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NekoBecca 11-26-2011 02:31 AM

Becca's freebie shop (I Need Practice o3o)

Welcome to my freebie shop

What i will do:
head shots, half body, full body, oc's, really anything in that sense.
What i won't do:
i don't have really anything i won't do, except really explicit stuff.. o//o you know what i mean......

there will be 4 slots just so it doesn't overwhelm me :sweat:


if i confuse you just let me know ill try and specify what i mean xD

Oh and you must be a patient waiter o uo' it will take me a day or two to draw them and color them......

Fluttershy 11-26-2011 02:37 AM


Um, hello... If you don't mind, perhaps I could be one of your test subjects?

NekoBecca 11-26-2011 02:39 AM

oooo~ yay.. yes of course ^ ^ what did you have in mind? o uo

Fluttershy 11-26-2011 02:40 AM

Oh, I don't mind... Whatever you would like to do, I'm not picky.

NekoBecca 11-26-2011 02:41 AM

okay ^ u^ i will get back with you when I'm finished

Fluttershy 11-26-2011 02:42 AM

Oh, thank you. Just ping me when you're ready, right? I forget to check back a lot.

NekoBecca 11-26-2011 02:44 AM

alrighty ^ u^ will do

Usako 11-26-2011 02:59 AM

Submitting for test subject approval. A full body maybe?

NekoBecca 11-26-2011 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by Fluttershy (Post 1770143834)
Oh, thank you. Just ping me when you're ready, right? I forget to check back a lot.

i have finished your pic, if its not to you liking i will be more than happy to re-do it ^ u^


lol oops if i have quoted more than one person x.x" I'm still figuring out the forum buttons and such xD

Fluttershy 11-26-2011 05:39 AM

Aww, it's cute! Thank you so much for taking the time.

Oh, note that quoting won't alert people that you replied to them. Pinging sends them a message to let them know.

NekoBecca 11-26-2011 05:41 AM

heh :sweat: i don't know how to ping people but i figured leaving a message on you pro would work to ^ u^

Fluttershy 11-26-2011 05:43 AM

Oh, yes, it works. Pinging is easy. Just put the person's username between @ and ; and it'll send them a message and take them to where they were pinged. You can try it on me if you want to practice.

NekoBecca 11-26-2011 06:23 AM


Fluttershy 11-26-2011 06:26 AM

You did it! Just make sure to write the person's name just like what's portrayed, and it'll always ping them.

Afanassii 11-26-2011 07:41 AM

Thanks for pointing me your way. :heart:

If you are willing to draw my Nassii, here are some references:

NekoBecca 11-26-2011 09:40 PM



Usako 11-27-2011 05:32 AM

I showed it to my friend and she loves it a lot, and I love everyone loves it! The pose is very fitting as well.

It came out great! :D

I might have to come back for seconds one day.

Afanassii 11-27-2011 06:59 AM

It's lovely, Becca! :heart:

NekoBecca 11-27-2011 07:18 AM

@Usako: :D really that's awesome, and you come back anytime :3 I will always try to be here
@Afanassi: thank you very much , I'm working on yours as we speak ^u^

Ivvy 11-27-2011 07:23 AM

I would love to be a test subject for you. :) If my avi is to your liking. I am not changing any time soon. :) I tend to do seasonal avi' So if you would consider me I would find that awesome. Please and thank you. :)

Good stuff from what I have seen here. :)

NekoBecca 11-27-2011 07:38 AM

sure thing and your avatar is beautiful it will give me a challenge to work with but i think it will be worth it ^ ^


oh goodness x.x" i think I'm going to call it quits for tonight and @Afanassii i will have yours done tomorrow sometime i promise you that

Usako 11-27-2011 09:01 AM

Maybe I'll try again with another OC of my friends? XD

Mikio 11-27-2011 03:39 PM

I'll be a test subject! ;3 my avi please? full body?

Ivvy 11-27-2011 06:22 PM

@NekoBecca Thank you so much for the compliment. ) I had just put together this outfit for myself before I stumbled into your thread I had a thanksgiving one pn before. :) I am glad I can present you with a fun challenge and I look forward to seeing your rendering of me. :)

NekoBecca 11-28-2011 02:45 AM


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