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mwahhaha 01-06-2010 04:48 AM

(New Style) Realistic Portrait Freebies
Hullo~ and Welcome!
Welcome to my Realistic Portrait Shop. (It used to be something else - so ignore the other posts, please.) Please post the requests of your Avatar or O.C. (original character) as follows:

Character Image:
Character Age:
Character Gender:
Description (personality and/or frequent emotions. Please give physical description, too, if there is no clear image provided):
Do you want the character's name on it?

Uh- Info
*I may not draw everyone
My skipping over your post does not mean that your avatar or OC is uncool or ugly - all it means is I was in the mood to draw something else. If I do not pick your avatar/OC, feel free to post again with a link to your reference as a reminder that you are still interested.
*All art will be posted in both my Deviant Art (with you getting full character design credit) and in the next post. When looking for your art, always check the post below - if it isn't there, I'm not done with it or you haven't asked for a WIP.
On that topic...If you want a WIP (work-in-progress), just let me know.

1: Cardinal Biggles
2: Ashtyn Leigh
1: .Simplicity.
2: Setsuko
3: angelbabe1
4: Ivvy
5: anaxilea
6: Angel<3
7: Usako
8: Evergreen Goddess

Thanks for reading

mwahhaha 01-06-2010 04:55 AM

Newest Art:
For full size, click on each portrait or head to my DA ;)
The newest piece is visible here, the older pieces are in my DA my DA my DA. :D

Usako's OC

thanks for looking, y'all.

Hadsvich 01-06-2010 05:14 AM

Nice idea~
I just might ask for an outfit.
> w>

mwahhaha 01-06-2010 05:17 AM

Thanks. ^-^
That would be cool.

at_least_fer_now 01-06-2010 06:06 AM

I'd like an outfit please! <3
What type: people tell me i'm an awful dresser. so just give me something classy i guess. ;)
Colors you really want in the outfit: black and gray?
I am a: boy I dress like a: boy
Other: i don't like high heels, haha.

mwahhaha 01-06-2010 06:11 AM

Yeah! Oh, geez! I forgot to put something on the form. I fixed the form, but I'll just ask you: Is this formal, casual, semi-formal, etc?

at_least_fer_now 01-06-2010 06:12 AM

oh. casual i guess. thanks :)

mwahhaha 01-06-2010 06:43 AM

Fer, here you gooooooo~!
I figure your somewhat fun(ky) based on your event art shop, so I threw in that crazy belt. ^^

diamond princess ashley 01-06-2010 01:16 PM

I'd like an outfit please! <3
What type: song ((shalott)) and well poem ((the lady of shalott))
Colors you really want in the outfit: go with whatever you feel after reading and hearing them
I am a: girl I dress like a: girl
Event: oh very formal i like dresses alot
Other: i like all clothes so go at it girl i will love it all but i must say im in love with dressy stuff more then regular stuff so could you go alittle more formal

link to song YouTube - Emilie Autumn - Shalott
link to poem The Lady of Shalott

Jayde93 01-06-2010 04:45 PM

this looks awesome :)

I'd like an outfit please! <3
What type:hrrrmm my avi XD orr the queen of hearts off of alice in wonderland
Colors you really want in the outfit:(avi) PURPLE and Black , (queen) red and black
I am a: Girl and I dress like a Girl
Event: (avi, like my avi)(formal)
Other:im pretty good with anything :)

mwahhaha 01-06-2010 08:36 PM

Cool, and thanks! ^^

Here's your orders.
diamond princess ashley:
Jayde93 (I'm interested in doing a Queen of Hearts, and I may do that one later.):

Jayde93 01-06-2010 08:38 PM

thats sick like awesome sick :) thank you and I shall await the queen f hearts :)

mwahhaha 01-06-2010 08:40 PM

:3 I'm glad you like it. It's really fun outfit. I'd totally wear that dancing. ^^

Jayde93 01-06-2010 08:44 PM

I wold to :) i would wear that enywhere :)

diamond princess ashley 01-07-2010 01:31 AM

omg thats awsome looking that must be mine
*pulls out mastercard*

GLITTERjazz 01-25-2010 12:22 AM

You made this from Polyvore eh?

Kiari 01-25-2010 12:50 AM

I'd like an outfit please! <3
What type: Japanese Culture
Colors you really want in the outfit: Black
I am a: Girl I dress like a: Girl
Event: Casual
Other: I hate Heels, and Really tight clothing

Ayco83 01-25-2010 06:52 AM

I'd like an outfit please! <3
What type: This:
Colors you really want in the outfit: Colors in the pictue many green, white and red.
I am a: Girl I dress like a: Girl
Event: Casual
Other: Highheels = no. Cluttered outifts i like C:

mwahhaha 01-25-2010 08:19 PM

@GLITTERjazz: yup, Polyvore. It's a fun site. You might want to give it a try. ^^
@Kiari: Coolness. Can you be more specific about which Japanese (sub)culture? The first thing that came to mind was J-Rock and then Gothic Lolita, or it could be something else entirely.
@Ayco83: All rightie! That looks like a fun outfit!
Thanks guys!

GLITTERjazz 01-25-2010 09:01 PM

LOL i'm on it everyday. :D

Kiari 01-26-2010 06:43 AM

Um... i will say traditional if possible (kimono's, hapi, wooden sandals, etc) if not they lolita. <3

mwahhaha 01-30-2010 01:45 AM

I just caught a break with school, so I'm going to have them both up tonight in an edit. ^^
@Kiari: all rightie! traditional sounds great! If I can't I'll go to your back-up of lolita.
@GLITTERjazz: cool, what's your user name on there?

EDIT: Here are your outfits, ladies!
My little brother and I are really into Japan; he helped me remember the layers of a traditional Japanese outfit. I know a little is missing, but I'm limited by what's on Polyvore, though.

I couldn't decide which braclet I liked the most for the outfit, so I just but all of the "finalists" on here.

Kiari 01-30-2010 05:10 AM

Yay I love it. <3

mwahhaha 01-30-2010 06:18 AM

^-^ yay! I'm glad.

at_least_fer_now 02-07-2010 07:45 PM

thanks for that outfit. i like that belt, too. sorry it took me forever to get back over here.

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