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LilyRose 07-09-2011 09:30 PM

Lost Wood (LilyRose&Shotacon)

Name: Jean Iori
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Wrapping his arms around himself he muttered a few choice words under his breath as it started to rain. His day hadn't been going well at all, first he was fired for being late, then when he went outside Jean found his car had been towed and that he would have to walk home. Normally that wouldn't had been a problem, however after moving in with his ill mother he had to move out of the city and into his sick mothers house, which just to make things worse was in a dark, lush forest. The same forest which he was now lost in.

Stumbling though the woods, Jean sighed for what seemed like the millionth time that day. Kicking stones out of his way he continued farther down the path.

Shotacon 07-09-2011 11:57 PM

Name: Furii
Age: 256
Gender: Male
Race: Youkai(Demon)

A small animal's scream is swiftly cut off as it's life is snuffed out. Furii watches at the hawk carries off it's prey. 'Ewwww' Climbing slowly down his tree, the lemur demon begins scouting the area for berries. Wandering here and there, his hands and moth become slowly more and mor purple as he devours a mixture of red and blue fruits. His small dextorious fngers pluck each one with parctices grace as his body length ringed tail wriggles back and forth. The furry apendage seems to sprout of an otherwise normal looking boy. Well, except perhaps the tall poited furry black ears perched atop his head. A nearby bird screeches, causeing them to fold back where they nearly vanish into the boy's mat of silky raven locks.

'Yum yum yum, I love the ripe season A small shiver runs through Furii's small frame as a chilled breeze cuts through his thin clothing. Lifting his nose to the sky, he takes a few hard sniffs. rain's coming. Better gather a little more and head home Takeing a few more minutes, the youkai gathers a shirt full of berries and scampers off towards his treehouse. Scrabbling up the side of the large ginkgo, he passes through the hole in the bottom of his deck and heads for his front entrance. A strange sound causes him to pause, one hand on the archway. The tip of his tail, like the head of a snake, whips around to face the direction the sound came from. His head follows suit, sniffing the air, but the wind is going in the wrong direction to smell anything. 'Hmmmm....Wonder what that is.... Leaning from one foot to the other, he contemplates going after the sound, but the weather decides for him. With a loud peal of thunder, the skies open up, dumping all it's pent up tears upon the world. With a small eep, Furii darts inside.

LilyRose 07-13-2011 08:20 PM

Jean grumbled as he realized that he passed the same tree for the second time, 'Great,' he thought, 'Now I'm going in circles.' Stopping underneath the tree he sighed as the rain continued to pound on him. Faceplaming he chose a random dirction and started to walk in it, hoping to find at least some kind of shelter from the strom.

Finding a large ginkgo he sat underneath it. "Well," he said to himself, "At least it provides some shelter from the rain."

Shotacon 07-15-2011 09:52 AM

Furii wanders around his home, munching down a few more berries before storing the rest for tomorrow in a small clay jar. Suddenly, his ears perk up at the sound of rustling outside. 'Hmmmmm, could judt be a bear...but it sounds too small for that.....Deer? No.....only two legs....' Several more possibilities run through his head before he funally decides to take a look. Walking around his rough hewn table set in the middle of his home, he aproaches the railing around his deck slowly. Tail lashing back in forth like an adgitated squirrel, he leans gently on the rail. Glanceing back and forth, he finally spots what had made the sound underneath his deck. 'Oh no....Human! Um, um um, what to do?' Fur standing on eand, he begins wandering around the deck silently curseing his luck.

'First I see that nast bird carry off the poor rodent, now I have a HUMAN under my house! What else can go wrong today?!' In his rage, Furii doesn't notice that his footsteps are getting louder and louder. Finally, he stalks to the edge again, accidentally knocking a stick down right in front of the boy. Letting out a little squeek, he darts back inside, praying the human won't notice the rope ladder leading up to his little home.

LilyRose 07-16-2011 06:33 AM

"What the-" Jean exclaimed as he jumped backwards, hitting his back against the tree, eyeing the fallen stick carefully pick it up and looked around. "Stupid stick," he muttered tossing it in a bush by the side of the tree, "I don't need anything else ruining my day." Giving the area a once over he noticed a rope ladder leading up the tree into, what he assumed would be a tree house.
Giving the ladder a quick tug he deemed it safe and started to climb to what he hoped would be shelter.

Shotacon 07-17-2011 12:40 PM

The shuffling outside causes Furi's ears to perk up. 'Oh no oh no oh no!' Darting over to the alcove that holds his bed, Furii climbs the full ten feet up to the hanging cloth that makes up his sleeping device and crawls in. The light green and brown vines and leaves danging along the ottom blend with the leafy canopy he'd lined his roof with in a moment of artisticness. The foliage rustles lightly every time he moves, so he does his best to remain still. Peeking over the edge, he waits, and watches.

LilyRose 07-23-2011 12:17 AM

Hauling himself off of the ladder and on to what looked like the floor of a tree house. Looking around Jean determined that this house belonged to a teenager.
Well it could be worse, he thought I may as well stay here until the storm passes, I also should see if anyone else is there.
Standing up he called out, "Hello?" he said, "Would you mind if I stayed here tonight."

Shotacon 07-23-2011 12:38 AM

Furii watches the boy come in and examine his home. The harsh sound of his loud voice causes the youkai to cringe. The action causes the leafy vines danging from his bed to rustle loudly. Chewing his claws for several seconds, he comtemplates what to do. 'I could just pretend I'm not here, but then he most lokely heard me move just now. And, gods know how long it's going to rain, and he'll probably be staying the whole time! Ugh, I guess I'll...' Moveing slowly so he can once again peek over the edge of his hanging bed, Furii's eye meet that of the boy's below. Jumping slightly he swallows hard before speaking. "Um, hi....This is my home, but I guess you can stay. J-just, don't hurt me..." Feeling rather pathetic, Furii waits for the boy to respond.

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