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brutality 11-28-2011 05:17 AM

hello there fellow skyrimmers ; )
i'm still on my first play-through as there's soo much to do in this game. i rolled as a khajiit thief and have completed the thieves guild quest line ( still working on Vex and Delvin's extra jobs). I must say that the Nightingale armor and weapons are pretty nice. I picked up the Chillrend from the quest that requires you search Mercer Frey's home. I'm extremely off task and have only completed two or three quests to the main story line.. there's just so much to do! Not to mention I'm constantly being bothered with dragons.
what do you think of the game and what is your character? : )

Pa-chinko 11-29-2011 01:38 PM

I'm an Imperial. On my first playthrough and not really bothering with the main storyline and haven't even joined the Stormcloaks or Imperials yet.

Love the game. A little annoying with the bug. I played up to meeting Esbern but the thing glitched and I can't continue on the main plot. Ah wells.

Kaylesha Blackheart 12-01-2011 04:01 PM

I'm on my first play-through as a female Nord. I'm trying to complete a quest that involves a burnt down house and a ghost girl, but can't get the journal from the vampire's coffin as it seems to not be there. It's not on the vampire either. :(

And I love that shop guy in Whiterun. "If I had a sister, I'd sell her in a second." LOL worthy every time I visit.

Kole_Locke 12-01-2011 08:44 PM

My first character was a wood elf whom joined the legion. I got to level 15 way too quickly and things got out of hand real fast. I killed my first dragon and not long after that my buddy accidently deleted my character :(

I hope the sequal allows dwarves to come back.

Jackii587 12-01-2011 08:48 PM

I went with male nord. And yeah I've only done like a few main storyline quests.
I also don't like the town Falkreath. I was walking around for the first time yesterday and like 4 people
I walked past just insulted me, I was just like :O cheeky bugger. Should have Slain them were they stood.

Kaylesha Blackheart 12-07-2011 08:24 PM

I was showing off a shout to the town guards and it hit a chicken, and they attacked me and put a bounty on my ass! So I reloaded my save...

deadwingxx 12-07-2011 08:28 PM

I used to play Skyrim... then I took an arrow to the knee.

The game was really enjoyable, I regret not making it through the whole thing. White Knight Chronicles 2 distracted me. ]: That's okay, though... <3 WKC

I was just a little disappointed in the armor selection on Skyrim. I think there could've been a lot more. It's a shame there wasn't. ]:

Antagonist 12-10-2011 04:03 AM

...Can someone please tell me just what the joke is about regarding taking an arrow to the knee? :/ I know it has something to do with Skyrim, but I have no idea where it came from, and a ton of YouTube videos had them in the comments. Really, wtf?

Draciolus 12-10-2011 08:57 AM

Its one of the things town guards say.


I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee
That's basically what they say, and where it comes from.

Pa-chinko 12-11-2011 03:17 AM

Does anyone have the glitch where there are arrows poking out of your body?
I did a quest with one of the Daedric Princes and after 30 hours playing, I still have an arrow sticking out of my eye and another in my hip.
Kinda funny when I talk to the guards who complain about taking an arrow to the knee though...

DrkDmnDrgn 12-11-2011 06:30 AM

I am a lvl 27(?) Argonian who loves archery, duel-onehanded, and some magic (conjuration and heals) along with light armor and enchanting

I used to use Destruction... then I took an arrow to the knee

Anyways~. I am on one of the last quests of Skyrim's main story line and can't seek to stay on a single quest line too long..... -_-...

I used to stay on a single quest line... then I took ADD to th... ooooh drago.... FUS RO DAH!!!

"I need to ask you to stop. making people nervous." *shoots guard in knee*
"I used to be an adventurer just like you, but then I took an arrow in the knee." *draws weapon*
"A guard could get nervous, someone approaching with their weapon drawn." *stabs guard in chest*
"I used to be an adventurer just like you, but then I took a sword in the chest." *beheads the guard with a shout*(can you even do that... you should be able to >:D)* ahhhhh some peace and
*guard walks up* "I need to ask you to stop. making people nervous."
*blacks out then shows:* And the cycle contiues... are you wearing your (Ubber Oblivion Thieves Guild Spoiler) gray fox's cowl? (OMG GREATEST VIDEO IDEA EVUR!)

Anywho~. Im posting this a 1:20 am EST so please bear with me with the crappy jokes

Antagonist 12-11-2011 02:46 PM

...Ah. So that's where it came from. :headdesk:

Draciolus 12-12-2011 02:23 AM

I guess I should post my character stuff...though I haven't played in a while. StarCraft 2 took my attention for some time, and now that Ive beat it, I may as well start back on my never ending list of quests(think I have about 50 started, and not finished).

My character is a level 26 Female(I just can't bring myself to stare at a dudes ass when I'm playing a game for as long as Skyrim is going to be) Dark Elf. Who specializes in Heavy Armour and Two Handed Swords(yup, ONLY the swords, no axes or hammers). With the occasional Bow, and definitely lockpicking. And yes, I know that I went weird when I chose to do Heavy Armour and Two Handed Weapons, since Dark Elves are better suited for magic, and light armour.

Antagonist 12-12-2011 04:46 AM


Originally Posted by Draciolus (Post 1770181201)
My character is a level 26 Female(I just can't bring myself to stare at a dudes ass when I'm playing a game for as long as Skyrim is going to be) Dark Elf. Who specializes in Heavy Armour and Two Handed Swords(yup, ONLY the swords, no axes or hammers). With the occasional Bow, and definitely lockpicking. And yes, I know that I went weird when I chose to do Heavy Armour and Two Handed Weapons, since Dark Elves are better suited for magic, and light armour.

....I snort-laughed so hard at that line. :rofl:
Thank the Nine (or Sithis, a Daedra Lord, God, whichever deity you believe in...) there are such things as free cameras in the game (the PC version, at least). :lol: I use them a lot to be able to see myself casting spells or swinging my sword from the front.

I don't think I'll ever use blunt weapons...they're so heavy and takes a while to swing, while your opponent would've been able to hack you several times already with their enchanted dagger/sword, which, if you're really unlucky, would just so happen to be enchanted with Paralyze. :stare: Swords and bows all the way for me. (melee-wise)

I don't really ever use my racial skills to their advantage. :XD Except maybe Dunmer and their resistance to fire...otherwise, I just train the skills/perks that I favor regardless of the character's racial boosts. So chances are I'd have a Wood Elf in Heavy Armor, swinging a giant Daedric claymore around and charging head-on into a pack of Dremora than have it as a Sneak type of character. :sweat:

Draciolus 12-12-2011 04:58 AM

I'm the same way. I'm happy I have that 15% resistance to fire, but unfortunately, 90% of the mages I have encountered...well, they DON'T use fire very often. Mostly Ice and Lightning. Then again, Ive been known to kick their asses in two swings of my sword(hooray for having it at level 73-ish...and having the extra damage with two handed swords almost maxed xD).

Kaylesha Blackheart 12-12-2011 04:49 PM

my husband discovered that most mages use ICE magic. Which is a bother for his FIRE-resistant Dark Elf character.

I'm currently enjoying ICE resistance as a Nord. But it seems the baddies got wise and are spouting FIRE magic instead. Damn AI.

Antagonist 12-13-2011 02:24 PM

Haha, I guess it's because it's in Skyrim, with the snow and all that. :XD

Would make being a Nord or Breton easier...(I think, Bretons have something like resistance to all types of magic if I remember correctly? :sweat:)

Kaylesha Blackheart 12-15-2011 12:06 AM

I looked it up on the wiki here.
Click this for the wiki

And Frost Dragons are a joke for me. Too easy to kill. Same with the Falmer in the caves. Someone said I'd be a little more fearful once I met some, but boy were they wrong. I'm currently level 20.

anyone who takes screenshots should share a shot of their character in casual clothing so we can see what they look like.
I'll post as soon as I get an outfit and a screenie. I'm not posting Kaylesha the Nord in her underwear, as she is a lady. ;)

Antagonist 12-15-2011 02:57 PM

The Falmer look rather like the goblins from Oblivion to me. D:

...Speaking of screenshots, Oblivion drove me crazy. No matter what I tried, it refuses to allow me to take screenshots. I had to make do with my cellphone, which has crappy quality. I sure hope that when I get Skyrim, it won't give me such problems.

Kaylesha Blackheart 12-16-2011 06:04 PM

For PC screenshots, just hit PrintScreen while in the game. It saves it to steamapps folder in skyrim's folder.

google 'how to take screenshots in Skyrim PC' or whatever version you use.

Ooh, hey. Found this hillarious Skyrim article. Read: Click me

Codette 12-16-2011 07:02 PM

I really wish I had PC access at home so I could play -.- Everyone keeps talking about it, and it sounds like so much fun *cries*

DrkDmnDrgn 12-16-2011 09:19 PM

I play on Xbox... no screenshots for meeeee.....

Antagonist 12-17-2011 02:04 AM

Whatever the reason I can't take screenshots in Oblivion is, Skyrim better not give me the same trouble. Pressing PrtScrn does nothing. Not even the white line above the screen that should have appeared telling me that a screenshot's been taken. Nothing appears in my folders. Just...nothing. :illgetu:

And lmfao Jarl. :rofl: I've always hated the majority of the rulers in Oblivion, they pretty much all have that attitude that makes you want to kill them. (Which in some cases, because they're usually essential, I just go invisible and then proceed to shock/fireball/freeze/shoot/hack the #$(%&*@ out of them and then walking out. They're still not dead, but at least it was fun watching them go 'ooomph!'. :ninja:)
I can see I'll have fun doing the same in Skyrim.

Kaylesha Blackheart 12-17-2011 03:10 PM

After reading that story, it makes you wanna shoot them in the knee with an arrow, so they'll say it like the guards do.

Antagonist 12-17-2011 03:45 PM

And the slouch! It was the slouch and that expression that makes me want to shoot him. :gonk:

...When I find him in the game, I'll knock him out first thing. Then talk to him. :XD

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