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Marguerite Blakeney 08-14-2010 05:46 AM

Oh. My. God.

I don't think I've seen a thread for this yet.

So how many of you guys on here seen the crazy MTV "reality" show called Jersey Shore?

Loved it? Hated it?

Tried one of their hairstyles?

Can't say I'm innocent of not knowing what they are because, I am definitely GUILTY of loving it!

So who else around here fist pumps their way into mayhem and drama? 'Cause I know I do!

Wynna 08-15-2010 07:31 AM

I only saw the season 2 premiere of it.
I laughed my ass off when I heard Snooki complaining about the 10% tax increase on tanning beds use. Her reasoning: because he (Barack Obama) doesn't need a tan.
Wow, so racist.

I could see why this show is addicting, it's so entertaining to watch. At times it's just like a car accident, horrible, but you can't look away.

Marguerite Blakeney 08-15-2010 10:38 PM

I love that it's such a trainwreck, but I totally laughed about the tanning tax increase. Hey, it's bad for your health if you do the tanning beds on a daily basis! Freaking...I guess she's never seen what it actually does to people, but you can't help but just to hate/love it XD Personally, Snooki could be my soul sister. We're the same height and we have the same hair.

Hollywood 08-18-2010 05:26 AM

Oh my dear goodness I love this show SO much.
Angelina is a crazy so and so. And Ronnie is driving me UP THE WALL so far this season.
Vinny has gone ahead and stolen my heart with his absolute cuteness this season.
Did you see last thursdays ep with the chicken cutlet? frick, I laughed so hard.

Marguerite Blakeney 08-18-2010 07:56 AM

ROFLMAO, fake boobies from the grenades...and the one who it came from was like, SO uncomfortable!

And speaking of fake boobies...the JWOWW-in-the-bathroom incident :D "I SEE YOUR BOOBIES!"

OMG though, when will Angelina LEAVE?! I know she's not gonna be in the 3rd season but seriously, NOBODY wants her there.

Ronnie's like...gotta make his mind about Sammi though. They're always on-and-off.

Keyori 08-18-2010 11:52 PM

Shows like this on MTV make me feel sooo much much better about my own life. In a "wow, at least I'm not messed up like THEM" way xD

I don't find any of the guys on the show attractive at all. Ugh.

But Sammi is definitely adorable. Lots of love for her <3

Did you see the article that Snooki tried to trademark her name? :rofl:

Marguerite Blakeney 08-19-2010 05:20 AM

Seriously, the boys are NOT attractive. Whoever gave them license to call themselves hot were seriously mistaken. PLEASE, The Situation has a butterface.

Shyeah I saw the Snooki-name thing. Too bad she couldn't get it.

What do you think of the Sammi/Ronnie thing? Should they be together or no? I think they're cute together but in all seriousness, these guys are complete tools. They're grenades themselves!

Keyori 08-19-2010 06:09 AM

They're both equally dumb for yo-yo-ing back to each other every time 9_9

And srsly, Angelina needs to get a grip. Butting in to Sammi and JWOWW's convo in the cab like that? J shoulda smacked her right there >3>;;

I've decided that the guys are waayyyy too hung up on acronyms. GTL days and MVP nights? Srsly? xD

Marguerite Blakeney 08-19-2010 06:25 AM

ROFLMAO sorry I like acronyms.

Angelina needs to gtfo though. Nobody likes her! Except for those who follow her on Twitter...which btw I realized she actually HAS a Twitter. What the hell? People have to be brain-dead to do that.

I <3 JWoww for beating up stupid people ^^;

Keyori 08-19-2010 08:37 AM

I like acronyms too, but those are just so cheesy :rofl:

Marguerite Blakeney 08-19-2010 08:43 AM

I totally agree.

And smooshing. Usually I think of squishing stuff together, like pieces of play-doh. Not sex.

Keyori 08-19-2010 09:01 AM

OMG YES :rofl:

I had never heard smooshing used as a euphemism for sex until then.

Also, Snooki was whining about the tanning tax... why doesn't she just go outside? The sun is free.

Marguerite Blakeney 08-19-2010 09:05 AM

I have no idea. Maybe she's worried about sunburn XD I NEED to go tanning though. My upper body is hella tan, and the rest of me is pale white. And that's not cool. I can't wear shorts without this total contrast being so obvious (I wear jeans a lot, and I'm nearly 21...that's a LOT of years of tanning in California).

Keyori 08-19-2010 06:26 PM

Don't feel bad, I hardly have /any/ tan, and I've never been tanning at a salon (or spray-tan).

I got my first tan in ages over the 4th of July. It's not very dark, and since I had my hands in my lap, my thighs now have lovely hand-prints on them :gonk:

But I'm going on a float trip Saturday, hopefully I can even it out then.

Wynna 08-19-2010 09:51 PM

I thought it was hilarious in the season premiere, and Snooki was like 'I think my tan is running'. I guess she was sweating too much and her spray-on started to run. I love Snooki! :)

Marguerite Blakeney 08-21-2010 07:38 AM

Aww well I guess that's what happens when it's really hot. Spray tan is pretty much like airbrushing makeup right? And they do this on a daily basis. Wouldn't it stain their clothes?

Keyori 08-23-2010 01:37 AM

That's what I thought when I saw her boyfriend spraying her inside. I was like "uhh... shouldn't you be doing outside? You'll stain everything around you!"

Marguerite Blakeney 08-23-2010 08:45 AM

Yeah I know huh?! I asked myself the exact same thing!

I haven't watched the latest episode yet...didn't really have time to since I was always out this weekend.

Keyori 08-23-2010 04:23 PM

I saw a preview for it and I think the girls are gonna write an anonymous letter to Sammi.

I think I'll stream it right now >3>;;

Marguerite Blakeney 08-23-2010 04:47 PM

Oh you mean about the Ronnie thing?

I've been playing FF7 again and I wanted to make a new file so I could just name everyone after the Jersey Shore people XD Not sure whether to make Angelina as Aeris (since she dies off) or Yuffie (coz everybody hates her)...and then my main party would be MVP!

Keyori 08-24-2010 02:23 AM

What?! I love Yuffie! Make her Aeris! xD

Though really, Angelina wasn't so bad in the last episode. I think she did right by not telling Sam about Ronnie (and she's right; if she was the one who told Sam, then the whole house would hate her, even though it would be the right thing to do... the anonymous letter is a MUCH better idea).

ChaosCass13 08-24-2010 02:44 AM

My friend LOVES this series. She does her hair like them sometimes, and a t-shirt, and we are supposed to have a jersey shore marathon. O.O

Marguerite Blakeney 08-24-2010 03:49 AM

Situation would be Cloud (by default, you can't get rid of him and you can't get rid of Mike); Vinny is Vincent...OBVIOUSLY, and Pauly would be Cid. Ronnie friggen looks like Barrett to me it's so creepy XD. Tifa = JWOWW (I mean the girl got fake boobs AND can give out hits). I don't know who to cast for the rest. Even if Aeris died off, we'd STILL have 8 people. Then again, Snooki's friend that's coming in for Season 3 might just be the person we need. : )

Keyori 08-26-2010 05:15 PM

OMG. I saw this on failblog and I just had to share it! SO HILARIOUS!

Marguerite Blakeney 08-26-2010 05:22 PM

OH YEAH I SAW THAT BEFORE their vids freak me out.

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