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Alex_Silvermane 06-21-2011 06:01 PM

Private Roleplay (Silver and Sinsue)
Name: Ian Drake

Race: Demon

Age: (Appears) 21ish (Actual) around 7,000


Sinsue Hoshigo 06-22-2011 12:06 AM

Name- Konran (snarl)

Race- Angel/ Serpent

Age- ??? Unknown

Human Form-
Angel Form-

Alex_Silvermane 06-23-2011 06:26 AM

Ian sighed with boredom. When Lucifer recruited him from the human world, he thought that he'd have more fun as one of his lieutenants than this. All day, he'd fought and killed angels and slaves of good, but for what purpose? The demons around him never needed one. They just loved fighting for the joy of it. Ian loved fighting too, there was no thrill like that which came with mortal combat, but fighting with nor purpose was the one thing Ian couldn't tolerate. Making his way through the fight, Ian came across another of the enemy. Sighing, Ian lifted his blade, and closed with them. They were good, Ian would give them that. This was the biggest challenge he'd had yet today. Glancing around, Ian saw a small house nearby, and ran into it. He wasn't running, he just wanted a change of pace from the usual battle.

Sinsue Hoshigo 06-23-2011 03:44 PM

Konran sighed as she moved through the streets glancing around every now and again though never fully lifting her head. The battle hadn't gotten here yet and it was her job the make sure that it didn't. She blended in with humans and demons quite well... none of them suspected her to be an angel until they saw her eyes light up. She kept her cloak around her though since she was in human form for now it was a soft red instead of black and she kept her head in a norm position though her eyes on the ground mostly. She liked being in human form though in her opinion she thought it made her look even more like an angel thanks to the color of her hair and her frail features. Though she was anything but frail and weak. In one of her side glances she spotted a demon sitting on a building and frowned though didn't keep her eyes on him long. She then sped up her pace to go down the ally on one side of that building wondering if he would notice. She went to the stairwell in the back and started the run up the stairs as quietly as possible... which meant the male probably wouldn't hear her, she hoped. She had to get this one away from the city before one of her superiors saw him.... she really didn't feel like getting in trouble today.

Alex_Silvermane 06-25-2011 11:44 PM

empty post here

Sinsue Hoshigo 06-26-2011 12:02 AM

(??? she was going up the back of the building he was on O_o? Your guy was on the building, she saw him, and now she was going to go up there to try and get him away since he was a demon and the battle was coming close to the city XP )

Alex_Silvermane 06-26-2011 12:11 AM

(DOH! I completely misinterpreted that..... lol lets try this again)

As he watched the battle, Ian decided that he wasn't going to go back to the demon ranks. In fact, he was going to just.... leave. Sheathing his sword on his back, Ian crossed over to the other side of the roof, and was about to leave, when he saw a person coming up the stairs, he was so surprised, that he almost fell off the building. Running, back he searched for another way off, but to no avail. Cursing, he drew his blade and backed up. He'd heard of Satan knowing what you were thinking, but this was absurd. There was no way he should have been able to send a assassin already.

(watcha think?)

Sinsue Hoshigo 06-26-2011 12:19 AM

(Nice XD okay just clear the other post so we don't get them confused reading over XP or at least I would XD )

Konran saw the demons reaction and was puzzled... did he know already that she was an angel? She then shook it off and shifted to her angel form her cloak turning black, hair growing long and blue, and he skin and clothes changing. She then let and ice sword appear as she stared at him through her hair and hood. "Give up now and your punishment won't be so horrible! No demons shall take shelter here!" she ordered her voice slightly dark though had the clear ring of an angel. She was not like most... she had a dark side to her for she had been an ice demon before she was killed though somehow she still managed to come back as an angel. She wasn't going to let this demon hurt anymore humans nor anymore of her kind. Really she couldn't care less about the battle though she didn't want anyone to get hurt... she didn't was innocent humans getting hurt either.

Alex_Silvermane 06-26-2011 12:40 AM

Ian was confused, what did they mean by that demons comment? Then it occurred to him. Sheathing his weapon, he said, "Angel, or servant or whatever you are, I have no quarrel with YOU. I'm leaving anyway." Turning, he prepared to jump off the edge. Silently in his head, he was hoping that they didn't notice the body, or try to stop him.

Sinsue Hoshigo 06-26-2011 12:53 AM

(okay T~T you confused me again... 'demons crack'? I never said that XP what were you even talking about there?)

Konran was a bit surprised at this and paused. "Don't jump! Why the heck would you do that?!" she said not wanted this male to end it for no apparent reason... it was her job to also keep those whom she could from doing stuff like this... it was insane to do such a thing.

Alex_Silvermane 06-26-2011 01:01 AM

(sorry it's a me ism. i sometimes us "Crack" like taking a crack at somebody instead of the word commentary. Sorry, i'll fix it and try to keep the me-isms to a minimum. T_T)

Grinning, Ian said "What? You think I'd just jump. No way. Life's too much fun, that's why I'm leaving this war." Jumping off the edge, Ian stabbed his sword into the side of the building, suspending him there. Using the wall, Ian jumped to the roof of the building across the street, and landed. Unfortunately for him. When he landed something in his leg made a cracking noise, and he rolled into a pile of wooden crates. Grimacing, he tried to stand up, but the pain kept him from doing so. He began to drag himself along, before that person came to finish the job.

Sinsue Hoshigo 06-26-2011 01:09 AM

"WAIT!" Konran said though it was too late. She sighed some in relief to see that he had made it over the other building though frowned when she heard the crack. She pulled out her wings and flew over the the other building and landed close the male. "Hey, are you okay? Here let me help you." she offered softly though didn't touch him yet... she didn't want to bother him if he didn't want her help though she didn't want him hurting... it was her angelic way that was pushing her to be so kind though she really didn't want this male to hurt... it was also just her normal way not to like others in pain.

Alex_Silvermane 06-26-2011 01:19 AM

Ian was surprised, he hadn't expected her to want to help him. Gritting his teeth he asked, "Why? Why do you want to help me? I'm your sworn enemy by default. How do you profit from this?" He really was confused. As far as he knew, Angels were just like demons, only less violent and under a different master.

Sinsue Hoshigo 06-26-2011 01:40 AM

Konran frowned some as she listened to him and sighed a bit. "It's my nature to help... and I was like you once... a long, long time ago. I never got help though... the angel just let me die there after my powers had overloaded. Do you want my help? If you don't, I understand though I won't do anything to you... just help" she said softly as she moved just a bit closer and knelt down though didn't touch him yet unsure if he wanted her to.

Alex_Silvermane 06-26-2011 01:59 AM

Ian laughed and said, "If you want to do something, I'm not exactly able to stop you right now so go ahead and do as you wish." Ian looked away. When he was a mortal human, he'd seen wounds before, and how medics and doctors treated them. He wanted to pretend that it wasn't happening. Squinting, he noticed something odd high up in the sky. It looked like a bat, but it was dark crimson. Frowning, Ian dismissed it for now, and waited for the Angle to be finished.

Sinsue Hoshigo 06-26-2011 02:06 AM

Konran nodded a bit softly and moved over to his side and placed her hand on his leg and felt it carefully. She hoped that it was just a sprain though from the feel of it... it was far from sprained. "If this hurts at all, please tell me... I might not be able to heal it... it might be too broken to." she said softly as a soft blue glow covered her hands and then his leg as she attempted to heal it though had a feeling that it was too broken to.

Alex_Silvermane 06-26-2011 02:14 AM

Agony filled Ian's leg. Fighting back a scream he said, "Tell you if it hurts? It doesn't hurt. It only feels a wee bit PAINFUL!" the last part came out as a growl, because he felt something shifting in his moved around. Something wasn't right though, it didn't feel straight. Fifteen minutes passed, and it didn't feel any better, so Ian reached down, and snapped his own leg back into place. Ian barely felt the pain before he blacked out.

Sinsue Hoshigo 06-26-2011 02:25 AM

Konran was about to stop when the male snapped his leg back into place and she looked at him worriedly about to say something when she noticed that he had blacked out. "Ow great." She said quietly as she looked around then sighed a bit more and picked the male up easily. She jumped down from the building using her wings and lightly landed on the ground with the male still in her arms. She looked around frowning some before she muttered a few words and they were soon invisible to any humans that peared their way. She soon found her way to her house and went to the guest room and laid the male on the bed. "I hope no one stops in unexpectedly.... that wouldn't be good at all." she said quietly to herself as she sat down on the chair in the room after getting the male some water and covering him up.

Alex_Silvermane 06-26-2011 02:35 AM

Ian felt like he was floating. Opening his eyes, he saw only darkness. A dream? he thought to himself. He saw that person from before.. only their hood had fallen back, and he could see that they were female. Rather good looking at that. He was having a hard time focusing. He muttered "You're beautiful." Then he blinked, and realized it wasn't a dream. Turning crimson, He rolled over, and covered himself with the blanket.

Sinsue Hoshigo 06-26-2011 02:46 AM

Konran was half asleep after she had been reading for awhile waiting for the male to wake up before she finally heard him. When she heard him she blushed slightly and smiled some. "Why thank you." she smiled some then put her book down and looked at him hopefully. "How are you feeling now? I put your leg in a brace... I know it's not the same as a cast though I don't have the equipment to make you a cast.... and you actually did quit a good job of popping it back in the right place... don't do it again." she said then smirked some warningly at the end since she knew that could really mess up his bone structure if he did it again.

Alex_Silvermane 06-26-2011 02:59 AM

Grinning, Ian said jokingly, "Yes mother." Leaning back, Ian uncovered his leg, and examined the brace. It was actually well made. Leaning back, Ian said, "My name's Ian. Ian Drake. Yourself?"

Sinsue Hoshigo 06-26-2011 03:17 AM

Konran smirked some good-naturedly as she watched him and laughed at his comment. "Konran... I can't really remember my last name though." she said then shrugged some. "So if you weren't in the fight back there... why were you in the city on that building?" she asked softly wandering some why in the world a demon would just be sitting on a roof doing nothing at all.

Alex_Silvermane 06-26-2011 03:23 AM

Laughing humorlessly, Ian replied, "Believe it or not, despite being a demon, I'm not that bad of a guy. I was planning on leaving. While it's true that I love fighting, I need a purpose to my fighting. I can't just follow orders like 'I don't like the color pink, kill everybody who is wearing it,' and that's what serving my old master has gotten me." Frowning, he said, "And don't try to convert me either. Granted, while your side has purpose, it also has too many rules. when I was mortal, I saw what too many rules could do. We had to let some VERY evil people go because the 'rules' said that they needed fair trials." Crossing his arms, Ian finished with, "So what now? Am I your prisoner?"

Sinsue Hoshigo 06-26-2011 03:36 AM

Konran listened to him and nodded a bit. "We really don't have THAT many rules... well as humans and such... angels go by different rules most of the time. The ten commandments would apply to you and that's pretty much all... and if you break one of them you just have to pray saying that you're truly sorry and everything'll be fine.... but I would never force that on someone." she said with a smile then laughed some. "Ow yes, completely. Get up and go do my dishes." she laughed some then shook her head. "No, you're free to do whatever you want... though I would rather you not get up for at least a day or two... I mean... the bathroom's right there but I mean like actually try and walk around..." she said softly hoping that he would do as she wished... it was for his own good anyway.

Alex_Silvermane 06-26-2011 03:44 AM

Raising an eyebrow, Ian said "'but i would never for that on someone'? it sounds like there's a story there" then he suddenly made3 a funny noise and said, "Unless you don't want to that is. Some stories are painful." He tried standing up, but his one leg wouldn't bend right, and he had to grab the wall. He tried to make it to the bathroom, but was going slowly, and having a hard time. He only made it halfway, before he had to stop, and collapse on the floor, leaning against the wall.

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