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Aleksandra 03-13-2010 01:48 AM

Vampire Academy
Is anyone on here a fan of the Vampire Academy series? These are my absolute favorite books! There are four out right now and the fifth one is coming out in May. I am so excited for it to be released! Right now I am rereading the other four. I would love to hear thoughts of other fans of the books. :)

ziatenaj 03-13-2010 08:58 AM

Don't get me wrong the books are ok, Its just I'm a little sick of vampires at the moment.

Aleksandra 03-13-2010 02:59 PM

I can understand that. It seems that everywhere you go it's vampires vampires vampires. I can definitely see how people would get sick of it.

bakacoconut 03-13-2010 11:14 PM

Obviously, there aren't enough people sick of vampires since they're still being shoved down our throats. Or... ONTO our throats? XD
I kidd, I kidd.

I haven't read the Vampire Academy series... I've been meaning to.

youknowimaidiot 03-14-2010 04:06 AM

I love the Vampire Academy novels honestly. I think they are great. Mason was my favorite character with Dimitri a close second lol. I haven't read them since Blood Promise came out and that was the last time I picked them up so I guess thats like six months. I really need to re-read them! ^^

Aleksandra 03-15-2010 02:08 AM

I like Mason too, but Dimitri and Rose are definitely my favorite characters. I love them together. I can't wait to find out what happens in Spirit Bound. What do you think will happen?

Whisper Invictus 03-15-2010 02:27 AM

ohmegeeee! I nearly had a heart attack today because I was sitting here and my internet was being slow so I was thinking =3
and suddenly I was like AHHHHHHH! because in my mind I saw the fifth book released in March and started to flip out! but then I looked it up and it doesn't come out till May 8th *sob* it has a name at least now.... "Spirit Bound" yayayayayayz!!!!!

*claps and cheers* I cannot WAIT for it to come out, and I pray that it doesn't become a movie... :'(

=3PET ME!!!=3

Aleksandra 03-15-2010 03:34 AM

I know I am so excited for Spirit Bound! That must have been horrible to think that it was coming out this month only to find that we have to wait until May :(

And I totally agree with you, I really don't want it to become a movie either. If it does, they will change things and I won't like that because I think the books are perfect the way they are. Also, I don't want my interpretations of the characters to be ruined by the way someone else would portray them.

Telephone 03-21-2010 07:08 PM

I'm four chapters in "Blue Bloods", and I'm having a hard time getting into it. ):
Any suggestions?
I just feel that since I can't seem to relate tons to any of the characters yet, it's going to make reading it a little dry. Although I do admit that some of the potential love triangles are interesting, I'm not sure if it can make up for what I otherwise am not crazy about. Mainly the heavy focus on brands, (which I completely understand, as they are supposed to be upper-class and all, but it just doesn't hold my interest.) and the feeling I get that this will be mostly a teenage novel, with instances of vampires for flavor, versus the other way around.
If I'm wrong, please tell me so, and I will gladly give it another shot! It just makes me sad, because I've heard so much about this series, and close to 90% seems to be very positive.
Plus, who can't use a good series? I'm getting really tired of finding authors I love who only publish a book or two. :lol:

The Enchanted Tiara 03-22-2010 01:00 AM

I love Vampire Romance Novels, so of course I am a fan of this series. The thing is, I only think the writing is okay. It has it's great moments . . . . and then it's disappointments for me. It has an interesting setting that I think is creative and well thought out, but I can't seem to finish the last book that came out. I'm sorry, but reading about Rose traveling around has been boring so far to me. I feel like nothing has actually happened in this book yet.

Frawesome 03-27-2010 06:11 PM

I see two of my friends reading these books in class all the time! They have pretty cover art c:

Moonshine All Over Me 03-27-2010 10:44 PM

I'm a HUGE fan right now.

I got so mad after I finished the Twilight series because of how bad I thought the plot was, complained to my sister, and she set me up with the entire set.

I'm reading Blood Promise over and over until the fifth one comes out. xD; I've read it six times already...

Rexanele 04-03-2010 04:50 PM

I love the Vampire Academy books! I'm on the third one, Shadow Kiss right now. I only just started it a few days ago. I understand how everyone's tired of Vampires, but this is so much better! :)

Emma. 05-01-2010 08:28 PM

Vampire Academy
Anyone else then me who is gonna buy the new book "Spirit Bound" (i think that was the name..) from the Vampire Academy serie when it comes out ?
And if anyone knows excactly when it comes out.. will u please tell me, cus the only thing i know is that its going to come in stores in may.

rezzalinda 05-05-2010 11:29 PM

it comes out may 18th. :)
and i do love the vampire academy series.
im really excited for spirit bound to come out. :)

Cherry Who? 05-17-2010 05:42 AM

Hi, Emma.! I'm a bit late in noticing this, but we already have a thread for Vampire Academy, so I've merged your thread into the existing one. :)

PhoenixNeko 05-25-2010 09:44 PM

I Love it! I havent read Blood Promise yet, since my library is sorely lacking in that department... *grumbles* But I love the series, and I cant' wait til I can read more!

iSparkle2Much 06-01-2010 12:21 AM

Omg I LOVE Vampire Academy!! Like seriously I just can't wait til Spirit Bound comes out, I wanna see what Dimitri is going to do so badly XD!

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