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Annalesia 04-13-2010 04:25 PM

Forbidden Academy {{Open and Accepting}}
Note** That is not a picture of the actual building, it is an example of the building styles used for the academy.

Hidden in the forest a massive academy awaits those 'gifted' beings of the world. It's a very rare honor to be accepted into the school and you can only be accepted through special invitation. The invitations are hand delivered by the best of the school as an assignment. Chosen students are given no choice; whether they want to attend or not they are immediately brought back to the school, blindfolded. Forbidden Academy is spread solely by ear and those lucky enough to attend it are sworn to secrecy of it's whereabouts and if this contract is broken...the penalty is death.

Forbidden Academy is dedicated to various creatures including Angels, Devils, Vampires, Werewolves, etc., and to those with special abilities like mind reading, telepathy, etc. The one thing not known to anybody outside of the academy is this; the students are in charge. There is an Elite group at the school of students who created the academy to train there powers, and day by day it grew. No classes are assigned at this school; the only goal is to train yourself to be the best. When an Elite decides you are ready is when your graduation takes place, then you have no say in the matter, you are to leave and protect the city assigned to you.


1. Follow Mene ToS
2. No God-moding. This includes that they should not know something they don't have the resources to. Character profiles are not open book to use in the RP. Your character doesn't know anything until they find it out.
3. Don't leave anybody behind.
4. Fill out the Profile Skeleton, PM it to Annalesia and wait for approval before posting. No short profiles. Keep in mind that we're a literate thread.
5. Title your PM 'I am no Gary Stu/Mary Sue'
6. A limit of 2 characters per person, unless given permission for more.
7. A limit of 2 powers per person; no exceptions. No future seeing, please.
8. Ignore rule number 5, and number your powers in your profile.
9. Do not copy other's profiles/steal ideas.
10. I reserve the right to kill off the character's of those who continuously break the rules, or are a nuisance.
(I go by a three strikes, you're out, basis.)
11. Ignore both rules number 5 and 8, and in your PM tell me your favorite anything. Ie: food, sport, etc.
12. Be literate! This means at least a paragraph please.
13. OOC will go in the OOC THREAD, unless you have posted at least a paragraph post, and it is related to the thread.
14. Romance is supported, but anything explicit please take to PMs.
15. No Gary Stus/Mary Sues; your character is NOT perfect. This includes that they should not know something they don't have the resources to. Character profiles are not open book to use in the RP. Your character doesn't know anything until they find it out.
16. I will choose all Elites. You must first have a normal character, then after I see your writing style and such, I may choose whether or not you can enter an Elite profile.
17. Have fun. (:
18. If another member of this RP comes forth with a complaint I will more than likely issue a warning to whoever they're complaining about-as long as there is a reasonable cause for it. I won't give you a warning because someone doesn't like you.

I reserve the right to add/change rules as I see fit, so don't forget to check in every once in awhile.

First Strike Offenders

-Mayuka; Posting before acceptance.
Pip; Mary Sue/God-Modding

Second Strike Offenders

None (:

Third Strike Offenders

Song Therapy; Illiterate posts, Exceeding powers limit, Created new character without permission.

Banned from the thread (if they post, disregard them)

None (:


The username is in parenthesis, character isn't.

North Wing:

Dorm A:Seraphin Angelo (Pip) & Quetzalcoatl (Flux)
Dorm B:Gilisen Fireblade (Koraru) & Kyo William Leasion (Red Carpet Massacre)

East Wing:

Dorm A:Megumi Barasuishou (Daimondt) & Solruil Elesti (Mayuka)
Dorm B:Auroramiz Pandora Perthenopaeus (Crimson Shadow) & Fiore-Jacintha Sato (kandii_k)

South Wing:

Dorm A:Kuro Sliyver Haunting (WithS)
Dorm B:

West Wing:

Dorm A: Krystall Jade Būk (Koraru) & Tryphena Annettea Devereaux (Sun)
Dorm B: Darcy Victoire Noir (Pip) & Abigail, Lana, Leasion (Red Carpet Massacre)

Elite Sky Wing:

Room A: Peyton Reece Bledsoe (Annalesia)
Room B:Myrrlyndiėllé Eriuraiiel Celedilindré (diamondt)
Room C:
Room D:

-~-Profile Skeletons-~-

[Picture right here. Img code please. Anime preferred.]

Hello, my name is [first, middle, last name], and I am controlled by [username]. I am a [male or female and race], and have walked this earth for [age] years. I am interested in [gender preference]. What you may not know about me is that I have the ability to [power].

If you will take a moment and listen, I will tell you my story. [Bio]

Note** Each character is allowed a maximum of two powers, unless given permission otherwise. I apologize, but this is to keep from getting all powerful/all knowing characters in the thread. Also, when submitting your skeleton, please change the font to what you usually post in (ie, with purple coloring and size three font). Thank you.

-~-Important Links-~-

Forbidden Academy Profile Thread
OOC Thread

Sun 04-17-2010 06:56 PM

It was a mystery to Phena why this train, and all others of it's make and model (TZ40) had windows that were obviously compatible with being opened, yet the act of actually opening one was seen as a misdemeanor by ticket collectors, trolley dollies and even fellow passengers.
She had indeed heard of such things as sterotypes, and the careful social etiquettes that detailed such things as;
'Never Point Out Another Persons Blatantly Obvious Breaking Of Unspoken, Non Visually Detailed, or Anywhere At All Specified Laws Of Social Norms And Acceptance, The Reasons For Which We Are Still Unclear On.'(Social Laws: Appendix 1, Act 1 - Of General Notice)
All the same she took a slight silent personal pride, at the fact she was able to break them so nonchalantly.

She had to admit her limits though. She'd never go so far as to 'Sit Adjacent To A Sole Fellow Commuter In An Otherwise Empty Compartment, Carriage, Or En Mass Public Transport Vehicle.'. (Social Laws: Appendix 2, Act 1 - Orderly Distances)

She turned her head slowly, and smiled at the woman in a rather outdated and sexist, but 'Traditional' uniform, that consisted of little else but an obscenely short miniskirt, a lacey three quarter fitted vest, stockings, and sturdy high heeled boots. All but the latter in in a sickly shade of yellow. Why yellow was chosen she couldn't quite be sure, but she certainly questioned the sanity of whomever it was that such as decision to leave the board room Ideas Sheet. She summoned her strong voice up from the crevice it went to hide in during long periods of rest. She was pleased her tone was only a little scratchy when she spoke.
"Your mother wholeheartedly says that you can do so much better than this." She stopped and took stock of the young waitresses reaction. As it happened, her eyes widened slightly, and her mouth parted in expectation of a reply.
The strange black clad teenager gave a small laugh, then, in her light, somewhat off key yet still harmonious voice, added "She also commands you slap your manager at the next available opportunity for degrading 'All them pretty girls and you, dressin' that way.'" Her voice changed as she said the last few words. A quote in which one could almost see the quotation marks.

The girls circulatory system then declared civil war. Half tried to flush her red, the other paint her a sickly pale. Neither side looked to win when she abruptly made her exit from the compartment doorway three seconds later. Phena smiled wanly. I should really stop doing that...But they need to know don't they?
She left the rhetorical question hanging for a moment, and made haste in tuning herself out before it became the kind of question one could easily put an answer too. All her questions eventually ended up that way. Her train of thought couldn't decide if it thought this was a good or bad thing. It settled instead to jumping the tracks, and putting descriptive words to what it's eyes were seeing.

The forest had dropped away and picked up again in the last hour and a half, so there wasn't much to see aside from a green blur. Tryphena thus far, just as always, been accompanied by her youngest brother, Willow. The conditions stipulated by her school, meant that when she left him at the last stop, he was under strict observation and permitted no further. She wasn't sure who watched there. Elites more than likely. The Academy had it's spies everywhere. Occasionally when the mood suited her, she would play that part herself. Usually over Apple Barn way, the place hosts of newlings were brought before boarding for the Academy. A lot of young first timers had trouble leaving their loved ones, and it had arisen that she had a talent in turning their moods around, and so she was often posted there.

She checked the analog watch fastened around her travel bag, slung at her side. In just over half an hour she would disembark the train, and rendezvous with an Elite at the station, and acquire an Enchanted horse, upon which she would ride the hours journey to the Academy. Usually an hour anyway. If a stray path didn't manage to get into the portal. She remembered with fond annoyance last years journey back, which had taken 7 hours from the point where she picked up her horse. Her eyes closed, but a small smile lingered on her lips.

Koraru 04-17-2010 07:13 PM

Moving aside a couple of red-haired bangs from her face, Krystall Jade Būk looked at the young lady sitting opposite to her on the train. This girl is special. I'm sure of it. She can lead me where I need to be.

"Young one, you are above human, aren't you?" she whispered, reaching only Tryphena's ears. "Are you going to a haven, to a place where those above human can live without judgement? May you tell me the name of this place?"

With her centuries of life, Krystall could tell the road she needed to take, all because she could tell the people that would lead her to it. She could tell that this girl wasn't one of "them", and that her presence, as a human, would help mask her smell so "they"couldn't reach her.

Annalesia 04-17-2010 10:40 PM

A frown tugged on the corners of Peyton's lips as he stared at the paper in front of him. The corners of the parchment were curling in, having been just pulled off of a bird that had flown through his window. The ink on it was fine, the writing cursive. A few blots of ink adorned the sheet where the writer had accidentally gotten too much on his fountain pen. Though, this wasn't just any writer, it was the other Elites. Well, one of the at least, but he had written on behalf of the other Elites. His nose flared, he allowed his gray eyes to scan the letter just one more time:

Dearest Peyton,

The others and I have some things to settle. Watch the school? We sent out some acceptances to the academy, and they will be arriving very shortly. Don't burn down the place while we're gone. See you soon!

That was all he got. There was no 'Sincerely So-and-So', no explanation of what they were settling, and no more information on the new arrivals. They had just graduated their previous students, and Peyton had thought he would've gotten just a little time alone, but apparently not. Maybe it wasn't how short the note was, or that they left, but that they left him. How many had they accepted? Yes, he was an Elite, but that didn't mean he wanted to have the responsibility of running the entire academy alone. He had never spent a day without the other Elites since before he met them, and wasn't sure how he would go without them. They all relied on each other, and were family now, which is what made it sting all the more that they left him. What ever happened to sticking together? Or the buddy system? Now he was left without any buddy except the bird.

He frowned at the large bird, and pat it's head absentmindedly, "At least you didn't leave me." Did he really just talk to the bird?

It cocked it's head at him, looked at him with it's little black beady eye, then jumped off of the desk right into a soar, and flew out the window. Peyton's jaw dropped in astonishment as he swiveled on his feet to watch it leave. He saw it's wings cutting through the wind with a soft wooshing sound until it became a mere dot in the horizon. He'd watched the bird's atoms ricocheting against each other, and heard it's heart beat flutter as it stored energy, but he had hoped that it would change it's mind and stay. How pitiful he was, wanting a bird for company.

Sun 04-18-2010 06:09 PM

Phena had been aware that she had company in the carraige that had been hers alone until this point. She could also feel the vibrations in the air. This woman aside her was not a Normal. She 'felt' old, despite her apparent youth.

She listened to the light somewhat whispery voice before she opened her eyes. When she did, it was slow, her eyes searching, and her smile returned slightly. "I wouldn't go so far as to call the Academy a haven. I assume that's what you must mean."
She leaned forward, in order to close the window, her long plait of thick black hair becomming dislodged as she did so. She spoke again, this time observing the unfamiliar girl with two sets of eyes. Various colours danced around her, that mostly indicated curiosity, with a hint of excitement.
"As for my lineage...Lets just suffice to say I am a human who's soul remembers more than is average." She wondered if her companion believed in reincarnation. This thought flittered away, as the Academy forced its way into her mind again. "Sorry, erm yes. The unimaginativly named, Forbidden Academy is my destination. A safe house for people like us, a refuge. A school primarily, and also my home."

Koraru 04-18-2010 07:01 PM

Krystall leaned back, her purple eyes glistening green for a second in the sun.

"A school, huh...?" a smile curled her lips. "I do believe this will be my haven. Do we have teachers? Protectors?"

This girl was smart, much too smart for a lifetime. Curiosity filled her, her mind racing with questions she kept her tongue from uttering. Her body was young, oh so young, but how did she remember so much?

"What sort of Above Humans enjoy their lives in this Forgotten Academy? And what sort of above human are you?"

Sun 04-19-2010 10:03 AM

The smile that now painted the face of the girl, would perhaps have been unnerving to somebody of a more surpriseable, delicate disposition. It was full of enthusiasm, raw and almost palapable. Phena had long since passed the stages of being intimidated by such gestures, but she always remembered caution.
She knew there were tales out there, of people who still hunted her 'kind', though today was the first day she actually put muscle to that thought herself.

A loose smile spread on Phena's lips as she listened to her curious companion. "Forbidden, not forgotten. Nobody ever forgets the Academy." This could have been either a good or bad thing by tone, but remaind ambiguous.
She cleared her through a little. "We don't have teachers as such, at least in the way one imagines a school. We're free to train and teach ourselves pretty much. There's the authority, if you like, they're older students called Elites. We can go to them if we need help, adivce and suchlike." She shuffled in her seat, and rearragned herself. "The denizens of the Academy are from many far flung places, not just from this realm." She felt the need to explain everything at once, and found words falling overthemsleves in the desperation to be spoken. She shook her head slightly to settle them. She had never been very good at descriptions like this. "The Academy exists out of this realm, and in a sort of 'middle space' which makes it accessable to any species from pretty much any realm, universe or time period. The mechanics of it all is rather deep." She paused again, and cocked her head in thought. "History is one thing that offical, though not compulsary, lessons run on. It's considered important, with so many different races and such living together."

She listened to the light silence that hung in the air, as what she had said was being digested. Manners suddenly affronted her. Human ones anyway. Not every race put as much emphasis on them as humans tended to do, so it was not always obligatory to introduce oneself. She tended to, if the convocation lasted more than three sentances, or five minutes. Whichever came first. "Forgive my lacking introduciton...I'm called Phena."
She took stock at the girl again, this time her eyes full on, reading, searching. She 'smelled' old, and while she held human form, her outer morphogenic field was shifting steadily around her. Her eyebrows rose in recognition of the species of which she had never met a member of before. She remaind blissfully unaware of how silly her wide eyed stare looked.

Koraru 04-19-2010 04:16 PM

Krystall laughed with glee, a pure, untainted laugh out of nothing but amusement.

"So you finally noticed what I am, child?" she said, facing Phena, tilting her head. "Good, good, that'll make things a lot easier! The name is Krystall, Krystall with a K! And I, as you can notice, am also above human. I mean you no harm, quite the contrary, I want no harm done to myself."

She put her hand over her lips, and they changed color and texture as if makeup had been applied to them, now shimmering with a glossy pink.

"I am a shapeshifter, of a dimension that is no more, so I will be quite used to these dimensional changes, but I do wonder of the name of it... This Forbidden Academy... Forbidden to who? Will someone such as me be well taken in?"

The smile on Krystall's face never parted from her lips. If anything, it became wider with each passing word. A school for the gifted, and self-teaching i the rule... yum!

Pip 04-19-2010 04:33 PM

Darcy frowned. Her plain but pretty features were filled with disbelief. She scanned the message, the creases in her forehead deepening with every line. "Not possible!" She whispered softly and her spare hand flew to her pocket and she trailed its shape with her slender fingers. The small device in her pocket was alien. Just like her. And her two hearts beating in her chest. The steady four rhythm beat. She sighed and shook her head, her black fringe getting in her eyes. Eyes that looked so wrong in her face. Eyes that were millennia old, and so very tired. She brushed her hair back, and folded the letter up and stuffed it unceremoniously into her empty pocket. She cared little of what people though of her at times. She was unhappy, and she missed the lush red grass and her family house that was perched halfway up the hill. Before she was eight, she would spend her day running down the hill, feeling the soft grass tickle her legs and hands.

Since Darcy's eighth birthday, she had been taken from her home and was put into the Academy. In the dark and cold, she was led to a gap in the fabric reality, and had to look right inside. The Untempered Schism. Some went mad, some were inspired, and others ran away. She just ran. She never stopped running. She shuddered at the thought and closed her eyes to regain her control.

She heard some voices, and turned, a frosty look on her face. "Would you mind lowering your voices?" She said, her voice cold. She didn't need people shouting at her. She had that all the time. She drew a deep breath. And something the pink-haired girl said intruiged her. "Shapeshifter from the Catalyst dimension?" She asked suddenly and swivelled round to face her. "My father took me there, before..." She said excitedly, but her voice trailed off. "Ever heard of Gallifrey?" She asked softly. Her heartbeat picked up, and she suddenly felt excited. Another foreigner? Maybe she had heard something!

Koraru 04-19-2010 04:54 PM

"Oho! Another traveler?" Krystall smiled at the newest to join their conversation. "But I'm not from Catalyst, it was destroyed far later than mine. I came from Tartarus, from the planet parallel to this one."

She smiled. This girl was old, but not as old as her. She would still make an amazing drinking buddy, if she had they same twisted obsession for hot chocolate, or if she had the ability not to crash from the overdose of caffeine and sugar at least.

"Its a pity, I've never been to the flaming planet," she commented. "I've heard tales that its quite the beauty!"

Pip 04-19-2010 05:09 PM

Darcy nodded. "Indeed. A Time Lady." She said with pride. "Tartarus? Ah yes." She nodded with a smile. "I did see its creation once. Such... raw power, even in the start. I once saw it fully completed." She frowned as she tried to remember. It had been a while ago. "But it was destroyed in fire and flame. I see it now." She whispered softly, one hand resting against her cheek, and her eyes looking blank. "I'm sorry. So sorry. There was nothing that could've been done." She sighed. "It was a fixed moment in time." She murmured, sounding heart broken. She shook her head and the moment was over.

"It is. It may even exist still. The Shining World of the Seven Systems." She looked dreamy, now. "When I'm old enough, I will leave here, and travel back. I shall see my mother and father. I will see the suns again, and that orange sky..." She paused and smiled. "I'm Darcy. Darcy Noir." She reached into her pocket and got out a device roughly the size of a ping pong ball. It was perfectly smooth, and was a burnt sienna and red. It had tiny little lights, and if you looked closely, you could see a tiny coral, that seemed to change its colour on a regular basis. "Do you know what this is?" She smiled, and her old eyes glinted. "It's my key home. Well, anywhere. Anywhen..." She now radiated happiness. And it faded away. "But it will take it's time. Not until I have learnt." She shrugged and held the little device at eye level.

Koraru 04-19-2010 10:32 PM

"Quite the amazing little artifact" said Krystall, admiring it with awe. "It must be nice, having a home to look forward to. If you want, miss Noir, I shall share my knowledge with you. Maybe that will get you a bit closer to home. May my three and a bit more centuries be useful in getting you closer to home".

She tilted her head, now questioning. "Now, how could you have possibly seen the rise and fall of Tartarus, a dimension older that the centuries you possess?"

Pip 04-20-2010 06:42 AM

Darcy smiled. "In my ship. My ship, I will go anywhere." She whispered softly. "I would like that very much. And in return, when I am finished, I will take you somewhere. But I will warn you, it may take a while until I can." She promised. When the question was arised, a knowing smile played around the girl's lips. "The whole Time and Space. Anywhere and anywhen. Where do you want to start?" She asked softly.

Darcy cleared her throat and sat straighter. "Time Lords have perfected the means of Time Travel. I have seen the creation of the Earth, twice. I have watched Thomas Edison create the Light bulb. And so many other glorious and horrible moments in time. That was when my father and mother took me." She smiled. "I was young, but I remember it so clearly. The sound of a thousand dimensions parting..." She paused. "That beautiful sound. And that infinite knowledge. A Time Lord Conscience, a shared knowledge, a shared suffering. Nothing can compare." She smiled softly, and it lit up her whole face. "A simple ride from the beginning of everything, to the end. I spent my earlier childhood breathing the air of other galaxies, seeing lives end in my head." She stopped herself. "The end of Tartarus... do you remember it?" She held her breath while she waited for an answer, and a horrible feeling crept into her. "I..." She stopped herself before saying anything else. "I see it. All the time. It was a fixed point in time. Nothing could be done." She repeated.

Koraru 04-20-2010 02:40 PM

"Now, I wasn't there when it happened, I was taken into the abyss, the dimension linking dimensions, on a voyage through them, when it happened."

A small smile still stood strong on her lips, but now that smile was tainted with sorrow. "I never see anything meaningful in my life, just learn about it... I always manage to evade disasters... but that doesn't make them any less painful... You know something, don't you?"

Pip 04-20-2010 03:12 PM

There was a strange emotion on Darcy's face, but before it could be indentified it was gone. "Know something?" She whispered. "I know most things. You wish to see meaningful things?" She laughed again, but there was no joy in it. "Don't. Stay ignorant. Stay happy. Because knowing is the greatest burden in the Universe." Her face was no longer soft, instead, it was cold and unfeeling. Suddenly, it was clear why some feared the Time Lords. "Some things are better not seen or known. Count yourself lucky that you have evaded the disasters, because as soon as it starts, you won't be able to save yourself." Her eyes narrowed, and she looked at something in the distance without really seeing it. "If you ever see something meaningful, run. Just run. Don't look back, and don't stop." She said frostily.

Darcy suddenly looked arrogant, angry and slightly sad. "Tartarus ended in flames. It was caught in the War, because of the inhabitants' ability to mimic people's appearances. They were exterminated." At the word, a shiver ran up the girl's spine. "My people, the Time Lords fought another race for the sake of existance. The great Time War. I was sent away by my parents, to not be killed."

Koraru 04-20-2010 03:27 PM

"Always those who have power but no knowledge fear those with knowledge and no power," said Krystall, matter-of-factly. "Always those different are persecuted because of their differences. But I never have chosen to run, in fact I do wish I'd be allowed to fight... or at the very least know what the blazes I am fighting... But you know..."

Pip 04-20-2010 04:01 PM

Darcy's eyes seemed to be aflame. "Don't." She said. "You don't know what you're up against." She said coolly, but there was a hurt in her voice. Almost a pleading. "You don't want to know. If I could show you without you losing it, I would. The only thing worse than what I know, is that I can't tell anyone. No-one understands, because no-one's like me!" Her eyes began to fill with tears. "I'm just a child, I don't even know if my planet still exists, I don't even know if I'll ever see them again!" One tear ran down her pale face. "I would give anything not to have to see it all again. Everything that was, everything that is, and anything that ever could be! I see if it is fixed in time, or in flux. I see people die." Her voice was shaking with anger and sorrow. "So many vile things in the Universe and I'm stuck here, with humans!" She drew her hands into fists, and clenched them so hard that her knuckles turned white.

"My gift is my burden, and I saw something done by humans, so no-one has anything to say to me today. Nobody human has anything to say!" She said shakily, her voice now quieter, but more powerful, more terrifying. Her eyes looked furious. "Don't tell me you want to know what is trying to get you. Don't." She repeated.

Koraru 04-20-2010 04:14 PM

Krystall pulled the young girl into her chest, making soft, motherly noises.

"Shh, shh" she hushed softly. "Something that affects you so, I'll ask no more of it. But I assure you, om me you have nothing to fear, child. I won't do anything brash, or try human's usual route of revenge. I don't wish any of the sort, except maybe the question of why did they miss me, why have they taken everything from me but my life..."

She kissed the younger girls forehead in such a sweet motherly way, and gave a smile that offered so much reassurance that she even felt some of it herself.

"I may be nothing like you, have nothing of your gift, but I have seen plenty dead, never died... Just once... just once I saw someone die, right in my arms, and it hurt like the worst of tortures, more painful than boiling in oil... But its not about who's suffered the most pain, nor about who learnt the most from it... its truly about who was left living. You are to become my drinking buddy, child."

Pip 04-20-2010 04:46 PM

Darcy's eyes were open in surprise. The words were soft, and they registered. "A pattern, but it is not finished yet. The strings of fate tie us to our deaths." She whispered softly. "Suffering is worse than death." She said softly and sat up again, and looked at the other girl with new eyes. "Who are they?" She asked suddenly, her eyes inquisitive and disbelieving again. "Or with they do you mean those that are out to get you?" She then asked.

Darcy had to smile. "It would be an honour." She said and bowed her head. "And I thank you for the kind words. I owe you twice now." She said honestly. She closed her eyes and massaged her temples. This headache... it was killing her. "Are you scared?" She asked softly. "Because, if they have a good sense of smell, they'll smell Time Lord. It might keep them away." She was talking more to herself. "You know, when I'm old enough, and my ship has grown, I will take you around." She then said.

Koraru 04-20-2010 05:07 PM

"I'm looking forward to that child," she said with a smile. "And there's no need to be scared, what will happen, happen, and what won't, won't. We must have faith in our destinies. A soul like you has no need for suffering, I'll keep you from it as best I can. After all, after receiving too much of it, even the worst of hits lose their power...

"About them, worry not, yes?" whispered Krystall, putting a finger to their lips. "I know not who they are, for they are many, and of diverse shapes. However, to them my existence itself is sin, and for that I must pay with my life. Or so they say anyway"

As she said this words, it was clear that she thought they were beneath her, just a bother in her daily life.

"Your smell, Time Lord, will indeed help keeping them away, not because of fear, no, but because it hides mine well. Tell me, child, what do I smell like to you?"

Sun 04-20-2010 06:02 PM

It was at times like this, Phena had a great thankfulness that she could at least pretend, to be human. The convocation had taken a turn away from her familiar ground, into an area she knew positivly nothing about. Well. Next to nothing anyway. The concept of time travel and such was not all alien to her.

She listened without word or movement as the girls spoke in turn. Although both were complete strangers to her practically, she was glad that they at least, had something in common. The only thing that ser her back a quiver was the mention of the entity that her companion refered to as 'Them'. Still hung up in the idea of witch hunters and people who put bounties certain species heads, she couldn't help but want to escape their company. If they were a possible danger to her...Still she sat calm enough, and wondered if their new traveler was bound for the school.
A quick glance at the window told her it was almost time to leave the safety of the train.

Koraru 04-20-2010 06:34 PM

"Oh, how rude of me,"said Krystall, shaking her head. "Tryphena, this is Darcy. Darcy, Tryphena. And I am Krystall. Are you tense, because we talked of worlds you didn't know and felt left out... or is it something else you felt? Fear, maybe?"

She leaned her head towards Phena, awaiting a response.

Pip 04-20-2010 06:34 PM

Darcy shook her head. "I am not afraid. I am just..." She stopped. "A child of Gallifrey is expected to make it's own way. And, it just seems that... there are all these pieces of jigsaw, but something is missing. Something I can't see." She frowned. "Krystall, nice to meet you. The same to you, Tryphena." She said a little absent-mindedly.

Darcy took a deep breath, and tried to smell it. She herself was not one who could sniff things out like a dog, but some smells were strong enough. She smelled a mixture, sadness and a hint of fear. "You smell like everything. Everything together, and that's what makes your smell so suspicious. And then..." She turned to the other girl, her ancient eyes wide. "You! You are not human." It was more of a statement than a question. "You should've been offended, and yet, you sit there, cool as cucumber." She reasoned and looked puzzled at the choice of words. "A phrase I have never used again, and probably never will. Anyway, my friend." She turned back to the pink haired girl. "What is most peculiar, is that you smell old. I mean, not like old people, but sort of.... old. Now, I'm used to old people, heaven, my people can live over nine hundred years, but... that is an odd old smell. Just... odd. No offense." She added quickly and brushed her hair out of her eyes. "You're almost three times my age, but you seem so ignorant of what goes on in the Universe. Again, no offence. I tend to just say things without thinking. Some may call it impulsive, some call it rude. I just call it me."

Koraru 04-20-2010 06:47 PM

"Brilliant, brilliant observations" said Krystall, clapping at her. "So you are but a century old, and hold so many things in your soul, eh? You see, I don't have to make any choices, never had to, everything for me just flows. Aren't I the lucky one? But I can tell a lot more than I seem to, worry not about that. I can tell who hates me, who loves me, who wants me dead, and who'd have the courage to try it.
"But as much as I can tell about people, about everything they're capable, about who to get close to, I cant tell any more around me. I cant tell the tension in the air, I cant tell what people want from the world, from everything but me. I'm quite the self-centered one, which is the reason I'm alive."

Pip 04-20-2010 07:34 PM

Darcy nodded. "Indeed. From an early age on, the children are taken from their homes for Initiation." She said softly. "Eight years old, we are taken away, and in the dark and cold we have to look into the Untempered Schism, which is a gap in the fabric of reality. Some are inspired. Some go mad, and some run away. And that is the first step. From then on it carries on." She sighed and cleared her throat to continue. "So from this early age, we begin to learn. And I have been in a TARDIS, I have seen things. Wonderful and terrifying things. That is why my soul carries so much more. And that is why my eyes look so very old. I know a lot. Despite my youth." She added and crossed her legs and looked out the window. "We'll arrive anytime soon." She said softly.

Darcy was unsure about this school. She couldn't help but think what the Daleks could do if they found such a school, but she tried to push that to the back of her mind, and dispell those thoughts.

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