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Squid 05-25-2010 02:04 PM

Squid's Steampunk Hangout
Alright! This event actually started a whole lot sooner than I was expecting xD

Anyway! Here it is, a place to chat.

I'd like to get a more interesting title in here at some point, but who knows if that will happen 8D

Amice 05-25-2010 02:25 PM

Morning squid. How are you today?

Squid 05-25-2010 02:26 PM

Morning Amice!

I really like your avatar (Even if the purple is confusing xD)

I'm doing alright. Just trying to chat a bit.

Waiting for more people to join team gasket (Like me!) so I can team sprocket on my mule


How are you?

At the End of the Rainbow 05-25-2010 02:29 PM

Hey Squid. :)

Squid 05-25-2010 02:29 PM




Hallo n_n

Amice 05-25-2010 02:31 PM

I'm doing alright. I'm just wandering around the event until I have to work. I looks like major fun, but I don't want to get too into it because I can't access it at work.

Squid 05-25-2010 02:35 PM

I don't have to work today.

I'm scheduled for tomorrow, but it's at a time when it's not usually busy, so I figure there's about a forty percent chance I'll get called and told not to work.

Then I have to start working graduations on Thursday. I don't know what the schedule is like for those, but I know it's going to take place during most of the event.

Which is kind of BS


Lilim 05-25-2010 02:36 PM

Aww I had yesterday off
I got smashed after 7 beers woooo for a day off hehe

Squid 05-25-2010 02:38 PM

I don't drink


I got really super drunk on my birthday and then decided that I don't like throwing up that much.

So. Woo!

Amice 05-25-2010 02:45 PM

That happened the first time I got drunk. It sucked. But I still drink, just in moderation now.

Squid 05-25-2010 02:47 PM

I don't know.

It just wasn't that much fun for me, compared to the amount of vomit.

I mean, I know I REALLY over did it so I REALLY threw up a lot.

But it was all kind of normal normal normal, dizzyfun, vomit for twelve hours.

Amice 05-25-2010 02:50 PM

No one says you have to drink. After my first time I swore I wouldn't ever again, then a year later I would have one drink a night with my friends. Now I make sure I can handle what I have to drink.

Squid 05-25-2010 02:52 PM

Well, it's good that you at least know what you can handle and how to have fun with it.

I think I'm just a boring person, so it never interested me to begin with.

The first time I drank was on my birthday. With my brother. xD

PhoenixIllusion 05-25-2010 02:56 PM

-walks in with box-

Excuse me, did someone here order one large box full of crack, cocaine, weed and lots of porn?

Because I don't have it. If you ordered the above, I'm sorry to say your package was misplaced.

However, if you ordered a box full of candy, cookies, ice cream, pie and lots of different cheeses with Ritz crackers, then your delivery is here~!


Amice 05-25-2010 02:59 PM

I didn't order it, but I'll take it off your hands.

Squid 05-25-2010 03:00 PM


I was just about to get excited because my order got here.

Then the delivery man was all ''lolno!'' and THEN Amice was all ''It's mine!''

Too slow, too slow


(I love porn!)

PhoenixIllusion 05-25-2010 03:01 PM

Eh!? But I might lose my job!

Ah need the person who ordered to sign it!


Unless this IS the joint that ordered all the drugs... In which case- Why?


Oh, well, hold on and let me go get that other box... And seriously, somebody sign for these treats.

Squid 05-25-2010 03:02 PM

Well, sometimes I watch Intervention and I get bored



I'm such a bad person.

(I don't do drugs. Honest!)

Amice 05-25-2010 03:02 PM

I would never order drugs. Bleh.

But I need a good sugar high right about now.

PhoenixIllusion 05-25-2010 03:03 PM



And oh, right- While you did order the drugs, the drugs were unavailable, and becaus ethe company is too cheap, they decided to replace the drugs with powdered sugar and Yaoi mangas.

Squid 05-25-2010 03:06 PM


Why must everyone know that deep down I am a yaoi fangirl

/hates self
/signs for the stupid package
/reads smut

Amice 05-25-2010 03:06 PM

I'll sign for the sugar, and you can keep the mangas as a tip.

Squid 05-25-2010 03:08 PM

I read Loveless.

It's my deep dark secret.

Fable 05-25-2010 03:08 PM

I'm donating spanners! >: D

*runs around*

PhoenixIllusion 05-25-2010 03:08 PM

Thank god!

-throws boxes and stretches-

And now I quit my job!

-throws away delivery uniform and replaces with something less uniform-

-eats cheeses-


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