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King of Bedlam 06-26-2011 11:35 PM

nimh vs Bedlam in.... Something
Reserved for an eventual post.


Rue blinked back the tears that were forming in her eyes. Stupid stage lights! Wiping her hand across her brow, Rue jumped off the stage and ran over to the lighting booth adjusting some settings on the Light Board. Today had been a hard day for her and Rue was just looking forward to it being over. Rue had been working all day setting up lights. After vacation their school would be putting on a performance of The Fantasticks. And Rue had been chosen to be the Light Designer/Technician. It was hard work but Rue really wanted her degree in Theater Arts and this was something she was passionate about. Grabbing her gloves and her wrech, Rue left the light booth to go adjust the lights some more. Stage right was brighter than stage left and there was an awkward splotch of light in the middle of the stage.

After another half and hour of adjusting the lights were finally even and it was time to work on the gels and gobos. Starting to overheat from working so hard with all the bright lights Rue took off her button down shirt and hung it over the edge of the stage. Now in a tank top and jeans, Rue went backstage to grab the big box of gels and the small container of gobos. Fitting gels into frames, Rue used a collection of different colors. She had several shades of blue, some light greens and bright pinks. There was orange and red and some amber. Finally after all the gels had been fitted into frames and attatched to lights, it was time to go through the gobos. Rue plugged a light into an outlet and began holding the gobos, metal cut-outs, under the light; trying to find the one that most looked like the leaves of a tree. Eventually Rue found one that worked, but the frame was too big for the light she had to put it in. Rue tried to get the gobo out of the old frame but it seemed stuck. With a hard pull Rue managed to dislodge the gobo only to have the sharp metal slice into her finger. Dropping everything Rue shouted a favorite four letter word and ran to the bathroom. Uggghhh, I hope I don't get tetanus. After washing her finger Rue grabbed a band-aid from the first aid box and went back to work. Sticking the gobo into a frame and the frame into a light, Rue finished her work. After putting everything away and shoving her shirt into her bag, Rue decided it was time for coffee. Part of the college experiance, you had to have your Starbucks. Cursing over her injured finger, Rue made her way over to the Campus Starbucks. Plopping down at the bar Rue odered a large Java Chip and cursed about her finger some more.
Robert stared down at his beverage for some time, a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach. Something was off, he was supposed to get a call a few minutes ago.... A call from someone who was not normally late on anything. This was why it worried him, another one of his friends which he planned on going on this recent trip with. After a short session of personal worrying, he decided he was overreacting right now. He could wait a few more moments before calling her himself.

That is when another college student entered the room. His eyes passing over to look at her for a moment. He only caught a glimpse, but she seemed to be dealing with her own troubles. As his eyes went back to the beverage within his own hand, he would look up once again to look at the woman order her own beverage, hearing a few quiet noises. Evidently she was upset over her finger... For whatever reason.

Deciding to play off of this, he walked up next to the woman with a smile on his face, "is something wrong?" He said with a lightly joking tone.

nimh 06-27-2011 12:08 AM

Rue glanced up as she heard a friendly voice, "Huh, Oh I just . . . Umm, I cut my finger. I know it sounds petty and all but it really hurt and I need my hands for my work. Just kinda sucks." Blushing from embarassment Rue turned back to her drink and sipped on the cold coffee. Turning back to be boy Rue smiled, " Rue Pennelope Nacht. Theater Arts / Creative Writing double major at your service." Rue held out her hand, then realising that hand was the one she had her just-cut-finger on she put that hand down in her lap. Spinning her stool to face the boy she offered her other hand. Sipping her coffee Rue coughed as a chocolate chip got stuck in her throat. Embarassed at seeming childish and weird Rue stared at her coffee, frustrated. Smoothing her auburn hair back with her hands Rue frowned when her hair fell back into her eyes. Pixie cuts could be frustrating sometimes. Digging a headband out of her bag Rue pulled it on, finally getting her hair out of her eyes. Turning to the boy Rue sat up straight and tried to explain herself, "Sorry if I've given off an odd first impression. To be honest I am a little strange but I'm really a good person. This has just been a tiring day for me, so please forgive me for being awkward." Rue sipped her coffee nervously unsure of what to say next. Her mind failing her Rue waved a hand in the air saying, "See I've just gone and made things all awkward again. Wow, this is really an off day for me." Rue rested her head on her hand, elbow propped on the counter. Her other hand held her coffee cup. Rue stared at the counter, sneaking occasional glances at the boy to see how he would respond. All the while, drinking her coffee to prevent herself from embarassing herself further.

King of Bedlam 06-27-2011 12:26 AM

[alright, now we are in business. I've got the ideas running through my head and I think I'm ready for rping. Awesome. Thank you for the offer :D]

Robert looked down at the woman for a while, seeing as she awkwardly stumbled through the trials of general conversation. He would not lie to himself, he found it kind of cute. He would allow her to continue stumbling, but unlike the many people who would probably just stare at her to observe the display of personal foolishness, Robert was not that kind of person. He would poke fun at her though, chuckling as he reached out to shake her hand, "Robert Logan. Relax, I don't bite unless you bite me first. No need to worry about being awkward, its that awkwardness that makes us human." He took a seat next to her, sipping his heated beverage as he looked down at his phone again. He had received a text from the individual he was expecting, they were evidently having some problems on there end. He would return the text, asking "what's up?" There could be no problems on his final day here. He decided that he would pass the time by making general conversation with her. "So.... Rue. What's it like in your field? I could never do a double major personally... Mainly out of lazyness... But it must be rather interesting placing yourself in the field of creative indulgence. Tell me about it."

nimh 06-27-2011 12:40 AM

Rue beamed as Robert asked her about her work and instantly went off, "Well having a double major is difficult. But I have to take so many English classes for Theater that I only need a couple of extra classes to pull off a double major in English. I've been writing almost my whole life so it only made sense to major in english. My real passion is Theater Arts though. I love it! Every aspect of it is just so amazing. Acting is may favorite part but I really like the tech work too. It's just so amazing to take the written word and bring it to life. That's why I like writing, I like to create and explore. Acting is almost the same thing but more . . . Alive. It's invigorating and amazing and I could never picture myself doing anything else." Flushed and excited Rue took a drink of her iced coffee and smiled. He seemed like a nice person, Rue hoped she got a chance to get to know him more. Taking another drink of her coffee Rue asked curiously, "So what's your major? I'm sure you don't want to just listen to me gush about my love of theater and writing." Rue looked at her drink and realised that it was mostly whipped cream by now. Popping the top off Rue lifted her straw out of the cup and delicately licked off the whipped cream. Then at the risk of dirtying her hand, Rue tuck one of her non-injured fingers into her cup and proceeded to eat the whipped cream.

King of Bedlam 06-27-2011 01:10 AM

Robert watched as she exploded forth in conversation rather quickly. He would listen in interest as she explained her life to him in a nutshell. Essentially it was going to be what she ended up doing.... After all, she just described it to him in vivid and painful detail. Robert was a patient man though, watching her, his eyes examining every little body movement she made. It wasn't long before he noted that she had talked the breath out of her body, causing him to grin to himself. "This must be something you are really passionate about. I considered a creative career myself back in the day.... But strange things happen you know. Your dreams are just as fleeting as every moment in your teenage years." He spoke out with a depth of intelligence that did not match his appearance. On the outside, he looked somewhat lazy. He had a nice bit of facial hair that could use some trimming, a pair of aviator sunglasses to cover up his head, and a cap upon his head that was shaped like one of those fishing caps, only striped white and red. The cap just barely covered his long hair, curling at his back as he looked at her.

As the question was returned to him, he thought about how he should go about answering it. "Really... I'm just taking classes generally until I find an interest. I've dabbled in business, the medical field, the arts... i mean they are all interesting but not interesting enough for me to spend the rest of my life at though." He leaned back in his chair and took another drink of his coffee. "That will come to me eventually though. Hopefully sooner than later, I want to start working toward... Something." Shortly after that, his phone began to vibrate.

nimh 06-27-2011 01:28 AM

Rue nodded as Robert spoke about dreams and replied, "While dreams truly are fleeting, life is painfully short. I'd rather spend a lifetime pursuing something I love, even if I end up monetarily poor, than chase after ideals of perfection projected by society." Rue was surprised by the depth of her words, she sounded kinda smart for a moment. Watching Robert as he spoke Rue took a moment to absorb the man's appearance. He had long hair, just barely covered by his red and white striped fishing cap, and it looked like he hadn't shaved in a few days. He had that semi-rugged yet aloof look about him. It was aesthetically pleasing.

Roberts phone began to vibrate and so Rue decided to give him some space to answer it. Standing she took her empty cup over to the garbage can then bought a chocolate chip cookie and sat back down. Pulling out her phone Rue began an idle conversation texting her friend in Oklahoma. After a while Rue put her phone away and nibbled on her cookie, waiting for Robert to finish his . . . whatever it was he was doing.

King of Bedlam 06-27-2011 02:23 AM

Robert looked at her for a while, still keeping the gleeful appearance upon his face. As she finished her thoughtful statement, he could not help but laugh a bit to himself. It was no insult to her, simply a thought that he had due to her words. "Without dreamers in this world, some of our best ideas would have never been thought up. It is the daydreamers like me who transcend thought with the truly inspirational ideas of our time.... If we truly due anything in relation to those thoughts is a matter of personal inspiration.... Some of us are painfully lazy you see." Soon after that, he would pick up his phone, noting a call he had missed in his ramblings. "Let me call them back, give me a moment."

He spun around on his chair and put the phone to his ear, calling back the woman. "Hey there... What did you call me for?" He paused for a moment, listening to her words a bit before his expression went to confusion. "Why?... Well... Alright." He reached for a device in a backpack that was on the floor below him, a small handheld television in his hands so he could find out what all of the fuss was about. He turned to the nearest news channel, Channel 5 news.

The story was on every news channel by now, a story referring to the downtown explosion of the underground railway system. It seems that there was a terrorist action performed not too long ago. He had been away from the television, so this was news to him. He listened, allowing her to watch if she had any interest as well.

"... 10:30 this morning, a bomb was detonated in the underground subway in the downtown area. According to original information gathered at the explosion site, it is a possible terrorist attack. But as new information continues to put put out to the public, that remains in question. The explosion was much larger than any homemade or foreign detonation size, it is believed that the bomb was a prototype, but as of right now, no information on the actual charge was found at the site, so as of right now, predictions of what type of explosive charge are unknown."

Robert stared at the television for a moment, looking wary as he noted that he needed to take the subway to get home. He cursed to himself, shaking his head as he turned down the volume on the television. Essentially its just going to repeat the same information for the next 20 minutes, that is how reliable the news is. He will keep an eye on it for any new developments though, that was generally interesting. "Well... There goes my week."

nimh 06-27-2011 02:54 AM

Rue nodded and nibbled on her cookie while Robert talked on his phone. Then he pulled a small handheld televeision out of his backpack and began watching the news. Am I really that boring . . . Rue was heart-broken for a moment, she had hoped that they could be friends. Then she noticed what was on the TV. There were reports of a possible terrorist bombing. A local subway station had been destroyed. Rue was suddenly glad she lived close to the college. Her apartment was only four blocks away from her first class. Made mornings really easy on her part. Leaning in closer Rue listened to what the reporter was saying, " . . . The explosion was much larger than any homemade or foreign detonation size, it is believed that the bomb was a prototype, but as of right now, no information on the actual charge was found at the site, so as of right now, predictions of what type of explosive charge are unknown."

Frowning at the news Rue sat up and returned to her cookie, "How horrible." Rue ate her cookie in silence then stood and dusted the crumbs from her clothing. Then she walked back to the garbage and threw the wrapper away. Pulling a piece of gum from her pocket Rue folded the wrapper in half and then in half again, but in the other direction. Stowing the wrapper in her pocket Rue returned to her seat as Robert sighed, "Well... There goes my week."

Concerned Rue asked him, "What's wrong. I mean I know the subway just exploded and all but . . . is there anything else? Is there anything I can do to help?" Rue began to swivel in her chair, a nervous reaction. Rue had a tendency to fidget when she didn't know what to do, which is why she was almost always moving. Either that or she was completely still. Rue's vision was suddenly obscured by something bright purple and lacey. Realizing that her headband had slipped Rue pulled it back into its proper place and offered, "Would you like some tea or something?"

King of Bedlam 06-27-2011 08:38 PM

Robert kept his eyes on the tv for a short period of time after the news broadcast he was watching, the story would be covered all day for obvious reasons. It was a tragedy, he felt somewhat selfish considering the fact that the first thought that came to mind was his vacation. Finally he was able to get the next thing he was wondering, the broadcast mentioning a known body count of about 20 with several missing people within the rubble. The ground had collapsed in that area too. Evidently there was not a train running through the underground railway at the time, so what reason could this terrorist have for bombing that area if he was not looking to make an impact of a body count? It confused him, so he decided to push these thoughts to the back of his head, focusing on the woman in front of him right now.

As she kindly offered him a helping hand, he lifted his head and smiled a bit. "There is nothing you can do... Its just that the area I need to get to involves me going through the subway system. Without that its going to be kind of hard to get a ride." He suddenly stopped talking, another vibration coming out of his phone, it was a text this time. He lifted his phone from his pocket, looking at the words in front of his face. Another frown came to him, "Trip canceled today man. Its kind of hard for everyone to get to the same place without the subway. We will think of something tomorrow." He would then look back up to her, "It seems I have an opening now, originally I had plans on going on somewhat of a vacation. Me and a few friends had plans on taking a car up to Canada. We all live in separate parts of the city. One friend would be waiting with the car we planned on taking and when we all arrived... Well, then we would all head out from there." He eyeballed the television once again before looking back up to her, "It may seem selfish, but i've been looking forward to this for a while and well... There is nothing I can do about this situation, so I'm just going to focus on the self.... Well, I have an opening now if you feel like doing anything." When she mentioned the tea, he shook his head, "Nah... I still got some of my beverage left, I'm going to keep with this for a bit."

nimh 06-27-2011 11:44 PM

Rue adjusted her glasses and listened as the boy talked about his hopes of vacationing in canada with his friends. Taking off her glasses, Rue rubbed the lenses with the hem of her shirt. Placing her glasses back on her nose Rue sympathised, "I'm sorry your trip got canceled. If you're not terribly bored of me already I'm sure we could work out something to do. I hear there's a new club downtown, just opened up, if you like dancing. Or there's a roller rink a few blocks away. Then the movie theater just changed what they're playing, I think they got some good stuff this week." Standing up Rue adjusted her shirt, it had been turned slightly side-ways in all her fidgeting. After dusting off her jeans and making sure everything was in her bag Rue turned to Robert, "Why don't we go for a walk while you think about what you'd like to do?"

Pulling a hat out of her bag Rue placed it on her head and flipped the brim up. It was one of those floppy 1920's style hats. Rue loved it. White and fluffy it went with everything. Rue waited for a minute to see if Robert would follow then walked outside. Once outside Rue lifted her face to the sun and enjoyed the subtle heat it put off. It was a perfect day today. When Rue started to see blackspots Rue lowered her head and sat on a fire-hydrant to wait for Robert. Slowly the black spots began to fade from view. Deciding it was best not to overheat herself, Rue stood up and walked over to a large old Oak tree and hopped up onto a low hanging branch. Reclining there Rue watched the other students shuffle across the campus.

King of Bedlam 06-28-2011 12:42 AM

Robert listened to the options laid out in front of him that were supposed to replace the option of traveling to Canada. With a quiet huff, he blew a strand of hair out of the way of his eyes before speaking again, "Well... I appreciate it. I'm sure we will be able to coordinate on something to do." This was when he spotted her already heading for the door. Well... She was pretty quick to just get up and leave, I guess she really enjoys my company if she is so fast to make that offer. Robert didn't mind this, he found the woman in front of her to be generally interesting. He would have to get to know her better before he could say anything else.

As she walked away, he found himself staring at her for a moment, his eyes flattering her body in his own way. He found himself once again smiling, but for an entirely different reason. As far as he was concerned, he found the woman to be very easy on the eyes. That, and he had a thing for women who wear glasses, something about her felt.... Right. However, all these observations were all based on the fact that he was not able to gather much of her personality. Maybe with this period of hanging out he would be able to get a feel for who this woman really was... Other than an overworked creative soul.

So he took the final swig of his coffee, tossed it to the garbage can, and proudly strutted his way out of the front door. Suddenly, not going to Canada didn't seem like such a bad thing. As soon as he stepped out, he noticed her sitting on a branch. If Robert was a better climber, he would have joined her up there, instead he stepped under the tree and looked up at her, a grin still plastered upon his face, "What are you doing up there?" He asked jokingly.

nimh 06-28-2011 01:08 AM

Rue smiled as she watched Robert exit the coffe shop and walk over to where she was perched in the tree. It gave her another chance to observe him. He walked with a proud strut, confidence was always a good thing to have. Standing under the branch Robert asked, "What are you doing up there?" Giggling Rue swung her feet over the edge of the branch so that they dangled in the air. Looking up into the tall branches of the old oak Rue held out her arms and said, "Enjoying nature, Observing people, Gaining inspiration." Pointing her foot in his direction Rue asked Robert, "Haven't you ever just sat somewhere and watched the crowds? I find it to be a very interesting experiance. You see all kinds of different people with all kinds of different mannerisims. I just shows you how diverse humanity can be. Quite fun, at least for me." Tossing her bag to the ground, Rue leapt off the bough of the old oak and landed on her back in the grass. Well so much for grace and good balance . . . Laughing Rue rolled over onto her stomach and looked up at Robert. Propping her head on her hands, Rue cocked her head to the side and asked, "You have any ideas on what you would like to do?"

King of Bedlam 06-28-2011 02:12 AM

Rob remained quiet for some time while she sat atop her temporary throne, observing all of her temporary 'subjects'. As she explained the reason behind her desire to climb the tree, he once again blew a bit of hair out of his eyes as he made his response, "Observing people? I guess that can be fun to some people. To me, it sounds boring.... And if you do it for long enough, I bet it sounds creepy." For a while, he looked serious in his response, reaching up a hand to scratch his rugged face. A smile came to him right after he allowed his hand to rest at his side once again, watching as she fell off of the tree and rolled onto her stomach. The question was once again displayed to him, he thought for a moment, "Well... I have no idea how to skate, so I don't know about the roller rink. I lack all coordination... So I doubt I would want to dance. A movie would be the simplest out of all of those. Unless you feel it is worth it teaching me how to skate or dance. I'm open if you are willing." He would reach his hand down toward her, helping her up if she desired to be up.

nimh 06-28-2011 11:48 AM

Rue smiled and laughed, "I'm sure there are some people out there that think I'm some kind of creepy stalker or something, but to me it's just gaining inspiration. As an actress you have to pay attention to all the little things you do. Like always crossing your feet or constantly twirling your hair. All those little nuances that most people don't notice. I like to watch the way people move. It gives me ideas on how to perfect my blocking for my roles. Enough of that though." Rue stared up at Robert for a little while before taking the hand he offered her. Standing Rue dusted the grass off of her jeans. Straightening out her glasses and fixing her hat Rue looked at Robert, "No skating and No dancing, hmmm . . . I suppose we could go to a movie. Unless of course you're willing to step out of your comfort zone. I have horrible coordination too, in case you haven't yet noticed, but that's never stopped me from having fun. What do you say to a movie? After the movie we'll decide where to go from there."

King of Bedlam 06-28-2011 05:58 PM

Rob could understand the importance of the little things, that was about all he could relate to out of her little actress speech. Rob found her more interesting because of it, but he found that this woman was so consumed by her work that he wondered if she ever got out to do something for herself. While thinking this, he remembered what the two of them were about to do. She got out, but he still had to wonder to himself how often this 'getting out' was going on in her life.

Rob was on the other side of the work vs relaxation idea. There was almost not a weekend where he was not out with his friends. They were good to him, and he was good to them. However, this did not mean that his studies were ignored. He was one of those students that could take one look at a book and understand it the next day. However, this was only to subjects that he was interested in. There was more than one situation where he was on thin ice due to deciding that a class would not help him in the future. To the teacher and people around him which took the college lifestyle as the only word he lacked vision of the future. To himself... He was just one of those that only saw use in what he found useful, disregarding the rest in the process.

The first decision was finally made as he stood there in his thoughts, watching as she removed the grass from her clothing. "Sure, a movie sounds good at first... Maybe we can go somewhere else later." This was when he began walking backwards down the sidewalk. He knew where the closest movie theater was, so he was just waiting for her to follow. That was when he noticed that there were storm clouds in the distance. They were very black and ominous... But this was not something that bothered Rob. This just meant that his walk returning to the dorm room would probably be a soaked one.

nimh 07-01-2011 11:16 PM

Rue watched as Rob began to walk backwards down the street. Running to catch up with him, Rue turned when she reached him. Both walking backwards, Rue looked at Rob and playfully questioned, "You walk like this often?" Grinning Rue continued to walk backwards until he turned around. Rue felt a cold breeze across her face and looked up at the sky. The clouds were thick and dark, heavy with rain. Something about them felt strange and ominous but Rue was having a fun time getting to know Rob and so she pushed that thought to the back of her mind. Turning her face up to the sky she smiled and said, "I think it might rain. What movie do you want to see?" Turning the corner Rue looked up at the billboard listing the movies that were in theaters. There were some interesting ones and some shoddy looking ones but Rue would bear through whatever Rob wanted to see, in the sake of friendship. Opening the door to the theater Rue bowed and held her free arm out, gesturing Rob to enter, "After you, good sir. By the way, what do you like on your popcorn?"

King of Bedlam 07-02-2011 04:47 AM

[I was thinking... So we could both have a hand in the invading 'outside force', how about you bring something and I'll bring something and they could meet in this world. Sound good?]

Our world has been torn apart by conquest. Yet our hunger for battle has not been quenched. We must continue our quest for bloodshed elsewhere. Me and these... Warriors of forgotten time will move on. 'I tire of fighting...' Well, I do not. The banners of war still burn hot with the flames of conquest. 'That is so...' Enough. We take them within the hour. We shall see how its people react.

Rob watched as she joined him in the art of walking backward. Waiting for a bit before responding to the question. First, he would allow the smile to return to his face, looking up at her as he was about to start his next few words, "Well, I...." This was when the ground caught up with him. One of the blocks within the sidewalk jutting out of the ground and catching his left heel as it was about to strike ground. As he began to fall backward and hit the ground, he would show a little something which she did not show earlier, a sense of excellent balance. As he hit the ground, he would tuck his legs inward and move his body along with the motion which his tripping caused him. He was lean and in good shape, this much was evident. This was a display of his meager abilities, turning his trip into a backwards roll as he went from the small of his back to his hands until his feet once again touched the ground.

Responding to any compliments that she might have with simply a smile, he would follow her along to the movie theater, stepping in shortly afterwords as he contemplated which movie he wanted to see. "Well, I'm quite partial to clever comedies. Lets see what we have on tap." After a short deliberation of what he wanted to watch, he pointed out something at the front of the movie theater. This was when he spotted someone at the corner of his eye. He wore a long coat that was worn in such a way that blocked out his face. It was as though he thought it was already raining. But as he was stepping inside he looked back toward the man, only to realize that he wasn't there. That was strange... He thought nothing of it beyond that. Thanking Rue as he entered the building, he happily accepted the warmer temperature. As she mentioned popcorn, a hungry feeling came upon his stomach. Now he had to get popcorn, "Butter... I'm not picky on anything else really. I'll eat it as long as it isn't drowning." This was when his phone began to vibrate once again. He would reach for the phone in his pocket, eyeballing it and seeing it as a text, he would check it later. Rob put it back into his pocket and looked back at Rue.

nimh 07-07-2011 11:52 PM

Destroyed. Desolate. Dead. Home. I want home . . . Green! Life! New Home? Get closer. Look. Search. Oxygen. H2O. Nitrogen. Plants. Wooden constructions? Creatures in funny shapes? Possible, maybe new home. Invade. Blend. Search. Find New Home. Live? . . . Will I be accepted? Zoom In. Study. Re-create Self then invade. Friends? Want friends . . . Saraanae lonely.

Rue waltzed up to the concession counter and ordered a large bag of popcorn with butter and an Orange soda. While she waited for the snack she turned and leaned against the popcorn machine. She let the warmth spread through her shoulders and back, loosening muscles and driving out the cold chill from outside. Looking up at Rob she smiled and said, "I hope you don't mind sharing I'm a little on the short side when it comes to spending." With a quick spin she rotated towards the cashier and shelled out a total of $4.65 in return for the popcorn and soda. With the popcorn in the crook of her arm Rue waved her free hand towards the hallway leading to the theater, "Shall We?" Rue thought she caught a glimpse of something outside. A man maybe, in a heavy coat. Turning to get a better look, the man dissapeared from Rue's sight. Insted Rue turned her gaze to Rob and waited for him to catch up. Rue watched him as he walked over and her mind went instantly to his fall on the sidewalk and how he turned it into a roll. Rob walked with a languid, graceful stride. Like a cat . . . maybe a mountain lion. Mountain Lion would be more manly and Rob was definitely a man. A sudden blush heated Rue's face and she stepped backwards into the shadows of the hallway in an attempt to hide it. With a furious pink refusing to leave her face, Rue turned and led the way into the theater trying her best not to think about Rob or the way he walked.

King of Bedlam 07-14-2011 04:16 AM

[sorry about the delay, I've been busy. And I'm guessing that response is an agreement. Let's get this show on the road.]

Rob watched as she walked into the movie theater, not caring much for the change in temperature. He always enjoyed cold weather much more compared to warm weather. He was always uncomfortable around temperatures higher than 70 and preferred it to be around 40. As she mentioned that she was short on cash, he smiled toward her and returned a response. "You can have all of the soda for yourself... I never get anything more than popcorn when I'm at the movie theater... They jack up their prices to an annoying point. That is just me though." He looked at the popcorn, finding himself wanting some already. With that in mind, he reached for the popcorn and removed one piece, popping it into his mouth and smiling, "So... Shall we?" This was when he noticed something odd in her behavior. She backed away into the darker part of the hallway, creating some distance between the two. It was as if she was trying to hide something, but Rob decided it was not worth thinking about.

Instead, he would continue to follow her into the movie theater that contained the movie that interested them. He eyeballed his ticket for a moment, looking back up at Rue and once again asking her a question. "So, what movies do you normally watch?" He asked with curiosity.

Meanwhile, far across the city on the other side, something was stirring amongst the people. They were all gathering around the crater that had formed in one of the side streets, observing every little detail of mangled street that once acted as a proud accomplishment of human creation. A small, yellow strip of tape separated the curious populace from stepping into a potential danger zone. The inside of the crate contained an investigation team, mostly a bomb investigation squad. However, their research came up empty handed, it was a strange situation indeed. This was when one of the members of the team spoke up. "Hey boss! I found something you might want to see!" One of the older men turned toward the noise, seeing as the police man waving toward him. He walked slowly over the rubble, not wanting to trip over anything and cause any damage to himself. "What did you find?" The first obvious question to come out of his mouth.

"Its... Some sort of metal box." The two of them looked at the thing, more of the investigation team walking over to look at the strange object. It was like a lunchbox, only strangely designed. It had no way to open it... It was thick and tightly sealed. Otherwise it looked like any old rusty box. "So what? This could belong to anybody. Why did you call me for this?" The man reached down to touch it, attempting to open it. It wouldn't budge. "So... Its rusted shut?" The police man looked back to the lead investigator, "Yeah... But this box somehow stayed intact despite the explosion, and it was found around the area where the explosion was focused. I just find the fact that it wasn't obliterated somewhat confusing." The lead investigator turned around and shook his head, "Its nothing that can lead us to what happened. It looks like any old, rusty, metal box that was in a convenient spot to survive the blast. Leave it alone." After this, the investigation team went back to their work, moving the box onto the street if anyone tried to claim it.

But nobody did, and the investigation was getting nowhere slowly. It was then that one of the police men noticed something, the box was now open and completely empty. Thinking nothing of it... He continued with the investigation. This would all continue until the man from the cloak from before would suddenly appear at the edge of the crowd. He was out of thin air and quickly began to move forward. As soon as he made contact with the crowd, he would push through, being entirely rude to the people around him. The commotion was quickly discovered, one of the men guarding any intruders speaking up. "Hey! What are you doing?" There was no response from the other man, his eyes lifeless as he stared directly at the cop. "Did you hear me, I said what are you..." The cop suddenly stopped as he broke through the yellow crime scene tape. The authority figure was quick to react, reaching to restrain him. The man wearing the heavy coat would not see any of it, his fist striking the cop instantly, bringing him down. It didn't take long for the others to notice. The other cops would pull out their tasers, pointing them toward him to ward him away. Within moments two barbs would shoot out toward him, attempting to strike him through the coat, but finding no luck due to the thickness. Finally after a second shot by another cop, he sent another two barbs toward him, hitting a target at his face. A loud, pained groan came forth from him as he fell face first to the ground. His target was made evident at this as he was close to the lunchbox, the two policemen guarding the scene quickly swarming the man. They would demand him to put his hands behind his back, yelling out the command to the seemingly deaf individual. Meanwhile, his right hand reached toward the now open box, reaching into it and gripping something on the inside. His part was done.

Let the games begin...

His entire body shook at first, a jolt of electricity flowing through his body as he instantly died from contact. The police men watched him as he twitched for a moment. Shortly after this one of the officers felt his hand fall through the flesh of this unknown individual. He was no longer whole, a great screeching noise erupting from the location. Everyone was frightened and confused as the man upon the ground exploded where he stood, his blood and bones floating in a limbo and flying upward to turn into something of a rest mist. The policemen would instantly collapse, the mist reaching out to just before the people. The curious people allowed their curiosity to get the best of them, the box no longer there as the mist would suddenly compress to reveal another person.

This person was no regular human, it was a man sitting in a floating chair, his face covered by a mask. The mask was shaped like something of a demon, horns coming forth from his head, the bottom half of his face was uncovered save for something that appeared to be bandages. The entirety of the mask was red, and as he reached out toward the crowd he spoke something in perfect English. "I will continue my reign of domination against you brother. This game will be just like the last... With me standing atop the scorched earth with an aura of dominance. But first thing is first... I must show these people my power." Twisting his arm so his palm was facing toward the ground, he floated himself several feet into the air and released another cloud of blood mist from his hand. The mist quickly reformed itself into a man with a long, curved blade. He was nothing more than a skinny, pale human wearing odd clothing to the people around them, but they were about to understand the reason that there was to fear him. "Lord Mitsuhide. Show them how to experience true fear." The man known as Mitsuhide had no verbal response, but instead reached for his blade. With a flash of silver and red the crowd screamed out loud as this fear was made known to them.

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