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GwenaHikari 12-24-2011 08:03 PM

Yan's an ornament
The yan ornament I worked hard to make (its probably not very good though, because I'm not good at sewing).

(And if your curious why I sewed him, if I'm not good at it. It's because fabric was the only materiel I had to work with ). Hopefully he looks ok and is a good size

jellysundae 12-25-2011 02:25 AM

Not bad, not bad. Would a clearer picture be possible? I can't see if he has any arms on that one D:

GwenaHikari 12-25-2011 02:31 AM

He does have arms, I'll have to take another pic with a different back-round I think having him on my families xmas tree hides them^^

Edit: New pic is up of my cherished Yan ornament :)

crazymuch 12-27-2011 03:46 AM

not bad! pretty cute really!

Aerinn 01-04-2012 02:28 AM

What a pretty ribbon for a pretty Yan~

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