Menewsha Avatar Community

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neller 10-27-2009 02:41 AM

Until Updated; Still Finishing up Commissioned Pieces; Will accept requests from those who inquired before closing

Welcome to
Neller's Spectacular Art-Shop Thingamajig
where you are free to request art from me...
at a price!

Ace owns my soul...=O
I'M BACK...And ready to take on some new requests. ^_^ HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT!

neller 10-27-2009 02:42 AM

I Believe We Are Due for Some Introductions!

I'm Janelle. My friends know me better as Neller, hence the username. I prefer to be referred to as Neller, but you're free to call me Janelle, or whatever you want as long as it isn't insulting, if you wish!

I am 18 and a college freshman! WOOT CLASS OF 2014! I took a course all day called Advertising Art and Design at a technical school during my senior year in high school. It was loads of fun and was plentiful with the real world experience. Now I'm in college for Communication Design, which is full of graphic and design and illustration. :)

My favorite color is orange. My goal is to make all my avatars using orange. My favorite show is Avatar: Last Airbender, although I don't get to watch Tv too much. =( Wall-E is my favorite movie (it touched my heart and had a lot of meanings that I believe in!) My favorite band is Blue Oyster Cult (I should say obsession) but my favorite song is Seasons of Wither by Aerosmith. I have a strange and strong liking for wings. WOOT WINGS!

I think that's enough about me. You came here looking for art, not crap about me!

neller 10-27-2009 02:42 AM


I think we all know the drill, but for those of us who don't:
  • Follow the site's rules, formost
  • Don't beg or spam (or to the black list you'll go)
  • No fights or insults in this thread (you can take disagreements elsewhere)
  • HAVE FUN! That's what this site is all about!

neller 10-27-2009 02:43 AM

What I'll Do

I guess you can say I'm an artist of many talents. I can do a plethora of artistic deeds. From drawing avi's to writing poems. And you can request for it here, in mah shop!

Avi's: I can draw your avatar. Just note that I will only do full bodies unless discussed or your avatar is too detailed or cluttered for my poor eyes. Then I'll only do a bust. Same price.
Avi's can be done in sketch and ink. Color is bribe only.

OC's: I'm open to drawing Original Characters. I can do any human like being. Whether it'd be an elf or a creature of your own imagination, I just ask that you give me a
description of your character and a referrence picture if you'd like (or you could tell me to let my imagination run wild!) Again, only full body unless discussed.
OC's can be done in sketch and ink. Color is bribe only.

Animals: I believe I have a knack for animals. I mostly draw them realistically, but I can draw them in my style
(a happy medium between realism and cartoon, I guess). I draw both creatures of fantasy and reality.
Animals are only availible in sketch or ink unless discussed other wise.

Portraits: I draw portraits! Realism, of course, unless I'm requested elsewise. I would most certainly need a referrence picture for a portrait.
Portraits are sketch only. No questions. Only a really big bribe could make me change my mind.

Poems: OH YES! I offer to write poems for the willing soul. I won't write a poem for a school paper. NO! But one needs help with a poem for a story, or a card,
or just a poem they would like to give to their loved one, then I'm there for you! I specialize in narritive poetry, but I can write lyrical. I don't do sonnets, hiakus, so on and so forth.
I have a certain poetry style that rarely varies. It sticks to a abcb defe rhyme scheme unless I'm inspired other wise. For this, I would need a description of what it is for and of what it is about.

Sketches would be done with a 2B lead pencil and in my sketch book.
Inks would be done with a micron 1 point pen in my sketch book.
Colors would be done with both a 1 point pen and roseart color pencils in my sketch book or with my Genius Tablet in MS Paint (with lack of shading).

*note* All artworks done in my sketchbook will be taken by a camera, causing poor quality of my artwork.
This will be until I have my scanner loaded onto my laptop which is not in the forseeable future.

neller 10-27-2009 02:43 AM

The Thing We've Been Waiting For...
Price List & Examles


I'm currently offering a new style. It's vector art, created in Adobe CS5 Illustrator.
Example: [x]
If you'd like this style, just request it with a bribe. I don't have a set price one it as of yet because I'd like to get used to the style. So far, it's been bribed for 1k.
Not Open Until September

Avatars and Original Characters:
Sketch [x] [x] [x] [x]- 200 gold
Ink [x]- 250 gold
Color (no examples)- 250 gold+Bribe

Sketch [x]: 350 gold
Ink [x]: 400 gold
Color (no examples): 400 gold+Bribe

Sketch [x] [x]: 750-1000 gold

100 gold per stanza (4 lines) [x] [x] [x] [x]

Multiples (couples and groups):
Buy one, get the rest half off.
*Only allowed 6 characters per piece due to lack of space*
[x] [x] [x] [x]

neller 10-27-2009 02:44 AM


Since I have multiple areas of requests I can produce, I figured it would be easier for me to provide multiple forms, one for each area.

Avis and OCs
HTML Code:

[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkOrange"][U]MAKE MY AVI OR OC![/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="3"][B]Username/Charcter Name:
Referrence Image/Description (links would be nice):
Preferrences (expressions, poses, *colors):
Sketch or Inked?:
Bribe (color or shaded):
Total Price:
[SIZE="1"]*if color is wanted and agreed[/SIZE][/FONT]

HTML Code:

[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkOrange"][U]MAKE ME AN ANIMAL![/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="3"][B]Animal Type:
Referrence Image/Description (links would be nice):
Preferrences (poses, *colors):
Sketch or Inked?:
Bribe (color or shaded):
Total Price:
[SIZE="1"]*if color is wanted and agreed[/SIZE][/FONT]

HTML Code:

[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkOrange"][U]MAKE ME A PORTRAIT![/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="3"][B]Referrence Image:
Bribe (inked or color):
Total Price:
[SIZE="1"]*if color or ink is wanted and agreed[/SIZE][/FONT]

HTML Code:

[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkOrange"][U]WRITE ME A POEM[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="3"][B]Will be used for:
Estimated amount of stanzas:
Total Price:

HTML Code:

[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkOrange"][U]DRAW ME MULTIPLE AVIs OR OCs![/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="3"][B]Number of Characters:
Number of Human-like Characters:
Number of Animals:
Usernames/Charcter Names:
Referrence Images/Descriptions (links would be nice):
Preferrences (expressions, poses, *colors):
Sketch or Inked?:
Bribe (color or shaded):
Total Price:
[SIZE="1"]*if color is wanted and agreed[/SIZE][/FONT]

neller 10-27-2009 02:44 AM


Open Slots (only 3 will be taken at a time):
1. Lilith W
2. Open
3. Open

(Other things promised that will be done in free time:
Parody Contest Entries)

Freebie List (only 3 slots):
1. Hadsvich [x]
2. briannamal [x]
3. ashley [x]

Ace Strife- 1. [x] 2.[x] 3.[x]
Hadsvich- [x] [x]
Kai La Morte- 1. [x] 2. [x]
Lilith W: - 1. [x] 2. [x] 3. [x]
Marquisse- [x]
Iltu- [x]
diamond princess ashley- [x]
Aoekae- 1.[x] 2.[x]
Drache-Lehre- [x]
Kande914- Picture to come
DinoKisses- [x]
Den ro- [x]
anaxilea:- [x]
Dmitri Blair:- [x]

White List (priority):
Ace Strife (such a pleasent customer!)
Black List (requests will not be accepted):
None Currently

neller 10-27-2009 02:48 AM

Questions, Comments, Concerns, Contacts


If you have any questions about my shop or anything at all, really, I have a pm box, so don't hesitate to send mail (no spam, please!)
If I get asked the same question multiple times, I'll post it here:

None Currently

Don't be afraid to hang out and talk! I love to make new friends. :) And I promise I don't bite...merely nibble. XD
And if something is wrong with my shop, or something is awkward about it (like my description or pricing) LET ME KNOW A.S.A.P! I'm not perfect, and this is no where near perfect, but I want it as user friendly as can be!

And if you'd like to find me on the web, I'm not really big on contact sites. BUT!
Deviantart: (there's currently an offer for free sketches by me on there! Check it out for details!)

neller 10-27-2009 02:49 AM

reserve :)

neller 10-28-2009 04:44 AM

*shnip shnip*

I think she's ready for opening!

*cuts gold ribbon*

lunanuova 10-28-2009 05:40 PM

Good luck on the shop, Neller! Love the examples, you have some really nice art! :)

neller 10-28-2009 06:05 PM

Oh! Why thank you. ^_^
I'll draw your request after I draw a picture from my friend...and who ever hooks onto my dA journal. XD
4 pictures isn't too much. ^_^

HamletSpamlet 10-28-2009 07:28 PM

Good luck! :boogie:

ghostPastry 10-28-2009 07:44 PM

Yay, nellers' art shop! *dances around*
Aw, I missed first post. ;~; *kicks a moth*

neller 10-28-2009 07:50 PM

Thanks for the wishes and positivity!

Poor Anna. You got the third. XD

Ace Strife 10-28-2009 09:45 PM

Username/Charcter Name: Ace Strife
Referrence Image/Description (links would be nice): Him and Her
Preferrences (expressions, poses, *colors): Cute Couple pose
Sketch or Inked?: Inked
Bribe (color or shaded):
Total Price: 400g

ghostPastry 10-28-2009 10:28 PM

@neller- Look you gots a customer! :insane:

Argh, I know. Hammy always beats me to the chase! :illgetu:

neller 10-29-2009 02:00 AM

*jumps with joy*
Customers are priority over anything else. ;)

My friend's avi from meez.
The avi's I owe in the art post.
The 3 freebies from dA.
The 3 freebies from here.

Yeah. XD


Originally Posted by Ace Strife (Post 1765328708)
Username/Charcter Name: Ace Strife
Referrence Image/Description (links would be nice): Him and Her
Preferrences (expressions, poses, *colors): Cute Couple pose
Sketch or Inked?: Inked
Bribe (color or shaded):
Total Price: 400g

Looks like you're my first customer! But the price is only 375 gold. ;) 250 for the first character and 125 for the second.
I'll get working on it right away!

But, I was wondering how you're going to pay for only have 62 gold?

Ace Strife 10-29-2009 01:22 PM

Oh right hehe xD well you can keep as tips for the lovely art ^^ I really love it and the wings are awesome :heart:

and gold dont worry I wasn't faking like I dont have gold, I keep my gold in my mules mostly cause I use it for exchange

neller 10-29-2009 01:57 PM

I was just wondering. I'm getting used to the whole mules thing. XD

And thanks for the tip and loving it! ^_^ I love drawing wings.

Ace Strife 10-29-2009 03:45 PM

Hehe I think I am gonna order more from you <33

and sorry about the delay I sent it now

neller 10-29-2009 04:38 PM

I saw. Thank you very much. ^_^
And really? I love to draw for others, so request away. XD

Hadsvich 10-31-2009 02:59 AM

Hiya, neller~ :'D
How are you? :'3

I'm actually thinking of ordering some animals from you~ o wo
How do you feel about dragons? ;'D

neller 10-31-2009 03:02 AM

I love dragons! Love love love them. And I mean drawing them...well, I love love dragons, as well. THANK YOU ERAGON! XD

Hadsvich 10-31-2009 03:13 AM

lol I see~ Glad to know then. x'D
I'm definitely going to get a Charizard drawn then~ >w< x'3
It says on the front page that you'd be willing to draw somewhere between realistic and cartoon, do you have any samples for that? o 3o

& I was wondering if you'd draw animals chibish like this, this, or this.

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