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silenttiger43 03-06-2010 02:44 AM

The Pharaoh's Daughter
The sand stretched for miles, the pyramids stood tall, proud and strong and the river Nile glistened with cool clean water. This was the land of Egypt, a mighty empire standing tall amongst the rest.

The palace of the pharaohs was currently home to the family of Pharaoh Isoteph, a generally kind and powerful leader who kept a world of peace and prosperity to the Egyptian people.

Kyuuketsuki_Kisu 03-06-2010 05:15 AM

(Eeep! I'm so sorry, please forgive me for taking so long...I got booted off the computer unexpectedly....)

A female form fluttered through the marble corridors quickly, her favorite attendant trailing behind her fussing with her hair and demanding her mistress slow down. A slight scoff floated through painted red lips as emerald eyes turned slightly, gazing at the lesser woman through lids heavy with kohl, "And be lectured for being late once more? I think not!"

Her attendant fell further behind as the girl increased her pace, although he sandaled feet didn't seem to make much sound. Beside her, more used to the young womans temperments, a golden saluki trotted. Although they were commonly used for hunting, the dog had a spoiled air about him, as if he knew his mistress owned the world and would give it to him on a golden plate if he so wished. The girl's long fingers rested on his head, as if attached by thread.

A few more moments of rushing, and the girl reached a section of the palace-the temple. Inside would be the high priest, probably angry with her for being late...again. "Princess Asima, please! Let me fix your hair!"

The woman, Princess Asima, brushed her aside and deftly brushed the hair that laid over her shoulders back, stepping through the large archway into the temple, absentmindedly speaking to the dog at her side, "Come Anobi, we have a long lesson ahead of us..."

silenttiger43 03-06-2010 01:33 PM

Within the chamber stood an older man clad in elegant robes only a high priest could wear. His hair was long, silver colored and tied back for convenience as he stood before a table filled with many things. Tablets and scrolls of magical spells and secrets were organized before him, he seemed to be working on one particular scroll as Asima entered the holy temple.

"You're late" he told her rather simply, an air of irritation to his tone. This was one of the few men who could actually get away with speaking to her as such for he was held in her father's highest regard. "I would assume then you don't need to learn how to create light in this lesson." he turned to face her, his wise blue eyes falling upon her in disappointment, "So go on. Show me." he crossed his arms expectantly.

He was a strict teacher, strict but fair for the most part. High Priest Lakar was one of the best magic users in all of Egypt but Ra forbid if you were late to his classes.

Kyuuketsuki_Kisu 03-06-2010 02:56 PM

The princess moved forward quickly, a frown on her face...Maybe she should have paid a bit more attention instead of letting her mind wander...I seemed to be very good at that, though. Stalling, Asima, waved to the dog at her side, who moved to a far corner of the room and laid down on the marble.

Asima smiled at the high priest, a bit sheepish, though she avoided looking into his eyes. It was always the same-disappointment. Everyone was always disappointed. But, why should she have to learn the million things no princess before her had?

"Forgive me, Honored Priest, I seems to have...slipped my mind?" There was a lilt at the end of her sentence, turning it into a question, although that wasn't was Asima had intended. The young women crossed her hands in front of her, a flush touching her cheeks as she stared at her sandals.

silenttiger43 03-06-2010 03:38 PM

Lakar sighed, shaking his head a little as he turned back to the table. He plucked a scroll from the pile and offered it to her, "This is the incantation. I want you to write it out twenty times before even attempting the spell. Once it is stuck in that mind of yours, we will go over it together."

With that said he returned to what he had been working on when she entered. He seemed to be translating some sort of tablet onto papyrus. For such a magically gifted man, he seemed to like doing things by hand quite a bit.

Kyuuketsuki_Kisu 03-06-2010 03:45 PM

Giving a slight sigh, Asima's thin form moved forward, accepting the scroll, and gathering a few other supplies before moving toward Anoki. The dog raised it's thin head as his master folded herself next to him on the temple floor, leaning against him as she began copying.
She was done soon, and stood, shaking the dress that curled around her ankles. This done, she lifted all the items, returning the blank papyrus to it's place. She lifted the scroll, holding it out in front of the high priest. "I believe I have it memorized...please forgive me for not paying better attention to my studies...." As always, Asima did mean it. She just seemed to forget when the old man she'd become fond of wasn't around.

silenttiger43 03-06-2010 03:55 PM

He glanced at her, then finished a section of what he was doing before turning his full attention upon her. "You are forgiven. This time" he replied, although really he always said it like that. They continued on with the lesson as usual from there and soon enough their time was up. ((hope you don't mind time skipping))

"Now, if you see your brother, do tell him that if he is late, I am going to make him croak like a frog for a week." Lakar stated at the end. Asima's older brother, Nemiah had a tenancy to be late on purpose. He disliked Lakar's lessons, except for Nemiah it was even more essential because one day he would be pharaoh.

Kyuuketsuki_Kisu 03-06-2010 10:40 PM

Asima tilted her head gracefully acknowledging her pardon, although her dignity was shattered somewhat when she snorted. Her brother...might as well have him poisoned...Why should he get to be pharaoh?

Asima didn't dislike her brother, however her aging was bringing things into focus. Someday, he would be Pharaoh, the Sun and the Moon. She would be at his mercy, and lately she'd began to wonder if he would recall the toads in his bed or the way Anobi growled when Nemiah came near. Asima couldn't help but let her thoughts flutter to her sitting on the throne, although she'd have to take a husband. It would be easy enough to find a docile one...

As usual, Asima pushed the vile thoughts from her mind, calling Anobi to her and giving the High Priest a smile. "I'll go let him know now..."

Moving through the palace much like earlier-Asima never could seem to make her feet slow down-Asima's attendant latched on to her once more, following her mistress in silence as the arrived at the rooms in the palace belonging to Nemiah.

Knock, Knock Asima banged on the doors rather harshly, calling out, "Brother...Lakar wishes for you to go to the temple...He told me if you are late again, he will make you croak for a week." She paused, smiling slightly, "You know he is literal...."

silenttiger43 03-06-2010 10:44 PM

"tell him I'm sick" Nemiah called in return, not sounding one bit ill. He was always trying to come up with excuses to put off his studies. He was always off doing various things which quite often lead him into trouble.

((sorry for the occasional short post x.x))

Kyuuketsuki_Kisu 03-06-2010 11:12 PM

Asima sighed as a response, then opened the doors leading to her brother's chambers. Who cares if he rememebers the toads? A little voice told Asima. Too late to turn back now. Floating in, she glared around, "Nemiah! I will not! You go and inform him 'You're so ill!' Do you think you can do that as Pharoah? Just let everyone know, 'Oh I'm sick so I won't be making peace with a nation at war with us today. I'll do it tommorrow!' Don't be silly!"

While talking, Asima began pacing, Anobi next to her, though his head was down and his short hair was bristling slightly.

(It's fine, I understand...Hope you don't mind me barging in your room! :D)

silenttiger43 03-06-2010 11:18 PM

As she barged into the room Nemiah was sitting in the window, probably getting ready to climb out and escape. He quickly tried to act natural as soon as Asima entered though, "Ra! Doesn't anybody respect my privacy anymore?!" he retorted, his greenish blue eyes were filled with annoyance. "Asima I have years-years before I'm pharaoh, and after that I'm never going to get to have fun again. For once can't you just let me enjoy being a kid?" he gave his very best puppy-dog eyes. He really wasn't more than a year older than Asima.

Kyuuketsuki_Kisu 03-06-2010 11:24 PM

Stopping her rant, Asima turned to look at her brother, a slight smile forcing the woman to bring her hand up to hide it from her brother. Of course he'd weasel out of it.

Not answering his question, Asima moved to the window, standing next to her brother and looking down. "Where are you thinking of going?"

silenttiger43 03-06-2010 11:28 PM

"Just... out" he shrugged, glancing towards the city. There was a sense of excitement he was trying to hide, probably to avoid going into detail. "But seriously Asima, can you tell him I'm not feeling well or something? He'll never believe it coming from me, but if you say it..." he put on his best smile, being as polite an older brother as could be-of course the only time he was ever this nice was when he wanted something from her.

Kyuuketsuki_Kisu 03-07-2010 12:00 AM

Asima rolled her eyes. He should know by now-the look didn't deter her. But then again...Why could Nemiah who was supposed to be Pharoah have such fun when she was confined in these walls? She was tired of being the dutiful daughter.

"I'll tell him...If you let me come with you..." She scrutinized her brother's face, "You're so highstrung, like a yearling stallion being trained..." She gave a girlish giggle, her hand flying to her mouth once more.

silenttiger43 03-07-2010 12:04 AM

Nemiah rolled his eyes, "Asima" he groaned, "You're just going to slow me down-you'll be in the way out the-err, you'll just be in the way." he cringed a little, it was too late and he realized it. Nemiah had just given away that he was leaving the palace altogether, something they weren't supposed to do on their own, even him.

Kyuuketsuki_Kisu 03-07-2010 12:13 AM

Asima smiled, this one unlike the other ones she'd shown. She gave an exaggerated sigh, "Well, I guess instead of letter Lakar know your sick, I'll have to make sure he knows you'll be wandering the city streets..."

Giving another sigh, she gave her brother a fake pitying look, turning and beginning to walk slowly out of the room.

silenttiger43 03-07-2010 12:17 AM

Nemiah hesitated for just a moment before rushing after her. He grabbed Asima's wrist, "Okay! ... okay... but you have to do everything I say out there, and I swear if you get us in trouble I'll have you banned from the palace when I'm pharaoh. Got it?" There was a twisted knot in his stomach, he really didn't want to take her along with but there was no way he was going to class today-he'd already be late if he even tried to go at this point. "And you'd better make it convincing when you tell him."

Kyuuketsuki_Kisu 03-07-2010 12:24 AM

Asima twisted her arm from her brother's hand, ignoring the cut about her getting thrown out. More than likely, he'd simply kill you...Outside you could find people wanting to overthrow Nemiah and place her own the throne. Pharaoh's word was more than law, however, people always found faults with the doing of monarchs. Ignoring the little voice in her head, Asima threw he arms around her brother before rushing from the room, only stopping to give her attendant the night off. Anobi quickly rushed after her, growling with his head low as he passed Nemiah.

When she arrived to the temple, Asima was as breathless as she had hoped to appear. "High Priest!" Asima called, knowing she only used Lakar's formal title when something upset her or occasion demanded it. "Nemiah isn't feeling well...He's curled in bed right now and I sent for our physician...Please excuse him for today's lesson, this wasn't mere dawdling today!" She spoke quickly, hoping her words conveyed worry.

silenttiger43 03-07-2010 12:29 AM

Nemiah stuck his tongue out at the dog as it passed.

Lakar looked up from his work at Asima, "Is that so?" he eyed her a moment, then nodded, "very well, I shall pardon him for today. I certainly hope this doesn't persist, he's far enough behind as it is" he frowned with concern.

Kyuuketsuki_Kisu 03-07-2010 01:51 AM

"I'm sure the physician will take care of it..." Asima replied, giving him a thankful smile as she began to leave the room once more.

She arrived at her brother's quarters a few minutes later, her cheeks flushed from excitement and from her fast pace. A quick stop at her room, and she had gathered herself into simple wool clothes. Her attendants, actually. Dressed in the simple thing, the only adornment she wore worth anything at all was the tiny anklet, covered by her long dress. A quick glance at Asobi, she commanded the dog to stay, before turning to her brother. "I'm ready Nemiah...Will this be alright to wear there?" She had no doubt her brother had left the palace before, and since she never had unless she was protected, she had no idea what clothes or mannerisms she should adopt.

silenttiger43 03-07-2010 01:55 AM

Nemiah looked her over and then sighed, "It'll do for now-just try not to stand out." He himself had donned a simple sand-colored cloak and had gotten rid of all his jewelery. He peered out his window again, "You're going to have to keep up-and for the love of Hathor don't let any of the guards see you!" he began climbing out of the window, up towards the roof of the palace.

Kyuuketsuki_Kisu 03-07-2010 02:00 AM

Asima simply nodded, not trusting herself to speak through the lump that had formed in her throat. Following Nemiah quickly- She had no doubt her big brother would leave her behind if it meant him getting into trouble- She moved to the window, looking down once more, before climbing out and following Nemiah up.

It was strange through, her heavy dress kept getting snared in her feet and she was extremely conscious that anybody one the ground could pass below and look up, seeing everything. Asima ignored these unlikely things, continuing the climb.

silenttiger43 03-07-2010 02:05 AM

They were a fair distance from the ground, at least three levels up yet Nemiah climbed it with ease. Soon he was walking along the rooftop and peering over the far edge to looking for any guards below. He jumped down to a balcony and then proceeded to maneuver his way all the way to earth with practiced skill. Clearly he had done this more than just a few times.

Once on the ground he steadily made his way towards the outer wall that contained the palace grounds. He certainly wasn't going slow or ever waiting for Asima to catch up.

silenttiger43 03-07-2010 01:31 PM

((Was that not enough to go by? I suppose I can post a bit more if that would help.))

Nemiah continued until the outer wall of the palace where part of the garden spread to a corner of the wall. He ducked under the bushes and seemed to disappear completely within. Apparently he had found a small hole, covered up by some rocks. Moving those stones aside it was fairly easy to for a slim person to squeeze through.

Kyuuketsuki_Kisu 03-07-2010 04:34 PM

(Lol, no-no! I'm sorry....I tried to post last night, but I was drinking....a lot... The keys kept changing into other keys, so I broke my keyboard. I made one of my friends type for another roleplay I was doing, but he refused to do another one for me... Lol, I was really far gone. But I got a new one hooked up now....)

Asima continued following, her slender body catching up quickly when her feet touched the ground. Her hands showed various scrapes, bleeding slightly. Now how shall I cover that up?

She was brought out of her train of thought as she ducked into the bushes Nemiah had gone through. Between fairly small pants, the princess stared at her brother in wonder, managing a coherent sentence, "When did you find this? How did you find this?" Shaking her head, Asima slipped through it, waiting until she was on the other side to listen to her brother's answer.

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