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*Electric*Rainbow* 11-19-2011 05:00 AM

Blue Sheild [Me and sirgollygumdrop]
Private roleplay between me and Sirgollygumdrop. No uninvited posters please.

SirGollyGumDrop 11-19-2011 10:11 PM

Full Name: Bartholomew Harrison Mercy
Age: 23
Occupation: Butcher’s assistant
Extra: He’s commonly referred to as Mercy
Though, he has much longer hair, which is generally unkempt, unless he’s working with meat. In that case, it’s simply held back in a messy, loose ponytail.

*Electric*Rainbow* 11-19-2011 10:17 PM

Violet Tiana Belle
22 years of age
Occupation is a blue Sheild agent
People just call her Vivi or Agent Belle

SirGollyGumDrop 11-20-2011 06:04 AM

Mercy awoke to see blackness all around him, crushing him against the cold stones he laid upon so his lungs had to work harder to draw in air. It was a darkness he had never seen. It was unnatural. Suddenly, the seemingly unwelcoming stone floor was his only friend. Rolling from his back onto his stomach, he desperately patted the floor, grabbing at it to be sure it was truly there with him. The sound to be heard was of his own heaving breaths and his loose clothes skimming across the stones. Were it not for these sounds, he would have fallen further into panic.

After some time spent listening to his own unsteady breathing, an hour, a minute, maybe even just a second, Mercy regained himself enough to wonder where he was and what had gotten him there. Running through all he remembered prior to waking up where he laid, he quickly recalled it- the plan. It had been his job to change the world. Just earlier, he followed in the footsteps of many before him and failed. Had that been earlier? Or had it been long ago?

The memory of the raid was choppy, but clear. It all passed faster than he knew time could travel. He’d been nervous; he remembered his shaking hands and the fire that had been set much earlier than anyone intended. Then, out of nowhere, the memory ended and picked up with more darkness- though a blindfold or something had caused that one. There was yelling and more pain. Each shout was a question and with each question came a blow, a punch or a kick, he couldn’t tell the difference at that point.

Maybe he was dead; his captors must have gotten fed up with him. The thought crossed his mind again and again. Wherever he was, it certainly did smell of death. The rancid smell only now came to his attention, cruelly filling his lungs. This darkness, it must have been limbo.

Mercy had never been an avid believer in any sort of after life. He had never had the time to worry about it. But, in that moment, when his idea came full circle, it made all the sense in the world and it filled him with an excruciating, dull sadness. He had missed his chance to be a hero and save his world from spiraling into further chaos. Now he would be damned to spend eternity alone, weighed down by darkness, aware of only himself, the smell, and the cold surface that would forever be the closest thing to comfort he would know.

Slowly, he was able to regain his senses. There was a caustic sting pulsating from his forehead, and, after finally realizing how badly he ached, he felt a warm wetness dripping down it. Wearily lifting his fingers from the floor to the epicenter of his ache, a sudden realization fell on him. He couldn’t have been trapped in limbo, nor could he have been trapped in a dream. That he was feeling pain was a sure sign of it. It coursed through his entire body, from the top of his head to the tips of each finger, and it was the greatest relief he’d ever known. It filled him with new life and determination and drove him to the conclusion that his next goal would be to leave the floor that had supported him through that momentary lapse of courage and stand. As long as he was alive, there was a chance.

But still, it felt unreal. And exactly where he was remained a mystery to him.

*Electric*Rainbow* 11-21-2011 01:59 AM

Agent Belle had witnessed the whole thing from her perch a few flights up the stairs. He was interrogated, he didn't answer. He was beaten, they tried again, and he still didn't answer. How hard was it to answer a simple question, but at this point, they probably beat it out of his mind. He wouldn't be able to answer with a throughly bruised face, or amnesia...

By the time she'd thought this, though, he was already knocked out.

"Damn it can't you do anything right?!" she burst out, coming down the stairs in her laced, heeled, high-toped combats, and her leather outfit that covered just as much as it revealed.

"You won't get shit from him when he has amnesia. Ask questions first, give him a chance to answer. Damn it don't ou know if he dies, this is on my head, and my wrath will be on yours!" she yelled, making the guys shy into a corner, before one took the guy to his cell.

She sighed, putting her hands on her hips and walking over to a table, snatching up paperwork that was filled out as the inerrogation was done. This was the time that they knew to leave. It'd take her hours to review, and a couple more to decide what the proper way to go about this whole thing was.

She sighed, reading over each carefully written detail with a studious look, until around a few hours passed and she stood, taking the file and a pen and going to the man's cell, putting two torches into the holders after she came in.

"good, you're awake.." she said, standing with a fresh sheet of paperwork and a pen ready to write. "Sorry about my employees. They seemed to have overdone it, but we need to know the answers to some of the questions they asked you earlier." she said, formally, and much more gentally then the guys did. "And just so you know, i am far worse than them when it comes to torture, so you'll want to answer me quickly... or a bruise and busted lip is the least of your problems." she said, her eyes looking directly into his with a look of cold, heartless promise they always had.

SirGollyGumDrop 11-21-2011 02:53 AM

“I’m awake?” Mercy slowly pushed himself off of the floor, weary arms trembling as he forced them to take on such a task after all they’d already gone through. He sat leaning against a wall he only now learned was there, eyes squinted and desperate to adjust so they could take a proper look at the face that went with the voice that now so gently spoke to him, yet offered a threat of further pain. “So that means I’m really not dead,” although he had intended for his comments to be heard, the came out as only a tiny squeak, drowned out by occasional groans as he learned how badly it hurt to move. Bruises collided with other bruises and fresh scar tissue ripped as he twisted his body so he could rest his face against the wall.

Lightly brushing his fingers along his face, Mercy felt skin thicker and smoother than he was use to and ran into lines of warmth where blood still lightly oozed. Swollen and covered in red, he couldn’t help but wonder what he looked like and whether or not he would be even recognizable.

“I guess I don’t want to see what you have to offer me,” Mercy again attempted speaking. The sarcasm he had intended to thickly lay on came out more as desperation than anything else in his hoarse mutter. Still barely audible, he continued with, “But I really don’t think I’ll be much help with your questions. If you’d like help finding a cows flank, I’m your man, but you didn’t need to drag me down here for that.” With this, Mercy did his best to flash a smile in the direction of the voice.

Giving it a second thought, Mercy was sure playing dumb was the worst strategy to use. He likely gave them reason to suspect him earlier with a silly remark like, “I’ll never tell!” as they questioned him. It was the sort of move that felt right within a moment but was reason for dread later that he so often pulled. At that point, Mercy honestly couldn’t remember what had already been done to him at the hands of his current captors. Things were moving much too fast for him to decipher thoughts from reality. It was too late, though. His badly put together plan was set into action and with nothing designated as a plan B, it was all he could put his hopes into.

*Electric*Rainbow* 11-21-2011 03:16 AM

Belle smirked, going over to him and crouching down to his level, to the point they were eye to eye, and you could smell the honey suckle and sweet grass scent coming off her as well as feel the power she held since she was injected with supergenes that all important agent had. "I love the innocent little man act. This isn't basic learning, or some little fantasy you're in. This is reality, and it's serious." she said softly, her eyes boring deep into his, with serious meaning behind them.

She sighed and lit a few more toches until the place was filled with light, and two men brough in a table, and two chairs then brought her a first aid kit and left, closing the cell door.

"I'm going to be honest, torturing people is not my faveorite way to do things, and neither are empty threats or promises. But if I have to go there, then I will. and it will be no skin off my back. They burned my conscience when they killed most of the nerves in my body with a gene injection." she told him, pulling his arm up with surprising strengthj and near draggin him to a chair, dropping him in it and then taking a scanner to scan his wounds before using the bio-tech activator and opening the first aid, taking out a injector with pain medication in it and injecting him with it, than getting things out to clean his wounds.

"We can start out simple... I'll be nice for a change. Just give me your name, you parent's names, the basic learning center you went to, childhood friends, up until you left your basic learning center. From there, we will travel up to the raid, and then i will interrogate you." she said simply, cleaning his wounds and bandaging them up, stiching a few cuts that needed to be stiched with bio technology that slowly knit the skin, peice by piece, back together.

SirGollyGumDrop 02-12-2012 07:40 PM

Mercy looked at her through half closed eyes. When she’d pulled him up, his entire body tensed in a sudden jolt out of both fear for what she had planned to do with him and shock at her strength. With that simple gesture, she’d made it exceptionally clear to him that fighting was to be the last method of action taken. Suddenly, he was an innocent little man, or mouse, trembling as he realized the cat had easily chased him into a corner and loomed so much larger than life. Quickly, though, he calmed himself again, at least on the exterior, as he was plopped onto the chair.

With each stitch, his teeth clenched and his fists balled tighter, loosening as the needle finished pushing through and dragged the thread along to pull skin scraps together. That she hadn’t intended to torment him further was likely the greatest shock he’d experienced. The effects of the pain medication had quickly set in, but his periodic tensing continued like clockwork, simply because he knew it was happening and the portion of his brain that pushed that message seemed to insist he react over and over. Soon, it was just the feel of slight pressure as the invasive feeling of numbing crawled down his limbs.

“I’ve already told you everything that’s important about me. I’m a humble butcher and nothing more. No friends nor family. I’m not even sure if I have it in me to remember what my basic learning center was called,” Mercy, now no longer held back by aching, spoke clearly with the distinct pronunciation of someone who had once tried hard past basic learning. “I’m sure my boss would be willing to confirm my story. He needs me back soon, miss. It’s almost the busiest time of the day.” With this, his voice trailed off and he looked almost as if he would fall asleep or simply let go of the threads that bound him to the world of the mortal and from the chair either fall into nothingness or float into eternity. The look was only broken by his little ticks, heavy breaths, and wandering eyes that didn’t make it a secret that he still searched for a way to escape.

*Electric*Rainbow* 02-12-2012 08:13 PM

She glared at him, her blue eyes cold. " I don't play games, dearest. You didn't tell me what was important about you. You told my dim witted co-workers." she explained calmly. It was the cold, haunting calm in her manner and the way she did things that would make anyone fear her. She never got angry, never got sad, she just got calmer, and when you least expected it, she'd kill you. It was how she worked, and why people did their best not to cross her, because you never knew when she'd strike.

But now, she'd have to use a different tactic with him. Get him to crack. torture would not work, niceties wouldn't either... She'd have to do this the one way she didn't like to.

"Honey, you say you have a boss, correct? Well, so do I. you can imagine what could happen if I do not have at least one important detail about the raid from you. Even though I cannot feel pain because of the gene injection, there are still other ways my boss can be cruel to me." she said, tucking some of her dark, silky hair behind her ear. "So please, I'm asking you kindly to answer me honestly. If you lie, one more time... I have torments, the works of which you'd never imagine... You'll be in worse pain than you were when you were being beaten. And i'll make sure you're completely awake for each and every excruciating moment of it. Are we clear?" she said, her voice still calm, but this time there was the force of the promise in her threat.

"Now, tell me the information i want to know. Your name, your parent's name, basic learning center, and childhood friends. If you can give me just this, I can web my own story, and you can tell me which is correct." she said, standing straight after finishing with her first aid, and going to a seat on the opposite side of him.

SirGollyGumDrop 02-12-2012 08:43 PM

Mercy’s heart seemed to pound hard against his chest, as if telling him it was high time to make a run for it. The violent throbs grew faster and harder until he could very well feel it in his throat. Her manner was so eerily calm and out of place, like nothing he’d ever seen. Now whether more pity was to be given to those high on the ladder of those on the lowest rungs was suddenly unclear. He was treated as a work dog while she was made into some super work machine- at least this was how it happened in his eyes. Clenching his teeth and growing tense again, Mercy let out a sigh. After once more darting his eyes around to be sure he hadn’t missed an opportunity to escape, he slowly closed his eyes, muttering cusses beneath his breath in a way that made him seem about to cry out of frustration.

Then, in a strange turn, he too looked calm and he began to slowly speak. “My name is Bartholomew Harrison Mercy. My parents have long since died and I attended Basic Learning Center B-48-1,” a careful ear could pick out a tiny tremble in his otherwise smooth voice, though it was unclear whether it’d been his earlier frustration, his still numb jaw, or the his fear that caused it. “While we’re at it, I can finish up and just tell you everything now, can’t I? I organized the raid and I won’t ever tell you what you need to take us down.” Although the tremble became more evident as he spoke, his eyes looked at her with an intensely challenging look, making him appear to have all of the courage in the world, “Even if silence kills me.”

Suddenly, the lost look of an innocent man caught in the wrong place melted from his face. What was left was the tiny hints of courage of a revolutionary- the courage he’d gained with the knowledge that he thoroughly believed in what was best. He sat up straight, which felt odd with numbness still coursing down his spine, almost as though he was floating. Finally looking directly at her for the first time, something caught his attention and shocked him again. She looked oddly familiar.

*Electric*Rainbow* 02-12-2012 08:51 PM

Violet smirked and wrote down exactly what he said, before it hit her. The basic learning center, his familiar appearance, and then his name...

She stopped writing abruptly, the pen she was writing with shattered from the pressure of how hard she was pressing on it, and the ink ruined the paper she was writing on. She knew this guy, grew up with him... He was practically her family until so many years ago, when she went on to a higher education and he was dropped... And now she met him again as a prisoner. And one she had to torture the truth out of.

Closing her eyes, she slowly looked up at him.

"Take that back..." she said, her calm facade dropping to show a panicked, scared child. "You're not who you say you are... You're lying to me..." she said, clearly not accepting what he said, in in a swift movement she slapped him across the face, with force enough to knock the chair he was sitting in over, and than she pushed him up against a wall. "Take that back. You can't be him!" she said, for the first time in almost a decade, she felt the sting of white ot tears filling her eyes.

SirGollyGumDrop 02-12-2012 09:16 PM

As his chair fell over and he slid onto the floor, Mercy stared in wide-eyed shock at her reaction. He hadn’t even been able to move before he found himself pinned against the cold wall, with the now frantic girl still giving her order to take his words back.

Only a second ago she'd cornered him with her calmness and he found himself feeling the mouse. Now she literally had him against a wall, but it seemed he held more power. Perhaps, he’d won. Could it have been so easy? Self-doubt filled Mercy’s stomach as he told himself she couldn’t have broken so easily for no reason, that it must have been planned in that little genetically altered brain of hers. But just where it would go was something he couldn’t put a finger on. Looking at her, he now couldn't help but feel a painful pang of pity in the pit of his stomach. Those higher up had so much further to fall and her landing didn't seem at all elegant and well practiced. Unlike those who stood where he did, those who often fell from their low perches and knew well how to land, she seemed to break as a small child. Maybe, the thought passed his mind, she was honestly upset about something.

“I haven’t lied to you yet,” Mercy began, somehow more nervous now that her eyes filled with tears than he had been when she’d coolly delivered threats, “I really did organize the raid. I really am a butcher’s assistant. And my name really is Bartholomew. Which part do I need to fix before you’ll just hop to it and kill me already?” The last sentence was well loaded with ice and venom as again his manner became challenging and he wriggled beneath her grip. Again to see where they stood, Mercy took more charge by placing a hand on hers and lightly pushing it away from him in the hopes that her distress would overtake her and he'd have a chance to escape.

*Electric*Rainbow* 02-12-2012 09:25 PM

Violet shook her head, holding back the tears and shaking her head. "You shouldn't have told me... Mercy-chan..." she said, her childish voice seeping through, one that she only used when she was little and they were playing together...

"Mercy-chaaannnnnnnnn! look what I founnnddd! It's so pretty isn't it!" Vi-vi said, holding up a shimmering red stone, one that could have only been dropped by a noble, a noble that would kill her if they thought she'd stole it from them. "It's soooo prettyyyy!" she said, holding it up to the sun, her blue eyes shimmering as she looked at it, and than smirked, giving it to Mercy. "you keep it! It'll be something you'll remember me by one day when I'm a kick-butt agent and you're some big tough noble!" she joked with a giggle and a wink.

Coming out of her reverie, she took a deep, shaky breath and glared at him. "If you're really Mercy-chan... what did I give you when we were little. It's something only Mercy-chan would know..." she said, clearly still not believeing he was who he said he was.

SirGollyGumDrop 02-12-2012 09:44 PM

‘Mercy-chan’ her voice run in his head. Somehow, it wasn’t at all shocking to him that she’d made herself a name and worked her way to a good place. He’d spent so much time hoping his friend was doing well and now that she was, he gave her a hard time for it.

Mercy stopped struggling, meeting her glare with what seemed to be warmth and relief. Without further trouble or another word, he dug into the pocket of his dirty, brown pants that, in the day’s abuse, had taken quite the beating and now bore large holes that showcased his bruises. Digging in the shallow pocket, he pulled out what looked to be just an old, dirty piece of burlap and from it, shook it until a red stone dropped onto the floor from it with two little clacks as it bounced onto the floor. It caught the dim lights and reflected them so the stone shined and showed all of its beauty.

“When I was little, Vi-vi gave me that. It’s all I have that’s worth anything, but I’d never sell it,” Mercy began, again he spoke slowly, but his voice was now friendly and almost nostalgic. “I was so afraid that someone would find out I had it and that I’d be punished, but I couldn’t get rid of it. It was special.” The moment seemed to hang awkward in the air, before he broke it again, this time with a tiny squeak, "Vi-vi? I don't want to get you in trouble, but I can't tell you anything."

*Electric*Rainbow* 02-12-2012 09:56 PM

Violet picked up the beautiful red stone, stroking it in her hands and, finlly, a small tear ran down her cheek, and she hugged Mercy. She couldn't believe that after so long, she finally got to see him again, not on the best of terms, but she did get to see him. that much she was grateful for.

"You would have gotten into trouble, had my stupid co-workers found it. That believe that anyone of lower class jobs with a stone as pure and beautiful as this would have stolen it, or killed to get it." Violet said, wiping the tears off her cheeks that had began to fall, one after the other. "I know you can't tell me anything now... But i can tell you something... For one, there is a part of the wall that isn't solid..." she said, her voice a hushed whisper. "it's a blocked off underground drain area that leads right into a town almost a mile from here..." she said, putting the stone in his hand.

She walked over to the spot where the underground drain was, and stomped. You could hear that it wasn't solid, and that it'd give easily with just the right force.

"When I leave, I'll make sure i take my workers with me. There are no cameras or anything in this room since they think it's fool-proof. It's not. Once we leave, break the floor and bolt for it... You'll only have a ten minute head start tops... run into town, and go to a woman name Helena... Tell her I sent you, she'll hide you. i'll come later to give further instruction. You need to be wiped completely off the maps... and I have an idea how to do that but for now, just do as I said." Violet said, than walked over to her friend, hugging him tight. "I missed you." she whispered softly.

SirGollyGumDrop 02-12-2012 10:16 PM

The tears she shed at looking at the stone and taking it into her hands brought the realization into full light. She truly was someone he’d once known, someone he’d once loved. He couldn't yet pull himself from shock enough to return the first embrace or even squeak out comforting words. As an agent, she now presented herself as someone he really couldn’t fully trust. Still, at her mercy, there was no choice but to follow her escape plan. Mercy simply nodded and took note of her instructions, following her to the spot she’d pointed out the drain and stomping on it himself to reassure himself he was on the right spot.

“Vi-vi- ah, I mean, Violet, I can’t,” Mercy returned the second hug, not wanting to let the reunion end, but knowing that no matter what choice he made, it would very well need to end soon. “I can’t disappear without a trace. I may not be a tough noble, but I have people that need me for as long as I’m alive,” Mercy’s voice broke at the thought of parting from his friend again. "If I hide, I'll show I'm a coward and we'll be taken less seriously than ever."

“I want nothing more than to turn the clock back and live an innocent, fun life, but it’s not possible. If I get out of here, I have people I need to tell that I’m alright and that I need to lead. I’ve promised…” again, his words were broken with a pause and deep breath, “I don’t want anyone to know you’ve helped me.” He finished, voice finally fading off as he loosened his arms around her to try to break the tight hug. "If I run, I'm afraid I'm going to do everything in my power to stay far from you"

*Electric*Rainbow* 02-12-2012 10:30 PM

She sighed. "You people are leading a rebellion too openly. That is your issue. Right now, out in the open, you're fighting a loosing battle. One thing about agent like me is that we are almost literally like cats. We do have nine lives, sometimes even more. We're practically unkillable. If you continue like this, fighting against us in the open, the only thing you're going to do is get people killed and yourself. Is that what you're aiming for, Mercy-chan?" she asked, clearly getting frustrated, but her voice wasn't rough and angry. It was pleading.

"I know right now you have no reason to trust me, but for one moment ignore that I'm working against you. I'm trying to help you out of here. I understand you'll avoid me, but until we meet up again, you won't even survive a day in the town. Just trust that Helena will help you until I can get there. From then on I'll tell you more. But for now your first concern should be to get to a safe place." Violet argued, and looked him in the eyes with a stubborn gaze that went back to their childhood.

"You want to run away from me, then fine. But believe me when I say that when it comes to me and you, one on one fighting... You're going to loose. Because they've turned me into a cold blooded killer.... If you saw me when I'm in battle mode, you'd be scared for you life. So right now, trust when i say to just lay low. Okay?" she said, hugging him one more time, then getting her stuff, and looking back at him, putting her agent-mask back on.

"i got all I needed from you for now..." she said as she opened the door, and than closed it, rounding up her crew and leaving the place to go up to the more modern styled building above the dungeons.

SirGollyGumDrop 02-12-2012 10:50 PM

Before he could reply, she was out the door. Mercy stood frozen for a long moment, unable to fully accept what had just happened as reality. It must have been fate or another stroke of his dumb luck. With how many he’d approximated had been lost in the raid, he figured it had to be the former. The only thing left to find out was whether or not lady fate had done twisted his path to take him to brighter days or cut him down where he walked.

When he was certain Violet and her crew were a good distance, he stomped on the drain for all he was worth again and again until the thin layer of brittle cement that had held the stones together gave way and the stones fell into the underground drain. There was no other choice. Drawing in a deep breath, Mercy replaced the red stone into its safe place in his pocket, tapping it to assure him it was going to stay still for the ride. Mercy took another look into the dark chamber he’d need to quickly cross and took the nearest torch from the wall. It was heavier than he’d been ready for, so it dropped with a loud bang onto the floor, which made him jump.

Finally gathering himself again, Mercy picked up the torch, and jumped into the drain, not wasting a second between the actions before he was running down it at full speed, kicking water up behind him. The flame flickered and dragged as he ran down, his free hand running along the wall to keep himself stable. In that burst of energy, he was able to push aside all that had just happened to focus on the single action of running. A mile would take only a few minutes, if he could keep pace, and running was something he’d grown quite good at doing after numerous pranks as a teenager and raid after raid as a young man.

*Electric*Rainbow* 02-13-2012 12:37 AM

Violet and her men were up in the office. They didn't even hear anything from up where they were almost six hundred feet off the ground... Then again that was to be expected. They were only superhuman to a point. But a while later, almost twenty minutes, the man who fed prisoners came up and told them what was going on, and they sent and emergency dispatch out, starting in the tunnels. They'd catch up to him sooner or later.

sighing, Violet used the time to get her plans together, and got the town search for the prisoner. That means she'd be able to send her men off eventually, and go talk to Mercy, and get him to safety, but right then, she had to play it off. As hard as it was for her to keep her cold calm, knowing he was still in the danger zone, she forced herself to swallow it. To be calm, she willed it, and she was stubborn about it.

"Agent Belle, he's cleared the tunnels. Take the town search. Rip the place apart if you have to." Her boss told her.

"What if he's far off by then?" Violet asked calmly.

"Then search until you find him." Her boss finished and than turned back to do whatever work a boss had to do, leaving Violet to her own devices.

Nodding, she got all her equipment, plus a few hidden things for Mercy, and than got her team up and ready to go into the town, using a hover car, and they were there within a few minutes. She sent her men to the opposite side of town Mercy would be in, and than went to her posts to "search" for him.

SirGollyGumDrop 02-13-2012 01:02 AM

When Mercy had first cleared the tunnels, he smothered the flame against the ground and allowed himself a moment to catch his breath. There was a refreshing change in the air, and for the first time in the day, he felt an out-of-place bit of optimism shoot up him with each deep breath. Although he’d slowed down in the tunnel, he couldn’t have placed his time at more than five minutes. Such a run for him would take much less time for the agents to cover, so, without a better plan, Mercy had no choice but to go into the town and begin his search for Helena.

Mercy dug into his pocket, using the torch like a third leg to balance on. He pulled out the red stone again; passing it between his fingers to ensure himself he hadn’t lost his little trinket. Finally able to steady his breath, Mercy threw the torch over his shoulder and made way for the town, fingers crossed in hopes he hadn’t been beaten there.

The sun hung low in the sky, casting its orange arms far into the sky before giving way to purple and blue. Even if the agents didn’t come, time was limited. He certainly couldn’t go around knocking on doors to find Helena. Hopefully, the town hadn’t yet gotten ready to unwind for the day. From the holes in his clothes, the chilly air invaded and gave him goose bumps.

Mercy must have spent a good fifteen minutes looking for someone to ask before finally stopping in a small shop. The owner, an old man who’d been wrung out for all he was worth, sat in a low chair behind an old counter, asleep. It was a musty little place and matched its owner very well. Like the man, the shop seemed to be broken, in a way. His open mouth showed cracked teeth and the way his skin clung close to bones, as if it’d been draped over a frame with no fat or muscle, told the story of his harsh life in the same way the counter’s cracked hardwood top and the holes in the timber of the walls told the shop’s.

Mercy felt bad to have to wake the man from what seemed a pleasant sleep. Actually, Mercy couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous of the man. It’d been long since he’d known such a deep rest and after a long day, his eyelids grew heavier than he’d ever known they could. Quickly shaking his head, Mercy tossed his fatigue out as he stepped further into the shop and coughing loudly.

*Electric*Rainbow* 02-13-2012 01:15 AM

Helena walked out of a back room, hearing someone walk in and sighed, going over to the man and gently smacking the back of his head. "My apologies, darling... My shop keeper gets a bit lazy..." she said, her tribal clothing making jingling sounds with each step and movement she made.

Looking Mercy up and down, she smiled. "Hmm.. I've been expecting you. Come, hurry. Agents will flood the town soon." she said, going over and taking his hand, pulling him into the back room than going to a shelf, pulling certain books and the wall eventually hissed, opening into a winding stone staircase. Lighting a torch she pulled mercy in, than closed the door, the torch lighting the way as she walked down the stairs. It took about ten minutes to get to the bottom, and in that room there were multiple rebels.

"Here is where you'll wait for her. she should be here soon. Promise. It's about dinner though so eat something. You look a mess." she said, than went on her way, the fires in the room below lighting up the place.

SirGollyGumDrop 02-13-2012 01:46 AM

Mercy stood straight as the woman examined him, suddenly feeling as though he’d been put on the spot. He didn’t speak as the woman pulled him into the backroom, trusting that she was Helena. Once again, he’d been met with another one of his silly strokes of luck in having found the right woman. Too sleepy for clear thoughts, his mind fell into a lull and he didn’t seem to notice the hiss as the wall opened to a stair case. Even as they walked down the stairs, his eyes went blank as he seemingly thoughtlessly followed her down the stairs. Mercy pulled out the stone again and ran his thumb over the smooth top.

Fragmented thoughts and evaluations passed his mind fleetingly as they walked down. Light tapping of their feet echoed to add to the tension. When Helena began to speak again, he was finally pulled from his trance. “Thank you,” he’d half whispered, but his voice was lost as he drifted back into himself and just how tired he was.

After giving a small nod to acknowledge the others in the room, Mercy dropped his torch and planted himself onto the floor. As he did this, he released a loud sigh unintentionally and finally made the message clear that he was tired. Leaning against the wall, Mercy shut his eyes. It was peaceful, he thought, the fires providing dim light and warmth and the quiet chatter of those he shared the room with. A rare feeling of security wrapped around Mercy as his head drooped to one side and he quickly found himself in a state of half sleep and just a moment later, slipping into the depths of a sweet, complete rest.

The stone still in hand, Mercy fell from leaning against the wall so he lay on the floor completely, half curled with his wet, dirty, and ripped clothing clinging to his skin and making him periodically shiver in his sleep. His face painted a much calmer picture with the tiny smile that told the world of good dreams.

*Electric*Rainbow* 02-13-2012 02:11 AM

Helen went upstairs, waiting in the shop until Violet came in, talking to helen for a couple seconds before going down to the room, searching over the people for Mercy, finding him she went over and smiled, watching him sleep for a while before laying a hand on him gently.

"Mercy-chan. Get up." she said, making it clear she was there on business, and if he wanted out of there fast, he was going to have to wake up then. And if he didn't she'd get ice cold water.

[[ writer's block! DX ]]

SirGollyGumDrop 02-13-2012 02:26 AM

From his dream world, her voice was faint, and Mercy’s first response was to utter typical complaints about wanting just a few more minutes as he half opened his eyes for just a second. When his brain quickly made the connection, Mercy bolted upright and turned to Violet. The tension in his face quickly returned as he remembered the situation. Asleep and awake, it almost seemed as though Mercy was two different people. He’d taken on such a calm expression.

“Sorry. I was just resting my eyes,” he muttered, dusting himself off as though he could actually get the clumps of dirt free from his clothing. Right after his sudden burst of energy, he seemed to crash again, and looked as though he would fall back down in sleep.

Mercy slid the stone back into his pocket and pushed himself off of the floor, ready to go. Apparently, sometime in his blurred thoughts as he’d followed Helena and his deep sleep, he’d fully come to the conclusion that he had no choice but to follow the orders of the agent who’d already saved him. The way she spoke his name, calling him the same name she’d done so long ago, inclined him further to trust her. She was a friend, Mercy reminded himself.

((Man, I hate that feeling D= ))

*Electric*Rainbow* 02-13-2012 02:49 AM

[[ i know.. i'mma try to fix it]]

Violet smiled, and held up her hand. "We don't have to go far..." she promised than stood, looking at the other rebels, who's attention was completely on her. "Pack up! In a few minutes to an hour other agents will be literally tearing this town apart looking for you. I'm here to get you all out of here and to a safe place. There's a safehold not far from here hidden in the mountains in a place where the superagents won't be able to detect you. It'll be a day's journey, but for tonight our main goal it to simply get to the next town. Should take about an hour all together." she said.

As she spoke, the rebels jumped up, finishing their foods, and putting left over up, and gathering their things, men women and children, standing to obey her commands.

"We have only a little while before they come to this side of town... And this time, I won't be going back to base. I'm going to be leading you through this, and through the battles in the future." she said, making it clear that Agent belle wasn't really as loyal to the government as Mercy thought.

She turned back to him and offered her hand. "We both have our secrets then?" she said, hoping she didn't shock him too much.

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