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Andraus 01-02-2012 10:45 PM

Familier Face's [O/A]
In a Darker world then Our's, there are people who seek to 'Improve' human life, threw Extreme means. In a World where war is Considered Sport for most, there those who breed 'soldiers' for the conflict, though not everything goes as Planned. Some of them Escape, seeking to free themseleves. But most that do, turn to madness. There are some, though, that live in the streets, and tend to avoid leaving, to escape the madness.

What they call Madness, We call 'Memory'. In the Experiments, the memorys of those are wiped clean, and the Releative's are told that they are dead. Though, when encountered with somthing familier, they start having 'flashs' of memory come to them. What would happen, though, if a Experiment found a family member, by accident? But it wont be just hug's and kiss's. There are those of the Projects that created the experiments seeking to gain back their 'property', before that happens.

This roleplay is Set in a Slightly futuristic Version of Chicago.


1. No godmoding or power moding.
2. send me your profile. Put in 'Familier Face' if your A Friend, Reletive, Wife, child, etc of the Experiment. Put in 'Descent to Madness' if your an Experiment. put in 'Clean Slate' if your a Hit-man For the Project of the Experiment.
3. If your profile is accepted, post them yourself.
4. Be Semi-lit. Atleast 3 Sentences. I can understand writers block, but not all the time.



Name :
Age :
Ability : [Can have up to 3]
Bio : [they dont know much]
pic :

Experiment's Friend or family

name :
age :
Bio :
Pic :


Name :
Age :
Skills : [lock-picking, tracking, hacking, medic, etc]
Weapons: [up to 3]
Pic :

here is my skele

Name : Christopher [Doesent Remember the Last name]
Age : 25
Ability : Super Human Agility, Complete Manipulation of Machines, and Can Utter Sonic Blasts from his mouth.
Bio : Before he lost his memory, christopher Had Everything. A Girlfriend, Good Family, money, And a Great life. A Car Accident Ended it all. People of a Project called 'Thu'um', took him in as a Experiment after he lost his memory. He escaped out of Sheer luck, and has recently started working at a Small Bookstore, trying to reclaim what life he had, though he doesent remember what.
pic :

finx15 01-04-2012 08:10 PM

Name :Finx
Age : 19
Ability : can read minds
Bio : You ask me to tell you about my past well I'll tell you once and once only I don't remeber anything. Not my parents not my name nothing. Well of course I have a name but how do i know if it's my real name? Now you have made me made go away and tell no one you saw me or I will find you and kill you.
pic :

Andraus 01-04-2012 09:30 PM

Chris was working at the bookstore, reading a Book called 'Wizards Heir' and listioning to 'Mad world'. "He found it quiet calming, and thought this would be the last place they would look for him.

The-Black_King 01-06-2012 07:52 PM

Name :Conner
Age :19
Skills :lock-picking,tracking,medic
Weapons: colt 45 ACP, throwing/combat knifes,AK-74 no guard
Pic :


Conner's train pulled up to down town Chicago. Conner was a younger assassin but not new at all he new what his job was Conner stood up and looked around the train was fairly empty he pulled up his backpack and made his way out of the trains doors Conner didn't like the idea of having to kill someone in this large city but if it had to be done he would kill them Conner was walking down the ally way when he seemed to find him self out side a book store so he mite as well make a stop some were ask around. pulling his coat over his knifes he made his way into the store and walked up to the front desk and rang the bell hoping that someone with some thoughts about the city were here

finx15 01-07-2012 01:32 AM

Finx walked down the street towards the book shop near were she worked. With a smirk she pushed the door open and strolled in like she owned the world. She glanced at the boy at the counter but didn't pay him any real attention and went straight for the fantasy section.

The-Black_King 01-07-2012 02:07 PM


Andraus 01-08-2012 01:06 AM

Chris Walked in after her. He put his book back, and looked at it. He Stopped short. He knew the girl. He remembered her from the Faciluty where he 'grew up' at, "y-y-you......what are yo-u doing here?" he demanded.

TheSoundTheory 01-08-2012 08:28 PM

Name : Bisma
Age : 19
Ability : Manipulation of atoms (basically make things invisable and able to walk through them make them bigger or smaller, etc), superhuman sight.
Bio : Bisma was brought to the facility when she was four. Because of her young age they didn't bother to erase her memories. She's been there for as long as she remembers but she feels as if there's something more. Recently, when she sleeps, she sees a blurry picture of a man and a woman. She doesn't know who they are but she has a feeling she knows them. She just recently escaped.
pic :


Bisma had been walking around the city for a while. She didn't exactly know where she was going or have a destination in mind. She stopped when she spotted a quaint little bookstore some ways down the street. She decided to go there, having always loved books and not thinking to bring anything when she had escaped. She walked in, heading straight for the first book of shelf that was semi-hidden when she heard a voice that seemed fimiliar. She hoped he wasn't referring to her and hurried to a secluded spot. She hoped she wasn't discovered thinking thoughts such as D***, leaving as soon as possible. and Why me? Why this store?

The-Black_King 01-08-2012 09:55 PM

Conner looked over to the two people talking with each other he just looked at them and left when he heard someone run off hiding he he looked around it was fairly empty so he made his way to the girl in hiding Are you ok you look pale is every thing ok Conner then felt his phone vibrate sorry just hold on to that he pulled out his phone and saw three names each name was someone that he had to kill or take back if he could he then thought about the two people in the book store hmm

TheSoundTheory 01-08-2012 10:23 PM

Bisma cursed under her breath when she saw a boy about her age come toward her. She was about to answer him when he asked if she was ok when he told her to hold that thought. He started talking on the phone and looked thoughtful. She started to edge away from him. She wasn't sure what he was talking about but something told her it wasn't a normal conversation with his girlfriend or something. She wasn't sure how many teenagers she'd seen the past few days that go "hmm" in such a... sinister manner.

The-Black_King 01-08-2012 10:46 PM

conner looked at the girl and remembered her being here oh sorry I have some business to take care of Conner made his way into the store and walked up the the man that first stared the conversation uh pardon me could I get your name Conner had his hand hidden but on his Knife im sorry I just think that you and me mite have some business to take care of conner got ready to strike if he did any thing funny

finx15 01-09-2012 02:13 AM

"Do I know you?" Finx aske him frowning then it hit her. "You what do you want?" she hissed glaring at him full force.

Andraus 01-09-2012 08:24 PM

"o-oh, Its Cyrus." he said, bowing "Sorry, could you give us a minute ? "he said, pushing her into the employee bathroom. his eyes then turned to her, menecingly. "Listion, you Princy little Bitch, Iv worked to hard to let someone like you....someone like Me ruin what little life iv had. Iv lived in hiding this long, im not letting you ruin it!"

The-Black_King 01-09-2012 09:46 PM

Conner's eyes brightened when Cyrus told him his name he pulled out his handgun and walked up to the door as he remembered that there was another one with him he didn't know what she could do or him but he new that they may or may not be a threat but he wasn't taking a risk he put his head up to the door and tryed to hear what was going on he didn't here it all but he took a step back and then kicked open the door and then pointed the gun to the back of the Cyrus's head Don't move I don't want to hurt you im just here to take you back or kill you trying

Andraus 01-09-2012 10:40 PM

Christopher Glared at Finx with a Burning Hatred. "Im going to kill you for this..."he said. He then faced The man, and uttered a Sonic Shriek, enough to either make one's ears bleed, or send them flying.

The-Black_King 01-09-2012 10:47 PM

Conner was sent flying but inb the time that he was in air he was able to fire off three shots befor smashing his back on the wall Conner stood up and mumbled to him self looks like im going to have to do this the hard way Conner looked straght at him and raised his one hand fireing of the rest of the clip at her then with his outher hand he went into his coat and pulled out a knife and through it at him while he droped his clip and through anouther one in

Andraus 01-10-2012 02:00 AM

Christopher dodged the bullet, and knife, Thanking whoever made him for the inhuman speed, and darted out, holding his arm. a Bullet had Piereced it, and it was stuck in his elbow.

TheSoundTheory 01-10-2012 02:37 AM

Bisma had only just noticed that the people were like her. Though she had recognized their voices, she hadn't really seen their faces and she had usually distanced herself from the others at the facility. She couldn't tell what they were talking about but she could guess. She looked left and right, making sure she was out of preying eyes before she focused on her body, manipulating it to make it invisable. She normally didn't have to consentrate but she was slightly panicked that her old like, one she had meerly escaped maybe a week or two ago, was already catching up to her. She snuck behind the man, hoping to pass him and leave the bookstore once the two others, the ones like her, had left off to some room. The last thing she was expecting was for the mann to pull out a gun. She almost let out a squeak, but she knew she had to remain absolutely silent. She watched as the man threatened the store owner, next thing she knew, she was being flown towards a wall while the sound of gunshots rang out. She landed next to the gunman, happy that she was lucky enough not to make much of a thud during her painful landing. She wondered how no person in the store had called the police or did anything, when she noticed that the bookstore was deserted and the man was probably using a silencer, since the shots were not that loud. She cursed under her breath, wondering if she should help these people, or be a silent observer, like so many she'd seen in this city, turning a blind eye to a mugging or other. She had a decision to make, and she was leaning toward the one that got her more involved, involved in a life she wanted to leave behind. Well d*mn, why does this sh*t happen to me? She thought, a little frusterated.

The-Black_King 01-10-2012 02:39 AM

conner thought about running but then he remembered the women in the room he held his gun up to her Freeze don't move Ill shoot you to trust me Conner took a couple steps forward and looked out side and saw blood on the ground then brought his eyes back to the girl where did he go Conner new even if she didn't tell him he would find him

finx15 01-10-2012 11:13 PM

"How should I know?" Finx said nonchalantly. "he blames me for his stupidity. If he hadn't started talking to me first I wouldn't have said anything to him." the whole time she was talking she was checking out a book and leaving. "bye-bye now." she walked off swinging her hips.

The-Black_King 01-13-2012 03:57 AM

Conner sighed as the girl left he new if he had a way to show who she is or if she used her powers that he could bring her in then conner stared to walk away when he turned around nice power you have but you have to learn to shut up I mite of not heard you if I didn't here you smash your back off the wall Conner put his gun away as he pulled his knife out of the wall so how long were you there Conner crossed his arms and leaned on the wall

Andraus 01-13-2012 06:27 PM

"I'v been out of that place for almost 2 years now, Im not going back if I can prevent it. "He said, trying to bandage his wound. "I was there for maybe 3....4 years." he said, pulling a bullet out. he then grabbed the girl who was leaving by the coller of her shirt. "You. Your staying."

finx15 01-13-2012 06:57 PM

Finx froze and snarled easily twisting her body around and using the force of her move meant to sent him to the ground. "Don't do that again." she warned "if you want me to stay you'll tell me why and fast."

TheSoundTheory 01-13-2012 10:27 PM

Bisma froze. She stayed still, noticing that the man had stuck a knife in her general direction and would have actually had the knife toching the tip of her nose had she not moved when she had heard the gunshots. She, however, was still within reach. She slowly started walking backwards, not making a sound until she accidentilly bumped in to the girl that had just been halted by the shop owner. She was about to utter a quick sorry, but remembered that wouldn't be the smartest choice. She quickly pressed herself against the wall nearest her. She could see the door from there, though she didn't move toward it yet. She wanted to go toward it when she was sure that through all the commotion, they wouldn't notice her slipping out.

Andraus 01-14-2012 04:55 AM

"I want to know Why the fuck you are here. I thought we made it clear that, when all of us broke out of that damn place, we would never see eachother again. Iv lived here for 2 years now, and Im not lettting this go to waste" he said.

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