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Shadami 03-08-2010 02:09 PM

Azn cookie and shadami
Beauty and the beast, loveable disney story, but what if it was set in the victorian days and the girl was the one trapped in the castle? How would the story change?

Well my friend, that is exactly where this story unfolds. A long time ago, after Christopher Columbus had sailed the Ocean and discovered the Americas, strange things happened around the rest of the world. It could be that anything magic that had been left in the world was dying out for sure, but nonetheless a strange thing started happening to castles. Somewhere deep in Europe was a lonely castle in the woods, it was outfitted with anything you could possibly imagine to survive, a place where food was stored, and weapons to train with and defend it...but, everyone in it disappeared except for one girl:


Name - Miyuku Tanako
Nickname - Miku
Age - 19
Gender - Female
Height/Weight - 5'4 / 100pounds
Ability - She gets this general aura from people so she knows when something is wrong or not.
Biography - Miyuku has been living in the castle for as long as she can remember, the only difference is the castle was lively when she was a baby. Then one day everything just changed, she doesn't know what when or even how. It was just different she wasn't able to remember anything and the castle was empty. Just a girl learning to live for herself. She is quiet when you first approach her, it takes her a few days to warm up to people, she can cook and knows how to fend a sword. She can be moody and mean at times but doesn't usually mean it.
Personality - Usually calm, flirty at times, depressed when some one asks her of her past (of which she has none), and can be rather rude at times.
Picture - Miyuku
5 Likes - Children, Nature, Sweets, Rain and Cooking.
5 Dislikes - Thunder, Mean People, Abuse, Pain and Pushy guys.
Miyuku was left behind in some strange accident, that left the house sullen. Many people would come to visit but the gate that guarded the small castle had rusted close, no one could get in or out. And without her memory she would not know where the key was to begin with. One day a man was running through the very woods that this small castle was buried in.

Name: Alexander Lucius Wesley
Nickname: Alex
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Height/Weight: 6'-0" / 160 pounds
Ability: he can garden pretty well. But he is soon going to be the beast.
Biography: Alexander is a village outcast, a horrible cook, and an accidental murder. After attempting to cook for a local girl that had a crush on him he burnt down a house killing many of the people inside because they got trapped by the fire. And help could not be gotten fast enough. It was tragic and it haunts him, so he is rather happy to have been kicked out of the village. Though he misses the girl dearly, he doubts she will ever like him now.
Personality: Childish and playful most of the time, he is actually rather serious and formal, he just has a very short attention span, and doesn't like to be in one place at once. He'd rather be exploring and moving every where that he possibly can.
5 Likes: Roses, books, walks, gardening, food
5 Dislikes: Cleaning, wolves, time,

The boys heart pounded faster and faster as he ran. He had been out for a walk, one of his favorite things to do when someone had discovered him. Earlier that week he'd been punished and told he was not to set foot in the small village until he could be successful. He had accidentally burnt an entire building to the ground trying to cook. He was horrible at it, and several people had died in the fire. Now the siblings of one of those people were in the woods, swords drawn, chasing him down.

He didn't know how long he ran, but he had made all kinds of turns and was lost, and the sun was setting. He would need to find a cave or something to stay in, it was better than being out in the woods defenseless. His eyes were twitching to every direction as he looked for the people that wanted him dead. He must have lost them a long time ago. His hair was a disaster with twigs and leaves caught in it as he had stumbled or slid between branches. At one point he had even slid down and fallen into a small pond, causing him to also be wet and groggy.

He made one last effort to keep going, and came upon a clearing, and not just any clearing, in front of him was a gigantic gate, red with rust, and guarding the most magnificent castle Alexander had ever seen. Most of the castles were dying off as the era drew to a close. He placed one hand on the gate and pushed, with no effect. He pulled on it, maybe it opened that way. Nothing. Then he noticed the lock. A locked, rusty gate...

He needed to get somewhere soon though, and this seemed like his best he scaled it, collapsing on the other side, more scratches than he had started with now adorning his skin. He probably looked a disaster, maybe he shouldn't just walk right up to a castle... A wolf howled in the distance and he changed his mind, jitters creeping into his skin. Bravely he stood up and walked up to the door.

Side characters:
The mystery girl - the Gaston type character
The servants - includes the three below as well as the duster and many others
Chip- cute little cup
Lumiere - candlestick, very funny
Cogsworth - a very stubborn clock
The wolf - the crazy giant wolf that turned Alex into a wolf
The three siblings - brothers of a girl who died in the fire
Four people died in the fire.

X---AznCo0ki3 03-10-2010 08:58 PM

Miyuku was up by herself again, she was in the library full of dusty books scavenging and scouring for a book that might have had her family history in it. She sighed sitting down exhausted from the failure. She had failed yet another day to find a book or a parchment or any sort of document telling her who she was.

Was she a princess living in this castle or was she a mere servant? She glanced around the dim lit room sadly, she sneezed as the dust from the old books hit her nose. She shook it off, she looked out the huge rusted, but beautiful window panels to the back of the castle garden, the plants were slowly dying away. The garden was big and she did not have any one to help her take care of it.

She walked out of the library slowly. She shut the door with a bare sound, she was often afraid the noise might awake a horrifying truth. Sometimes Miyuku became paranoid and thought that she had killed everyone and everything in the castle and she was a cursed soul forced to live alone. She walked down the winding stairs carefully she had tripped more than once of them and caused a lot of pain for herself.

She walked down to the kitchen..the one place she truly felt at ease at. She slept on the big chairs down stairs, she was too afraid to be all alone in her room with no one. She rarely slept in her room, she started the gas stove and held her arms out in front of it. They were literally frozen from the cold air residing in the castle. She wished that some company would come soon, she was rather lonely in here all by herself.

[[Lol thats pretty good though (; Pretty interesting : D]]

Shadami 03-10-2010 11:57 PM

Alexander looked himself over one more time with a groan. He was an absolute disaster, covered from head to toe in forest, including the mud. "I have to do this though." He raised his hand to knock on the door. It hardly did.. anything. The door was huge and had to be incredibly thick, great now what. He searched everywhere on the door for something, maybe a knocker of some kind. Ah, there. He lifted it, a small brass looking knocker, like a lions head up, still incredibly heavy, and let it drop. It hid the door with a resounding bang that shook the silence of the castle and startled him enough to almost turn from the door in fear.

That was an almost, he was also frozen to the spot in shock and the eerie echo it had given off, and how alerted the wolves beyond the gate probably were of his presence now.

X---AznCo0ki3 03-11-2010 12:22 AM

Miyuku was busy cooking dinner for her lonely self when she heard a loud knock. She dropped her spoon with a gasp, she raised her eyebrows at the knock..."" her eyes shone. She lifted up her dress and ran as fast as she couldto the door. Stubbing her toe into the table as she went, she openedthe door heart pounding, eyes wide and her cheeks rosy!

She opened the door and saw a man. A tall man much taller than her he was a mess she could not speak she was shocked she looked at the man a bit coldly. Who was this stranger..she nodded to him still not speaking she motioned him inside seeing as the wolves were beginning to gather.

Shadami 03-11-2010 12:49 AM

He nodded his thanks and stood awkwardly a few feet within the door. "I'm sorry to intrude, it just didn't seem safe out there right now. Uh." He looked down at himself. "Do you have a place I could clean up, I'd rather not get your castle dirty."

He looked at her quietly, she was pretty, and silent. I hope she's not a mute, though that would explain her being in this castle in the middle of the woods. As he looked around he realized just how big it was. In front of him was a huge staircase that went up to a second floor, possibly more from there, and there was a fireplace to his right with a rug and a couple big comfortable looking chairs and couches. Over the fireplace was some kind of shield, he didn't really pay attention to that right now though as he turned his attention back to the girl.

"Umm." He stood awkwardly wringing his hands together. "Thank you for letting me in."

X---AznCo0ki3 03-11-2010 01:11 AM

Miyuku nodded, "it is okay, it is just that you surprised me..I have not had visitors for as long as I can remember" she said to him with a supressed smile. She held the door open wider for him so he would be able to walk in without bumping into the doors. Miyuku nodded "here follow me..." she said softly.

She closed the door behind him softly and led him up the grand rusted staircases. "Are you hurt?" sh asked him briefly she wasn't used to conversing with people and it made her feel somewhat awkward.

She led him to her room, her chamber had the biggest bathroom he could take a bath with ease. She looked at him and decided he would need some new clothes the ones he wore currently were torn. " do not mind me did you find this castle?" she asked in a shy voice.

Shadami 03-11-2010 01:32 AM

As they walked, Alexander realized just how silent the castle was, in fact they seemed to be the only living things in the entire place. As Miyuku questioned him, Alexander scratched his head in nervous embarrassment, and immediately pulled his hand away in horror. He had not realized just how disgusting he was, and had just gotten a delighting handful of mud. "I wasn't hurt that bad." He was still staring at his hand, and despite being covered in scratches, probably from head to toe, he didn't realize how bad it was, as shown by his reaction to the mud in his hair. He was that filthy.

This also led him to look behind him and gape at the trail he had made. "Oh wow, miss .. uh... well miss I'm sorry, i should have thought to take my shoes off or something. I could help you clean that or something." He grimaced, he HATED cleaning. But he had left a mess behind him.

"Well uh.. you see." How am I to put this without her getting scared. "I got chased by some people that don't like me, who actually would rather I was dead, and got lost and just stumbled upon your castle."

X---AznCo0ki3 03-11-2010 01:44 AM

Miyuku looked at him a bit amused, he had pulled out a handful of mud. She gave a muffled giggle, she coughed into her hand to cover up her laughter. She looked at him her violet eyes wide and full of happiness. "Here..let me" her voice quiet. She took a towel and motioned for him to sit down on her bed she layed a towel down so the bed atleast wouldn't be a mess.

Miyuku looked behind when he did and gave a sigh, shaking her head lightly as she looked at that mess. "It is okay, I'll clean it up while you take a bath I am used to it any ways" she said with a supressed smile she giggled it had been awhile since she had had company!

Miyuku nodded not wanting to force him to tell her anything that he did not want to tell. She turned to him and softly said "I...I am is nice to meet you, you may call me Miku if it iss easier for you" she said with a bit of authority in her voice which suggested she may have been superior and a maybe a princess.

Shadami 03-11-2010 02:52 AM

"Miyuku is a beautiful name, I think i can use that." He smiled looking at the bed. "Are you sure, i'm going to get that messy..." Honestly, Alexander didn't really know what she was getting at, he wasn't about to change in front of her. "Oh and My name is Alexander."

He was a very absent-minded guy, though he tried to be as polite as possible. It is probably how he managed to burn down an entire house though.

X---AznCo0ki3 03-11-2010 11:01 AM

"Thank you" Miyuku replied bluntly. "And yes I am sure please sit down" she gestured she waited patiently for him to sit down, she grabbed a big dark coloured towel. The towel was almost longer than Miyuku herself, "a pleasure to meet you Alexander" she said with a quick smile.

"And please forgive me if I sound rude sometimes, it has been a long while since I have had a converstaion with people" Miyuku soar politely with a small apologetic smile. She reazlized she might have been acting cold she just wanted Alexander to know it wasn't purposely acting cold towards him.

Shadami 03-11-2010 01:02 PM

Alexander sat down, he still had not a clue what she was planning to do. And he was even more nervous she was about to strip him down when he saw the gigantic towel. "It's fine." He nodded accepting her apology. He also wasn't the most formal person in the world, and it was odd that he had ended up in a castle where his fate would eventually be falling in love with its shy inhabitant.

His eyes roamed the room. There seemed to be alot of flowers, and pink. He bounced slightly on the bed, to test it. Just kind of bouncing his behind once or twice. The bed was really soft and squishy, very comfortable. Oh! He thought with surprise, looking around the room, There's more than one door in here! One most likely led to a walk in closet, another to the giant bathroom, and its possible that the third one led to a servants room that would get up early to heat water for Miyuku's bed or start a fire in the fireplace. Which Alexander just now noticed.

X---AznCo0ki3 03-11-2010 08:39 PM

She looked at his hair and nodded with disapproval. She looked at his face it had scratches on it that were bleeding, she frowned to herself. "Stay here please I shall be back" she ran off through one of the doors in her room, setting the towel beside him. This door led to a near by infirmary just in case anyone staying in that room needed something in the middle of the night. She reached up on her tip toes and grabbed a few pieces of cloth and a bowl. She put disinfectant into the bowl and ran to the bathroom and filled it with warm water.

She walked back to the bed carefully setting the bowl down on the dresser beside her. She took the towel from beside him and put it on his head, she scooped all the excess mud out careful to not pull his hair. She did that for about a good 10 minutes until his hair was almost visibly clean to her. Then taking the bowl with disinfectant in her lap she dipped the strip of cloth into the warm water and squeezed the extra water out of it. Miyuku put the warm strip to his cheek where his scratch was bleeding severely, she did that to the rest of his scratches on his face.

All this time she barely conversed with the boy. But when she was done all she said was, "I shall leave you to take a bath now, if you need anything else Alexander please give me a shout" she waited patiently for him to reply. She looked at him and realized he was mighty tall compared to her, she would need to check in the other rooms of this castle to see if there were any clothes that may actually fit him.

Shadami 03-14-2010 02:12 AM

(i'm sorry, i've just been awfully busy. Also this post will probably be short because of it. =/ Though i'm gonna make it at least decent sized as i can. XD )

The entire time she was giving him his pre-bath cleaning, Alexander was biting his tongue from making any wining sounds from the pain of the disinfectant. Finally the 'torture' was over and he got up from the bed nodding. "Thank you Miyuku, your hospitality is a very pleasant change from what I am used to." He turned towards the room she had come from with hot water making a surprisingly correct assumption that it was a bathroom. Turning around briefly he gave a small bow in thanks and added the afterthought, "Thank you, I will call if I need anything else."

Entering the bathroom he was shocked by how huge it was, and he moved to the bath tub that had claw feet and quickly turned on the water and figured out how to plug the drain so it wouldn't just go straight through. ooooo was his giddy childlike reactions as he looked around waiting for the tub to fill. "Oh, what's this." He had picked up a strange bottle that was home made, and made bubbles in the water. Alexander's eyes widened and he immediately added it to the water.

(I really hope there was actual running water than XD)

X---AznCo0ki3 03-14-2010 02:22 PM

( lol it's okay (: I'm going to be like that after my spring break is over because mid terms is directly after xD and no it's fine ^^ your paragraphs aren't that short)

Miyuku noticed had noticed his face when she was applying the disenfectant to it he was trying not to whimper in pain she looked at him with apologetic eyes after, she hated when any one or any thing was in pain. "Your welcome" she said replying to him "and some one actually finding their way here is an even bigger surprise for me" she said with a slight smile. It was strange 12 years had past and finally some stranger had found his way to her house...did he have something to do with her past? Did Alexander know who she was? Maybe he was the key to her remembering everything. She sighed as she wondered. Miyuku courtesed back to his bow and almost fell over when she straightened up, she had not done that in much too long.

When Alexander walked into the bathroom she was still in the bedroom cleaning up and giggled as she heard his child like ooooo but quickly killed her giggle with a vigourous fit of coughs, it was rude to laugh at some one else. She carried the strips of cloth back to the infirmary room and walked out of the bedroom to check the other grand rooms for clothes.

Miyuku had entered and exited five rooms already but no luck in finding any clothes, then she decided to try the biggest room of all in the castle. She opened the door, it's hinges protesting as she opened it. She ran directly to the wardrobe not bothering to look at everything in the room, she opened the wardrobe door gently. She pulled out a shirt which was the least moth bitten and a pair of pants she sneezed as she unfolded the clothes. There was quiet some dust on them.

Closnig the door she went back to her room, and she laid the clothes on the bed. Shyly knocking on the bathroom door she said to Alexander "I have left some clothes on the bed, please tell me if they are to small Alexander" she waited for his reply before leaving.

(Well I don't think every one had running water then xD but she's a princess and she's rich so an exception made (=)

Shadami 03-14-2010 04:03 PM

(oh good. =] )

Alexander at this point had climbed in and out of the tub several times finding it amazingly... too hot. That never happened in other baths that he had used. Finally he got settled with the temperature and stayed in, turning off the water and playing with the bubbles. He was 20 years old, but he liked to have fun far more than the average person. And when everyone was so prim and proper, well... it probably helped with him becoming an outcast.

Right about than he heard the knock on the door and he nodded having had his mouth under water. oh yeah, she can't see that. He emerged with bubbles on his face like a beard and replied. "thank you, i will check them when i get out."

Later when almost all the bubbles had disappeared he finally got out with a sigh, quite clean, and smelling very much like roses. Another reason he had probably loved the soap so much, though he hadn't caught that it was roses. He found a towel in a tall cabinet, closet area and took it out and dried off, wrapping it around himself as he pushed open the door to the bedroom.

X---AznCo0ki3 03-15-2010 01:21 AM

"Alright I shall be down stairs if you need any thing further Alexander" with that Miyuku left for the kitchen to make food for her company. She rummaged through the kitchen to find silver ware which was fit for a king she hurried and set the table with fine silver ware and glasses with a pitcher of water and a basket of bread.

She went back into the kitchen to check on the soup, she added a bit of seasoning and a bit of spices to give it the right flavour. She sniffed it, it smelled nice to her. She hoped her guest would think so too, she brought the container full of steaming hot soup and set it down on the table beside the bread. She had recently found preserved meat, she put that in between the soup and bread. Eating the neat had done no harm to her yet so she figured that it was safe and edible.

She then sat down onto the couch waiting like an impatient little girl, swinging her legs. She hoped he would hurry down she was hungry after all. She put her hand under her chin in a waiting pose and waited for Alexander to emerge.

Shadami 03-15-2010 11:48 PM

Alexander got dressed, the clothes fit him quite nicely surprisingly and he brushed the dust off himself the best he could. He sneezed and than smelt food. "Mmmmmmmm." He was out the door and down the stairs in no time, following his nose to the kitchen and than through it into a dining room where he found Miyuku waiting patiently. "It smells delicious Miyuku," he said brightly pulling out a seat and holding it for her. "Please, ladies first." She was sitting on a couch against the wall and he smiled at her.

The table looked amazing and fancy to him, he didn't really get these kind of things where he was from.

X---AznCo0ki3 03-16-2010 12:02 AM

Miyujy smiled as Alexander came down. "Well they seem to fit rather snuggly" Miyuku said smiling, she sat down at the chair he offered "thank you" she said with light smile. She sniffed the aroma around Alexander, "mmmm you smell roses my favourite!" Miyuku said looking at him she had a neutral expression on her face.

"Please help yourself Alexander!" she guestured to the food in front of him. "If this is not enough do let me know I'll whip up something in no time I love to cook for others. But rarely get a chance and now that I have a guest.." she trailed off and looked at him urging him to eat.

Shadami 03-16-2010 01:02 AM

He sat down in the seat next to her and quickly helped himself to a bowl of food. kind of pushy or extremely excited isn't she. He'd thought the outfit had fit him nicely, Alexander was tempted to turn around and look at himself to see what was wrong with it. "Roses are my favorite to," he added with a smile before taking a spoonful of the soup.

"mmmmm, it tastes as good as it smells." He added after devouring an entire bowl in almost no time at all.

X---AznCo0ki3 03-16-2010 12:19 PM

Miyuku giggled as he ate, 'wow he likes my cooking that much?' she wondered to her self. She was quietly nibbling on the corner of the bread, she seemed to be pondering something. "Alexander..tell me a bit about yourself" Miyuku said facing him with curiosity, like a little child might seem when they see a new toy or a bug on the ground.

She blew on the soup carefully before putting it in her mouth. She wasn't too hungry so she ate slower than Alexander, "thank you" she said with a warm look on her face when Alexander said he liked the food. She watched him eat for a while before she herself resumed eating.

Shadami 03-16-2010 03:13 PM

Alexander froze with the spoon of a second bowl half way to his mouth. He set it back down with a guilty look on his face. "Well, I grew up in the town uh, in.." He paused to look around the room trying to get his bearings. "Well somewhere near here." he said at last failing to figure out what direction it would be in. His run through the woods had gotten everything all jumbled up. He smiled brightly while in reality was thinking, I don't know what to say!!!

"Let's see, I fail at cooking... i really fail at cooking. I love being outside for things like gardening though. I can make a really nice fruit and vegetable garden." the look on his face was way to proud of himself. Like a superhero posing after he'd just saved the day. Than it was gone, "I don't know how to talk about myself." The bread was at his mouth in seconds and he was nibbling at it like a shy embarrassed little mouse.

By now it was probably obvious to Miyuku that he was a very dignified child.

X---AznCo0ki3 03-16-2010 07:17 PM

Miyuku giggled as he paused eating, she suddenly stopped. Laughing at his ways even though it was not meant to be hurtful could be she shut up instantly giving Alexander an apologetic look. "Some where near here? From the villages?" she asked him with an inquisitive look on her face.

It seemed like they were the total opposite, the things he excelled at Miyuku was hopelessly horrible at. And the things Miyuku was born to do...he seemed to lack those skills. "Well Alexander, if you stay around for awhile could teach me to garden? It is like everything I touch..dies within a few days, I water them every day sometimes twice or even thrice a day!" the poor girl had no idea that you were not suppose to water plants so often.

Alexander seemed proud to her in a way, not boastful..but almost like a child full of glee and innocence, 'I wonder how some one could run him out of town' she thought to herself, listening to Alexander and occasionally drinking some soup.

Shadami 03-17-2010 01:18 AM

(So I'm thinking we need to get some other features in here, something like the beast, who, and what? and are we doing enchantment things?)

Alexander had begun eating again and stopped when she mentioned how many times she watered the plants, he nearly spat out the soup. "That's drowning them!" He blinked, "well some plants take more, or the soil is bad or something." He frowned, "Yeah i can teach you." He put his spoon quickly into his mouth to quiet himself. "Well i don't really have anywhere to stay right no. I can't come home until... until." He paused trying to remember.

X---AznCo0ki3 03-17-2010 10:43 AM

(Yup we do xD maybe Alexander can just dissapear one day once they've like become close and she's really upset and then dun dun daa! He is monsieur Beast : D as for enchantment since the food keeps replenishing every time the stock is near to the end is one enchantment so what else? xD)

Miyuku looked down with guilt. "Oh I have been murdering the plants!" her face shocked, andthen she frowned thinking. "I think the soil maybe bad as has not been changed since a few years.." Miyuku whispered quietly. She suddenly looked up at him with bright eyes, "would you really stay?!? That would be wonderful, I have been lonely for as long as I can remember" she said a bit sadly. She began to play with her soup she hated talking about this.

Shadami 03-17-2010 05:21 PM

Alexander could see her sadness, "Hey I'll stay as long as you want, how about that? I'm sure someone else will come back or something." He smiled at her, "As for the plants, we'll fix that right up." Alexander finished his second bowl and pushed it away guiltily, he had eaten an awful lot.

(I'm thinking he gets bit by one of the wolves and changes because of that. Like it gets over the fence and.. ooo i have a cool scene planned. =] XD just have to make sure they're out gardening sometime near the end of the day. As for enchantments, the people couldn't have all just disappeared. so maybe it has a sleeping beauty twist where, when all of the servants got turned into dishes or what not, they also got put to sleep. and once something is hit.. like she remembers something else, or finds a specific room or something, they come to life/ wake up )

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