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Andraus 12-27-2011 03:48 AM

Ryan's School for Elementals [O/A]
Ryan's School for Elementals, Founded by Alexander Ryan, is one of the Last Baston's for Elemental Beings. Elementals, due to the fact for being hunted Across the globe, have lost most of the Teaching in the Old arts of Elementalist, Mainly Fire Elementals. Ryan Crafted this school so that, Even in Time's of Great famine, elementals would be Abled to learn to Harness their Abilitys. The year is 2012, Ryan now long passed, has Expanded and Adapted Amazingly. Now The Time has come, and the Students abilitys will be tested.

The Main Ruling in the Elemental world is called The Balverine Counciel. They are a Power Hungrey, Merciless group that will destroy anyone that they think will 'threaten' their way of life. A Smalll group of Renegade's, oddly Enough called 'Red Faction', have Rebelled against the Counciel, lead by Ezekiel Quinmel, Former Counciel member. They are calling upon every Baston of Elementals for Support, and Ryan is no exception.

Loyaltys are to be Tested, Friendships Tried. At the Very end, only a group stand Victorious, but what are their Goals? What is their Answear to this Nightmare? A Voice once said 'Better Red, then Dead'

Here is the Profile Skeleton's.

1. No Godmoding
2. Pm profile's, and if accepted, post them yourself.
3. there are four elements. Fire : earth : Water : Air : . No other elements Accepted.
4. Dont post just once and Leave. Thats how most my roleplays get ruined.
5. post more then one sentence. I can understand writer's block, but come on.



Name :
Age : [18-21]
Element :
Bio :
Pic : [elemental and human]


name :
Age: [24-36]
Element :
Class : [what they teach. Conjuration, Charm's, Enchantments, History, soothslaying, Offensive magic, and Defensive magic.]
Bio :
Pic : [human and elemental]
here is mine

Name : Cycoris 'Shadow-Slayer' Mason
age : [21]
Element : Fire
Bio : A Strong supporter of the Red faction, Cycoris is a man of High skill in the fire magic art, even due to the shortage of training for fire elementals. he silently protest's against the Balverine Counciel, but will not openly oppose them until they go to far. A Guy with Great loyalty, he is willing to go to great lentghs to protect his friends
pic :
human -

elemental -

Andraus 12-27-2011 09:20 PM

Roleplay is now Open !!!

Gothika_Knight 12-28-2011 07:54 PM

Name : Makina Luna Aira
Age : 19
Element : Air
Bio : Makina Aira is the Daughter of two powerful air elementals. She is shy and very friendly to all people. Makina is the only elemental in her family that is born with two sets of wings, this makes her a very unique elemental and maybe a very strong one.
Pic :

name : Miranda Mina Holland
Age: 24
Element : Water
Class : Offensive and Defensive magic
Bio : Miranda is a young woman who loves teaching children. She was born into a poor family but her love for children didn't die out when she started going to school. Miranda is young and is still having trouble with money but she doesn't let that stop her from teaching, she's also the new teacher of Ryan's elemental school but she is more than happy to show the students how to protect themselves. However Miranda carries a secret within herself and fears that she might not be able to work with children again, when she was younger, her own father sold her to a random man to become his sex slave and remained with this man until the day he died.
Pic :

Andraus 12-30-2011 12:09 AM

Cycoris was in front of the building, alseep obviously, listioning to his music. there was 10 minutes til school started, and he was trying to kill time. He was at perfect ease in his mind when he was asleep.

finx15 12-30-2011 01:59 AM

Name : Annabell "anna" Sunfara
Age : 19
Element :air
Bio :Anna was born with her powers but she doesn't know who her parents are all she knows is that they must have had powers like herself. Anna has a younger sister who she has taken care of since birth since they are twins although niether is sure which is older.
Pic : ((annas the one in red.))
other:oh by the way she likes girls.

Name :Finx Sunfara
Age :19
Element : water
Bio :Finx like her sister has no clue who her parents are but unlike her sister she doesn't thnk they had powers and thats why they left them they were scared. Finx doesn't mind her onee-chan taking care of her because there all they have.
Pic : ((ovioulsy she's the one in purple))
other:she likes guys.

Gemini 12-31-2011 03:00 AM

Name : Gemini Kazane Starr
Age : 18
Element : Fire
Bio : Gemini has two different elemental parents.her father is a fire elemental, and her mother is air.both parents are very strong and come from very influential families.Gemini herself is an incredibly powerful fire elemental, but with one shortcoming-she was born with a weak heart, and stressful situations make her heart have problems.her parents have allowed her to go to school on the condition that she will try to stay calm and out of trouble.Gemini, despite her illness, is a strong supporter of the red faction-like her father.she has trouble staying out of trouble, and is loyal to a fault.
Pic : human elemental

Angelo 01-01-2012 02:25 AM

Name: Itzli Elchulus Paendrag
Age: 18
Element: Fire
Bio: Izzy is a super genius, and, because knowledge is power, she is incredibly strong, though her actual power with magic and her element is average. She grew up in a normal home, her parents being middle-class workers, but her talent was still cultured extensively, which is why she is who she is. Then she found out that she could control fire, a fact her parents were ecstatic about. Then they began raising that talent, hoping that it would give their daughter an easier life.

Her parents' wish for her life to be easier was two-fold. On one hand, they wanted her to be financially successful, but on the other, they worried about her physically as well. Izzy was actually born with a cerebral condition that causes her to have seizures when she doesn't get enough of a certain chemical. Nothing they've done to remove the problem has helped permanently, so she's been forced to live with it, never being able to participate as much when it came to physical activities, like Phys. Ed., which burn the chemical up faster.

Still, she supports the Red Faction, understanding that change is necessary to the healthy growth of society. She actually hasn't seen a lot of the Balverine Council's cruelty. She simply believes that they've been in power for too long and that they are causing society to stagnate, which is something she won't stand for.

((Am I correct in assuming that we can start posting? :)))

Gemini 01-01-2012 03:07 AM

((We need more guys...I think ill make one.))


Name : Todd Hideaki
Age : 19
Element : Air
Bio : Todd was raised in a fairly dangerous environment.his father was an infamous criminal, who raped his mother.that's how Todd was conceived. Todd's mother took him and fled when he was born, because his father wanted both of them dead.Todd has spent his whole life running with his mother, until recently when his mother died of a mysterious illness. Despite his frightening upbringing and several close encounters with his father, Todd has always been a very tranquil boy, peaceful and a pacifist.he will fight when necessary, but he prefers to keep the peace and lay low.he's very chilled out, and,even though he's known for a long time about his ability, not very eager to use it.Todd knows that his father is insane, and still wants him dead.Todd is very intelligent, on genius level, and uses his mind for the greater good.he supports the red faction, but he does so quietly.he originally chose his side because his father is on the other he wants to learn more about his power.
Pic : human elemental

Gothika_Knight 01-01-2012 08:02 AM

Makina flew to the school in her elemental form. She landed gracefully on the ground as she dusted off her clothes. 'I made it to the school, wonderful.' she thought to herself as she walked down the path and seen a student walking as well. She walked up to the boy and gently tapped his shoulder to get his attention.

Miranda sat at her desk and started getting ready fpr her class. A smile spread across her face as she stood up and wrote her name of the board. 'This is going to be a very interesting year.' she told to herself then sat back down and finished the rest of her work.

Andraus 01-02-2012 12:27 AM

at the time, he was Seeing a memory of a Dragon-slayer Fire-elemental. Before he was Awaken, The Elemental had Entered a Cave in the Middle of some foreign moutain. Just then, the Dragon jumped in front of the Elemental, and roared.when he was tapped on the shoulder, he awoke with a Start "Dragon!" he shouted, and sent flames out at random.

Gemini 01-02-2012 02:59 AM

Gemini wheeled herself up to the front doors in her was going to be interesting.if only she could participate more...but she had specific instructions from her parents.just then, she noticed a boy shooting flames all around, seeming startled.Gemini wheeled herself over to him and the girl who had startled him."excuse me? Are're a fire- mental? I mean...hi.I'm Gemini.I'm a fire- mental." She said, stumbling over her words.she wasn't used to social situations.
Todd rode in on his he stopped and dismounted, he looked around the campus where he would be living for a while.he was excited, but didn't show it.nervous, he took a deep breath and slung his old, beaten and worn backpack over his shoulder.he walked forward to the school, and on towards his future.he only hoped his father wouldn't find him here.

Angelo 01-02-2012 03:09 AM

Walking into the school, Izzy was momentarily surprised by flames leaping in front of her, though she banished them with a sound of disgust. She had no time for fools who couldn't control their power. As it was, she was behind schedule. Usually, she would've been in class by now, reading one of her various books. The one she was currently reading was Niles' Conjectures and Discoveries. It was definitely too advanced for most people she knew; potentially everyone in the school except for the teachers. Such was the measure of her intelligence though.

Finally arriving at class, she nodded to Ms. Holland politely, turning to take her seat. She opened the thick book when she sat down, burying herself in its contents. Her brown hair was kept up in two low pigtails to keep it out of her violet eyes, which darted back and forth over the page. Reading it more slowly than she normally would to absorb all of the information in her eidetic memory, she was unaware of other students trickling into the classroom.

Gemini 01-02-2012 04:56 AM

Todd walked into the classroom and noticed that there was a girl there already.he blushed.he had virtually no experience with girls, and those he had met had found it hard to keep up with his intelligence.he quietly sat down next to the girl and pulled out his books and notebook.then, realizing that there was time before class started.he pulled out a well worn sketch pad and a package of artists pencils.glancing at the girl next to him, he started to draw her in profile.the sketch quickly started to take form, clearly and elegantly depicting a pretty brown haired girl with amethyst eyes fully absorbed in a book, gentle lines of concentration between her delicate eyebrows.Todd started adding shades and highlights, then some muted color, glancing over at the girl every so often to get things right.
((Note: this is all from Todd's point of view, so he's drawing what he sees.))

Andraus 01-02-2012 08:01 AM

Still half- awake, he turned to the newest voice, and sucked in a breath. When his vision cleared, he saw a girl in a wheelchair, and saw that he was attacking a random student "Oh.....damn....well, this embarressing." he said.

Katie Scarlett Divine 01-02-2012 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Katie Scarlett Divine
Name : Scarlett Andrews
Age : 20
Element : Earth
Bio : Scarlett grew up alongside her handsome older brother with no parents. Though they had them at one time. Let's just say their not around anymore. Their mother died of cancer when they were very young and their father.. well, let's just say he had it coming. He deserved everything he got from what he did to them. So in order for the siblings to find peace they came to this school to better control their elements.

Neither of their parents were elementals, so it was a big surprise when the two suddenly would change appearances durastically and be able to control Earth and water. And it didn't help that they had gone to a public school when they were younger.. so they were always picked on. Of course, that was until Scarlett threw a boulder at someone without lifting a finger. But luckily after they were kicked out of school they found one for elementals.
Pic :

Elemental ~ (Her being an Earth Elemental, her hair turns green. And her brother, the one shes hugging, his hair turns blue.)

Name : Ace Alexander Andrews
Age : 21
Element : Water
Bio : *Same as Scarletts*
Pic : (I'm the guy in Scarletts elemental picture. Just with brown hair. Then as my Elemental form it's this color blue.)

Scarlett walked along side her brother to the school entrance. Her black heels clicking as she walked. She was wearing a blue and blue and black rose printed dress that wasn't too fancy. Just the kind of summer dress you could slip on whenever. Scarlett ran her hand through her long blonde hair and glanced to her tall brother. "What class are we going too?" She asked, sighing and glancing to her schedule. "I have no clue where any of this is.." She said, her teal eyes glancing at him.

Ace shook his head. "Don't look at me. I have no clue where anything is.." He said, glancing down at himself. He was wearing a black long sleeved shirt and then blue jeans. He had brown hair and blue eyes. "Maybe we could ask someone?" He asked, glancing around. "Um..."

Gemini 01-03-2012 04:07 AM

Gemini blinked, then giggled quietly.he had been sleeping."u-um...hi.did you say...dragon? As in a fire b-breathing dragon? Is th-that why you attacked?" She asked shyly.

Angelo 01-03-2012 12:21 PM

Vaguely, Izzy felt someone watching her, but tried to pass it off as the norm. She was wearing a bright yellow shirt with bees all over it and blue jeans that were embroidered with flowers. Unlike most of her classmates, she was ridiculously petite due to some growth stunting that had happened when she was younger, which meant that her clothes were often on the more childish side. She was used to being stared at though, which is why she tried to shrug it off.

Yet it felt different than normal, which is why she found herself looking around for the culprit, annoyed that she had been pulled out of her book. Turning to the boy next to her, who was also the only other kid in the room at the moment, she caught him staring at her for a few moments before returning to his work. She frowned, tapping him on the leg to get his attention. "Staring is rude you know," she said, her words being less harsh than they sounded. She wasn't trying to be mean after all.

Gothika_Knight 01-03-2012 12:22 PM

Makina nodded with the girl in the wheelchairs response and with the boy's statement. "I think day-dreaming in the middle of the day isn't healthy for anyone." she said to him then looked at the girl as she asked him a question and waited for the answer.

Miranda turned her head and seen that a young girl and a boy had walked into the classroom, a smile appeared on her face as her black dress dangled as she looked at the list of students they were suppose to be here, "Where are the rest of the students?" she asked herself softly then looked around hoping that they were going to be late or skip.

Katie Scarlett Divine 01-03-2012 01:24 PM

((Is miranda talking to my characters? ))

Andraus 01-03-2012 06:25 PM

"Is there any different kind?" he said, with a smile. He then noticed two students at the school entrance looking rather....lost. "Hm...uh, could you wait over here for a second? Im gonna go help them out...." he said, and walked towards them.

Katie Scarlett Divine 01-03-2012 06:28 PM

Scarlett turned to the boy walking up to them. "Oh, hello. Could you maybe help us find our classes? Were at a loss of where to go.." She said, biting her bottom lip. She glanced back to her brother then to the boy. "I'm Scarlett by the way and this is my brother Ace."She said, smiling at the male. She ran her hand through her long blonde hair again and then eyed her brothers blue eyes, they seemed to be watching the man talking to her.

Andraus 01-03-2012 06:37 PM

"Im new here too. hold On, they Gave me A Map of the Schooll......I think.." he went looking threw his bag. "Aha! "he pulled out a floded map. there were 4 floors in the school, for the classe's, sense many were in this school, and each floor was listed, along with little details on where the nurse rooms, lunchrooms, and Recreation rooms were. there was also a list of bathrooms, and classes

Katie Scarlett Divine 01-03-2012 06:54 PM

Scarlett handed him a piece of paper. "Oh. Well here's our schedule." She said, pointing to her first class. "Um.." She then pointed to the room number on the map. "Oh! There's the room i'm supposed to go to." She smiled. "Thanks. What class are you going to?" She asked, looking around at the beautiful school. "Wow, this is a really nice school. I expected it to not look so wonderful.."

finx15 01-03-2012 06:57 PM

((slow down will yeah))
Finx exited the car first followed by anna the looked at the school then at each other and smiled. "Come on onii-chan it looks as if we're the last to the party." finx took her sisters hand and together they made there way to the other anna went up to them "Hello there you may now start the party for I have arrived." finx followed more slowly taking in the group noting all the girls and thinking that she should warn them before her sister stared to flirt.
((keep in mind anna is lesbian so she will flirt with the girls if you don't want her to just say so.))

Andraus 01-04-2012 12:16 AM

"I see what you mean. It is breah taking......Also, Mister ace, If you dont stop staring Daggers at me, we are going to have a problem "he said, to the boy "I dont plan on doing anything vile to your sister" he said.

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