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Sinsue Hoshigo 09-11-2011 05:28 AM

Feared Love (Sinsue and Angeal ONLY!)
Name- Viren Haren

Age- 17

Race- Elf


(is it okay that I made him an elf? I normally don't use humans XP also, I hope you don't mind not having bios or personalities since I don't do that anymore XP)

Angeal Pureheart 09-11-2011 06:42 AM

((It's fine :3 I like the whole different race thingy :p))

Name: Jake Prentis

Age: 21

Race: Vampire


That's roughly him.

Sinsue Hoshigo 09-11-2011 12:28 PM

(I was thinking that I would start where he's being drug into the place?)

Angeal Pureheart 09-11-2011 12:47 PM

((That works :p Going to bed now though, I will post when I get up in a few hours <3))

Sinsue Hoshigo 09-11-2011 01:16 PM

(what time is it where you live O_O it's almost 9:00am here)

Viren panted as he continued to run glancing behind him every now and again to see if he lost the men fallowing him. Seemingly with no avail he made a sharp turn and continued run trying to loose his followers. He couldn't believe they had found him! After three years of the idiots looking for him they chose now to finally spot him. He looked back again to see that his quick movement hadn't worked and he snapped his fingers to make large oak trees sprout up in front of the men. He continued to run as he could hear them finding a way around or through the trees. He soon took a sharp turn, then another, and found a hole deep under a tree and managed to squeeze himself in there. He panted quietly and pushed himself as far back in the hole as he could though he could still hear the men approaching. Within only a few minutes they had found him and one was blocking the entrance to the hole and trying to grab him. He moved farther back, pressing his back fully against the wall as he watched the men. After a few seconds a new male could be seen but he was a bit smaller then the last one. He reached in and managed to grab Viren's ankle and started to drag him out. Viren tried to grab onto anything he could but it seemed luck was not on his side today as he was drug out of the hole. Right away he was bound and one of the men kicked him hard in the head, though not enough to knock him out. "YOU STUPID BOY! Did you honestly think you could run and hide forever?! Well guess what? You're about to learn what hell really is." said the man that had kicked Viren in the head. He could feel another rope come around his chest and back though this one had extra on it so they could just drag him along. Of course the men could always teleport but they didn't want to and wanted to make this harder on the boy.

After about ten minutes of Viren being dragged her could feel the texture of the floor changing and it becoming hard and a bit more slippery then the dirt. When he looked he could see tiles in front of him before it turned to cold, unwelcoming, concrete. He groaned as he was thrown roughly into a cell though was glad when he felt the bonds being broken... but only to be replaced by shackles on his wrists and ankles. he heard the men leave out of the cell and heard the door slam shut before being locked. He curled up on the ground just staring off at the cold dark concrete wall. He felt sick and defeated... though at least here he might actually get to eat every day or so... and would be able to have water at least once a day if not more.

(sorry if it sucks at all, has to get off for a bit XP )

Angeal Pureheart 09-11-2011 10:17 PM

Jake was doing his normal rounds in the dungeons when he heard some other guards dragging in a new person slowing down so as not to be spotted he managed to catch a glimpse of the person before he was roughly thrown into the jail cell. 'A kid? I will have to see what happened.' He thought to himself and waited int he shadows. Being a vampire he was able to see almost perfectly in the dark place that is the lower dungeon. They only put the lowest of the low down here and they needed their strongest fighters or in this case fightER to guard it 24/7.

Noticing that all the others had gone and not smelling a single one of them he began to approach the cell noting that is smelled wonderfully of the forest. 'An Elf perhaps?' He mentally asked himself as he finally made it to the front of the cell. THe boy had seemingly not noticed him yet but that was most likely due to his vampiric silence. Deciding that it was time to speak to him he knocked on the bars of the cell. "You there, boy! What brings you here to the lower dungeons?" He asked in his most intimitading voice that usually made most people get really turned on for some creepy reason.

((It's awsome ^_^ What do you think of mine?))

Sinsue Hoshigo 09-11-2011 10:30 PM

Viren shivered a bit when he heard the males voice and rolled over to stare at him blankly. "I killed a few higher-ups about three years ago then ran... causing a bit of mayhem as I left." he stated smirking slightly not really seeming to take this too seriously... he probably would in a little bit though. "Apparently I killed a few very important people, ow well." He murmured though didn't mention why... he didn't really feel like explaining right now.

(I like it X3 ow and sorry if my posts get kinda small sometimes XP sometimes I'm rushing or I get really bad headaches or blocks XP )

Angeal Pureheart 09-11-2011 11:57 PM

((Thats fine :3))

Jake smilled. "Killed some people hmm? How very interesting. And here I thought that the Elves were a rather peicefull people." Smirking to himself he looked at him again. "So you were the one that killed those aristocrts hmm? Well if you ask me they deserved it." He spoke calmly and sat down next to the cell.

Sinsue Hoshigo 09-12-2011 12:02 AM

"Most are... I was until my family was killed then I went after the people that did it and those others got in my way." Viren shrugged a bit then smirked some at the males response and nodded. "I would have to agree, say, what's your name?" he asked curiously and though that he might as well try and have someone that he could at least talk to here, if not befriend. Because he was always running he could never establish any friendships where he stopped so he knew every few people and had only had a few friends in his life... that was rather sad to say since his friends had turned him away when he needed a place to stay after his family was killed... some friends they were.

Angeal Pureheart 09-12-2011 01:12 AM

"My name? Did your mother ever teach you that it is impolite to ask someones name without first telling me your own?" He chuckled and watched him. "So you have been on the run for three years hmm? How very, VERY interesting." He thought for a few moments before sighing. "Why is it that you allowed yourself to get caught?"

Sinsue Hoshigo 09-12-2011 01:36 AM

"My mother died when I was a young child." Viren frowned almost darkly at that since it did kinda bother him still. "My name is Viren Haren." he said softly as he slowly pushed himself up into a sitting position making the chains rattle some from around his wrists and ankles. "I didn't choose to be caught... they took me off guard and I had to flee quicker then normal... and I kinda haven't eaten in like three days..." he said softly with a frown and you could tell he did not like the idea of having been caught.

Angeal Pureheart 09-12-2011 01:57 AM

"Mine is Jake Prentis. And three days hmm? Wait here." With that he stood up and silently walked away almost so silent that the other did not notice him leave. A few minutes later he returned. "Here, I have some food for you but do not tell anyone else. If they find out things could get dangerous for you and me. Though I doubt any of them could take me on." Sliding a big plate of chicken legs and an entire bowl of salad into the cell and smiling at him he watched the other carefully. "You seem like a good kid and if you behave yourself I can make life here pretty comfortable for you. Maybe even get you some time to be outside for a bit." his words were true and his intent pure.

((So what are you thinking of out RP so far?))

Sinsue Hoshigo 09-12-2011 02:05 AM

(so far I'm liking it X3 I like how your charas actions kinda go from rough to sweet XD )

Viren was stunned when he saw Jake come back with the food and he couldn't believe how much he had brought him. "Wow... I haven't really seen even this much food for quite awhile, thank you." he smiled some before he started eating a bit and seemed that he had been quite hungry as he ate the salad first, not one of his favorite things to eat, but hey, it was food. He then started munching on the chicken and he thought some. "Okay... so why are you being kind to me? Aren't you kinda here to make my life hell? That's at least what the others said." he asked softly before he took another bite and was already on his second leg out of five. Really he didn't even realize that he had already eaten two legs, it was just that he was so hungry and distracted by his thoughts that he wasn't able to pay attention really to the food he was putting in his mouth, all he knew was that it was real food and that it was quite good.

Angeal Pureheart 09-12-2011 03:20 AM

"I have my reason. Mostly just because the people down here don't deserve the treatment they get. Yes they are pretty mean and tend to rape one another but some of them are nice people who only did what they did for legit reasons." He paused for a second. "And you seem like a good kid. So until you give me a reason not to be nice to you I will be. Anyways I will be back soon get some rest you will need it."

Sinsue Hoshigo 09-12-2011 03:27 AM

Viren listened to Jake for a moment then shivered when he heard what some of the inmates did to each other and was glad he was in a cell on his own. He nodded some then finished his food before pushing it close to the bars. As he looked around he saw a mat on the floor and went over to it to lay down and sleep some. He did need to rest really, he was so weak and tired that it almost hurt, at least now he had food in his belly though. He curled up as best he could with the chains around his wrists and ankles though managed to soon fall asleep hoping they would let him sleep for awhile.

(so when are we gonna have the others come in? Like when Jake leaves and Viren wakes up from hearing them coming or something?)

Angeal Pureheart 09-12-2011 04:57 AM

((By "them" I assume you mean the other guards? They are technically NPC's but I don't really like acting out NPC's because I do not fully understand their personalities and such where as my OC's are really their own person...))

Jake watched te young man for several minutes until he was able to tell the steady rythm that is sleeping. "So it seems..." He said to himself quietly. Then walking into the cell and removing the chains attached to his wrists and ankles he covered the boy with an almost brand new blanket and set a just of cool water by his mat. 'I'll get him an actual matress tommorow.' He thought to himself before grabbing the plate and leaving the cell.

About 10 hours later Jake came back and woke up the Elf. "Hurry now Viren, put your shakles back on before the guards come. If they saw them off they would suspect something." He spoke quickly while shaking the boy. "Drink quickly so that I may get this water out of here."

Sinsue Hoshigo 09-12-2011 10:15 AM

(Yeah I was talking about the other guards... mkay.... I do sometimes depending on the importance of the matter XP though it's okay here. There's really nothing to these guys though XP they're just mean and cruel jack ass' XD )

Viren curled in the covers when he was covered up and it was clear that that little thing had made him relax quite a bit.
(sorry XP this one was short only because I didn't want to go without saying ANYTHING XD )

Viren groaned some as he was shaken though woke up quickly being a bit startled some someone touching him. Though as he looked up he relax some seeing that it was Jake instead of one of the stupid guards. He looked next to him and saw that the shackles had been undone and wondered how they got off but he didn't pay attention to that as he quickly fastened them back on not really wanting to see what the idiots would do if they found him without them on. "How did they get off? He then looked at the cover and looked up at Jake. "Can't you get in trouble for being so kind to me?" he asked softly and a bit worriedly since he figured that Jake would be the only one that would do something like this... but why?

(if you get on later do know that I have school today(suck) though I would be able to reply at noon and then maybe in another class but it's had to hide a phone XP also I get out of school at about 3:30 if you're on then XP )

Angeal Pureheart 09-12-2011 12:15 PM

((That's OK. On Monday and Wednsday I do not have class until 2PM-4PM. On Tuesday and Thursday I have class from 9AM-1PM then I have an hour for lunch and class from 2PM-3PM. On Tuesday I work from 7PM-10PM and on Thursday from 6PM-10PM. Friday I have no class but I work 3PM-6PM. That's my weekly schedual ^_^))

Jake watched as the Elf woke all cutely and blushed lightly at his thoughts. "I took them off so that you could sleep better and yes, I could get in trouble but these guys know not to mess with me. If they try then I have liable reason to kill them." his words about killing were calm as if talked about on a daily basis. "Now get back over there against the wall and act depressed and angry at everything. When they call me over to unlock pretend you hate my guts and want nothing more to kill me OK?" He smiled again and kissed the boy on the forehead nicely. "Do as you are told and you should be fine. If they try anything then I will step in but I cannot guarentee that you would like that either." He warned but did not go further as far along down the corridor the heavy metal door creaked open and 4 guards came in. Giving him one last look he left and closed the cell doors and dissapeared down the hall going to opposite way of the guards.

((How was that hmm?))

Sinsue Hoshigo 09-12-2011 02:04 PM

(Ah okay, so what should I just have them bardge in or something? And sorry if I screw up some posts XP is on phone )

Angeal Pureheart 09-12-2011 02:05 PM

((Yes, just have them do whatever they noramally would :p))

Sinsue Hoshigo 09-12-2011 07:57 PM

(Lol XD kk)

Viren nodded a bit and then was shock when he felt Jake's lips on his forehead. He then sighed and moved to the corner putting on a scowl and a look of irritation... which really he didn't have to fake. He glared at the men as they came up though then got a bit worried as they unlocked the door and walked in. He felt one of the men grab him by the collar then slammed him into The wall. He groaned some then felt the male pushing up against him forcefully. After only a few minutes of the guards being there you could hear muffled screams and rattling chains. This lasted for, round about, ten minutes before the guards left chuckling to themselves saying something resembling 'stupid boy'.

(Hope that's good X3 )

Angeal Pureheart 09-12-2011 09:19 PM

Jake waited for them to leave and then slowly moved back to the cell. "Are you OK in there Viren? I am sorry I did not step in but if I did they would have known something was up and made me do something very bad." He sighed and unlocked the cell. "Would you like to go outside for a bit? Maybe a hot bath?" His voice held a lot of concern and worry but also comapssion. "I would like to help in anyway I can..."

Sinsue Hoshigo 09-12-2011 09:27 PM

Viren was laying on the floor still and shaking pretty bad while being curled on his side facing away from the cell doors. He jumped some when he heard the door open and a male voice even though he knew that he did not really have to fear Jake... for some reason his body and mind somewhat did. His bare skin showed bruises already forming and there was some blood on the floor close to him. He didn't respond though you could see his whole form quivering and could tell that he was rattled up and definitely scared... he had never had sex before... and he had certainly never been raped before... so yeah, he was just a little rattled up.

(so what had you thought of my post? The last one I did that is XP )

Angeal Pureheart 09-12-2011 10:06 PM

Jake sighed and walked over unlocking all of the shackles and picking him up bridal style. "Come on let's get you cleaned up." He began to carry him out of the room and down into a private area with a rather large room and two doors on the far wall. Walking over to one and opening it showed into a large bathroom with a huge tub filled with steaming water. "I thought you would need a good soak so I ran the water for you." Settling the boy in the tub he began to gently rub the hot water into the boys shoulders and neck. "Can you wash yourself or would you like my help?"

Sinsue Hoshigo 09-12-2011 10:16 PM

Viren shivered some when he was picked up though didn't struggle against Jake, if he was going to hurt him, he would do it in there surely. He relaxed when he was set in the hot water and it relaxed him a bit though he was still extremely tense and hurting. He nodded slightly and started to wash himself a bit, but it was easier said then done. He couldn't bend really to get his legs and he flinched when he tried and also when he tried to pull them up to wash them... it seemed like those were some of the places that he had gotten allot of damage to... also his lower back and rear... and, a few other places as well.

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