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Wordless Love 03-28-2012 01:38 PM

A New Beginning - BeautyMonster & Dick Grayson
A New Beginning

Late at a night, death goes to claim a girl, however, a handsom man intervenes and saves her in his own way. This man isn't like others, he isn't caring, and nor could he care less to why he saved the girl he didn't know. However, saving her does make him wonder why he did it in the first place, and when she wakes he would have to explainw why she was at his place rather than out in the world dead. And the only way to make her stay safe from the world is to keep her at the place where he and his friend lives. Though his friend soon takes an interest in her and her best friends begin to search for her since she wasn't found.

(Don't know if we wanted bios or not, if so just post yours)

BeautyMonster 03-29-2012 02:44 AM


Age: ( if vamp tell real age and human age)
what: ( vampire, witch)
Other/ anything else:
looks like:


Name: Stacy Love
Age: Twenty-One
What: Witch, she can move things with her mind, while she uses her power her eyes turn a different Color
Job: Famous dancer, model
Personality: Sweet, Shy, cant speak in large groups, protective, caring, silly, funny, random, bubbly, slightly a perv.
Other/Anything else: When Stacy was young, both of her parents died so she had to move in with her aunt, who takes care of her. Stacy found out about her being a witch when her aunt told stories about ancestors. Now she fights off demons when she is not at work. But is sort of scared if people get too jealous of her.
Looks like:

Wordless Love 03-30-2012 02:25 PM

(sorry sorry, family issues rose up and I can't always stay focus when that happens. If this is short it's because I only got five hours of sleep and step dad woke me up)

Name: Adam Kane
Age: V= 626 (year 1368) H= 26

what: Vampire
job: Doctor

personality: Kind, Caring, relaxed, can get angry, smart.
Other/ anything else: Even though he is a doctor, he wears an amulet that allows him under the sun for a short time (1-2 hours) before it starts making him sick. Though he is paler than others, people just think that beacuse he is a doctor, that it doesn't really mean anything. He was turned when he was 26 after being a doctor back then and saved someone another vampire was going to turn (but couldn't because he saved them-a life for a life pretty much)
looks like:

The night was coming to an end as Adam had finished up his last surgery for a little girl who was said she wouldn't make it through. The child did, her name was Audrey, and she was quite brave since she was asleep for three hours while he worked. She had gotten shot and would need surgery, however, other doctors said it was a risky procedure. Though, when he walked out of the hospital, he saw the mixture of reds, oranges, and pinks blend together indictating the sun was going down.

Adam had always felt better at night, then again, he didn't like the sun very much since he was...since a long time ago. Adam could hear (with his enchaned hearing) some thugs off on the side bothering people, a couple cars have races down the street not caring about the people on or around the raod, and then he heard the click of a gun as a guy's voice said in an alley way "Give me all you have, pretty"

BeautyMonster 03-30-2012 07:28 PM

Stacy sighed walking from her job, it was the model she was going to change in an ally. Because from where she modeled. She hated the guys there. She sighed slightly. What she had did was a photoshoot, and that , was for bikinis so right now she was wearing one, Lime green halter, with dark green swirls. It was low cut and a push up so her medium breasts were like popping. She had a dress that was white over it.As she made it into the ally she heard a voice she gasped turning. she was carrying the bag that had the clothes she was going to change into. She sighed.

She didnt want to use her powers since she was really tired. After going to the photoshoot everyday, she would go to a concert and dance with some guy. then she would go beat some demons if they were after her which they were. Still she kind of knew about vampires. But she never came acrossed one. Also, fans called her a whore.. But truth is. She never talked to a guy which she was never touched so she had her V card. She bit her lower lip and when he spoke again, " You all can go to hell" She glared.

Wordless Love 04-08-2012 03:41 AM

(sorry sorry, overfilled with commissions and have been sick, haven't gotten well yet either)

Adam Kane, older than he appears, different from what anyone would expect or think, and rather good looking. He walked down the street taking a moonlight stroll, it wasn't a full moon, but, it was a good night to take a stroll. Keeping his pace even, he heard some men speak, then a young woman's voice was heard. Adam never helped anyone else, not mothers, chlidren, fathers, anyone, not even his own race.

Yes, he was selfish, but, he dealt with a lot in the past and didn't need to go through it all over again. He heard the woman telling the others they can "go to tell" and that had gotten his interest. He walked over to the sound, now standing in the open, but, leaning on the wall unseen. Adam watched the guys get closer, one of them grabbed the girl pulling her up against him, their fronts touching. "Oh come on sugar, don't be like that" the one who grabbed her said.

Something about the woman brought interest to Adam; her scent was not that of human, but, whatever she was, it had gotten the men's attention. He watched them longer, her bag taken from her and tossed to the side, the others watched, ready to see her get stripped and mugged and each was waiting for their own turn. "I do believe the young lady said you could go to hell" Adam spoke, his voice was foreign, not that bad foreign fake accent, the real thing.

BeautyMonster 04-08-2012 04:04 AM

Stacy looked at the guy , she gasped she tried to hit the guy as their fronts touched. Biting her lower lip she sighed slightly... Then she went away but when her sack was getting away she didn't know what she shall do she was scared. but feeling her stripped she felt the cold air hit her skin Of course the guy who grabbed her was last. Well the last one who was on top of her as a man said something.

"Get off me!" she didn't know what to do. She tried to fight them off. " Go to hell and get off of me!"
Though knowing herself that right now.. Her being a model doesn't help this situation. Plus she didnt know how old these males were.. She didn't know what to do. What else.. Oh yeah she kneed him in a certain area and she finally got on one clothing " Go away!"

Wordless Love 04-11-2012 02:58 AM

Adam was wearing his long black coat, like they did in the past during the time of the witch hunts and vampires. He took it off placing it over the young lady and watched as a couple of the guys got up rushing back at the two of them until they stopped seeing Adam's eyes change from hazel to crimson red.

The guys stopped in their tracks as their expressions were of fear. "Leave" he spoke, his voice commanding and a tad angry sounding. The men quickly left, one of them screaming "Diablo, diablo" Adam chuckled, now that was a new one that he had yet to hear in this lifetime of his. Turning to the girl, but, keeping his eyes on her eyes he asked "Are you alright?"

BeautyMonster 04-11-2012 03:55 AM

Stacy frowned she was so scared...She felt a coat on her she jumped she didnt know what to do she felt.. violated. She slowly closed her eyes. Not realizing what this guy was doing. She felt scared she sighed out as she spoke. " Thank you. " but she opened her eyes hearing the felt decrease she looked at the youngish looking male. He was really hot.

She gulped still a little shocked at what happened she said, " why i think so but im not sure.. I just don't.. " she paused, " Im not so sure" her hands were shaking from fear... She looked into his eyes, Her bright blue eyes into his pretty hazel eyes. She leaned against the guy she was sort of weird it felt weak but .. wait what was happening to her?

Wordless Love 04-13-2012 06:56 PM

He looked down at her, she was in no condition to go anywhere like this "Come on, I'll take you home, just tell me where to go" he didn't bother with people unless it would be in his favor somehow. But, he wasn't heartless, he knew there were times people shouldn't be outside and as tired as she was. Let alone shaken up from what happened. "You're in no condition to go anywhere like this" He added smiling a little, just to show he wasn't after anything.

BeautyMonster 04-23-2012 04:57 AM

Stacy looked at the guy. She didnt want to go to her house, Wait.. he'll find out she's a witch since the demons are after her too. which maybe.. what if the guys were demons.. She looked at hi m and said, " Um.. my house i can't though... " she thought of a reason.. Well she was trying to. But then she found what excuse. " I've been living at my sister's house cause my house is being held by electricians, since my water pipes and tub isn't working right.." She then looked down. She hoped he believed that.

Wordless Love 04-23-2012 12:41 PM

(Oh I must've not said anything, well will quickly say that I'm no longer on here, if you want to still roleplay with me, even to take this one to another site, I'm Vaneria on Crysandrea and on Gaia I am Crystal Immortal

BeautyMonster 04-24-2012 03:45 PM

( why thank you!)

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