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Protagonist 12-24-2010 06:36 PM

Merry Effing Christmas! A chat and contest thread.

Welcome one and all to Merry Effing Christmas Winter Event, hosted by yours truly ;)

Last year I made an event thread kind of like the one Im going to make and it was a big hit! I made lots of new friends and we had a lot of fun.

So basically, all you have to do it quote this picture:

• Each time you quote it saying "Merry Effing Christmas" you get 1 point added to your total ^ ^
• At the end of the event, the top TWO people will receive a special prize that I have. (Believe me it will be worth your while.)
• You don't need to sign up for the event, you may join any time you like as long as you quote the correct post.
• When you quote the picture, also include your total at that point please. I WILL be keeping score, but YOU should know too. DO NOT rely on me. I am not perfect.

Contestants and Scores

Seridano : 4 points

And as always, Merry EFFING Christmas and happy holidays :)

Seridano 12-24-2010 06:48 PM

This sounds both silly and fun. Count me in.

.Simplicity. 12-24-2010 06:50 PM

*trots in*

Hey guysss~ 8D

Seridano 12-24-2010 06:51 PM

Ello Simplicity. How are you today?

.Simplicity. 12-24-2010 06:53 PM

Goodgood, about to go on a wrapping spree soon I hope~ D:

Seridano 12-24-2010 06:55 PM

Went on a wrapping spree last night and am pretty well, still sick though....but hey, Christmas will lift even the sickliest of spirits! ^.^

.Simplicity. 12-24-2010 06:58 PM

Awehh, I hope you feel better by tomorrow then. D: Being sick isn't fun on Christmas or anything, at all. >__<

Lucky you for finishing! I've yet to start, as I keep forgetting to buy some damn tape... it's just...defeating me? lol. xD

Lilith W 12-24-2010 06:59 PM

sounds like fun ^^

Protagonist 12-24-2010 07:12 PM

Hey guys ^ ^
Yes Im so excited!!

.Simplicity. 12-24-2010 07:13 PM

*pokes at BD*

I haven't talked to you in what feels like, forever. D:

Protagonist 12-24-2010 07:16 PM

I KNOW! How are you??

.Simplicity. 12-24-2010 07:17 PM

I'm goood! c: Just working my little butt off, bahaha. xDD

Yourself? <33

Seridano 12-24-2010 07:17 PM

-lays on her tummy and pokes at BD's slippers-

squishy ^.^

Protagonist 12-24-2010 07:23 PM

Who is callin me squishy o w o

Im alright, kinda hating on Christmas right now.

Seridano 12-24-2010 07:24 PM

Hating it...why's that?

.Simplicity. 12-24-2010 07:24 PM

Awehh, why hating? >;

Protagonist 12-24-2010 07:28 PM

Cause all my family does is bitch and no one says or does anything without an attitude. It just makes living here hell because it NEVER. STOPS.

Seridano 12-24-2010 07:30 PM

Eh, half my family is like that...I just keep telling myself I have to make it through tonight's dinner and that's it.

.Simplicity. 12-24-2010 07:34 PM

Awehh, I'm sorry BD. >; I understand what you're going through though, as it sometimes occurs in my house, but not as much anymore, thankfully. Hopefully they're realize what's happening around them though and change. <33
Don't let them sour your Christmas though.. >:

Seridano 12-24-2010 07:36 PM

Simplicity, where did you get that skirt/dress you're wearing?

.Simplicity. 12-24-2010 07:37 PM

It's one of the new commons~ c:
Tis a sugarplum dress, on page 14 I believe in the shop.
13 or 14 anyways, but pretty sure it's 14. xD

Protagonist 12-24-2010 07:39 PM

Yeah, I feel you D;

I think thats why I smoke so much. Just so they wont bother me -.-

Simpy ~ Thats already too late. I mean, Im not too fond about holidays but now Im starting to hate them. I dread the seasons D:

Seridano 12-24-2010 07:39 PM

Aww -gives BD a hug-

Ah, thanks for the heads up -goes to get one-

.Simplicity. 12-24-2010 07:40 PM

*huggles BD*
I'm sorry hun. >; I wish you could look forward to the seasons though, <3

Protagonist 12-24-2010 07:41 PM

Heh, thanks ladies ^ ^;

I just wish I could actually hang out with people like you guys ^ ^ ya know like spend the holidays together. Would be better than my family > .>

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