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HamletSpamlet 05-06-2010 01:01 AM

Brollies & Bric-a-Brac: An Art Contest!

Banner by Sizzla, artwork by HamletSpamlet!

HamletSpamlet 05-06-2010 01:02 AM

  • Follow Menewsha's Rules and the Terms of Service.
  • Respect everyone's entries, including your own.
  • All entries must be entirely your own work.
  • Please do not "recycle" old art for this contest! All submissions must be created specifically for and during this event.
  • Use the entry form provided for each category. Any submissions that do not use the form will be ignored!
  • You can only submit one entry for each category, and you can only win once.
  • Entries must be submitted by 11:00 Midnight PST on June 5th.
  • No whining or complaining if you don't win.
  • Have fun!

Breaking any of these rules will disqualify you and earn you an official infraction.

HamletSpamlet 05-06-2010 01:03 AM


In this category, your creativity will be put to the test in redesigning the following umbrella!

Click to view!X

Looks a little plain, right? So that's where you come in! The sky is the limit; feel free to change up it's design however you like, as long as I can still recognize ToriKat's base somewhere in there. :lol:

Please use the following form to submit your entry.

HTML Code:

[center][size=6][b][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Check Out My Awesome Design![/COLOR][/b][/size]
[b][size=4]"Design a Parasol" Contest[/size][/b]
[B]Brief Description:[/B]

Sample entry:


Check Out My Awesome Design!
"Design a Parasol" Contest
Username: Your name here!
Brief Description: Just write a few lines about your design; how you went about it, what it symbolizes, what inspired you, and so on.
Entry: Please don't directly paste your image here! Use a link!

HamletSpamlet 05-06-2010 01:04 AM


In this contest, you must engineer some kind of marvelous machinery! It can be designed to do anything; pour cereal, mop the floor, clean Yumeh's litterbox... use your imagination! This entry can be submitted in two ways.

If your gadget is still in blueprint form, just send me a link to the original art using the form below.

If you have actually crafted a gadget in reality (and it can't fit in a scanner! :lol:) you can either take a photo or video recording of it in action! Just be sure that you include your username and a date stamp somewhere in the image.

To submit your creation to this thread, use the following form for your post.

HTML Code:

[center][size=6][b][COLOR="SandyBrown"]Check Out My Awesome Design![/COLOR][/b][/size]
[b][size=4]"Design a Gadget" Contest[/size][/b]
[B]Brief Description:[/B]

Sample entry:


Check Out My Awesome Design!
"Design a Gadget" Contest
Username: Your name here!
Brief Description: Just write a few lines about your design; how you went about it, what it symbolizes, what inspired you, and so on.
Entry: Please don't directly paste your image here! Use a link!

HamletSpamlet 05-06-2010 01:22 AM


The prizes for both contests are the same, so if you don't win the item you were drooling for in one category, you still have a chance in the second one! :)

1st Place: JULY 2009 EI SET

2nd Place: STEAM PUNK HEAD GEAR (January 2009)
3rd Place: ORCHID PETALS (Phoenix Jubilee 2008)

HamletSpamlet 05-14-2010 05:36 AM



Originally Posted by Sidhe (Post 1767439622)
Check Out My Awesome Design!
"Design a Parasol" Contest
Username: Sidhe[
Brief Description: This cute yet sophisticated parasol with poo decal and pink spots is sure to keep you looking fabulous and dry during any rainstorm. : D
Entry: O:


Check Out My Awesome Design!
"Design a Parasol" Contest
Username: First to Never Know
Brief Description:I had been working on something flower-y, but in the end, I decided to go with something a little more steampunk-y and did gears instead.


Check Out My Awesome Design!
"Design a Parasol" Contest
Username: Cherry Flavored Antacid
Brief Description: "Panduuuuuuu~~!
Beautiful lovely panda umbrella for you! Shielding you from wet and sun, aww! Super kawaii umbrellu made from live panda. Like you have pet pandu! Super kawaiiii!"


Originally Posted by spicedroses (Post 1767460569)
Check Out My Awesome Design!
"Design a Parasol" Contest
Brief Description:What better way to keep that hot sun away from your delicate skin than a beautifully painted parasol. complete with a beautiful blue sky and lovely flowers to brighten your day even further. a touch a golden flower shaped gems, add to the sunny touch that this parasol gives you. and on those rainy days, who couldn't use a little bit of blue skies and sunflowers!


Originally Posted by iirain (Post 1767335227)
Check Out My Awesome Design!
"Design a Gadget" Contest
Username: iirain
Brief Description:a cat that turns fish bones into live fish.


Originally Posted by Hatake Ayumi (Post 1767417716)
Check Out My Awesome Design!
"Design a Gadget" Contest
Username: Hatake Ayumi
Brief Description: Your teachers always wanted it on... You always WISHED you had one... Here you now have your own THINKING CAP. No longer do your hands have to cramp up writing essays, nor do your clumsy hands ruin your art. So easy, K'nuckles could use it!!
Entry:Thinking CAP~



Check Out My Awesome Design!
"Design a Gadget" Contest
Username: Demoscout
Brief Description: These are my prototype for a set of extending arms with multiple possibilities!

Tre Le Coco 05-25-2010 09:53 AM

Oooh I must try to enter this on my day off! <3

Knerd 05-25-2010 01:37 PM

I can't wait to see all the entries here. Good luck to everyone who's going to participate!

Rylynne 05-25-2010 03:34 PM

Hmm, any chance these will be made into event items? XP Lulz~ xDD;; Just a thought. ^^;;
Anyhows, I shall try and enter this if I find the time. :3 I'm definitely one who loves designing stuff. xDD;; <3<3

Jack Friday 05-25-2010 05:23 PM

I shall try this on wednesday when I don't have to work =D

lunanuova 05-25-2010 06:12 PM

Sounds good ;)!

HamletSpamlet 05-25-2010 07:45 PM

Thanks, everyone!
I look forward to seeing your entries. :boogie:

Hatake Ayumi 05-25-2010 11:15 PM

Let's see if I can get off my lazy arse.
.... *wiggles and wobbles*

Awesome banner art Hammy~- WOAH, wait. Awesome avatar.

HamletSpamlet 05-26-2010 12:31 AM

Thank you, Hatake. :'3

BlueEyedWallflower 05-26-2010 05:26 AM

I love art contests, but I doubt I'll enter. I am busy with college crap. However, I entered an art contest for lanterns during the Valentine's event. It seemed very unfair. The winners did fine, but lots of other people seemed to put more effort into. Whoever photoshopped theirs to death seemed to win. I always thought art was on a broader spectrum than just photoshop.

HamletSpamlet 05-26-2010 08:08 AM

It's a staff pick; everyone on the staff votes for their favorites out of the whole batch. The ones with the most votes win. It all comes down to personal taste, really. :)

I'm sorry to hear you can't enter, as I would love to see what you could come up with, but I'm glad you have your priorities straight. College is definitely more important!

Chickie Nuggs 05-26-2010 05:22 PM

Must think of an idea for a gadget... >o>

iirain 05-26-2010 08:44 PM

Check Out My Awesome Design!
"Design a Gadget" Contest
Username: iirain
Brief Description:a cat that turns fish bones into live fish.

HamletSpamlet 05-26-2010 11:24 PM

Aww, that's so cute! Zombie fish! :insane:

Thank you! I'll add it to the first page.

koromyst 05-27-2010 01:19 AM

So for the parasol thingy, must it be a colored version?
Or is it okay to submit it in black and white?
If I don't have photoshop, can I use paint?
Or am I allowed to print it out, color/design by hand and then re-scan it?
Should it be just abstract patterns? Vector patterns? Just colors?
Can it have something like a logo of some sort spread across the surface?
Or is it entirely okay to do all of the above?

HamletSpamlet 05-27-2010 03:25 AM

All of the above is okay! It's all ultimately up to you how the end product looks. :)

Chickie Nuggs 05-27-2010 03:44 AM

That gadget really is cute! x3
I hope I can come up with something as clever. :lol:

koromyst 05-27-2010 04:07 AM

Okie dokie.
Thanks for clarifying =D

HamletSpamlet 05-27-2010 04:10 AM

No problem!

Do you think I'm too vauge in my instructions on the first page? Maybe I should fix them up...

iirain 05-27-2010 11:38 AM

^^ I'm glad you like my fish-reuser. I made my sketch into a flyer for it. ^^

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