Menewsha Avatar Community

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jellysundae 04-15-2011 02:05 PM

Attention please! :)
Just a little note to remind you guys that this forum is just for requests and generating interest in your RP. NOT for hanging out and permanently chatting. If you want to take the conversation about your RP further, then the OOC forum is the place for that [yes] Totally unrelated chatter does not belong in here at all :)

Get people interested in your RP in here, and once it's definitely going ahead, move on over to OOC. Don't keep chatting in this forum. Thanks!

ReaperOfTime 04-19-2011 12:47 AM

:) Thank you for the heads up, will do ^_^♥

jellysundae 05-14-2011 12:20 AM

I've added an inactive thread prefix for this forum. We would hugely appreciate if you would use it when you're not recruiting. We don't want to have to get all hardass on you guys about totally non-RP related chatter in your recruitment threads, so we're going to try this instead as a means of curbing that.

So please, if you're not actively recruiting, please set your thread prefix to inactive, and don't chat in there until you're wanting to start recruiting again. We'd really greatly appreciate that. Thanks :cool:

Kia_ 05-24-2011 08:25 PM

Oh I like the inactive thing lately. ^_^

Dottie Mae Evans 05-28-2011 09:37 PM

Jelly, is it all right if I revive my old request thread? Located here

Or do I have to make a new one? I don't remember the rules of making new request threads. :(

jellysundae 07-16-2011 05:29 PM

Hmm, I never saw this :gonk: You can revive your old thread by all means! I suppose you'd only need to make a new one if the plot of the RP had altered a lot and it would be easier to make a new thread than to hugely edit the original one with the new details.

Dottie Mae Evans 07-21-2011 02:10 AM

Thank you Jelly. One of the mods helped me as well. ^_^; I might need new reserved posts, but I'll work that out if need be.

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