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June 08-07-2011 04:10 PM

Dragon Cave Addicts Annonymous - Summer Event Edition
Dragon Cave Addicts Anonymous
Summer Event Edition!

My name is June, and I'm a Dragon Cave addict.

Everybody is welcome here! Come in and chat and help each other with their dragon eggs and hatchlings! Other evolving critters are welcome as well (Valenth, Arvyre, etc), so come on in and make yourselves comfy!

And be sure to visit the original, non-event related topic too: cleek.

Elirona 08-07-2011 08:06 PM

/addicted. >>

June 08-07-2011 08:07 PM

heehee. *clickyluffs your eggs*

Elirona 08-07-2011 08:08 PM

I mean, I would click your eggs June, but you have none. ;_;

Guivre 08-07-2011 08:09 PM

I kind of wish I could click your cupcakes, Elirona. I wonder what they'd grow into?

Elirona 08-07-2011 08:10 PM

...Bigger cupcakes? :drool:

Guivre 08-07-2011 08:12 PM

Flying cupcakes? Then they could get away. ._.

June 08-07-2011 08:13 PM

I have a few eggs in my scroll (link in sig) but I'm trying to trade them at the moment, so I'm not really advertising them yet. ^_^;

Elirona 08-07-2011 08:13 PM

Well we wouldn't want cupcakes that run away, now do we.

Guivre 08-07-2011 08:14 PM

No, perhaps they would just turn into fatter, more tasty cupcakes that could never get off the ground.

Elirona 08-07-2011 08:15 PM

@Gui: Morbidly obese cupcakes?! Yesssss. :drool:

@June: I clicked on your eggs. WHAT NOW.

June 08-07-2011 08:16 PM


We wait.

And watch. O_O

And chat, of course. :) But I have to run for a bit, so you'll have to chat it up without me! D8

Elirona 08-07-2011 08:18 PM

D: I knowww! have fun grocery shopping.

Guivre 08-07-2011 08:19 PM

Okay, see you later June, thanks for starting up the thread.

Actually, morbidly obese cupcakes remind me of those cupcake cakes that were popular a couple of years ago for kids parties. You kind of group together a bunch of cupcakes in a loose shape and then plop down a sheet of frosting on top and decorate on top of it.

Elirona 08-07-2011 08:21 PM

It made me think of those big top cupcake things that were like TEN POUND cupcakes, and they were huge.

Guivre 08-07-2011 08:22 PM

Oh wow, I must google that. I'm sure even at 10 lbs they're still cute.

Elirona 08-07-2011 08:23 PM :P

Guivre 08-07-2011 08:24 PM

Okay, a little frightening but still cute.

Elirona 08-07-2011 08:25 PM

I suppose. I don't know why anyone would like a giant cupcake. :P
Wait, I want a giant cupcake, damnit.

Guivre 08-07-2011 08:26 PM

Conspicuous consumption?

Oh well, I'm going out for a walk before it starts to thunderstorm here.

Elirona 08-07-2011 08:27 PM

Okay, have fun! :'D

Guivre 08-07-2011 08:33 PM

It's just walking around the half track down the street so I don't turn into a morbidly obese cupcake. But I do get too see all the black squirrels running around. They're just regular squirrels but they're the black color variant -- a colony lives in this town.

Elirona 08-07-2011 08:36 PM

I've never seen black squirrels before. :o

Guivre 08-07-2011 09:29 PM

This isn't the part of Chicago I'm in, but I'm in a northwestern suburb, so it's safe to say the ones near me look identical. They're pretty cute and shiny-looking.

June 08-07-2011 11:25 PM


Hey, does anybody have a trio or stripe that they would want to trade for my ice or paper???

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