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Whimsical Sadist 08-06-2011 02:05 PM

[YAN SUCCESSFULLY ADOPTED] Whim and Yanie; An Unstoppable Duo
This will be my journal of all my time with my little Yanie. Today for the first time I will get to try out my dictatorship parental skills on a baby and not on my younger siblings. Well it's for a short time, but I do hope I'll get to keep Yanie forever! I'm so nervous and excited at the same time! I simply can't wait for our fabulous time together ^^

Don't forget Whim that the little monster buddle of joy likes:


  • Girls (bewbs in particular)
  • Panties
  • Food *
  • More food*
  • Video games where you get to kill people
  • Playing in water
  • Animals
  • Going to the mall
  • Keeping cool (but NOT being cold)
  • Being a ninja
  • Spinny chairs
  • Loud, flowery shorts
  • Cooking
  • Drawing
  • Coffee
  • Manga
  • Sleeping
  • Yan's on an eternal quest for his FREE - can you find it with him?
* Yan particularly likes MEAT. Also pizza, sushi, dumplings, chocolate, cheesecake and ice cream.

Whimsical Sadist 08-06-2011 02:08 PM

Photo Book

Our Times Spent TogetherX

Whimsical Sadist 08-06-2011 02:14 PM

August 6

It's only been a couple minutes since Yanie made his way into my arms and into his new home. He wasn't able to roam around the house just yet due to my errands. Deciding to take him shopping with me I realized not even a minute into the store that he was gone. Terrified and worried I frantically looked for the rascal only to find him lying in a box in the candy aisle.

Oh, it wasn't in any box, but a box filled with packs of delicious M&M's.

After an hour or two of shopping and driving we finally made our way home. Yanie made his way to my room where he started to roll around in a near by coupon book. Satisfying his sudden urge for chocolate. I gave him a delicious chocolate chip cookie filled with love as well as some new shorts.

With his new shorts and stomach filled, Yanie started to crave sushi in a matter of hours. Denying his request and telling him my dislike in sushi we got into a heated arugeement. After several minutes of silence, angry faces, and mean words I finally gave it. But not the way he wanted. Creating him a new hat with his name and a piece of sushi he forgave me as well as got to know Oreo a little better.

With Oreo and Yanie newly made acquaintances Oreo let his guard down and slept. Yanie happy to have a new friend stripped down and watched over Oreo as he slept.

While I was resting my eyes I woke up to black duck tape all over my face. Outraged and not one to back from a fight I quickly made his face the same.

Trying my best to keep Yanie away from all the peparations of the incoming festivities that would surely take place he snuck out from my room. Suprising my guests he grinned at them all, lying, in the candy bowl.

Finalizing the day off with a story of the legendary assassin Elektra right before bed, Yanie got all comfortable in my drawers. Dressed up in his version of Elektra.

Through house guests, various foods and drinks, and a crazied Yanie today was surely an adventure that tired me out. All I have to say is I hope I have as much fun tomorrow. Night all.

Whimsical Sadist 08-08-2011 02:45 PM

August 7

After an entire night of craziness and excitement Yanie realized mommy was hungover from all the sugar intake she had the night before. In a zombie state Yanie helped with breakfast as well as ate until we both were full and sober.

Upset to hear that he missed my home made marbel cake for the party, Yanie started to carve cake. So for lunch I got him a nice plate of the left over cake.

Exploring my room Yanie noticed my colorful collage that had all the important things in my life. Hearing this Yanie made sure that he would be part of my life. So he found tape and sticked it all over himseld and lied on my wall.

After hours and hours of calm relaxation Yanie meet up with Ferrari. Together they both talked and discuss their plans for tomorrow. Yanie, tired out of his mind, decided Ferrari as another friend and made his way on his lap.

Tonight was basically spent on the recover of all the craziness that happened on Saturday night. Yanie and I were pretty much relaxed as we spent time inside resting.

Whimsical Sadist 08-10-2011 02:09 AM

August 9

Missing a day of journaling due to the death of my camera battery *cry* and Yan acting totally unacceptable. I started anew, fresh and happy. Waking up to the gloomy morning I thought a nice cartoon of orange juice would be a nice symbol of the anewment.

After orange juice and about a half hour of bouncing off the walls. Yanie thought he would place himself on my throne. This didn't make mommy feel nice >:[

But how could I possibly stay mad at that little cutie?

After several hours spent inside due to servere raining we finally got to escape to the grocery store. Even with my strong dislike for fish I sucked it up and got Yanie some sushi.

With only about an hour outside Yanie and I had to go back into the house due to the continutation of the rain. Feeling bored and unsure what to do I suggested that Yanie met up with some other members of the house.

With all the raining that happened today most of the grounds and roads were flooded with water. Causing us to stay mainly inside and catch up on some Zs. The day was filled with dark, gloominess and sleep.

Whimsical Sadist 08-11-2011 02:24 AM

August 10

Leaving my poor Yanie alone for 7 straight hours he and I were devasted! To cheer Yanie, as well as myself, up we both shared a nice bowl of brownie sticks :3

Another treat I happen to bestow on Yanie was the delicacy of Burger King! Devouring my sandwhich as well as gobbling down all the fries, Yanie was left with the medium sized monster soda. With all flavors of soda and juice I could find in the restaurant, Yanie had a difficult time stomaching all the liquid.

With more than enough calories for a week in his system Yanie literally was climbing the walls. Climbing onto the ceiling and fell onto the lamp hovering right above me.

Suddenly becoming a "daredevil" Yanie tried everything to scare me half to death, even playing near the knives! :gonk:

Removing his presence away from the all the sharp and dangerous objects in the house he some what calmed down. As quick as the drink caused craziness in Yanie it was as quick to leave him. Completely dead, Yanie crashed on Oreo and they both had a nice long nap.

Revived and having all the soda drained from his system Yanie suddenly felt like an icicle. Complaining off the coldness I searched around in the house for a heat source. Sadly my efforts were useless when I opened the dryer and saw Yanie getting hot and comfortably in my sister's clothing.

Not listening to anything I said about invading my sister's privacy I gave up and let Yanie stay in my sister's drawers. No matter how angry she was.

With hours of seperation Yanie and I found the remaining day being crazy and hyper together. Night night Yanie.

Whimsical Sadist 08-12-2011 02:45 AM

August 11

After witnessing my heart nearly shatter from shock I made sure Yanie would be extra protected. So without a laminator I got creative and created something of my own.

With the fact of knowing I would be seperated from Yanie for another 7 something hours I took Yanie with me. After the first 30 minutes of silence Yanie made his way in our school's knight helmet.

Being on my deserted school campus, Yanie took the chance to run around and explore every possible place he could find. Climbing up high onto our tribute of our deceased students and staff he held a moment of silence near the knight's head.

After working and running hard non-stop I gave Yanie a break as we walked through a nice field of evergreen grass, bushes, and trees. Finding a nice place to have a nap, Yanie made his way onto a bush.

Feeling hot and faint I took Yanie inside and he happen to make his way to one of our hallway murals. Not just any one, but the one with a girl. He thought of nothing as he climbed onto her and grope her chest. Bad Yanie!

After his shameful groping and a sincere apology to Miss Purple on the wall. Yanie got to enjoy a nice game on a spinning wheel.

Seriously tripping over his on feet, Yanie was beyond dizzy after his spins on the wheel. Yanie felt the best way to calm his self was to lie down. On the projector. Where I was working :gonk:

Completely relaxed and calm from the crazy spinning Yanie decided he wanted to help with my work. So the best job I had for him to accomplish was to help with the painting.

Suddenly coming up with a paint fight Yanie caused paint to fly everywhere on our work! Angry at Yanie at first, I placed Yanie on fire extinguisher duty. Finding another use for the extinguisher Yanie rode it like a horse.

With all the work done and everything cleaned up. Yanie felt it was good before leaving to go and say good bye to some new friends.

Driving home with our stomach's empty we quickly stopped by a local dollar store. Running to the nearest sight of chocolate I couldn't help but laugh and cave in into my own temptations.

Still carving something sweet, as well as being really hot, Yanie wasn't afraid of going into the store's freezer to make his point on his carving.

Having our sweet teeth sweeten to the point of belly aches Yanie and I decided to take a nice walk. In the nice summer air Yanie found a shaded area that was the perfect place for a nap.

With Yanie at my side at all times we both felt better than we usually felt. Today was great with his help and was momentarily super sweet :heart:

jellysundae 08-13-2011 08:04 PM


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