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Kilia 09-04-2010 06:45 AM

Broken Moon (O/A)

eBroken Moonf

There was a time when the moon was whole, it light the night sky up with its beauty, but one day something terrible happened to it. No one in this world with the broken moon can remember what happened to it, but they all knew that they had a part in how it happened. Land is floating in the skies, people have animal qualities, people even developed ways to get to the islands. The moon never sets, the sun doesn’t quit have the power it did before, but everyone is in search of the moon shards that have fallen to the land.

*points up* A picture of floating islands

Kilia 09-04-2010 06:51 AM


Character Name:
Skills/Powers (limit to three powers and if you choose mind reading please ask permission from people first before you use it on thier character and answer thier thoughts):
Appearance (anime):

Kilia 09-04-2010 06:55 AM


1. Follow Mene's TOS of course

2. This is a PG13, so anything that goes above, there has to be a "time skip"

3. There will be fighting of course, but lets try to keep it outside of the building

4. Romance is allowed, but again, stick to pg13

5. Send profiles to me titled Broken Moon

6. PLEASE and i mean PLEASE try and be at least semi-literate and use grammer and puncuation in here

7. Stick a Feesh in the pm so that i know you read the rules

Above all, this is a place to have fun and rp

Kilia 09-04-2010 06:58 AM


Username: Ameika
Character Name: Kiba
Age: 22
Race: werewolf
Gender: Male
Skills/Powers: pyro kenisis (control fire slightly), can only read Levana's mind, is inmune to her hormone manipulation
Bio: Is Levana's pet....sort of

Username: Ameika
Character Name: Levana Swiftstar
Age: 19
Race: unknown
Gender: Female
Skills/Powers: artist, singer, can see auras, hormone manipulation
Bio: unknown


Originally Posted by Heiyuu
Username: Heiyuu
Character Name: Urushiol
Age: 19
Race: Dryad (Poison Sumec)
Gender: Female
Skills/Powers: Can manipulate plants, convincing them to grow faster than they would unaided. Can hide in the forest nearly seamlessly. Anyone who touches her gets a rash as though they'd touched poison ivy.
Bio: She all but raised herself due to the effect she had on bare skin. Living alone's made her very self-reliant, and a little untrusting. But now that she's older, she wants to figure out her place in this shatter-moon world.
Appearance (anime):

Username: Heiyuu
Character Name: Alcione Hester
Age: 25
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Skills/Powers: Manipulates the element of wind, create a small (but intense if needed) glowing white light around her hands, and can communicate with her partner, the gryphon Pleiad
Bio: When the moon split, some people went back to the old ways, tribal life and trusting in older gods. Alcione became a Priestess of the Stars, also called a Starbearer
Appearance (anime):



Originally Posted by momochan
Character Name: Audrey
Age: unknown
Race: Demon
Gender: Female
Skills/Powers: She can fly, has dark powers, and can use a sword.
Bio: She used to be human but there was a freak accident. She has no friends or family. She'll be nice to people who are nice to her. If you're her enemy, then consider you're self dead.
Appearance (anime):


Originally Posted by VampHunterX13666
Username: VampHunterX13666
Character Name: Angel Corvinious
Age: 18
Race: Demon
Gender: Male
Skills/Powers: Skilled swordsman, makes his own armor and weapons, elemental charmer
Bio: When he was young his family died and he grew up fending for himself, and taught himself everything that he knows now, he had his friends asist him in learning somethings he knows as well. His life really hasen't been the easiest, but he is strong, and hismany sides to him, and many personalities.
Appearance (Anime) :


Originally Posted by Inuyami
Character Name:
200 looks 21
Excelent physical combat
Can tranceform into a huge dog demon with acidic drool
Inuyami is the unknown daughter of a great demon lord but was force to raise herself after the age of four. Her mother died when she was killed in a fire and she never knew her father. She survived as a drifter in the woods, living among the wolves.

Full Demon Form:
(the haze is cause by the acid drool)


Originally Posted by JessehBoo
Character Name: Verahdona Layden
Age: 20
Race: shape shifter
Gender: Female
Skills/Powers: Telepathy 9can speak to other people through there minds, yet cannot read or get into the mind any other way, only communication. Once she has tapped into a mind she can speak to them from any location, no matter how far. Its convinient for when she's in her wolf form.) Master Of Daggers. Stealthy and Graceful.
Bio: Not much is known about her, she has been roaming the lands for Moon shards and has collected a few. For many years she trained herself in the art of Daggers and Stealth.


Originally Posted by Ashild_Wish
Username: Ashild_Wish
Character Name: Kyle Summers
Age: 18
Race: demonic scarred human
Gender: Male
Skills/Powers (limit too three powers and if you choose mind reading please ask permission from people first before you use it on thier character and answer thier thoughts): (Not really a power but) can fly, at times when he's angry his inner demon is released and his eyes turn bloody which gives him 50/50 vision and when inner demon released he was control of the element air
Bio: A young boy growing up scarred by a demon for all wrongdoing and now in his quest to be a better person has come to a different land of floating islands, but his judgment and choices are clouded by his anger and he can sometimes switch into a demon and go into a rage. But he is learning to controll his powers and anger.
Appearance (anime):


Originally Posted by Tyson Munroe
Username Tyson Munroe
CharacterName: Sora
Age: 19
Race Witch
Gender Female
Abilities/skills: Molecular Immobilization, Molecular Combustion(slightly), And Astra Projection

Character Name: Soya
Age 19
Race: witch
Gender: Female
Abilities/Skills: Teleporting(Herself, Others, And Objects From Afar), Healing, And Able To Create shieds
Bio For Most Of Most Of The Twins Life They depended On each Other. And Now That The Moon has Split They Need Each Other Even More
Appearance (anime):

momochan 09-04-2010 07:23 PM

((can we start?))

Kilia 09-04-2010 07:26 PM

((yes you can lol sorry i meant to let everyone know lol :)))

momochan 09-04-2010 07:27 PM

((Can you start? I don't know what to wright.))

Kilia 09-04-2010 08:27 PM

Levana walked around on the deck of The Damned Wolf, fingering the moon shard pendulum that was around her neck as she made sure everything was in top shape. She smiled as she turnned to look at the werewolf that was sleeping on the deck of her ship, finding it rather funny that he insisted to wear a collar and leash when they left the ship, he wouldn't even take the collar off when they were on it. They had just docked in a port on a floating island to restock and make sure everything was good. He pendulum was one of the purest moon shards out there and it helpped her to find even more shards that have fallen from the moon.

Kiba whimpered a little as he slept on the sunny deck in his wolf form, it even looked like he was running in his sleep as he dreamed on like there was nothing that he could lose.

momochan 09-04-2010 08:38 PM

Audrey was flying to the floating island. Audrey didn't have a reason to go there she just wanted to fly. When she landed she looked around for a moment "I swear I herd something..." she mumbled to her self. Audrey looked around once more, she still didn't see anyone.

Heiyuu 09-04-2010 08:51 PM

The gryphon and its rider flew over the ship, casting a shadow on the deck for a moment or several as they circled to see what the situation below was--not out of any urgency, of course, but more curiosity. The gryphon's golden eyes were sharp, picking out the wolf and communicating his presence to Alcione before he let out a lazy mental chuckle. And I want fish for dinner, too. Alcione lightly stroked his crestfeathers. "I will try my hardest to get you fish, then."

(Is Levana's ship at the pier or underway at sea right now? I couldn't tell from your post...)

Kilia 09-04-2010 08:58 PM

((they are docked at a pier lol sorry but i really have to go but i thought i would get on right quick to let you know :)))

Kilia 09-05-2010 07:22 AM

Kiba growled slightly in his sleep before he woke up, quickly scrambiling onto his paws and began to growl a warning as he looked aorund for the creature that had caused the shadow that had went over him, one thing was clear about him, he was a very light sleepier and the slightest change around him would wake him. A shadow crossing over him was consedered a slight change in his book as he continued to growl and look for the source.

"Be still." Levana commanded Kiba as she walked over to him and placed a hand on his wolven head, his dark blue fur glistening in the sunlight as his violet eyes continued to scan. She looked up towards the sky, where the shadow had coe from as she watched a gryphon circle above them, that was when Kiba shifted into his human form, placing his leash into her hand as he looked up with her. Levana turnned her head towards the man and smiled, hooking the leash to her belt before she went back to checking the rope and making sure the crates of supplies that she bought were being put below the deck.

Heiyuu 09-05-2010 11:52 AM

The gryphon landed on the pier and the teal-robed Starbearer slid off his back gracefully, approaching the brow of the ship, the narrow wooden bridge between it and the pier. Pleiad followed her by a few paces so as not to scare anyone, and didn't even set a foreclaw on the brow as she stopped at the end of it. "Requesting permission to come aboard this vessel?" Her voice is soft, polite, and conveys some of her vivid curiosity.

Kilia 09-05-2010 02:51 PM

"Permission grantted, stranger." Levana said to the girl as gave her permission before Kiba decided to change and attack the unkown person. She walked over to the gangway, waitting for the woman to come up it and onto the deck, she looked the girl and gryphon over as she thought about what they could be doing there.

"Captian Levana. Are you sure you want them on deck?" Kiba whispered into Levana's ear as he came up behind her, growling slightly to the person as he kept his eyes on her bird lion, very aware of him at the moment as he held a whispered, one sided conversation with Levana.

"What brings you to this lowly vessel?" LEvana asked them as she tucked her pendulum inside her kimono like top as she stroked the back of Kiba's head, keeping him at bay while she found things out, even putting the rest of her ship's mantence on hold while they spoke to each other. She brushed her dark brown hair out of her face before she looked over her ship once more with her grey eyes that had a very shocking burst of ice blue around the iris before she looked back at the woman.

Heiyuu 09-05-2010 03:07 PM

"Beg pardon for the trespass. Pleiad and I are seeking passage across the sea. For all that eagle-gryphs are often coast-dwellers, he can't make the journey all the way without help, especially not with a rider preventing him from diving for fish." She glances at Kiba a moment and offers a smile, both hands in front of herself at waist-level, palms up in a traditional gesture of peace. "In exchange for passage for myself and occasionally letting Pleiad land on deck to rest, I can promise fair winds."

The gryphon preens his left wing, avoiding Kiba's gaze and trying to be as unassuming in appearance as possible.

Kilia 09-05-2010 04:40 PM

"Which direction are you headed?" Levana asked her as she smiled, continueing to pet Kiba's dark blue hair as she calmed him down. "I am Captian Levana and this is Kiba." she said with a smile as she motioned to the gryphon to come aboard, patting the top of Kiba's head as he basically callasped at her feet, his tongue hanging out slightly.

"I will eat him......" Kiba mumbled sleepily as his eyes started to drift shut, his voilet eyes still locked on the gryphon as he leaned against Levana's legs, letting her pet him as he kept his ears on the conversation and the things that were going on around them.

VampHunterX13666 09-05-2010 06:36 PM

Angel had been walking around, looking for food, he had a lot of hunting experience because of a very unfortunate turn of events in his life, he pulled out his sword, making sure he didn't have to care for him yet, people thought he was crazy for naming his sword, and treating it like a person. "Well Constantine." he addressed his sword, "I think we should train for a bit." He brought fire around the blade his he did when he really was fighting and he practiced his fighting style, his friends were busy far away at this point and he had no one else to talk to.

momochan 09-05-2010 07:33 PM

Audrey was bored. She had been walking around for a few minutes but it felt like shes been walking for ages to her. She came across a some guy who was training. Audrey watched him for a little while. It was kinda cool to see his sword catch on fire. "Interesting..." she mumbled to herself.

Heiyuu 09-06-2010 12:28 AM

The gryphon's gaze moves from Kiba to Alcione, eartufts fluffing a little as he silently whispered in the priestess's mind. I'm not sure I'm liking this plan--there are other ships, Starbearer. Her response was to reach back and lightly run her hand over his beak. "I'm certain the good captain wouldn't allow violence to passengers on this ship. Correct?" Her smile is slightly edged for a moment before she relaxes. "I'm Alcione Hester. My partner is Pleiad. We're looking to go west. To Kuith if you make port there."

JessehBoo 09-06-2010 01:47 AM

Verahdona's breath was easy as her wolf form sprinted through the forest, easily avoding the rocks and trees. The wind ran through her white fur as she ran, a bag wrapped around her, headed towards town. Verah needed to get medicine for a wound on her left shoulder. There was another wolf in the forest that night as she slept, and he was no friend. As she approached the edge of the woods she slowed and turned back into her human form. Verah's clothes changed with her, which she found as a blessing, it saved her from many awkward naked moments. As she walked out into the open her footsteps were soft, heading towards town. She wasnt that far away and the open air was a nice change from the scent of the forest.

Walking into town she entered a medicine shop and walked to the counter. "Excuse me you have anything to help a bite?" Glancing to her left shoulder she saw the damage wasnt too bad but still, she wanted it to heal right. "Thats quite a bite you have there!" the woman said, reaching out and examining the wound. "Put some of this on it." The woman handed hera vial of some liquid and a gauze to wrap around her shoulder. After paying Verah bowed in thanks, especial since the woman had been so kind to help her apply the medicine and gauze. It would have been a bit dificult to do it herself. "Thank you so much, have a nice day." Walking along the peir Verah's eyes caught sight of a Gryphon, they were pretty rare, she hadnt seen many. Her ocean blue green eyes gazed at the faces ofthe other three, the long haired brunette seemed to be captain of the vessel, though Verah could be wrong.

Kilia 09-06-2010 01:53 AM

((first of all umm floating island is where i believe everyone should be in other words Levana's ship is an air ship lol just thought i would let you all know to clear up confusion))


"Don't mind Kiba. He may seem like he is dangerous but he is just a very sleepy puppy. He is harmless, for the most part, as long as your peaceful and do not mean me any harm then you will be fine." Levana said to Alcione as she patted KIba's head one last time as he fell asleep to dream about food, she chuckled as he started to shift back into a wolf and drool slightly. "See, he is harmless for the most part. West...." she frowned and pulled her pendulum out, concerentrating until it pointted towards the west, smiling before she tucked it back into her top. "We are going west also, welcome to The Damned Wolf. Your room is below the deck and if Pleiad needs to rest and eat then he may use the deck. We are just repairing and stocking up at the moment. We may stop at a few places along the way...if it is called for." she said to them as she walked along the ship and finished making sure that the ship was in good shape.

JessehBoo 09-06-2010 02:31 AM

[[hahaha all fixed xD!btw i got a puppy todayyy<333]]

As she made her way down the peir Verah gazed down at the long drop below. She had always wanted to leave the floating island but had never had a chance, and no means of doing so. Gazing at her moon shard pouch as it chimed softly with her movement she thought of all the other shards out there she could collect. Looking back to the ship she thought, would the captain even allow her to board the vessel, let alone come along for the voyage? The only real thing she had to offer was a pair of hand and her daggers. It cant hurt to try... she thought to herself and slowly made her way to the ship.

Heiyuu 09-06-2010 02:38 AM

Alcione nodded at Levana, leaving Pleiad on the deck as she goes below to square away her quarters to her personal liking. The gryphon eyed Kiba silently, still preening his wings to smooth them out for the long flights he planned to take to stay away from the ravenous wolf-man beast. Then, from the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Verah, turning his head to track her movement.

Kilia 09-06-2010 02:43 AM

((*whistles silently*))

momochan 09-06-2010 03:03 AM

Audrey waked away from the man who was setting his sword on fire and waving it around. She flew to the near by town. When she arrived she saw a ship. Audrey walked towards it. She saw some people aboard. She smiled and waved to them. Audrey was tired of flying and she needed to get off this island. So she sighed and said "H-hello, permission to bored the ship?".

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