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harakun 12-01-2010 02:03 AM

[MxM] It does not matter what you are. [1x1]
Please don't post if you aren't White Squirrel Girl or harakun.
Thank you~

White Squirrel Girl 12-02-2010 01:46 AM

The city park, the one place a person can get away from most of the bright city light and mid day traffic jams. In the very center of the multi acre park you could find a lake. If you looked at the right times you could find a Persian falcon resting on a park bench. One wing limp and a leg with a few light cuts he was in a pretty nastey condition.

Mid day you could find the falcon asleep in a warm sunny spot. The falcon's breathing was slow and steady. Though a tiny squeak woke it to the smeel of a mouse nearby. He lifted an eyelid and quickly saw the tawsny mouse in the thick summer grass. He lifted his injured wing to the best of his ability and glided onto the grass behind the mouse. He approched slowly and paused a few inches from the mouse. With one hop his was ontop of it. His talons claiming the megar meal's life. He nodded approvingly before picking the mouse up and returning to his spot on the park bench.

The falcon turned it's head to make sure no one was watching before pulling the skin off of the mouse. Setting the skin off to the side of the arm rest he picked the meat up ad tipped his head back to quickly swallow it.

harakun 12-02-2010 02:08 AM

Apparently, the falcon wasn't looking around too well. At least, he'd missed one certain man who was on all fours and looking at the cat who still continued sleeping under the park bench. This wasn't his cat but he was due to return her to her owner in a few minutes and if he took her, she'd just scratch him. The man didn't look much like a vet with his thick, rectangular glasses resting on the bridge of his nose, his messy black hair about his head with his eyebags that were rather big under his bright green eyes. His face looked tired and he had on a rather lazy face as he rolled his head a bit to have his jaw resting on the grass.

The sound of something falling onto the park arm's bench, though, caught his attention and he looked up to see a falcon on the back of the park bench. Apparently, he didn't notice it either. It wasn't there awhile ago, he thought to himself as he rolled his head a bit more to the side to watch it eat from what looked like a carcass of a mouse. He was used to seeing such stuffs considering they had to cut through dead animals back when he was in college. Though he had barfed up a few times, he got tired of doing so and well, his stomach just decided to give up throwing itself away all the time he did that.

When something scratched deeply at his cheek, he'd let out a loud yowl and his eyes had widened. The male quickly pulled back and he lifted his hand up to his bleeding cheek. Dandy. He'd only let his guard down for a minute and then this cat had decided to hurt him. He scowled, irritated at the cat's smug look. Just as he was about to dive for it, her owner had called for her and she left him. The owner, apparently, didn't see the doctor who was currently behind the park bench, pressing his handkerchief on his cheek. If there was one thing he hated, it was having to explain how he got the wounds on himself from the different animals that had gone through him.

Honestly, Janssen wasn't sure if it was just his bad luck but he decided to ignore it and looked back up to see if he'd scared the falcon away.

White Squirrel Girl 12-02-2010 02:52 AM

The falcon had finished his mouse and hand turned to watch Janssen. He stroked the feathers on his chest but always had one eye on him. When the falcon had finished he just settled, most of his weigh off of his wounded leg. The bird tipped its head over a little but kept his eyes on Jansen. Ah, to be human. Ran though the falcon's head as he rightened his head and heard another falcon above. He looked up and seemed to let his wings drop in longing to join the other bird.

The other bird turnd into the city and the falcon returned his attention on Janssen. The glasses were what caught the falcon's eye. They were the first pair of square glasses he had ever seen, and he had seen quite a few things in his travels.

harakun 12-02-2010 03:00 AM

It was a rather cute bird despite its size and ferocity of that eyes. At least, that was what Janssen thought as he slowly got up to his feet. His hand was still on his cheek and his free hand rested on the back of the bench just inches away from where the falcon was perched. The falcon's longing look didn't escape Janssen's observation of him and he noted, too, the way the other's wings and body was weighed on more to the one side than the other.

"You're hurt," were the first words he'd said before he'd adjusted his glasses again to look at it properly. Idly, he wondered if it would let him treat him. "If I tell you I have a lot more where those mice come from, would you come with me?" He wasn't sure, either if it talked human language but he'd try otherwise. No harm in trying, after all.

If he can't bring him with him, then he'd just have to leave the animal and come back again another day to treat it.

White Squirrel Girl 12-02-2010 10:40 PM

The falcon looked at him and paused. With a few limping steps he settled on Jenssen's fore arm. One set of talon's had an extremly tight grip, while the other was list as a feather. The falcon looked an Janssen and looked at his bloodied cheek.
Why do humans have to get themselves hurt so easily? He though and limped up Janssen's arm to his shoulder. He pushed Janssen's hand away from his cheek and set the side of his head on the wound. The bird showed no signs of intending to move until the bleeding stopped.

harakun 12-02-2010 11:24 PM

Janssen was utterly surprised at the falcon limping towards his fore arm. The talon's that gripped at his arm tightly hurt him but it only made him realize then that the other set of talon's was, indeed, hurt. He'd have ran his fingers gently on the falcon's foot if his other hand wasn't so busy with his handkerchief. The male lost his smile, though, when the bird had moved to his shoulder and he raised his eyebrows a bit in wonder and awe at the other holding his handkerchief for him with that head of his. It made him smile and he used his hand - the one that had been holding the handkerchief - to gently run the tips of his fingers along the falcon's back. "Thanks," he said before he'd chuckled lightly and went off to get to his place.

He was lucky he only had to bear with a few giddy looks, a few looks of amusement, and a few strange looks because his place wasn't far off. It was a two storey building with the first floor as his office and the second floor, his place. He had gotten an invitation to work at the country side in about a month from now and he's yet to give them his reply.

The veterinarian got the needed materials he needed to patch the falcon up and by the time he had them all ready by the bed, he lightly stroked the front of the falcon's chest with a smile. "I need you off my shoulder now and onto the bed," he told him as he'd pulled his head away. The bleeding had already stopped and it seemed to have dried off to close the wounds. He took off the handkerchief rather painfully since it had stuck to his wounds. He'll need to clean that up later on once he was done patching the falcon up.

Tossing his handkerchief into the nearest bin, he started on a check-up with the bird. Of course, he started with his one set of talon's because that was the only part he knew wasn't used much. "I'll be touching you, all right? If it hurts, nip or nudge my head." he told it as he adjusted his eyeglasses with the back of his hand before he'd started working on treating the wounded part of him.

White Squirrel Girl 12-03-2010 12:20 AM

The falcon hopped onto the bed. He watched Janssen work on his talon and foot. He slowly relaxed and nuzzled Janseen's hand when he'd finished. Examining his wrapped and splinted foot the facon walked without a limp on the bed. With a nod to himself he held his head up in a way that a person who thought they were on top of the world would look.

The falcon looked up an Janseen and hopped up onto his shoulder. He rubbing his beak against Janseen's unwounded cheek in thanks. He caught Janseen's eye and held his gaze for a fraction of a second. If Janseen had been looking closely he could have caugh a glimpse of something almost human in the bird's eyes.

harakun 12-03-2010 12:30 AM

Janssen was rather amused to see the falcon walk without a limp on the bed and he couldn't help but chuckle when the bird had also held that head of his high up. It honestly was rare to see a bird this animated but he was glad he could help. A smile lit up the veterinarian's face at the beak against his unwounded cheek and he reached up to lightly rub the bird's chest with the back of his index finger. "You're welcome," he told the falcon and nodded.

Apparently, Janssen was looking at the bird's wing now when he'd noticed it so he'd pretty much missed whatever look the falcon was giving him. "Where'd you come from to be hurt like this?" he asked as he took the falcon and gently put him back onto the bed. "Even your wing's not in its usual shape..." Pursing his lips a little as he adjusted his glasses again, he left for a bit only to return with a small wood that should help hold the bird's wing together.

"You won't be able to fly for a while," he told him as he'd started on his wing now, "But you're free to stay over until you're well. I've got food for you, too." By the time he'd patched the falcon up, he went to get about a couple of mice for the bird. "Try not to make a mess on the bed, too," he told the falcon as he smiled at him at gave it a little pet.

Now, he needed to take care of his own wound on the cheek.

White Squirrel Girl 12-03-2010 12:55 AM

The falcon hopped back onto the bed and fluffed his feathers out before settling on the edge of the pillows. He settled and watched Janssen. Clearly intrested in how the veterinarian would fix his own cheek. The falcon adjusted his position every few minutes and would stroke a few of his white feathers down when he was satisfied with his position. The falcon's attention was caught on Janseen's glasses after awhile.

harakun 12-03-2010 01:23 AM

The first thing Janssen did was take off his glasses. He didn't really need his glasses when he worked with something as large as this wound. Getting to the sink, he washed his face and then wiped his face on a small towel. He took the bottle of peroxide from the kit to clean his wounds, took a gauze and patched it up on his cheek. Letting the pain subside for a bit, he ran his fingers through his black, still messy hair and then slipped on his eyeglasses.

The sight of the falcon making himself comfortable on the bed made him smile slightly and he moved back to cross his arms over the bed, just a little away from the said falcon. "Do you want to go up?" he asked him as he raised his eyebrows a bit, "The couch cushions are much more comfortable than the pillows here."

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