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HC-Gal 07-07-2011 03:24 AM

Mysterium Arc [HC-Gal-x-WinglessFairy]
Tap.. Tap.. Tap..

The hollow sound as the can travelled along a surface. Soft, simple, repetitive.. The relaxed hopping of a gold plated steel tip as it impacted against wood, gently, calmly, so as not to leave a mark, but still to hold it firmly as the figure that held it could walk along, a smug smile upon her lips.

Her jaw was relatively strong, pale flesh reflecte dlittle light, and she wore unladylike clothes, working slacks that covered block heeled working boots, numerous belts bound her bodice, flaunting her strong, athletic, physical shape, a brown vest tightly held against her, over an oak, short-sleeved work-shirt. White, buttoned arm-sleeves extended past the work shirt to her wrists.
Her eyes were red, but they were hidden quite cleverly, red sunglasses, circular, short-limbed, kept close, the glare of any light bathing the entire area behind the lenses a deep crimson, clever disguise, clever girl..
With hair swept to one side, hanging down against her shoulder, it looked unnatural.

For this woman walked upon the ceiling, sidestepping a crass crystal chandelier imitation, shaped glass, how crude and cheap, but it looked pretty nonetheless.
She smirked as she looked up.. Or rather.. Down, at the hallway floor and the rug that had been stretched out along it, the ill blend of brown and gold stitching welcomed the silly humans who crossed it.

The shrill sound of the door bell being rung alerted her attention as she turned to look in its direction. A deep breath as she sniffed the air,
"Oh my..!" She muttered to herself with a grin, a young woman, past her teens most definite, but virgin blood ran through her veins, an untouched little morsel, tastiest kind of human available.
Vampyres and Lycans, demons and other nosferatu, they all desired a taste of such a sweet thing.

She walked along the ceiling before flicking her fingers, snapping them, the sharp sound forcing the door to unlock and open of it sown accord and a young woman stumbled in. Fool girl was leaning on the door, her mistake as she ended up tumbling in, in a flurry of white shirt and brown skirt, bobbed blond hair splayed about as she ended up looking at the ceiling, staring in surprise at the woman who looked back at her before screaming a short, quick gasp of surprise.
"It's quite funny, the last girl who entered here said exactly the same thing." She chuckled form her position. The girl blinked, rubbing her eyes, but when she looked up at, the woman was no longer up there.
No she was standing over the girl, leaning on her cane with a grin,
"If you're going to scream every time you see a Summon here at Police Headquarters Supernatural Investigations, your lungs are going to burst, darling. The Inspector is in his office, quickly now, hurry-hurry!" She made a shooing motion as the blond young woman scrambled to her feet and carried on her way.

Curious.. She had an odd feeling about this one.. Oh well, it was up to the Inspector to find out what her troubles where.
The demoness, on the other hand, simply grinned and snapped her fingers, the door shutting once more. She could see just past the shutting wooden frame, the fearful gaze of a regular officer looking at the demon woman.
Oh yes.. She threatened to eat that one's heart once..
Oh well! Easy come easy go..

WinglessFairy 07-07-2011 04:28 PM

Three shy raps came from the door.
Demetri looked woefully at his only just acquired sandwich and sighed. Lunch would have to wait.
...Lunch always had to wait 'round these parts.
"Come in, come in," He said, wrapping his pastrami sandwich and returning it to its former home, a brown paper bag, and placed the bag in a drawer in his desk, which was covered rather messily with newspaper clippings, police reports, and autopsy results. The door slowly opened, silent as a mouse. A young lady's head peered around the door.
"I'm not disturbing anything, am I?" She said very shyly.
Why do they always say that? It doesn't matter if they are or aren't, I've got to deal with it right then and there... Police business could never wait. Leaving it unattended, even for one moment, could turn a missing person case into a homicide investigation.
"Please, have a seat," Demetri said, motioning to a chair. The lady shuffled over and sat down at the very edge of the chair, looking far from comfortable. "The name's Demetri Slater, and you are, miss...?"
"Oh, um...Minerva, Minevra Darling." She said, staring at the floor through her glasses. Her appearance seemed somewhat mismatched, as if she weren't used to wearing the formal dress she was in.
"Pleased to make your acquaintance Ms. Darling. Did you have something you wanted to tell me?" She looked out the window sorrowfully.
"I'm...I'm worried." She looked down again, "My...friend. Adella Mabli. We work together. I'm afraid that...she's gone missing." Tears welled up in her eyes.
A missing persons case? Unusual that she would be sent here first.
"Where do you and Ms. Mabli work?" Demetri said, rummaging through his papers for a clean notepad and pencil.
"London. We're both inventors. Freelance, mostly." Freelance inventors. Meaning they were inventors who hadn't invented anything practical yet, and were only mediocre, or inventors who had just began to experiment. London was full of inventors, two ladies just begining the craft were sure to be left behind in the dust.
"London is more than a day's travel from here by carriage, what made you want to come to me?" Minerva became very quiet.
"We really hadn't made anything useful yet, but Adella, she came upon these notes... You see, inventors have been disappearing in London. Nobody big or important, but...little guys, like us, have been vanishing. The Police said there was no proof that someone had be targeting inventors, but...Adella, she found these notes. And then they took her too!" She looked nearly about to burst into tears. Demetri reached for one of his many boxes of tissues, placing it softly in front of her, as he continued to take notes.
London...haven't been there in a while. Not since his good 'friend' took over S.I Unit there.
"My father told me you got him out of a jam a while back. So I came here." She looked down at her hands. That wasn't unreasonable. Demetri, while still longing for his sandwich, was good at what he did, and had gotten many an innocent person out of what had seemed like losing cases.
"I understand, Ms. Darling. But my department is only for investigating happenings dealing with alchemy crimes, or those not of this world, and even if that were the matter, the London P.H.S.I are well-equipped to handle the investigation. I can make a few calls for you, and get a dedicated friend from the branch in London to work on your case." Demetri said, placing down his notepad. He felt bad for Minerva, but leaving Welshpool for a case not in his jurisdiction would leave all the smaller villages and towns in the area without a seasoned S.I. Inspector. In this line of business, you couldn't leave your duties for every damsel in distress, it just wasn't practical.
Minerva kept silent for a little while.
"Adella found something very interesting...but she didn't want to tell me on the phone. Said it would change the science of alchemy as we knew it. I told the police over in London, but I...I just feel that you need to be the one to take this case." Demetri puzzled over those words, debating with himself. He hadn't had a case in a while that one of the lackey's couldn't handle.
"I'll tell you what, I'll call the inspector over there and check out the case. If then I feel it needs my attention, I'll come check it out." She stood up.
"Thank you, Thank you so much Mr. Slater! I know you'll be able to find her!" she bubbled with enthusiasm.
"I'm not promising anything yet, Ms. Darling," he said, waving dissmisivly, "Leave your information with the lady at the door, I'll contact you in the morning if I'm going to take the case." She continued thanking him as he pretended to hurry her out the door, "My father said once you take a case, you don't stop until it's finished, I know you'll find her somehow."
Once the door closed, Demetri sighed. He had a feeling he would be returning to London.

HC-Gal 07-07-2011 05:11 PM

Upon the door closing, Larséne had appeared in the Inspectors office, hands behind her back as she leaned ont he cane, legs crossed as she chuckled at Demetri. Oh she knew that look, those actions, those sounds.. Her lovely, softhearted little Inspector was going to take up the case. She rocked back a little, then forth on the sturdy walking tool, maybe a little.. Push.. Yes, that'll certainly get things rolling.. She'd been so bored lately,
"So unlike you, my dear, sweet detective," She spoke with a mocking tone, it was impossible for her to not smile when she was teasing, "A blubbering, distraught, frightened little mass of pale pink flesh, so sweet her little voice and.." She licked her lips, "So innocent her blood.."

She vanished in a puff of dark smoke that seemed ot implode on itself and dissappate entirely, but it was obvious she hadn't gone far as she reappeared, leaning her shoulder against his,
"And you tell her you'll call a dedicated friend to look into it?" She snickered, finding this all very comical, why couldn't she? She found humans so.. Pathetic at times, "The same dedicated friend who usurped the S.I. Branch out from under your nose..? Yet he can barely see past his.. That little man won't even give her a minute of his time.." Larséne chuckled again, raising a hand to adjust her sunglasses,
"Paperwork will keep, my dear Double D.. Its time to stretch our legs! Have a little.. Fun..." The last word was a worrying concept with the demoness as she vanished again, she had to retrieve that girls details, after all.
Fun for Larséne involved violence, and a lot of it. But luckily for the detective, and humans in general, she only held major hostility towards other demons. Killing humans presented no challenge, manipulating them and corrupting them would have been fun if there wasn't something so much more interesting in this world.
Free will. Human concepts of peace, law, justice.. It fascinated her, how naive, how beyond the harsh truths of existence they were. Yet they still managed. They somehow always managed... And then there were the other demons.. Where else could she find strong demons to kill? Why right here of course, trying to take a slice of the human world.
So long as humans were here, there was fun to be had.. Such a strange little paradox.. Such silly little creatures holding such an important role in all existence.

WinglessFairy 07-07-2011 06:00 PM

"It's only that these mediocre cases here in the country have been boring me, that's all." he said dismissively, "And that's Inspector Slater to you." he said, feigning being cross. His mind, however, was working the case. Highly skilled inventors would sometimes be kidnapped by organizations wanting a new product, or terrorists wanting weapons. But kidnapping amateurs? That was more trouble that it was worth. They would usually only produce baubles, while interesting, held no practical value, and many a mishap and explosion followed in their wake.
"Hey don't scare her too much, she's already shy about speaking as it is and we'll need information from her later!" he yelled after her as she teleported away. Now, with a moment alone, Demetri reached for his sandwich.
"BLOODY HELL!" he yelled, dropping the sandwich on the ground. A large hissing cockroach stood defiantly on the sandwich, claiming the tasty morsel for it's own evil plans. He sighed loudly, grabbing his coat and hat and exiting the office.
"Larséne, we're heading out." he said. To the sandwich shop. And then to the train station. Tonight he'd be sleeping in London.

HC-Gal 07-07-2011 07:42 PM

"Well well, looks like our dear inspector has taken pity on you.." The woman's voice was heard behind the girl as she reached for the entrance to the supernatural investigations department, she froze, of course, maybe out of fear, or perhaps out of surprise. Or really, it could have been both as Larséne got closer tot he girl, softly, gently running a silken hand along the girls chin,
"Don't be so tense little dear," She teased, turning her hand over to show the back of it then turned it palm side up, a simple notepad displaying itself on her palm, "The inspector needs your name and number, so he can call you about anything we find." She smirked, watchingt he rather nervous girl rifle around in her few pockets for a pencil, transfixed on the red sunglasses of the demoness the black pupils behind looking almost entirely mad. She was much too nervous to even check the shirt pocket where one gleamed in place, so it wasn't a surprised that she froze entirely when Larséne reached out, cupping the girls chin at first then smoothly lowered her hand and grabbed the top of the pen, sliding it out and holding it up in front of her,
"Right there, darling.."

After some nervous scribbling from the young woman, Larséne opened the door quite professionally, politely, a flourished bow sending the girl on her way before she used her hip to knock the door shut and once more she vanished, reappearing in Demetri's office as he abandoned his sandwich. Curiousity sparked and she made her way around to look at what had put him off, only to grin a gleaming smile as she swiped her hand across the now-abandoned creation of bread and pastrami.
She held the cockroach up almost proudly before snickering,
"Survive this.." She stated simply and popped it into her mouth, crunching down once and swallowing, "Protein..! How delightful.. Candy tastes better." She looked at the sandwich and picked it up, binning the item. She doubted he'd wanted it anyway, not after that little invader made its home there.

She needed to grab her private reserves, a jar of candy reserved especially for her, all her own, her favourite thing. Her little something of the human world that she liked more than anything, an almost human vice. Candy was sweet, and she liked it for many reasons. The different flavours, the colors, the types, but there was one other, very special reason, she wouldnt say it out loud, she refused to, not even because it was her payment, her bribe, the reasons he served Demetri. No no. There was something.. Special about it to her. And she wouldn't even tell him..
No she'd save that for a day when it was necessary as she held the thin, bottle-like jar, a stopper holding in many small spherical boiled candies. Kept cool so they wouldn't stick together. Not that this was a concern, she could retrieve them, stuck or not.

WinglessFairy 07-07-2011 09:15 PM

"Three tickets to London please, first class." An amateur inventor would have no money for a train, so Demetri bought Minerva a ticket as well. "It'll allow us to interrogate Ms. Darling while we travel." he explained to Larséne, avoiding her smug grin. "Here, take this candy bar," he tossed a bar of solid chocolate in her general direction. "If you behave while Minerva is in the train car with us, I'll take you to the best candy store in London and buy you whatever you want." Despite his generally unsociable attitude and nonchalance, Demetri was always thinking. He'd got off the phone with the officer in charge of Adella's case an hour ago. It had been given to a newbie as a training in that you can't always win every case. He hadn't received much information, other than the address of where the two girls lived, and a couple of bad guesses on what had happened.
"The train will depart in 30 minutes." Thirty minutes to figure out how to avoid the Constable's gloating. It had been five years, and he still would gloat. Endlessly. Demetri rubbed his forehead. Perhaps he would avoid the police station, that would be admitting defeat. He sighed.

HC-Gal 07-08-2011 12:09 AM

Three..? Seemed a waste to use money on her. Larséne shrugged to herself with a smile, resting calmly on her cane as she watched Demetri purchase the tickets. She could easily just have snuck on if she wanted to enjoy the ride or travel in the shadows of the train, but then, maintaining a role as a human meant taking to all the little human customs. She gleamed a wide grin when she was given a chocolate bar,
"Oh you sure know how to treat a girl.." She responded, rolling it around softly in her hand, the idea of visiting an entire candy store was a delight indeed. The demoness revelled in the idea as she followed the detective to their cabin, where she did indeed sit down, quietly, obediently. Delicate movements peeled the wrapping away, fingers gently tugging it apart before she softly broke off a bit, smiling quite contentedly at the rush of sweetness, the aroma generated as it warmed on her tongue, rolled about softly, slathering it across her taste buds.

Having taken a human form was probably one of the best things she'd ever done, but her enhanced senses made something like this an absolutely pleasurable delight, not that she'd ever admit it. Her cane was rested against the window as she leaned back comfortably, rolling her shoulders softly and chuckling to herself. Yes, she had a penchant for that. It bothered people who weren't used to her. No-one really could understand what went on in that mind of hers.
Demetri had been around her so long that it had become something of a tell. Certain ways of laughing meant she was happy, other times she was annoyed, this was a pleased chuckle. Satisfied by the candy, the promise, the fact that they were finally getting out and about.
She could go with Demetri to go pester that man, the detective's friend. She adjusted her glasses calmly and looked out the window at the crowds at the station. It wouldn't be long before they were gone from this place. She wouldn't miss it, being in one place too long was boring.. Far too boring..

WinglessFairy 07-08-2011 02:18 AM

Satisfied that Larséne would now at least mostly behave, Demetri headed for a nearby newsstand and grabbed the first paper off the stack of London Times. He tossed a few coins to the stand owner without even looking to meet his eyes and began to flip through the paper.
Ten found dead after an apartment in the inner city catches fire, residents rally for safer fire codes.
Cat born with three tails, owner says it's a sign of the end times.
Weather been unusually high past month, forecasters say. it is. Missing person's list. He glanced through the names of the week's disappearances. Sure enough, Adella Mabli's name was listed among the recently missing. He noted four other minor inventors among the missing, though there could be other's who's occupations hadn't been mentioned. This was not evidence for a serial inventor kidnapper though. It was London after all, and people going missing was an everyday occurance in some parts of town. No further stories of relevance, unsurprisingly.
The train whistled sharply from the boarding platform, it was time to start the night trip to London. It would take them about 3 hours to get there, and the more casual atmosphere should provide good grounds for background information from the Darling woman.
"Um, excuse me..." piped up a voice from behind him.
"Ms. Darling, I see you made it safe and sound. Shall we board the train then?" he motioned in front of him. She looked around, as if looking for something.
"Um...where did your...associate go?" She asked nervously.
"Oh, don't worry about her, she's probably already at her seat on the train." Demetri replied, even though he knew that was not what she had meant. To shy to say anything else, Minerva shuffled after him onto the train, holding her one small carpet bag in front of her.

HC-Gal 07-08-2011 02:11 PM

The people on the train were still bustling about as they got to their car, trying to find the cabin they were to sit in, or whatever was free. The one they'd taken was more secluded, not to mentioned it was private. that way no random fools could just step in and case a problem or disturb them while they interrogated that poor girl. Though Larséne's idea of interrogation tactics were far more effective on the easily intimidated, but in some cases it would just be too extreme, especially in cases like little miss Minerva. She knew that already, but keeping her off kilter by being the strange thing that she was, was a sure way to make sure little Miss Darling let slip details, even unconscious of what they were at the time.. People could sometimes accidentally say something then realize what they'd said, it was these little trip-ups that lead to truths.

Another couple of bites of the chocolate and Larséne looked up in time to see the Detective and his newest case arrived, but she remained dead quiet, just smirking to herself for a moment before looking over at Minerva and patting the seat,
"Come, come, Darling, make yourself comfortable." She spoke with an oddly welcoming tone. Of course it was just to appease Demetri, but still, if she wanted to be absolutely safe, the best choice was next to Larséne, after all, she was probably the most dangerous thing on the train, and if anything wanted to get to Minerva, it would have to deal with her first,
"We have not been properly introduced yet, I am Larséne, Demetri's summoned assistant. Many apologies if i have frightened you before hand, I sometimes.. Forget myself around people."
Sometimes was a poor way to put it. All time time was more accurate, if she even forgot at all, though she truly didn't care. No she was fine with being just the way she was. Another nibble of her chocolate bar made her smile to herself again as she looked out the window, looked like the last of the patrons for the train were coming aboard. She could see the trains driver making his way to the front.

WinglessFairy 07-08-2011 09:58 PM

Minerva nervously sat down next to Larséne, leaving ample space between them. She clutched her bag tightly with both hands in her lap. Larséne seemed amused by her discomfort, but was behaving much better than Demetri had hoped.
"I'm surprised you're as uncomfortable around Larséne as you are, inventors seem to always meddle in alchemy themselves." Demetri said, both trying to make Minerva a little more comfortable, while also seeking information about her and her partner. She continued to fiddle with with the handle on her luggage.
"I've never really had a knack for alchemy, I can only do minor spells and parlor tricks. Adella did most of the needed alchemy. She could summon as well, but she only summoned tiny things." Demetri nodded. He had been wondering why the kidnapper (if there was one) would take only Adella, and not Minerva too, if his/her goal was simply collecting inventors. Perhaps the tie-in was alchemical skill. While minor inventors weren't worth too much, very few outside of inventors and the S.I. had any useful alchemical abilities at all. Yet, back to the dangers of capturing the mediocre. Raw Alchemical ability, while powerful, could cause more disasters than it was worth as well. Alchemical Academies trained control for two years before they trained anything else. Where was the motive? More than likely she had been mugged or the like while walking out by herself, and was now lying in a ditch somewhere. The police department had reported 15 known cases of missing inventors and 5 cases of small-time alchemists in the last week, after he pulled a couple strings with a few old friends still working in London. 15, certainly a large enough number to valid a serial killer or kidnapper. But they all lived rather scattered among the commoner class communities, and were of all different ages, both males and females. Connections? None so far, but he couldn't be sure until he looked at every person's profile.
"I see. What type of inventions do you usually work on?" He inquired.
"Mostly experimental stuff. Lately we'd been working on transforming matter. First we started simple; Subliming water to steam, sand to glass, but we work working on a new way to manufacture bloodstone from charcoal. It was working, but only partially." Hmm, transfiguration of that sort required a Level 13 Philosopher's stone or better, and even one of that low quality wouldn't come cheap.
"That usually requires a philosopher's stone to aid, did you have one of those?" They couldn't afford one...perhaps they stole one from the wrong people, and Adella was kidnapped because of that? Minerva looked down at her fingernails, bits of grease and grime showed underneath her nails that were needing trimming. Signs of someone who worked for a living.
"Adella said that's why it hadn't been working, we had only a couple of minor Neodymium pieces to use. She had been looking for an alternate to the stones.." tears welled up in her eyes

HC-Gal 07-09-2011 01:27 AM

Larséne calmly sat forward, enjoying her candy bar and listening to the conversation in an almost bored looking manner, her mind was a little curious about why some-one would kidnap a bunch of humans, especially ones they considered less than special. It sounded a lot like something she'd seen once a long time ago, in fact there were many cases like it throughout history. Although the end result was different, the idea was the same in principle.. At least if it was the same kind of thing, maybe she was simply nostalgic..

"A long time ago there was a wise old mage, he had fifteen disciples," Larséne spouted off suddenly, lazily, "He taught them a little bit every day, but not too much.. But the students were young and wanted to know more.." She leaned back and nibbled a bit of chocolate again before grinning a little, "So, fuelled by greed and anger that he would not teach them more than he deemed necessary, the fifteen young mage's banded together, focused all their power and destroyed their master so they could obtain his book of secrets.." She chuckled a little bit,
"Sometimes.. Evil or the act of evil, is incomprehensible.. But it is more-often-than-not fuelled by personal desire or personal gain.. If there really is some-one grabbing alchemists and inventors.. They have something to gain.. Be it simple personal pleasure, killing them for a reason we dont know.. Or to use them, for material gain, power.. Either way the trend remains and some-one or something, Greed we shall call it, within the fair city of London is gathering itself what equates to the students.."

Larséne rolled her shoulders comfortably, looking past Minerva for a moment, but then back over to Demetri, a wry smirk on her face. Again, only Demetri could really tell why Larséne acted in certain ways. She had sensed something, and she indicated it by placing a spare hand on her cane, propping two finger sup and tapping them gently on the shining golden handle. That was the sign that there was something supernatural nearby and she didnt want to alert it to the fact that she'd spotted it just yet. In other words, they needed to act normal while Larséne waited..
"Demetri, darling, do you remember that one time we were escorting a lovely young lady to her villa, and you saved her from a swinging crane? She certainly was most fortunate to have you on hand. If she had been in the way.. It would not have ended well.. You're always darling enough to protect young ladies such as our Minerva."
No.. Demetri never saved some girl from a crane, yes, Larséne was making it up. It was actually instructions, cleverly disguised, after all, a devil like Larséne was a master of trickery, pretending, faking, and her instruction for Demetri was to protect Minerva, get her out of the way.

Her lips shifted a moment as she chuckled about it, right side of her face, that was the get ready signal. A soft sigh and her lips shifted, moving to the left in the same off smirk, but reflected, as if in a mirror. She'd given him ample time to prepare, and the shifting of her lips tot he left meant that was the moment, the time to protect Minerva.
Larséne Meanwhile gripped the cane more tightly and, in a flash, pulled it up from it splace and flicked it over to her right, past the inventor towards the cabin wall.
It was in this very instant that the shadow upon it had leapt forward, only to be impaled. It was stunned, arms still reaching out, not exactly registering yet why it couldn't move until it saw Larséne vanish and reappear, her hand holding the cane and twisting it gently. The creature managed a startled howl, distorted, jarring, shocked by the suddenness.. The pain..
The cane wasn't just some silly gimmick, a wooden stick with some embellishments. It was a part of her, a separated entity that shared her power like a conduit. That was why it hurt.
"Well-well, what do we have here..? Ah yes! A watcher! A living shadow of the underworld, stalking a simple little human.." She smirked as the creature tried to grab her, grab the weapon, but his hands only burst into blue flames, a cruel response form the demoness no doubt, watchers hated light and hated flame, they only lived in shadow. He withdrew his hands and hissed again, still unable to move anywhere, "Do keep it down, there are other people trying to enjoy their train ride. Demetri, darling.. Does this not make things that little bit.. More interesting..?" The woman asked, mildly taking another soft bite of her chocolate.

WinglessFairy 07-09-2011 01:54 AM

Demetri pretended to look at his watch, and tapped on it twice. Message acknowledged. Three seconds till action. He readied a quick levitation spell. Without words or materials, it took more effort to cast, but for one as skilled as Demetri, it was a hardly noticeable drain.
"Agito!" He yelled in Latin, language of the alchemists. An invisible force pushed Minerva out of her seat. She let of a sharp "Eek!" as she fell forward quickly and was caught by that same force inches from the floor.
FWISH! The cane whizzed centimeters above Minerva's head. it wasn't until the watcher was safely taken care of did he release the Darling Girl softly onto the train floor. The soft thud on the floor broke her from her fear-induced paralyzation, and she scrambled to get away from the creature above her. She scurried to the farthest corner from the living shadow, and sat there scrunched up and shivering.
The watcher writhed it's gruesome from, scratching at the cane and snarling, but to no avail. Such a creature was like an ant to Larséne, why, she practically looked bored with the shadow's efforts.
"I doubt you've noticed, but you've had two shadows since we left Welshpool's town limits. It seems you've drawn someone's attention by contacting me," he said to the still-terrified Minerva, all the while righting symbols with his finger in the air,"Don't be afraid, watcher's are useless once they've been seen. It's an early summon most alchemists learn to use as mediocre spies or house watchers that will alarm them if anything unusual happens. Larséne could probably take about 472 of these with just her cane." he said factually. This did little to comfort Minerva however. The air glowed red were his finger had touched.
"You don't happen to have any salt on you by chance?" Minerva shook her head, slightly confused. "Ah, it's no matter." He thrust his hand forward, pushing the symbols toward the creature. They stuck to the watcher's skin and began to glow.

"Potior! Verus." half the symbols began to glow green, the other half a cobalt blue. A holding sequence to keep the creature from slithering back into the darkness, not that it could get away from Larséne's cane anyways, and a truth spell to acquire the name of its master. The watcher hissed, scratching at the glowing symbols on its skin.
"If you want to go, you'll answer a few questions. Firstly, who sent you?" Demetri said, making eye contact with the shadow. "We can do this the easy way, or I can tell Larséne's to stop holding back..." The creature wiggled and flailed, motioning defeat. The bubbling form of his face began to meld, forming a more human mouth. It began to speak in demonic sounding tons.
"Skraa...I will speak. My-SRISSSS!" the creature began to contort in agony. Large orange symbols began to glow, their brightness covering the green and blue.
"Dammit!" Demetri plunged his arm into the creature and began mumbling in latin, before pulling his hand out. The creature began to glow brightly before vanishing.
"It was a high level kill spell, triggered by speaking anything of nature related to the creature's summoner or master. Demetri said, "Once triggered, it's impossible to revoke. An agonizing death to say the least, to punish treachery." he left out the fact that he had set a script to kill it painlessly instead.

((sorry that took so long ._.)

HC-Gal 07-11-2011 01:24 AM

"Four hundred and seventy five, darling, and that was on a slow day." Larséne interjected with a pretentious, insulted tone, still keeping the creature pinned in place. Its attempts at escape were more than futile, they were pitiful pointless wastes of energy. Larséne would have felt sorry for it, had she the capacity to do so, no instead she simply twisted it further, relishing, rather, in the creatures pain. She wasn't too surprised when the creature was destroyed, Watchers were expendable, it was an amusing realization, especially after they'd been reduced to being such low-tier demons.

Watchers were once a feared breed, once, even Larséne had trouble with them for a while. No-one really knew why they'd suddenly been reduced in power, it was assumed that they had a center of power that was some how destoryed, but again even if that was true, whoever did so certainly didn't make themselves known. But Larsene knew, and this amused her further.. Larséne knew many things, many revelations that would throw the knowledge of demonology into utter chaos as it tried to understand the truth or flat out deny her. But it was better to leave certain things alone, mostly because it was too much hassle, too much work.
Besides, the humans could still deal with those she knew the truth of.

Larséne observed Demetri's final actions and chuckled to herself as she rested her hand on her hip, leaning on the cane gently,
"Naughty boy, Demetri.. That soft heart of yours will get you in trouble one day!" She chuckled, walking over to Minerva and kneeling by the frightened young woman, "Come now, up you get," Larséne stated, leaning the cane up against the side and using both hands to help her to her feet,
"Long as my dear Demetri aids you, I shan't be far behind, it is my duty to protect him and, by extension, you. And it is my utmost pleasure to kill those whom would mean harm to either of you." the demoness explained with ease, grinning a little,
"Now! Give me a big smile, young woman!" She ordered, not harshly, but in an almost motherly manner, "I want a big smile, big as you can manage, and I want you to shout, I am afraid of nothing! Can you do that for me, dear?"

WinglessFairy 07-11-2011 02:57 AM

"But I'll have you to save me, so why worry?" Demetri said to Larséne, indicating he felt no need to change, as he puled out a little baggy and a pair of forceps from his coat pocket and picked a small shard of what looked like obsidian, except for the slight red sheen, out of the train's seat cushion.
Minerva, still tensely curled in the corner. She attempted to smile, out of fear of Larséne, but it was very shaky and looked far from a happy smile. Larséne looked as if to continue forcing a smile, but Demetri cut her off,
"Don't traumatize the girl further, Larséne. Besides, shouldn't you be saving your energy our meeting with the constable tomorrow?" He diverted, all the while inspecting the remnant. He didn't expect to find anything from just a naked-eye inspection. Any alchemist able to cast such a high-level triggered kill spell would cover up their tracks well, and if this guy was some supernatural being's servant, there would be no distinctions at all. He tossed the shard, still in the bag to Larséne.
"Well, Larséne, what do you make of this?"

HC-Gal 07-11-2011 01:42 PM

Larséne caught the fragment and held it up in front of herself for a while, but after a moment opened the bag so she could sniff softly at the opening before closing it and made a motion as if still taking a whiff of whatever it was, though she gave Demetri a curious look, shrugging a little,
"It's a new one on me, I can't place its origin, its not demonic in nature, though in purpose it obviously is connected somehow." She responded, tossing it back to Demetri, "If I had to guess, it's man-made, or at least, uses material converted from the mortal world," She added, though she felt like she would have known what it was, rubbing her chin softly, but then looked back to her abandoned candy bar and quickly returned to it, picking it up from its place on the window sill where she'd left it.

However Larsene then looked at Minerva and Demetri,
"Perhaps if you find out how it was made there could be a clue as to who made it. It certainly doesn't look like simple raw materials to me," She smirked, though a part of her was annoyed, she didn't like not knowing something, she'd been around for a long time, a very long time, and seen many things, but truthfully knowledge came form humans, they dabble din physics and natural things that demons didn't care for, demons were rich with mysticism, magic and dark energy, what use did they have for alchemy?

Some-one obviously had a use for demons though.. A watcher was following the girl that whole time and whoever was following her hadn't tried to kidnap her yet..? She was getting more and more curious about this..

WinglessFairy 07-12-2011 01:11 AM

Demetri mused over her statement quietly for a moment. It seemed whatever Adella had gotten into was much more serious than he originally thought. "Well, we'll just have to have it analyzed when we get back." He said. "However, I think it's creator had no intention of taking Minerva like he had the others." That had been a killing strike. Rather unwise to send a watcher to kill, especially with an SI inspector and a demon as powerful as Larséne around, but he doubted anyone would have known anything about his or her personal skill. Not working in London anymore did serve it's uses. Demetri checked his watch, this time to find out the hour.
"An hour till London." Demetri said, "Ms. Darling, you wouldn't happen to have heard of any new candy store coming into popularity, have you?" While Demetri knew of two excellent ones already, Larséne always liked to try new places, and the question should serve to distract Minerva from her recent near-death experience. Minerva looked up, a little confused at first, but then concentrating as she tried to recall any recent sweets stores.
"A chocolatier opened up by the market last week. They have very good truffles, I've heard." Minerva answered. Demetri nodded in acknowledgement.
"Do you have relatives outside of London that can take you in?" She nodded, yes, "Since it's already late, tonight you'll stay in the police headquarter's dorm, and tomorrow morning one of the officers will escort you to your relatives. Be sure to give them a call tonight, and to leave the number with Larséne." He had a feeling Minerva would be left alone, but he would summon a watcher of his own to keep an eye on her during the proceedings.

HC-Gal 07-12-2011 12:52 PM

"Demetri, darling.." Larséne stared over at the man for a while, her face slightly more serious, this obviously meant she was annoyed about something, "I do not like it when they are not afraid of us.." She stated mildly, grinning a little, yes, this meant she had to teach them all over again that they had very real threats in the the world, and she was one of them. Whoever had sent that watcher had blatantly let it attack in full view. Watchers were not meant to do that, not anymore. So whoever it was, they were saying that they weren't afraid. This kind of arrogance meant two things, they were either already successful in whatever they were planning or they really did have no fear, no realization of what was traveling their way.

It was difficult to discern form that if it was human or demon, still, both could be as devious and cowardly as one another that some humans could aptly be compared to her own demonic brethren. And sometimes there were meek, gentler demons who did not prize tyranny or ultimate power. Oddly enough, Larséne tended to leave these be if she saw them passing in the street in human form or even in the nether. Humans sometimes made them look quite tame, but perhaps it was just because they were weak.. She was a grand wolf among these many small kittens.

Talk of the candy store caught her attention as she looked over at the two with a grin. They were singing her song. She adored candy and sweet treats enough that it could snap her out of a daze. Larséne really was a kid in a candy store, all the delicious, sweet aromas, the intoxicating scents, the first time she had actually left quite embarrassingly only later telling Demetri about the effects. This was swiftly followed by threatening to strangle him if he told anyone.. Of course she'd learned to control her "human" functions since then.
She did wonder if it really was a good idea to just leave Minerva on her own, family couldn't do much to protect her from a higher class demon, she would have been so much more effective as bait! But then Demetri would frown on her and tell her no, of course she'd pout and give in to his softness on the matter, but still..

She finished the last of the candy bar quiet happily and folded her arms, crossing her ankles and lowering her head. Time to simply rest, an hour long trip would be boring unless something else happened.

WinglessFairy 07-13-2011 08:32 PM

The train pulled into the London station three minutes early, according to the large gothic-styled bell tower clock protruding from the station's roof. 9:57 pm. Demetri pulled out his watch and synced his time with that of London's. Even this late, people were hurrying on and off trains, a blur of moving coats and jackets, the neutral brown tones blending in with the brighter tones of the well-to-do. All these people, running to run somewhere else. Demetri shook his head, doesn't all that running around get tiring? London was even busier than when he'd left it, with chimney stacks from factories billowing black smoke even at this hour darkening the already sooty sky. He internally sighed. Makes me wonder why I missed this place.
Dong! The abbey bells chimed in with those of the stations. 10 pm. He looked up to the tall church looming over the other buildings. Yes...that's why I missed London. He thought, thinking of a time that once was...
He raised his hand to hail a taxi.
"Three to the police station please."

The Police entrance was rather dull and business like, one waiting room with an officer at the desk who looked rather bored an uninterested, until Larséne got his attention, that was. Pretending to be oblivious to her mischievousness as always, Demetri inquired the desk-sitter to call for a female officer to escort them to the dorms. The officer, quite shaken up and embarrassed, the 'Inspector Slater' they weren't allowed to talk about was in town. He mumbled nervously some sort of acknowledgement, and dialed a number in his phone. Demetri was at ease, the Constable would be long gone home by now.
"Oh, and would you mind keeping my being here quiet? I don't want to step on any toes." Demetri knew this statement would do nothing, but hey, he tried. Soon after a tall, very serious looking female officer with short hair entered the room and nodded professionally.
"Good evening, Inspector Slater. I'm Officer Veronica Jules, pleased to make your acquaintance." Stiff, reminding Demetri of the time Larséne 'accidentally' added to much starch to the wash back when he had first summoned her. A lackey of the constable, no doubt, clean as a whistle and perfect in operation, but secretly calculating their way to the top.
"Likewise," Demetri said, tipping his cap,"This is Ms. Minerva Darling. She'll also be needing a place to stay tonight." he motioned to Minerva, who had been standing quietly avoiding attention this whole time. No doubt Jules's demeanor was intimidating the girl, though Jules certainly wasn't accommodating for.
"We'll find her an empty room for the night, and a guard for her door if she's an at risk. Please follow me inside." Jules stated matter-of-factly. Ugh, never use police slang in front of a non-enforcer. He sighed internally again. People like this made him miss Welchpool. They followed Jules inside.

Inside the police station was all bustle and chatter, one person asking someone for something, people taking calls on the phone, hurried folk running this way and that with papers or evidence. Crime in London never slept, and the night's robberies and muggings were pouring in like dirty water down a drain after a heavy summer storm. He was much happier once they passed the general offices into the hallways that ran by the laboratories and alchemical study areas. Scientists and alchemists in white lab coats with smaller-level summons helping out with spells and lab tests. He noticed a few waved at Larséne or peeked their heads through the glass windows to say hello. He also noticed that many more cringed in fear and hid under tables or behind their masters or simply went invisible. He let loose the tiniest of smiles. Larséne's...reputation with other demons and summons could be quite amusing. Veronica Jules seemed discomforted by this show of acknowledgement from the creatures working here, though she was desperately trying to hide it.
"Before we head to the dorms, would you like to stop by the mess? I'm sure you must be hungry after your long trip." They'd eaten dinner at 8, but Officer Jules was assuming they'd ridden economy class, where no meals were served. Assumptions always made Demetri laugh, for they were almost always wrong. He began to decline the offer, when something occurred to him.
"I wouldn't mind a little something to eat." He said, other ideas on his mind. It wouldn't be a bad idea to go anyways, as Minerva hadn't eaten very much on the train.
"This way then, please," She said, maintaining her professionalism, only the slightest hints in her face that she had become unnerved by Larséne. These were the moments Larséne usually liked the best, the moments before...
"Larséne...remember the candy stores tomorrow...I'll even be willing to raise the usual budget..." Demetri liked to remain in good standing with anyone who's assistance he currently needed, despite personal feelings. And Minerva was still here, no need to bother her with any more until they investigated her living quarters the next day.

The cafeteria was all a bustle, with night shift officers eating a late dinner, as well as the few wardens and other necessary staff that stayed days at a time, and a few guests in situations like Minerva Darlings. It was rather quiet for the amount of people, with smaller groups making most of the chatter.

"Officer Jules, will you please show Minerva around the cafeteria? I believe I can handle myself. I'll meet you at that table when I've gotten my food." She nodded affirmation, if a little reluctantly, and led Minerva to the main food line. Demetri wandered over the small salad bar and secured himself a roll out of the bread basket, which he promptly cut and buttered with the knife in the nearby butter bowl.
"Bread's always delicious, you can't beat bread any day." he said, mostly to himself. He motioned for
Larséne to come closer. "As you've undoubtedly noticed, I don't like this Jules, and neither do you. Leaving Ms. Darling in her care is probably a bad idea, but I doubt Ms. Darling would know to run without being told to. See that girl over there?" He pointed to a female officer who had just dropped her lunch and was trying to help clean it up as a kitchen worker was trying to fix the mess. She was all apologies, and seemed very clumsy. "I'm so sorry! I'm just so clumsy, oh, I'm sorry!" she was saying, over and over. The kitchen worker seemed more annoyed with the constant apologies than anything and kept trying to shoo her away.
"She's probably around 25, a few years older than Ms. Darling. Fresh out of Police Academy, naiive, new to the force and probably never had to shoot a gun at a person before. I think we should have her take care of Ms. Darling while we're not around." An unusual call for a veteran Inspector to make. If that Inspector wasn't Demetri, anyways.
"Judging by the relative ages and groups of the people here, it looks like she graduated at an odd time, or joined under unusual circumstances, so she's the only newbie of her group. She's probably still staying in the dorms here. Ms. Darling can stay the night with her, and then be escorted home with her, and stay under watch for a week or two. Check that out." Demetri said, pointing to the girl's eyes as she clumsily dropped her tinted glasses."Bright Green eyes, she's got at least moderate level alchemy. Looks like she doesn't want anyone to know, though. Not an inventor, so not likely to get kidnapped, not even a trained alchemist, but probably with just enough control to be useful."

((i want to write more, but I should give you a chance to say something XD )

HC-Gal 07-13-2011 11:42 PM


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