin King!” shouted Drock as the dwarfs started attacking the goblins.
“Who’s he?” asked Grayson.
Soon Pristine and Ophealia were on the ground.
“Well, well. What do we have here?” smirked Ophealia as she approached Lance. “Princess, can you cut me loose please?” asked Lance.
“Hmm, maybe I should. Maybe I shouldn’t. I guess I will since asked so politely.”
She always loved having the upper hand when guys were involved. She took her knife and cut Lance loose.
He got up and said, “Thanks.”
Ophealia smiled and nodded, “You’re welcome.”
Lance quickly ran over to Pristine who was being guarded by several dwarfs.
“What are you doing here?” asked Lance, irritation in his voice.
“Saving your lives.”
“You shouldn’t be here.”
“I am sorry I upset you, but you would have done the same for me.”
That’s true, Lance admitted to himself.
“Hey you! What’s your name?” asked Drock as he came over.
“Lance, but who-” started Lance but Drock interrupted him.
“Drock. Here! You’ll need this.” he said before throwing Lance a sword.
“You stay right here.” Lance ordered Pristine before he began to fight.
During this time, Grayson yelled, “Your highness, can you cut me loose now?” Ophealia already released Sir Reginald and the other outlaws before coming to Grayson. “Oh you men are so impatient. I’ll cut you loose when you say the magic word.” replied Ophealia.
“Very well.” answered Ophealia sweetly before cutting him loose.
“What do you say?” she asked.
“You’re welcome.”
Meanwhile, Lance was fighting the goblin king.
“You’re pretty good for a human.” the king commented.
“Thanks. I learned from the best.”
Suddenly, the goblin king knocked Lance’s sword out of his hand.
“Pathetic.” the king commented.
Lance was backed into a corner. The goblin king was about to strike him when he stopped and sniffed the air.
“I smell a pure heart.” he said.
The goblin king saw Pristine. Suddenly, he started to charge toward her.
Realizing his intent, Lance yelled, “Pristine! Look out!”
Pristine already sensed the king was rushing toward her. The king literally charged through the dwarfs to get to Pristine. Just when the king was about to slash Pristine, she pulled out the Stone of Water and it protected her by deflecting the attack. The king was blasted by the force of the shield. Blue light filled the area. Everyone shaded their eyes. When the light settled down, they looked up and saw the goblin king on the ground, unconscious, and Pristine kneeling next to him. Also, all the other goblins laid on the ground.
“I’m sorry.” whispered Pristine as a tear fell from her face and landed on the goblin king’s heart.
He and the other goblins, including the priest, started to glow.
Pristine held up the Stone of Water and beckoned, “Please, heal them.”
Again the stone glowed and its brilliance covered the area. As the light died down, all the goblins changed. They became dwarf children. Everyone became astonished. What used to be the goblin king, was now a dwarf boy.
As he sat up and rubbed his eyes, he said, “Hey, what happened? Where am I? Father? Father! Where are you?”
“Son!!” yelled a dwarf as he ran towards the boy.
They embraced.
“Oh thank-you! Thank-you!” the dwarf thanked Pristine.
“You’re welcome.” Pristine replied before fainting.
Mallian, Kyra, and the few dwarfs who stayed behind climbed down the ropes.
Kyra ran up to Pristine and asked, “Pristine? Are you all right?”
Pristine opened her eyes and said as few of the others came up to her, “I am all right, just tired.”
She tried to sit up, but it was in vain. Lance helped her up.
“You should be tired. You had to use a great deal of energy to purify the goblins.” replied Mallian.
“The goblins were actually kids?” Grayson asked puzzlingly.
“Yes, I was told that on the day of Invasion, all the children disappeared. I guess this is what happened.” explained Drock.
“By the way, who are you?”
“Drock, and who are you?”
Drock walked up to Pristine.
“Pristine, you are one amazing person.” he commented with a grin.
“Why thank-you Drock.”
“How’s your arm Pristine?” asked Ophealia.
“It’s fine.”
“Pristine? What happened to your arm?” asked Lance.
“Oh, it’s a long story.”
“Is there anything we can get you, Miss Pristine?” asked Sir Reginald.
“Yes, you can get me some food.”
“That’s right. We never did have breakfast.” mentioned Grayson.
“Why don’t you come back to our domain?” asked a dwarf.
“Yes, please!” all the dwarfs said simultaneously.
“All right.” agreed Pristine with a smile.
Lance helped Pristine up, and they all exited the lair.
As they head back, Mallian asked Drock quietly, “Drock? Can I ask you something, privately?”
“We better linger back.”
They waited for the group to go past them.
“What do you think of Pristine?” Mallian asked.
“Pristine? I think there is more to her than meets the eye.”
“Good, you do sense it.”
Drock might be human, but since he lived with the dwarfs, Mallian figured that he knew whether to tell if one was a unicorn or not.
“Do you think . . .”
“I don’t think. I know. You must have recognize the signals, don’t you? You know very well that only unicorns can control the stones as well as the Crystal of Life.” Mallian said.
“Yes, I know. I don’t think the others realize that Pristine‘s the princess, besides the dwarfs.”
“I don’t think that Pristine realizes it either.”
“Yes, but why doesn’t she realize it?”
“Haven’t you heard? When the princess’s soul was sent to the future, it split into two parts, the human part, and the unicorn part. Pristine’s human part probably doesn’t remember anything of her past life.”
“That explains it.”
“Hey! Are you two coming or not?” asked Kyra as she appeared.
“Sorry, we’re coming.” responded Mallian.
“We better keep this between us.” suggested Drock.

A/N: Only one more part to go. I do hope you don't think I went over the top with that purification.

kittykatt89 10-16-2009 06:14 PM

i don't think you did i thought it was awesome. i would have never guessed that the goblins were really dwarf kids.

Mirielle195 10-16-2009 09:38 PM

A/N: Hehehe, I am glad you liked it. I like surprising people in a good way. Here's the last part of Ch. 4.


Soon, they made it to the dwarfs’ domain. There was a raucous when the other dwarfs discovered about the dwarf children. The others lingered back, but Pristine was thrown into the middle of the celebrating. The dwarfs announced she’s the guest of honor and the others were welcomed as well. When things finally settled down, a few dwarfs led them to a huge den where they ate.
“Please sit down.” the dwarfs said eagerly.
After they sat down, the dwarfs left to get them some food.
“You know, I haven’t seen the dwarfs this excited since I can remember. You sure know how to brighten someone’s day, Pristine.” grinned Drock.
“Well, anyone would have done the same.” Pristine replied.
“They are certainly a lot nicer than when we met them.” added Ophealia.
“Why would you say that?” asked Lance.
“Because when we met the dwarfs, we didn’t exactly get a warm welcome. If it hadn’t been for Pristine, they might have never helped us.” explained Ophealia.
“It sounds like dwarfs don’t like humans.” guessed Grayson.
“They sure don’t. I am pretty much the only human they trust.” agreed Drock.
“Why you?”
“I was raised by them.”
“To be frank, all enchanted creatures don’t trust humans.” mentioned Mallian.
“Why is that? Humans and enchanted folk use to always live in harmony before Zeather’s Invasion.” protested Sir Reginald.
“That’s true, but it was humans that betrayed the enchanted folk. Since most humans have the most vulnerable hearts, they are the most capable of being turned to evil. In fact, most of Zeather’s army is human. They were the ones who started to attack the enchanted creatures. Also, while the two were fighting, Zeather attacked the unicorns. Some enchanted folk actually believe that humans were the reason why the unicorns became nearly extinct.”
“Yes, the dwarfs are among the some. They say that it was because of humans that they couldn’t protect the unicorns.” mentioned Drock.
“That’s so sad.” Pristine said.
“Drock? Mallian? I have a question. If the Silver Mountains has a seal on it so evil can’t touch here, why is this place cold and why were there goblins?” asked Ophealia. “That’s a good question, princess. You see, the seal on the Silver Mountains was the last seal. The goblins and the evil winter spell was probably already in place by the time the seal was placed.” explained Drock.
“Pristine? I think you should tell me now what happened to your arm.” mentioned Lance. “Well, while were climbing the mountains, this pack of wolves show up. I was able to calm most of them down, but then one tries to ambush me. I duck and he fell over the edge. He landed on a ledge. I went down to get him. He was so scared, that he bit me. He let’s go out of weariness. I healed him with the stone, and he began to trust me. The others pull the two of us up. I collapsed and the wolves called for help. That’s when Drock showed up and tended my arm.” explained Pristine.
“Speaking of which, how is your arm Pristine?” asked Drock.
“Oh, much better.”
“Let’s see what it looks like.” said Lance.
He gently unwrapped the cloth.
“Whoa! It sure healed quickly. There are only small teeth marks here. Did you use anything?” Lance asked Drock.
“Yes, I used Lucadon.”
“That would do it.” said Grayson.
“It also healed quickly because she’s a unicorn.” both Mallian and Drock thought.
It was not long until the food arrived.
“Honey glazed rolls! I haven’t had one in ages!” said Pristine with glee.
Indeed, the last time she tasted one was even before Kyra was born. A merchant came by with some rolls when she was five.
“Anything else, miss?” asked a female dwarf.
“Yes, after we eat, can you show us where the Stone of Fire is?” Pristine requested. “You’re looking for the unicorn?”
“Yes, we are.”
“As you wish then.”
Later, they all followed a dwarf to an underground volcano.
When they reached the top, the dwarf said, “The stone is at the bottom. This volcano is an active volcano. But you won’t have to worry about it erupting. It erupts every ten years, and it’ll be six more years ‘til it erupts again. Nether less, it is still dangerous. And it’s also hard to breathe.”
“I’ll go this time.” volunteered Lance.
“You can’t Lance.” said Mallian.
“Why can’t I?” asked Lance angrily.
“You didn’t get the Stone of Water. Pristine is the only one who can get the Stone of Fire and the Stone of Wood.”
“Says who?”
“Says Drackor.” replied Drock.
“What does Drackor have to do with this?”
“After the Invasion, Drackor broke up the Crystal of Life so Zeather couldn’t get it. He said to us guardians of the stones, and I quote, ‘That whoever earns the first stone, is the only one who can earn the others.’ I’m sorry, but it’s the only way.” Mallian told him.
It was true, but she did not add that one person would be the princess. It was another reason why Mallian, Drock, the water folk, and the dwarfs knew Pristine’s the princess.
“Lance, let me go. If you try to, you’ll die.” added Pristine.
“But what if you die?”
He did not even wanted to think of that.
“I won’t. I wouldn’t be worthy if there is a possibility.”
“I need to be alone.” said Lance as he walked off.
Pristine sighed and went off in another direction.
“What’s wrong with her?” asked Grayson.
“She feels sorry for Lance.” said Mallian.
Lance was hiding somewhere, and was waiting until everyone left.
“I don’t care what anyone says. I will not let Pristine take the chance of getting hurt or even killed.” Lance said to himself.
Finally, everyone left. Lance quietly stepped up to the volcano. He noticed some stairs and went down them. He covered his mouth and nose with his cloak. Everything went well, until about midway.
“What’s that noise?” Lance asked when he heard a rumbling.
All of the sudden, the steps he’s standing on deteriorated, and he fell through! He fell until part of his cloak caught on a spike ledge. He was only thirty feet from the bottom. “Well, Lance. This is some fine mess you got yourself in.”
During this time, Pristine was sitting by herself when she sensed something. “Lance.” she said before standing up.
She went to find the others.
When she found them, she asked, “Does anyone have a rope?”
“Yes, I do.” said Drock.
“Can I use it please?” Pristine vehemently asked.
“Sure thing, but what’s wrong?” Drock asked her as he handed her a rope.
“Lance is in danger. I can sense it.” Pristine replied before running off.
“I bet you anything that he’s going to try and get that stone.” said Ophealia as she and the others followed Pristine.
When they caught up to Pristine, she was already tying the rope to a boulder and was about to go down into the volcano.
“Can you guys hold the rope please?” she asked.
“Pristine? Why don’t you use the stairs?”
“Because it’s too easy.” Pristine pointed out before going down.
Pristine moved as quickly as possible as she went down the rope.
Lance’s situation wasn’t looking too bright. His cloak started to rip.
“Uh-oh. I better think of something quick.”
All of the sudden, the cloak tore loose, but just when he was about to fall, Pristine grabbed his cloak.
“You really know how to get yourself into trouble.” she said as she struggled to hold on. “What do you think you’re doing?” asked Lance as he looked up.
“Saving your life, again. Here! Grab onto the rope!”
Pristine felt her grip slipping. He was too heavy for her. Lance saw her struggle and with all his strength, reached out and grabbed the rope.
“Got it.”
Pristine carefully let go of his cloak, and cautiously stepped onto the ledge.
“Pristine? What are you doing?” asked Lance before climbing up to her.
“I’m getting that stone.”
“You certainly will not.”
“Lance, I am the only one who can do it. You know that very well. I know you are trying to protect me, but I have to do this. Please.”
Lance sighed and said as he placed his hand on her shoulder, “Just promise me you’ll be all right.”
Doing her best to hide the affect his touch was doing to her, Pristine said, “Don’t worry. I will.”
Pristine leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.
“Hey guys! Pull him up!” shouted Pristine.
“How are you going to get back up?” asked Kyra.
“Don’t worry about me, now do it!”
Pristine and Lance kept looking at each other until the last moment. Blowing out a bit, Pristine followed her instincts and unexpectedly jumped off the ledge!
“Pristine!” shouted Lance.
Within seconds, Pristine landed on a platform. In front of her was the Stone of Fire, which was crimson red. The heat was excruciating. She stepped up and took hold of the stone. The minute her fingers touched it, red light filled the area. As it died down, Pristine found herself in another place. This time, she was in a celestial citadel in a bedroom where a lady was giving birth. She was holding onto a man’s hand and was moaning in pain. At times she screamed. Another person was on the other side of the bed. It was Drackor. There’s another lady present. Must had been the midwife.
There was a healer saying, “You’re almost there your majesty.”
Pristine recognized the lady and the man as the couple from the beach vision and her last dream.
The next thing she heard was a baby’s cry and the healer saying, “It’s a girl.”
The healer and the midwife separated the baby from the mother as they cut the cord.
“You did it honey.” said the man, a radiant smile on his face.
“Congratulations, Queen Loreanna.” replied Drackor.
After cleaning the newborn, the midwife wrapped her in a white sheet and handed her to the man.
“Look at her, darling. She’s beautiful.” he said.
He carefully placed the babe in the queen’s arms.
“Hello, my little princess.” she said wearily.
Pristine stood with tears in her eyes. The vision ended. Pristine found herself standing in a different place. The walls were red and it wasn’t hot in the room.
“Now where am I?”
“You are safe, Pristine.” said a male voice.
“Who’s there?” asked Pristine as she turned around.
She saw a man with the same eyes and hair as she with white garments on.
“Oh, did Drackor send you?” Pristine asked in awe.
“Yes. I am here to give you your third sign. Now pay attention. You are to travel through a tunnel under the Silver Mountains. It will lead you to the Valley of Mists. There will be a sign telling you how to get through without getting lost. If you make it through, you’ll make it to the Mystical Forest. Be careful, Pristine. The inhabitants of this forest are very cautious and hostile towards humans.” the man explained.
“Thank-you for the warning. Now, how do I get back?”
“Here’s a passage you can take.” said the man before stepping to the side.
Behind him was a doorway.
“Again, thank-you.” thanked Pristine before bowing.
She ran through the doorway with the stone in possession.
As soon as she left, a woman appeared by the man and asked, “Did she get the message?” “Yes.” replied the man as he took the woman’s arm.
“Elios. She has grown so much. She makes me proud.” said the woman as she shed a tear.
“Yes, she has Loreanna. This next test will be her toughest one yet.” replied Elios.
The two vanished.
Meanwhile, everyone else was able to pull Lance up to safety.
“Lance? Why didn’t you listen to Mallian?” asked Grayson.
“Because I couldn’t bare it if anything happened to Pristine.” Lance bluntly said.
“He does love her.” Mallian thought to herself.
“Lance, I’m sure Miss Pristine can take care of herself. You must learn to trust her judgment.” commented Sir Reginald.
“I know, Sir Reginald.”
“Hi guys.” said a voice.
They all turned to see Pristine.
“Pristine! Are you all right?” asked Lance as he and the others went toward her.
“Did you get it?” asked Grayson.
“Yes, I did.” nodded Pristine as she lifted up the stone.
“Oh, it’s magnificent.” replied Ophealia.
“Now that’s settle, where do we go from here?” asked Kyra.
“We head for the Mystical Forest.” answered Pristine.
“Pristine? How is it that you know where to go?” asked Ophealia.
“Someone told me.”
“Who?” Grayson questioned her.
“Well, the first person was Drackor, and the last two were two people dressed in white and they wore crowns.”
Mallian and Drock both looked at each other.
“I wonder what’s got those two excited? I’ll ask them later.” Pristine thought.
“Pristine, I said it before and I’ll say it again. You’re amazing.” replied Drock.
“Thank-you Drock. Uh, Drock? I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”
“Sure. Ask me anything.”
“Um, do you want to join us on our journey?”
“I would like to, but I need to get permission first.”
“All right.”
They went and found the dwarfs. All of them were mining or working on their daily chores. One of them spotted them.
“Well, hello there. Were you able to get the stone?” he asked.
All activity stopped and looked at them.
“Yes, I did.” answered Pristine.
“Friends, I need to ask you something.” said Drock.
“Sure, go ahead.” replied another dwarf.
Drock then stepped up and shouted, “Kinsmen, Pristine has asked me to join her. I need your permission to join them.”
Then all at once, all the dwarfs shouted their affirmations.
Then one shouted, “Go, Drock. So just in case you meet the princes, you can apologize to her for us.”
“What does he mean by that?” asked Kyra.
“Do you remember what happened during the Invasion? Well, the dwarfs felt guilty because they couldn’t protect the unicorns.” reminded Mallian.
“Drock? Do you have a horse?” asked Pristine.
“Actually, I do. I’ll go get him.” said Drock.
He went off and soon returned with a chestnut stallion.
“I’ll need to pack some things.” Drock mentioned.
“We need to stack up on goods as well.” Lance said.
“Okay, follow me.”
They followed him through several tunnels before coming to a storage place. Drock helped them re-supply before packing up his things.
As they came back to the main area, a dwarf saw them and asked, “Anything else you need?”
“Yes. We are heading toward the Mystical Forest. I was told that there is a tunnel under the mountains which leads to it. Can you show us where it is?” Pristine asked.
“Yes, I can, but it’s near a valley southwest of here.” mentioned the dwarf.
“Um, is this valley have a stream?”
“Yes, it does.”
“Oh, good. That’s where our horses are. We needed to get them anyway.” Ophealia mentioned.
As soon as they got the horses, they packed up their supplies on them.
The dwarf leading them said, “Follow me, please.”
Leading their horses, the others followed them.
Soon, “Okay. Here you go. Good luck.” said the dwarf as the others mounted their horses. The entrance was huge.
“Thank-you. Good-bye!” thanked Pristine as she and the others took off.


A/N: Hehe, poor Lance, will he ever get the chance to save Pristine? hehe. And that was a gutsy move on Pristine's part when she simply jumped. These tests circulate around certain themes. The water one was endurance. This one was courage. The third will not only test both, but test her inner balance. That's why it'll be the most difficult. If you have any questions, feel free to ask but I still may not answer them because in my stories I always try to make sure I tie up loose ends.

kittykatt89 10-16-2009 10:04 PM

this is a really good story. i like it a lot. i will save any questions for last just in case they are answered.

Mirielle195 10-16-2009 11:53 PM

A/N: Hehe that's fine with me. Here's the next chapter. It's not as long as the last one.


The Spirits
of Nature

Pristine and the others headed toward the Mystical Forest. At one point they stopped and took off their extra clothing for the atmosphere was getting a bit warmer. After that, they continued onward. Their journey to the Mystical Forest was a long one for they had been traveling for two weeks. They were grateful though that they had enough food.
They traveled under the mountains on the fifteenth day when Kyra said, “Boy, this tunnel sure is long. It seems like we’ve been ridding for eternity.”
“That’s because the forest is supposed to be located far southeast of the mountains.” Grayson explained.
“How do you know so much?” asked Drock.
“I like to read and study things.”
Drock looked surprised and was about to ask another question when Ophealia complained, “When are we going to get there?”
“Not much further I hope.”
Soon, “I think we almost there. Look!” pointed Lance.
“All right, a clearing!” Kyra shouted enthusiastically.
“Let’s go!”
Soon, they made it. The area was filled with fog. But it was not too thick for they could still see their surroundings several feet away.
“Where are we?” asked Ophealia.
“The Valley of Mists.” replied Pristine.
“How do we get through it?” asked Grayson.
“Let’s see. There should be a sign nearby. Oh! There it is.” pointed Pristine as she dismounted.
The others dismounted as well and followed her. Pristine went up to a sign. Beyond it the fog got as thick as pea soup.
“Mallian? Can you read this sign?” asked Kyra.
Mallian stepped forward and said, “All right. It says,

‘You must use the light inside,
As well as the fire in your hand,
If you make through this maze of the mind,
You’ll find the Forest of the lost children.’”
“Oh, I get it. We have to use our hearts, and trust our instincts to make it through. We also use the Stone of Fire.” explained Pristine.
“We need to stick together then.” said Grayson.
“Good point.” agreed Sir Reginald.
“Why don’t we hold hands then?” suggested Lance, who already offered his to Pristine. Ophealia and Kyra frowned at that, but everyone nodded and began to follow suit when Grayson replied, “Why don’t we use a rope too. Can never be too careful. Drock do you still have that rope with you?”
Drock nodded. Everyone helped tie the rope around themselves before they took each other’s hand again. Pristine and Lance were next to each other. On Pristine’s other side was Kyra, but since Pristine held the Stone of Fire, Kyra held onto the strap of her bag. Kyra was also next to Mallian, who was next to Drock. Next to Lance was Grayson, who was nervous about holding hands with Ophealia. Ophealia just took his hand and actually smiled at him, which caused Grayson to blush a little. Ophealia was also next to Sir Reginald. The outlaws gathered on both ends of the human chain.
“Pristine? Why don’t you lead the way since you have the stone.” suggested Grayson. “All right, but I need total concentration so please no talking.” Pristine said.
She closed her eyes and focused. The Stone of Fire started to glow as well as Pristine. “What’s happening to Pristine?” whispered Lance so not to disturb her.
“It’s the light inside her. It’s shining through to light the way.” explained Mallian. “Follow me.” Pristine said angelically as she led them into the dense fog.
“Pristine? You sound different.” commented Kyra.
Pristine did not even hear her for she was in a trance. Mallian and Drock saw Pristine as that celestial being. They noticed that they were the only ones who saw her that way because they were seeing her with their hearts and instincts. Both looked at each other and acknowledged without even saying a word.
“I knew it! To think I doubted it for a moment.” thought Mallian.
“Oh my! I can’t believe it! I thought I never . . .” thought Drock.
They all walked for what seemed to be like hours, but it only took them half an hour to get through the mists.
When they exited the mists, they entered a large forest area.
“We made it! We made it!” shouted Kyra after they untied the rope from around them. As the light died down around Pristine, she collapsed. Lance managed to catch her in time before she reached the ground.
“Pristine? Are you okay?” he asked.
“Yes, I will be. Can you help me get up Lance, please?”
When Pristine tried to stand up, she quickly fell to her knees with Lance catching her again.
“I think you’re not strong enough to walk yet.” replied Lance.
“You’re right . . .” answered Pristine as she fell asleep.
Fatigue and exhaustion finally got to her. Lance picked her up.
“Poor thing. This journey has really taken its toll on her.” commented Ophealia.
“You have to admire her though for she never complains.” added Grayson.
“You think you can manage her Lance?” asked Sir Reginald.
“Yes, I got her.” replied Lance.
In fact, he loved the idea of carrying her around. She felt so soft and he knew she deserved some rest.
“Um? Why is Pristine always worn out whenever she uses one of the stones?” asked Kyra.
“Because she uses her own energy to use them. The stones are powerful, but they need someone with a powerful soul and energy to use them. If a regular person would have just used them for a little bit, he or she would have been unconscious for days or weeks, or they could have died. For someone like Pristine though, they would only loose consciousness for a little bit. But they can die if they use too much of their energy.” explained Mallian.
“No offense to Pristine, but why does she have all this power?” asked Ophealia. “Because she has a pure-heart. Pure-hearted people hold some of the most potent and powerful souls because of their goodness. They can never think ill of anyone and they have an abundance of love in their hearts for all. Besides, Pristine is one tough nut.” added Drock.
Everyone else agreed. They looked around.
“So this is the Mystical Forest right?” asked Ophealia.
“Yes it is. We have to be extremely cautious here.” warned Mallian.
“Why is that?” asked Grayson.
“Because if you thought the dwarfs are insecure, then wait until you meet the creatures here. Most of them were some of the unicorns’ greatest allies and friends. Their species use to be numerous, and only a small number of them managed to survive. That’s why this sanctuary had the first shield placed up.” explained Drock.
“Boy, I can’t imagine how they feel.” said Ophealia.
“Oh, they really don’t like humans period.” replied Drock.
“What about you two? Will they accept you?” asked Kyra.
“Well, they will probably accept us, but I don’t know if they’ll listen to us.” answered Mallian.
“Um one more question? Did all of the mystical creatures survive the Invasion?” asked Kyra.
“Well, actually, every mystical race believes that the unicorns’ greatest ally and protectors are extinct. They were the dragons. Some say a few survived, others said that they simply vanished, or they were all killed in the war. We know that some dragons did die. Amongst them was the princess’s own protector who was also the general of the dragon army that protected the unicorns. He died valiantly protecting the princess. Few even say if it wasn’t for him, the princess’s soul would have been devoured too.” Mallian said sadly.
“That is sad. Can we rest now? My feet hurt.” asked Kyra.
“All right, but not too long.” Lance replied.


A/N: FYI, I did create pictures for this story, but I'll be placing them in my Art Thread in the Art Post area. The next part things get intense. One thing I always work on is creating a nice flow between big scenes.

kittykatt89 10-17-2009 04:01 AM

you have done a good job so far. what i like most is that you use words that everybody can understand it makes stories more likable because they are easy to read.

Mirielle195 10-17-2009 04:34 AM

A/N: Oh yeah I do make sure of that. But I'll admit, I use to try using 'big words' to impress readers, but I don't do that anymore. Here you get to meet the inhabitants of this forest.


They entered the woods and soon found a glen where they rested.
Lance turned to Grayson and asked, “Brother, can you get my cloak off please?”
“Sure Lance.” Grayson helped him out of it.
“Can you lay it on the ground please?”
Grayson nodded and did what Lance said. Lance placed Pristine on his cloak. She didn’t even stir as she slept on. She was dreaming again. This time she dreamt of a place where there were so many mountains and the place covered in snow. Pristine was surprised to see some girls in only trousers and light-weight jerkins. Pristine recognized four of them as the princess’s court. The princess was also there with them. They all seemed to be around ten, eleven, twelve, and thirteen.
“I just love spending the winter here. And what’s best is it never gets cold.” smiled Allora.
“It’s cause of the magic of this world.” Grace said simply.
“I guess winter is okay. I still prefer summer.” Fanesse replied.
“That’s cause you’re a fire unicorn Fanesse. But I guess I like spring and summer better cause then the trees aren’t sleeping. I can’t climb them when they’re sleeping. What about you cousin?” sighed Joyce looking at the princess.
“I love all the seasons for each has it’s pros and cons.” she replied.
“Oh look! Here comes Slycer and Sir Gladius!” shouted Fanesse pointing to two figures in the sky.
“Did you have to shout it right in my ear?” complained Grace.
Pristine looked up to see two dragons descend from the sky. While both were gold, one was smaller than the other. The larger one was ten feet tall and fifteen feet long, not including the tail. The smaller one was seven feet tall and twelve feet long. They both landed near the girls and changed into their human forms. The larger one turned into a man who appeared to be in his forties when he was really six hundred and seventy-five years old. He stood tall though at six feet and four inches and had a Nordic look about him with golden blonde hair and beard. He was very muscular and in good condition for his age. His eyes were dark blue. The other person looked like the younger version of the man only his eyes were gold and he was beardless. He also was a bit leaner and appeared to be eighteen years of age but was two hundred and seventy years. He was only six feet tall.
“There you little scamps are. You’re parents asked us to find you and Slycer and I figured you five be here near our stronghold.” said the older man a bit sternly but couldn’t hide his grin.
“Oh it was my fault Sir Gladius. I wanted to come here on my own but my court refused to let me come on my own.” the princess said, feeling bad.
“Ha ha ha! It’s okay princess. It’s not like you are never alone.” Sir Gladius replied.
“I sometimes forget that you dragons are undercover.”
“So Slycer has Sir Gladius been pushing you hard again?” asked Fanesse.
“Yes, in fact, soon I shall replace my father soon as sworn protector of the royal family.” the younger man said proudly.
“Oh that’s right. You’re eighteen in human years now.” the princess said.
As Pristine watched she couldn’t help but think she knew those dragons. Suddenly everything got blurry and the images vanished.
Soon Pristine woke up.
“Ah, boy do I feel refreshed. I feel like walking.” she said as she got up.
“Now Pristine, you shouldn’t be going out on your own.” protested Lance.
“Don’t worry Lance. We’ll go with her.” said Drock as he and Mallian stood up.
“Is that all right with you Pristine?” asked Mallian.
“Yes. I am okay with that.”
Besides, she wanted to have a private talk with them. So did Mallian and Drock. Lance watched as the three of them leave.
“Stop worrying about her bro. Mallian and Drock are with her.” comforted Grayson.
“You’re right, Grayson.”
As the two of them sat down, Ophealia commented, “Oh, my feet are sore. Grayson, I want you to rub me please. Please?”
Grayson looked at Ophealia as a blush crept up on his face. Ophealia looked at Lance and the other outlaws, who were on the brink of laughing. Sir Reginald looked at her stoically, while Kyra just shrugged.
Finally, Ophealia looked back at a still nonplussed Grayson and snapped, “Hey! Are you going to rub my feet or not?”
Grayson shook his head a bit and replied, “Um, okay, if you want me too. Then can you rub mine?”
At this Lance and the other outlaws barked with laughter. Even Kyra giggled.
“Maybe, if I am in the mood.” Ophealia gave Grayson a grin.
Grayson scooted over, but before he could do anything, a group of gryphons and winged-lions ambushed them! They quickly surrounded the group.
Lance, Grayson, and the other outlaws drew their swords, but Ophealia quickly protested, “No, Lance! Lay down you sword.”
Lance and the others did.
Finally a gryphon said, “Humans are forbidden here. You-all are hereby order to surrender or die.”
“But we mean no harm sir. I’m Princess Ophealia of Grom-” Ophealia started to say but was cut off by a lion.
“Princess, knight, outlaw, peasant. All the same. Now are you going to surrender or not.” the lion said.
It took all of Lance’s willpower not to take on the creatures by himself.
“Fine. We surrender.” he submitted before he threw down his sword.
Everyone else discarded their weapons. The lions and the gryphons led them away.
Meanwhile, Pristine, Mallian, and Drock were walking through the woods until Pristine said, “Mallian. Drock. I’ve been meaning to ask you two about something. I noticed when I told everyone who I got the signs from, your expressions changed. Do you know who the couple was?”
“Yes, we do, Pristine. The people you saw were King Elios and Queen Loreanna of the unicorns.” answered Mallian.
Pristine just stared and replied, “I thought they were dead.”
“They are, but their spirits remain.” Drock explained.
“I wonder why they are helping me?”
“That we cannot say. Now, Pristine. May I ask you something?” asked Mallian.
“Pristine, are you happy?”
That caught Pristine by surprise and she thought about what she would say, and when she did, she couldn’t hide the sadness in her eyes.
“Uh, that’s a tough one. I will say that I am glad that I have friends and people I know who care about me. But, I still feel empty and lonesome. Excuse me, but I like to be alone for awhile.”
“All right. We’ll head to the others.” Drock replied.
“Okay, thanks. I’ll be back soon.” Pristine thanked before leaving.
When she left, Mallian told Drock, “Figures. Since she doesn’t have the other part of her soul, she is going to feel ‘empty’.”
When the two finally got back, “Uh-oh! Looks like trouble.” commented Drock.
They looked around before seeing some feathers. They also smelled something different. Mallian looked at the feathers and said, “This feather comes from a golden gryphon. Looks like we got some lions here too.”
“We better go get them.”
“Yes, but mostly for Pristine’s sake.”
“Right. Let’s go.”
During this time, Pristine continued to walk through the forest. The forest contained a mystical feel about it in its green and mysterious labyrinth and it enchanted Pristine. She found a glen with a pond and sat upon a boulder. Listening to the sounds of birds and other creatures of the forest, Pristine felt at peace for once for here was a place she connected well with. Forest animals began to watch her from the protection of the trees. Pristine, oblivious to them, began to ponder about her inner self.
With sadness in her eyes she asked herself out quietly, “Why do I still feel empty? Will I ever find my true self and purpose?”
She closed her eyes and opened them and finally saw the animals. They suddenly took off.
Pristine sighed and commented, “People in the past have always been scared of me for some reason. I guess the animals here are no different. Really cannot blame them for I am strange.”
The animals understood her words, and began to feel her sincerity and purity. So they appeared once more and some even gathered around her. One little rabbit even jumped onto her lap. Pristine smiled with joy.
“Thank-you for understanding.” she replied as she gently stroked the rabbit.
Suddenly the animals became alert. Pristine stood up with the rabbit in her arms and placed it down before smelling something.
“What’s that smell?”
She looked up and saw smoke.
“Oh no. No! Fire! I’ve got to find the others.”
The animals urged her to go with them.
“All right. Let’s go.” Pristine agreed as they started to run.
Meanwhile, Lance and the others were taken to a meadow where the leaders of the creatures of the Mystical Forest were. Amongst them was an elf. Her name was Pixie. She looked to be twelve years-old, when in fact she was actually over a hundred years. Her skin was olive toned and her pink and green hair was in pigtails. Her form was very much like a young lady about to enter adolescences, for her body was slender and long, but it‘s still petite. She stared at the intruders with harsh pink eyes as she stepped forward, eyes that had seen a lot in her young years. The others were tied to several stakes. Different mystical creatures surrounded Pixie and the other leaders.
Finally Pixie demanded, “Why have you trespassed on our land? You humans know very well that it’s forbidden.”
“Please, we didn’t mean to. We’re on a quest.” Kyra replied.
“Oh really.” Pixie said sarcastically.
“It’s the truth my lady. I am a knight and would never lie.” added Sir Reginald.
“So, I knew several human kings who said they were honorable men, but ended up braking their words.”
That moment, a brown satyr came forward.
“Pixie, several beings wish to speak with you.” he told her.
“Who are they?”
“One’s a water folk, and the other is human, but he was raised by dwarfs. He wears dwarf clothing, has a dwarf name, and he has the dwarf emblem on him.” explained the satyr.
“Let them approach.” Pixie replied reluctantly.
The satyr led Mallian and Drock in.
Mallian looked at the humans and sighed before saying, “Well, leave them alone for one minute, and they still manage to get into trouble.”
“All right, who are you and what do you want?” asked Pixie.
“Good day. My name is Mallian and this is Drock. We came for the humans.” Mallian replied.
“And then will you leave?”
“I’m afraid not. We’re on a quest.” said Drock.
Pixie pondered on this quest of theirs. Suddenly, she figured it out. Mallian and Drock came from the two other places that had shields. The only reason why they would leave their sanctuary and the only reason why they would come through here was because . . . “Let me guess, you want to find the princess of the unicorns?”
“Yes, we do.” answered Drock.
“And do you actually trust these humans?”
“As a matter of fact we do. These humans have done nothing to hurt anyone. They are all honorable. And you know very well that my kind doesn’t lie.” protested Mallian.
“Yes, I do Mallian. They may be sincere now, but how do you know they’ll stay that way. It was because of humans that we could not protect and possibly save the unicorns! It was because of humans that I saw my family die right in front of me!”
“Yes, but don’t forget that humans were being controlled by Zeather, and that not all humans became evil.” Drock bounced back.
“Yes, I know, but give me one good reason why I should trust these humans?”
“Because Drackor is involved.”
“How do you know he is? Have any of you seen him?”
“I have!” shouted Kyra.
“Okay then, what proof do you have?”
“I have it, but not with me right now.”
Pixie sighed confusedly.
“Oh, I don’t know what to do. I am perplexed.”
“Do what you feel is best.” Mallian replied.
Before Pixie replied, someone shouted, “Fire!! The forest is on fire!”
Immediately different creatures began to scramble.
“No! Don’t panic! Everyone go find water!” ordered Pixie.
“What about them?” the satyr asked referring to Lance and the others.
“Oh, release them.”
The creatures did.
“That’s a relief.” said Grayson.
They approached Mallian and Drock.
“Where’s Pristine?” Lance asked immediately.
“She’s safe. Right now, we got to help protect this forest.” said Mallian.
“Mallian’s right. Let’s go.” ordered Ophealia.


A/N: Sorry about the cliff hanger. You have to feel bad for Pixie and the others who live here. I really like Pixie. She's still considered a child, but was forced to grow up, but she still retains a bit of that fae mischief, as you'll soon learn.

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