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Ascadellia 12-23-2011 11:08 PM

Hangout and chatter. :3
Trying to see how this can go. <3

Anyways, what is everyone doing for the holidays? Any Christmas goodies planned?
how about New Year?

`Haru 12-23-2011 11:11 PM

Hello there. :3

Gonna be spending Holidays at home with the fam! Nothing special ~
I still can't believe it's actually New Years in a few days though... :drool:

Ascadellia 12-23-2011 11:12 PM

Hi there! X3

Is anyone visiting? :3
Gonna have a party for new years?

Vanora 12-23-2011 11:14 PM

Hey there!
I thought I was going to miss this year's Event, but I"m glad I'm not. >.<

Kraven 12-23-2011 11:18 PM

I love new years. I always watch the ball drop. BTW, I've been to times square, and it's not that big. So 500,000 people being crammed in there must really be uncomfortable.

Ascadellia 12-23-2011 11:19 PM

Haha, I bet it would be crowded.

Vanora 12-23-2011 11:20 PM

I thought I was going to spend new years with my grandparents but we won't make it, so we're just going to celebrate Christmas with them. :3

Zephi 12-23-2011 11:20 PM

Hello everyone ^^

Happy event time! I'm so sleepy but I'm glad that I could stay awake for the beginning of the event! :D


My husband and I will be skyping with our family in the states this year, and probably next year and the year after that since we are in Germany for the time being.

Ascadellia 12-23-2011 11:22 PM

Skype huh? That's pretty good. <3

Also, why couldn't you be with your grandparents? D: Live too far away?

Zephi 12-23-2011 11:46 PM

Skype is ok, but there is a different one that I hear is better. I can't remember the name of it right now but a friend at work said that you can have like aone huge video chat with all your family from different places and they can all see you, and they can all call eachother so that it's like a big conference call or something. Kinda neat-o.

`Haru 12-23-2011 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by Ascadellia (Post 1770215620)
Hi there! X3

Is anyone visiting? :3
Gonna have a party for new years?

*Is in charge of cooking.*
It's in the air if my stepbrother visits, but because of the above,
I'm almost crossing my fingers for no hehe. Cx

&My New Year plans are sadly nonexistant so far. @ -@"
How about you? :3

Ascadellia 12-23-2011 11:48 PM

I was invited to a party, but the location is iffy so my parents are unsure of letting me go.

Skype sounds good then, in a way. <3

CrimsonShadow 12-24-2011 12:02 AM

Hey Asca!!

Ascadellia 12-24-2011 12:06 AM

Hey there. <3

hummy 12-24-2011 12:06 AM

hummy sees the thread title and obeys!
hiya, everyone!

Ascadellia 12-24-2011 12:07 AM

Yay hummy!! *tackles and hugs to the pile* <3

Adrastiea 12-24-2011 12:08 AM

-pokes head into the thread-
Hello everyone! c:

I'm not doing too much for Christmas. I'm mainly spending time with my nuclear family tomorrow and then we have our bigger extended family celebration on Sunday. I finally was able to finish all of my baking today and I might go out to look for a white elephant gift for a late holiday party I'm throwing for all the friends that are in town for winter holiday.

CrimsonShadow 12-24-2011 12:14 AM


How is everyone doing! Hey Adrastiea!

Q U E E N 12-24-2011 12:36 AM

Hey Asca and everybody else~~

I'm in the holiday mood already! :D

Ascadellia 12-24-2011 12:37 AM

Yay! *hugs*

Shadami: Here we go. <3

momochan 12-24-2011 12:43 AM

I'm here. :B

Ascadellia 12-24-2011 12:44 AM

Yesh!! >w<

CrimsonShadow 12-24-2011 12:45 AM

Hey momo!!!

Ascadellia 12-24-2011 12:46 AM

Crim, your avie is epic.

momochan 12-24-2011 12:46 AM

hey crim! 8D
hold on...are you the one I met in the rps?
I've met a bunch of Shadows. XD
I get you all confuuuuseddd.

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