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Seridano 05-26-2010 01:20 AM

Festival of Lights {a special Gasket event RP thread}
An air ship sails through the sky laden with passengers, all of them hardworking Gasketeers from varying social classes and professions. Each morning the airship lands and each night it takes flight, carrying its passengers into the far reaches of the sky. Adorned with bright bronze and white lights that cling to the ship's surface before darting away (only to return again later), their little mechanical wings allowing them to zip quickly through the air, the ship has a penchant for catching the attention of those below.

In the heart of the ship, the members of the Gasket orchestra begin tuning their instruments for the festivities as those on board begin filtering into the ballroom on the main deck for a night of fun.

The captain has announced that the ship will hover in place once it reaches the lake of saints, giving all who step out the upper and side decks a chance to take in the natural beauty of their world even as they celebrate their own technological ingenuity.

{Let the Gasket Festivities Commence!}

Hresvelgr 05-26-2010 02:53 AM

Lena was in her room finishing her hair. She had already showered and dried her hair. Deciding to keep a very simple look for the night. Quickly and with a skilled hand she tied her hair up and pinned it. Keeping half still down for the semi-formal effect. She was not usually one for balls since she was in the mechanic room. That's right. Lena was one of the mechanic's on board to watch the ship and care for any breaks she could possible have. Although tonight, she was given the night off. They would only be hovering and therefore it did not need too many people just standing around. Her dress was a very simple brown and bronze strapless dress that stopped just above her ankle. Lena also wore a pair of black tights and heels. Completely different from the normal baggy cloths she wore. The outfit itself complemented her brown hair and very deep brown eyes. She looked out her small window seeing the lake approaching steadily. Slowly the Engineer made her way up the stairs to the ball room.

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