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kandii_k 12-25-2009 08:28 AM

Horrible gift ideas!
Have you ever given a horrible gift/recieved one?

Talk about it. Discuss you gift depression and find out if other people have had it worse than you, or see if you can get better gifting advice for next year!!

My worse present was a burger king gift card from my friend, even though we were on the same track team and I told her I was trying a healthier diet.

The worse present I ever gave was a bottle of nail polish to my mom when I was 10. I mixed a crap load of colors together. I was ten what to you people want from me? Anyway it came on looking the color of baby poo.:(

Lady Luck Infinity 12-25-2009 08:32 AM

Getting purses and wallets year after year from my aunts. I barely have enough time to use last years before I get a new one.

kandii_k 12-25-2009 08:34 AM

Lol i got a wristlet for the first time this year... i kinda like evern though I'm not much of a bag person. And why do aunts and uncles seem to give you the same thing every year, just a different color?

Nice avi by the wayXD

Jennifer 12-25-2009 09:00 AM

I once got a BK card for my birthday...after I told the person that I too was trying to eat more healthier.

Anyway, I can't really remember ever receiving a terrible Christmas gift. Although, I'm sure I've given some to others (can't remember though). I don't usually gift anymore; and I don't expect people to gift me, especially in this stressful economic time. XD

Ebony Mist 12-25-2009 09:01 AM

The worst gift I ever got was a How-To-Draw-Horses book from my horse-obsessed aunt... who knows I can't draw animals and don't like to.

Kyle 12-25-2009 09:06 AM

heh me and my dad have a worst gift contest to see who can give the worst gift, i totally gave him a sprinkler last year, he won though he got me a jewelry box :/

Maxime 12-25-2009 09:14 AM

I think mine was a calendar a few years ago o3o
I got it from my (step-)grandma ><

pinkii 12-25-2009 09:17 AM

One of the worst gifts I've gotten was an old worn-out bracelet that was broken.
I can't say that I ever gave bad gifts only because I tend to spoil my friends and family.

blitzy 12-25-2009 09:26 AM

When I was about 16 my Grandmother gave me a sugar pink, frilly sweatshirt with a teddy bear on it. Apparently she was giving all the granddaughters the same gifts at that point and my other female cousins were 13 and 12 at the time.

Also anytime someone gives me lotions, scented candles or soaps; all which I am allergic too. I'm just like, "oh looks like Granny is trying to kill me again, pretty wrapping paper though".

TunaFishSalad 12-25-2009 09:28 AM

Mine was a $2 glass decor thing my sister got me, she was 8 though >W>

pinkii 12-25-2009 09:38 AM

@Blitzy: I never heard of a frilly sweatshirt O: Is it like a sweater that looks like a dress?

@Tuna: AWWW that's cute xD

LOL I just remembered that I knew of a person who got their own clothes from their mother almost every year. I don't think anyone could top that

Kaesthrine 12-25-2009 10:06 AM

The worst gift that I ever had are the fire crackers that I got in an exchange gift two years ago. :P

kandii_k 12-25-2009 10:18 AM

@ Kyle lmao my Uncle got one from his daughter one year i swear my whole family deadpanned at that moment.

@Jen seriously though I used it and it seriously set me back, damn whoppers

yar im pocky 12-25-2009 11:57 AM

A card to my bother and it said horrible things on it. Then I erased it and put sorry.

aeroshaker 12-25-2009 12:03 PM

...nothing in particular, though I am just giving my sister's boyfreind a card this year (I don't like him) and my brother a used pda, but asked for it so I dont think that counts.
I've actually been happy with what I get every year.

The Enchanted Tiara 12-25-2009 02:46 PM

The worst gift I ever received?

Well, one time, my Mother for a gift exchange decided to wrap up and give away something of mine, even though I argued with her about it for a long time. We were allowed to trade gifts, so I traded to get my own possession back.

Neko 12-25-2009 02:51 PM

My grandmother and her horrible printed, beaded and glittery animal sweaters D:
Little muli-colored beaded kitties on a huge red knitted sweater XD

Demoncat 12-25-2009 02:55 PM

The worse gift I got this year was a movie based video game, the game play sucks and the graphics are terrible, its also a bummer when you're excepting some other game, when I opened my present I just stared at it. :/

Chidori Phoenix 12-25-2009 03:06 PM

The worst gift I ever received was a pink sweat shirt I received from an aunt who knew I never wore pink. I ended up returning it, and getting the same shirt in a different color.

The worst gift I've given someone was probably a purse filled with makeup I decided to give to a friend one year. It wouldn't have been so bad, but I later learned that she had received lots of makeup as gifts from others.

Naeru 12-25-2009 03:07 PM

Re-gifts I find are horrible ideas ^^;
Or anything that you got from a promotion or for free (like a pen with a company's name on it)

MissAndroid 12-25-2009 03:22 PM

The worst gift I received was a hair dryer when I was 9 or 10, I was nowhere near gracious.

The worst gift I gave was probably when I gave my mom stuff that was already hers as a present.

CuddlyQuiche 12-25-2009 03:32 PM

The worst present I ever recieved was a Bratz dolly at 17!. My grandma is attempting to stop me from growing up, especially when this year she spited me with nail varnish that she told me herself didn't suit me xD

The worst present I ever gave was a make up bag for my brother, since he asked for mascara =__= so I got him a whole goth set. He loved the gift, the whole family looked at me like a shot a baby.

Quantum Angel 12-25-2009 06:10 PM

Last mother gave me SOCKS. They were pretty nice socks, admittedly, but the thing is, I don't even wear socks. All of my shoes are more comfortable without them. My mother is very well aware of this. xD;

As for me, I try not to give bad gifts, except as inside jokes - in which case they turn around and become good anyway (for instance, one of my gifts this year came with a rock). xD

Sev en Ester 12-25-2009 06:25 PM

I have two ideas for the worst presents to receive. know, I just don't want everyone to be looking at it and especially if it's the first present because then I set that as the standard for anything else I receive. If I get something better I think ''Well apparently everyone forgot important UNDERWEAR is. I obviously need that more than anything because if I didn't, they wouldn't have gotten me that for a present..."

Next, for me...It's getting the thing you really really wanted, but didn't want someone to just give you. That's what happened with the Wii. I wanted it...but I didn't really want it NOW. That along with any other presents you aren't' ever going to use or look at ever again. This morning I unwrapped a new guitar. I'd been using my mom's 50 year old one and it sounds funny so I'd been saying that I wanted a new one...BUT I WANTED TO GET IT FOR MYSELF....It kinda pisses me off for some reason....

*is getting emotional for no emotional for no reason whatsoever*

wishie 12-25-2009 06:30 PM

I don't like re-gifts. It just show's that people are lazy and don't know what to give you.

One time I got a gift card to Claire's and I don't even shop there :gonk:
Luckly I was able to find some hello kitty stuff in a small corner in the store.

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