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Cupcake Queen 07-13-2011 08:01 PM

Into The wild Again
The wild is a dangerous place unless you are smart and know how to survive. There are lions. Tigers. bears. oh my ;). some of these animals jon forces to survive in the wild and some are just lost pets that dont know how to get home or survive in the wild. One Tiger cub is about to find out how to survive the wild. She is special but doesnt know it. She has a brave journey ahead of her.


Name: Layla
Age: 2 weeks
Animal: tiger
Bio: Layla is alone. Her parents died from hunters and now she wonders the forest looking for help. She is special because she is the last white tiger cub.

Andraus 07-13-2011 08:27 PM

Name: Snow-Star
Age: 13
Animal: Wolf cub.
Bio: Snow-Star was choicen a week ago by the Moonstone to start his own clan. He has a Small territory, and plenty of wild-life, but no members. hes looking in the forest now for memebers to join his clan.

Cupcake Queen 07-13-2011 08:35 PM

[you always are the firs tto join my animals rps. you are awesome]

Layla made her way through the pouring rain. She was hungry, wet, and cold. She found a hollow tree and hid inside. She was shivering like crazy.

Andraus 07-13-2011 09:20 PM

[i no >:3 hey, did you see momos drawing of me on my page?]

Snow star was walking back home, when he noticed a kitten hiding in a tree hollow "hey there....are you okay?"

Cupcake Queen 07-13-2011 09:31 PM

"i'm cold" she said then passed out from exaustion.

Andraus 07-13-2011 09:32 PM

He lifted her up and took her back to his Territory. He placed her in the Medicene tent, and laid fresh killed fowl in front of her.

Cupcake Queen 07-13-2011 09:34 PM

The smell of the kill woke her up. She looked at the kill and couldnt help. She gobbled it down. Then she looked at him. "thank you" she said.

Andraus 07-14-2011 02:49 AM

"My pleasure. I am Snow-Star by the way, Leader of the Celestial Clan." he told her.

Cupcake Queen 07-14-2011 02:52 AM

"my name is Layla. i dont belong to a clan" she said.

Andraus 07-14-2011 04:26 AM

"Hmm.....Would you consider joining mine?" he asked. "You would be the first warrior, and i would train you on how to hunt."

Cupcake Queen 07-14-2011 04:29 AM

"ok. i never learned to hunt since.... never mind" she said.

Andraus 07-14-2011 04:33 AM

"What ? what is it?" he asked.

Cupcake Queen 07-14-2011 04:39 AM

"my parents. They were killed by hunters" she said.

Andraus 07-14-2011 04:55 AM

"Oh my....I am sorry." he told her.

Cupcake Queen 07-14-2011 04:57 AM

"its fine. but i have been alone ever since" she said. A tear fell from her eye.

Andraus 07-14-2011 05:14 AM

"Well, you wont be alone anymore " he said with a smile.

Cupcake Queen 07-14-2011 05:22 AM

She smiled too. "so when does my training start" she asked.

Andraus 07-14-2011 04:28 PM

"Tomarrow, when you are well-fed and rested." he told her.

Cupcake Queen 07-14-2011 04:32 PM

"ok" she said. She was still tried. She yawned and went back to sleep.

Andraus 07-19-2011 03:56 AM

the next day, Snow-star lead her into the Slooth Woods." Alright. Around this area are little creatures called Voals, they are smaller mice. Bring a few back," he told her.

Cupcake Queen 07-19-2011 03:58 AM

"ok. i'll try" she said. She went into the area and saw one. She ran at it but it got away. She tried again and the same. The third time she got one by the tail but lost her grip. she let out a sigh.

Andraus 07-19-2011 04:00 AM

Snow star walked by her. "Try doing this." He stood balanced on his legs, held up his weight, and walked Quietly near a Voal. When near, he jumped and caught it

Cupcake Queen 07-19-2011 04:02 AM

"ok" she said and did that and she caught one.

Andraus 07-19-2011 04:05 AM

"Perfect! perfect. now you have the Right to be called by a Warrior in training....for your White Coat, You Shall be Called ice-Paw." he told her.

Cupcake Queen 07-19-2011 04:13 AM

[warriors rp. that is so what this is. i should rename it lol.]

"cool um i mean thank you" she said.

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