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Bellinda 01-02-2011 02:46 AM

Magical Realm of Love?(Bellinda and Kia)
A demon warlock and an mage is force to work together in the magical world to restore the order of darkness and light. Will theses to work together well? or destroy themselfs?

Name: Damien Oda
Age: 19
Race: Demon Warlock

Kia_ 01-02-2011 04:09 AM

Name: Vaneria Kaliente
Age: 18
Race: Elven Mage

(Who shall begin? Sorry it took so long I am soooo picky when it ocmes odwn to matching people up and pictures)

Bellinda 01-02-2011 04:15 AM

(Its kool I guess it should be me cause if I am right you went first in the other rp right?)

Bellinda 01-02-2011 06:13 PM

The order of all magic between darkness and light would come together as they would be talking about the threat that both darkness and light was facing. Clearly there was another warlock that was causing chaos and leashing monsters left and right threating the balance of magic between good and evil. As one of the elders would say "I don't care we must stop this warlock before he throws everything out of balance." as another elder from the darkness and chuckles some "If we don't the world will be destroy. We have to summon the most powerful from the darkness and light to work together.." As finally all the elders would agree as the head elder would raise his hand summons the two from their world to the elder's realm.

Damian would be causing trouble with some villagers before an dark orb surrounds him then he was gone. He would appear as he was very mad that someone had summon him. "What is the meaning of this?!" before he looks over seeing the council. He would bows and says "Forgive me my lords." staring at the ground wondering what they wanted. He just hope it better be good reason for them to summon him.

Kia_ 01-03-2011 10:33 PM

(Is my pic okay? And you chose the right type of warlock dude, he's hot lol)

Vaneria saw the orb of light appear in front of her as she stepped towards it, she was in the middle of bandaging some children when it happened. When she appeared, she saw the council and stated "What is so important that you must keep me from my duty in another realm?" Vaneria wasn't the type to leave anyone in the middle of anything and always finished up everything she could. She knew the council would hate to be questioned but didn't bother to listen to their side. "Why is there an opposite of the light in the room as well?"

Bellinda 01-03-2011 10:56 PM

(Yea your picture is very lovely and thanks I though so too)

The high elder looks between the both "Ahh they will do finely" says to the council before speaking to them "This council is the elders of both dark and like...good and you say. You both have been choose by the Order of Balance to defeat the warlock that is causing trouble between both dark and light. We thought it would be best for the most powerful between both dark and light to work together to take him down. Damain and Vaneria, you are the two we talked about." As the rest of the council nods their heads at the two.

Damian looks over at the elven mage and looks her over smirks but he was in shock. He turns toward and stands up "But my lords? How can I work with her? Its against my nature..I can take care of this warlock..I mean he shouldn't be as bad as me." says loudly. As the elder from the dark side slams his fist on his chair "Silent! You are do as you are told." That slam made Damian jump as he crosses his arms over his chest and rolls his eyes.

Kia_ 01-03-2011 11:20 PM

"You want me to work with him? Usually I wouldn't mind another adventure but not with this one and keep your eyes to yourself sir" she said the last bit a little coldly. She made friends with both good and bad but when she heard the guy say what he said about doing it alone and the dark elder slamming his fist down that annoyed her to no ends. He was just saying he could do it himself but now they wanted them to work together. Whatever they wanted could be resolved differently than being jerks about it. And this guy really didn't deserve being yelled at over something so little as voicing his opinion.

"Hey, shut it!" Vaneria yelled at the dark elder whom looked surprised that should would come close to even dare saying that to him. Vaneria began her little talk "Just because you don't want to hear anything and just wish us away. Doesn't mean you have to be demons about it even if you were a demon that doesn't mean Sh*t" Looking over to the other elders she spoke "Sorry, councils but you know that I refuse to help you, I only help those I wish and none of you nor him" glares at the dark elder. "Are on it" She spoke turning to leave through a magic demension she was calling upon. (She can have an attitude when needed)

Bellinda 01-03-2011 11:28 PM

The high elder would close the portal before the mage could leave "If you don't work with him..this warlock will destroy everything this realm and every world that is out there. Now I know neither of you don't want to work but you must for the future. I am asking you please before the balance of power is destroy then you can care on with your lifes." says in an calm and hopefull voice.

Damian watches the elder before he looks over at the mage and sighs. he turns around uncrossing his arms looking at her "Come on I know you like your world and I do too and I am not going to let anyone destroy it..if they want our help then I say lets go for it..what the worst it can happen? falling in love?" jokes as he chuckles gently. As he didn't really want to see the balance of power destroy because one jerk decide to go power hungry. Talk about being stupid and putting everthing in danger.

Kia_ 01-03-2011 11:58 PM

Vaneria didn't move as her portal was blocked and turned around at the moment without a smile on her face. She was seriously annoyed and knew good and evil worked together before but she didn't want to be one of them. "I don't have a world thank you very much, I travel non-stop until I recently took a break." She sighed she couldn't let all those innocent people die just like that for another jerk. "Will it get me out of this room and away from this so-called great council who can't stop one guy because they don't want to lose their precious lives" She spoke coldly.

Bellinda 01-04-2011 12:15 AM

The elder would look very annoy at her attuide but keeps an calm look as he would say "Of shall..we could but we can't cause of our age..but you two are very younger than us so you can do it if you work go" opens the portal back up.

Damian looks over at the elder and the rest of the council before he looks over at her "Come on lets get to work, Vaneria" as he would walk though the portal as it would be the same portal Vaneria would go since it would send them to the first part where chaos had already started.

Kia_ 01-04-2011 12:28 AM

"Does this portal even know where it's going?" Vaneria asked but didn't care much for an answer. She wasn't usually like this but she did just settle down after years of adventures. Luckily she didn't have to care about settling down for good with anyone. Vaneria turns and looks at the elders "I can see that I am quite annoying but if you think of what I just said you'd understand why. Won eybdoog nemeltneg" and with that she left. (it's backwards for now goodbye gentlemen) Appearing in the world to where they had to go, Vaneria looked around seeing all the dead things around them, very few trees, humans and animals slaughtered around them for miles, and yet the sun still tried to peak out.

Bellinda 01-04-2011 12:44 AM

Damian looks around at the destruction and shakes his head "No one could never put this off unless he wanted more power. I mean I like power but I'm not this stupid to do this. Even I have limits." says calmy. He looks over at her before he looks around brushing back some of his hair from his left red eye as the other was blue. As out no wear an tenctle beast comes wraping one of his tencles around Damian and pulls him toward its mouth. "Damnit.." mumbles as he holds out an hand as he say something "Uoi'nota killian" as an large great sword appears in his left hand and he slashes the tenctles away from his feet as it would burn most of the beast but not killing it. He jumps up onto his feet and looks at the beast. "This is going to be an tough one"

(If you want to know what he said I'm using an drow translator...Translator - House Maerdyn

Kia_ 01-04-2011 01:17 AM

(Okey dokey)

Vaneria isn't the type to stay back during a fight, she hates being the odd one out. "Ah ein niedriges Niveau dämon choses zu erweitern, das Gebiet eh?" Vaneria spoke in her native tongue which is where her accent comes from originally just a bit though. You'd think she was very much all english. (ah a low level demon choses to expand it's territory eh? is what she said and it's in German) Running up to the monster and dodging what she could, she yelled "Licht des Himmels" (Light of Heaven) and with that the monster shrank away to the darkness and out of the light's reach. "Well, this one is in fear of light" Vaneria noted to herself. She would always take mental notes of everything she saw and did.

Bellinda 01-04-2011 01:55 AM

Name: Dia
Age: 17
Race: Succubus
Rank: Sorcress

Name: Miro
Age: 17
Race: Demon
Rank: Sorcrer

Not far off after the two, Dia and Miro would be watching as they work for the warlock, Tidus. As of course they was his minons but they had their will as well. Dia hangs on Miro and watches them "Mmm looks like the council don't waste any time..we must report this to Lord Tidus." Miro watches as he would stare at the girl that was with the male before Dia hits him "Are you listening to me Miro?!" pouts at him. She always hated when Miro was staring at girls but then nothing could say about her. Miro winces and looks down at Dia "Oh yes right.." as the both shimmer away.

Damian sence something but it was gone as quickly. he looks over toward the direction where he sence that power "Hmm thats strange..thought there was two people there." as he made his sword vanish before he looks over at Vaneria "Well at lease I don't have to worry about seems you can take care of yourself but I am impressed." says with an chuckle. "Anyway it isn't going to be easy to find this warlock..I could but it seems he had cloaked himself. That is far more than my powers can take."

Kia_ 01-04-2011 02:18 AM

"Nun, wenigstens-oh sorry it's a bit of habit after awhile and the only way I can use my powers I was born with is to say it in my native language." Vaneria spoke and looked at the monster whom was now gone. "Whatever it was it's not there now. I am surprised to say that for a helper of darkness that you went against that monster pretty quickly and a good attack you used. Though I bet you have better ones hidden." Vaneria spoke and started walking to where Damian was staring "You coming?" she asked not bothering with stopping. Along the way they walked into a deserted grave area and Vaneria was kind of spaced out thinking 'Why did I get stuck with this and him at that. Sure he has looks, but, does he have wit to go with it as well?' she thought to herself.

Bellinda 01-04-2011 02:32 AM

Damian would chuckles gently and nods "Well thank you..of course I have better ones hidden but yea I have slayed many dark forces...the bad thing is always going against them only to survive." shrugged. He would follow once he stop looking around for them. He figure they would see them again soon. "So you say you don't have an world? May I ask what happen? Or is that an touchly subject?" ask as he was abit curiously. He knew he didn't have nothing to do with her world being destroyed." Would remain quiet to listen to what she said or would say about it.

Kia_ 01-04-2011 03:05 AM

"Not at all, I was just never really knew where my world was. It was like I was an orphan, before I was able to ask the one who took me in, what world I lived in, they died. That's how I realized my powers since I was only 4 at the time. Thanks to him I learned basic spells and exceeded them. While also learning to teleport between worlds and demensions looking for my own. I found it finally after people talked about my race in one world so much saying we were bad and others were really nice saying the opposite. It was caught up in destruction as the power of greed took over the countries because of my kind. My kind has high power though we don't learn it automatically but they wanted to use our power. So a battle erupted and no one won as my kind barely exists. There are few of us still alive clinging to different worlds but I chose to travel. What is your world like?" She asks knowing she hasn't been there yet or she would have seen him before.

Bellinda 01-04-2011 05:05 PM

Damian looks around before he looks over at her "It was was the kind kills others just to survive. I never knew my parents or if I had any parents. Of course I figure I was abandoned." Shrugged. He walks beside her brushing some hair out of his face and as an hound appears beside him " called" Damian looks over at hound "Ahh Chaos there you are..I want you to catch an sence and track them down...maybe they will lead us to this warlock..they disappeared over there..I'm sure their sence hasn't complately gone."

The hound bows his head "Yes master.." and runs off to smell around the area that Dia and Miro was at before disappearing to track them. Damian watches his hound before turning back to Vaneria "Now where was I? oh wasn't much demons tryng to take power to destroy others and gain power. I like power myself but I try to stay out of other peoples bussiess..until now that is."

Kia_ 01-04-2011 06:40 PM

"Ah, okay that would seemingly make since" Vaneria spoke walking with her hands behind her back and said "Nice puppy" she called thing usually with how they seem and she pet him on the head before he took off while Damian talks to him. "I stick to my own world and my own business though if I have to see those council members one more time, they're gonna wish they never chose me that's for sure. I hope Kylie is being taken care of, she was attacked by some demonic creature but we weren't sure what it was." Vaneria spoke thoughtfully. "At least the sun is out though" Vaneria hated the cold and her outfit didn't help much but when the sun was out, she was more than fine.

Thinking to herself she thought 'If it wasn't for the fact that this is kind of intresting then I would've used a portal to leave already, plus, for a demonic being he isn't too bad to get along with. I wonder why he is being so not mean towards me. Most like to makes jokes or comments to what the opposite side is all about' Without realizing it much, the ground shook a small tad bit though you'd just shrug it off or at least Vaneria did. She didn't know much about the dead except when the dead is dead, they should stay dead. The rumble got larger throwing them both off balance and hitting the ground. 'What's going on?' she thought to herself snapping out of her other thoughts seeing a large froup of the dead rise out of the ground each their own speed, some had trouble with it. "There's at least 30 or more with the battlefield graves we walked onto" Vaneria said out loud 'Damn, I'm not good with the dead' she thought hoping there was something the other could do but if not she would surely find a way

Bellinda 01-04-2011 07:48 PM

Damian shrugged and looks around as he looks over at her "I am not sure why the council even picked us..they didn't give us an chance to ask them. Just order to take care of that person..anyway." He chuckles gently watches the elven mage pet his dog which Chaos had let her before he ran off. He looks around as he didn't like the cold either "Yea I bet she is" Damian was alot different from other demons so it was rare to see an person like him act like this.

He felt the ground shake alittle but guess it was nothing but when it shook them off their feet. He stumbles back up just intime to see the dead rise out the ground "Sh*t this isn't good..." his eyes would around the group and trying to count how many there was. Like Vaneria said there was more than 30 walking zombies. "I say we run but I'm sure neither of us don't run from an fight.." he whistles as Chaos returned back to his master. Chaos looks around and growls "I never seen so many dead in one place before...think we can handle it, master?" looking up at Damian. "It will be close but it has to be done." smirks gently. He looks over at Vaneria "Don't worry I have deal with this before and with Chaos here does alot of help."

He takes off toward the large group and Chaos follows as both had the same kind of speed faster than the zombies. He would say the words again to make his sword appear. he holds the sword with one hand and fires a few fire balls with the other. He hits the zombies in the head knocking them off as that was the only way to kill them or at lease slow them down. Chaos would tackle one by the neck and swings it around. As a few would grab onto Damian as he growls "Damn...looks like there is only one spell that can take care of them. Vaneria you might want to take over for this one!"yells as he wasn't kidding as Chaos already took cover knowing what spell his master was about to used. He closes his eyes for an moment before he opens both his red and blue eyes glow brightly. "Fashkan d' zeklet'tau lu' uoi'nota...sila l' reaper d' elghinn ulu end nindol verin ji nind neitar ku'lam 'sohna" as the large skelton reaper in black robes appear above and starts slashing at the remaining zombies and also burning them as well to destroy them. Of course he knew the reaper wouldn't harm the mage but the flames could have since it was all over.

Kia_ 01-04-2011 08:40 PM

"It's good that you know how to handle them, I have no affect against the dead, well not one way I would use anyways." Vaneria spoke hoping to keep that as her last resort. Standing up she called for her magical staff and held it in her hands tightly ready to knock any of them back.

Vaneria keeps her staff in hand putting a small yet strong barrier around herself after Damian said to take cover. Watching the reapers above take care of the rest of their battle they faded away and the fire had no effect against her barrier as she protected herself. Once it was all over her barrier fell slowly and faded away with time. "Glad you know how to do that" Vaneria spoke feeling out of place as if she was weak because she couldn't do anything to help in this situation which annoyed her. "I hope that's all of them" she spoke hoping not to jinx them again. Her staff dissapeared into thin air when she threw it up.

Bellinda 01-05-2011 01:40 AM

Dia and Miro appear after the reaper took care of the dead Miro didn't look happy neither did Dia "So you two are the slavors that the council send." Miro says. Damian was already weak that spell as he looks over at Vaneria before back over at them "So you are working for him?" says panting. Dia moves over and giggles gently as she crosses her arms over her chest "So what that we are?" Miro looks over at Dia " have yourself.." before he looks over at the girl "And what an cutey the council send to destroy Lord Tidus' plans" chuckles lickly his lips.

Kia_ 01-05-2011 02:08 AM

"I suggest keeping your comments to yourself I'm sure your girlfriend there doesn't like you flirting with the good side nor any other females at that." Vaneria spoke shutting him up. 'He's a perv. great' Vaneria rolled her eyes calling her staff and getting ready to fight. "You gonna fight us or stand there like helpless children" Vaneria spoke purposly annoying them.

Bellinda 01-05-2011 04:57 PM

Dia grins as she shrugged looks at Vaneria and giggles gently "So I don't care if he flirts beside I do the same thing as well" looking over at Damian. Miro grins and looks over at Dia as they would prepare to attack "You take the male while I take the female.." but before they do they would be force to escape. Damian had did something to send them away with an symbol as he wasn't up for an fight in the weak state he was in.

Damian pants "We got to move before they return..we are not ready to fight them yet.." Chaos nods looking over at Vanera "We must miss...Dia and Miro aren't the two that can be mess with.." Damian looks around and know there was an village that wasn't destroy since he did came to this world once. "Come on I know this world isn't complately destroyed..." stands up.

Kia_ 01-05-2011 09:46 PM

Vaneria held out her hand originally to help him up and couldn't wait until the two came back her main ability was over energy so this would turn out to be fun. "Okay but next time don't send them away so fast, I was actually in the mood to fight them. And knock some since into the boy." Vaneria really did want to the good thing about an elvish mage was their spirit to fight and ability to use magic though she knew more magic than anything else since she spent years of studying while adventuring though she did have some weak like fears.

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