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squee 04-14-2012 01:08 AM

New world ( vampire vs human)
In the late (20)60's the world started to change, little by little. The doctors called it a virus others labelled it as evolution as time went on the human population started to dwindle, humans started to worry about the outbreak, when the virus was done wreaking havoc on the human body they noticed that it changed the body – by medical terms the people were dead but yet they were walking and breathing.

When the virus passed through, the damage was already done, the scientists labelled the aftermath “vampires”. They noticed – after a series of murders- that they needed human blood to sustain themselves this brought more worries and problems that the human race was facing, the population was changing too quick and before they knew what was going on, a war broke out between humans and vampires.

The war lasted four month before it came to an end, the humans fought bravely and lost. The vampires are now the main population; humans are now on the run their main goal is to survive. They’re few in numbers the rest are either dead or capture for blood farming. The vampires still hunt the humans for game as well as for new blood, a group of humans are still fighting for survival, doing hit and runs, killing vampires when they can, some of the unfortunate humans are captured and are sold out to wealthy vampires that keep them as servants as well for a quick meal.


you're goal? try to survive this new twisted world. Whether you’re human or vampire it doesn’t matter the goal is to survive.


Profile break down:

power (nothing to extreme)

( you can be two characters, only if you can manage it)


Name: Dyson Hale
Age: 25
Race: Human

Biography: Being a police men, Dyson was at the front line when the war started, he lost most of his friends, the city he was at got over run by the vampires or bloodsuckers ( as he would refer to them often). He and a small group of police, fire and MT’s and some civi's got away before it was to late, he would often listen to the news and hear how the powers shifted and how the humans lost the battle. It infuriated him that they lost they had numbers, they outnumbered them but in the long run they lost.

After two maybe three months of running they caught their small group, they fought and lost, he was capture and sold off and found himself in a room with only a bed and one single small window.

power (nothing to extreme [ie:element manipulation]): shap shifting (undiscoverd and is unaware of this) - other words he dosn't have a clue he can do it.

Looks like :

Gold n' Silver 04-14-2012 02:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Name:Jessica Marsh
Race: Human

Biography: Before all the chaos broke out, Jessica Marsh was a peaceful woman living in a farm house with her 5 year old adopted son,Jake. Both of her parents died from illness and all her friends moved away, but that didn't get her down. Now, once she heard about the war, she found an under ground bunker and was surprised that other people were in it. The other civilians took her and Jake in. The bunker was filled with a whole years supplies of everything they needed, Jessica just wished it actually lasted a year. In about 2 months the Vampires found them, there was killing everywhere. She escaped through a poorly patched up hole, knowing that her son was dead. Jessica decided she would fight in the war and get revenge on every last Vampire. Unfortunately, they lost, and Jessica was sold as a slave. Just before she was going to be eaten, Jessica killed the Vampire who enslaved her and escaped out into the dangers of the world.

Power: Ability to Disappear by will(she just found out) and good with any weapon she could find(including her fist)

Appearance: link to resize)

squee 04-14-2012 02:44 PM

(( occ : awsome pic!))

Like his first day he stared at the ceiling or the wall, it fascinated him that there were marks of previous captors whether it be messages or drawing it was something, some comfort for him to know that he wasn’t the first one. He looked up at the window, a very small window do they honestly think i’ll try to escape through that thing? he thought miserably.

He hear people talking, heard them getting closer he didn’t understand why things were getting easier to hear or why the cold didn’t bother him anymore, it was odd but he didn’t complain, if it meant he could survive and get it he would take the changes to his body in strides.

The voices stopped at his door, he stud up and waited for them to open the door “just another day” he told himself as he saw the door open and two vampires walked in “Good morning Dyson, how are you?” the female asked as her male companion kept an eye on him, he snorted “like I could attack one of you guys and survive” the female’s eye brow shot up “who says I’m worried about that?” she asked as she got closer. Dyson fought the urge to back up, he knew it was unless “because you brought your friend?” he answered and eyed the girl when she stopped in front of him.

“Dyson why don’t you just accept that you’re with us for the rest of your life, if you didn’t fight us so much you’d have a such better accommodations” she said and waved her hand around to prove her point “and your point being?” he asked back as he knew they were trying to break him “it’s just sad to see you fight us so desperately” she said and laid her icy hand on his cheek “anyways your duties await you”

Dyson rolled his eyes “yeah, sure what ever”

Gold n' Silver 04-14-2012 03:20 PM


Living on the run is not easy for Jessica,especially when you running from Vampires. Jessica has met a few other surviving civilians just like her and together they hunt down Vampires before they hunt down us. Jessica and her pals are tracking down a few Vampires that live in an old beat down house. "I'll go check the perimeter, see if it's safe," Jessica says to a man in their group,"Watch my back!" And with that, Jessica quietly runs off to the house.

She looks through first window, "Nothing." she says. Then she moves on to the second window, and then she sees a vampire. And a little boy, about 10, at his side. Jessica guessed that the Vampire is holding him as a slave and signals her group for an ambush. Jessica counted one two three on her fingers, and BAM she kicked the door open. But the Vampire was gone and the little boy was....dead. "NO!" Jessica screamed. One of them in their group put a hand on her shoulder,"Jessica," he said, "There's nothing we can do now, come on lets go make camp." But Jessica didn't go, "You guys go on without me, I'll catch up later." she said. Reluctantly, they left and Jessica was alone. She walked around the house looking for clues, and just then spotted something written on the little boy. It says Come get your son back, 50th Street And with that Jessica burst out running to the group sobbing.

squee 04-14-2012 03:37 PM

"Bella dear, would you make sure that Dyson knows that we're going to get our foor soon and that our table needs to be set?" Aro said as he looked down at his black shoes "I do hate having tardiness at our table" Bella nodded "Sure thing Aro, but do you think...I mean do you think that his talents are better else where?" She knew this was a dicy subject but she couldn't help it they knew that he was strong, they knew something was off with this human yet they couldn't put their finger on it.

"NO!" Aro yelled as he shoved his human away "do we need to go over this all the time Bella, I mean all the time, each day? you know he's deadly" he slowly walked over to her, sending chills down her spine "you know he isn't normal" standing infront of her, she didn't flinch but looked away from those red eyes "I know...but you know...he's slowly breaking..." Aro seemed pleased by this, his grin was showing as much "Good, that's wonderfull!"

He turned away "just make sure to keep up what we're doing, he'll break soon enough"

"as you wish Aro" Belled walked away and found Dyson with another Vampire "you are to set the table and get ready for our meals"
Dyson nodded "what ever....clean and set I know the drill" he said with out emotion and continued to walk to the dinning room.

I'll get out of here...I have to get out of here!

Gold n' Silver 04-14-2012 03:52 PM

Jessica finally catches up with the group, "Guys," She says still panting, "Th...There was a message on the little boy! It said that i can get my son on 50th street! I know this could be a trap but....please we have to go there!" The group all stares at her, then finally someone speaks up, "Jessica, you told us your son died" "That's what i though, Emily. But what if he's actually alive and they're keeping him as captive! We have to do something!" Jessica says frantically. "Well," says Emily, "I'm certainly not letting you go by yourself, and since it's very important to you....i'm coming with you." Jessica breaks into a big smile and hugs Emily, "Thank you!" Then they both stare at the others, "Well?" they say in unison, "Are you guys coming?" And one by one they step up saying that they're with them. "I know exactly where 50th street is," Emily says, "Everyone follow me!" Together they run into the night.

squee 04-14-2012 04:12 PM

Being shoved in his room, Dyson sighed “finally, peace and quiet” he said and sat down on the bed and leaned onto the wall “I lost count on how many day I’ve been here” he looked at the window and smiled a little, something called out to him to be outside, to be free. “I’m losing my mind” he laughed at the irony of what he said “ and they would just love that” he mumbled and laid on the bed, fell asleep. His dreams: being outside free and oddly of a wolf.

He was sure this was a dream he was so sure, so if this was a dream why could he see and smell things like being awake? strangely he looked at the ground and noticed that it wasn't his feet rather paws, big paws. What the hell? he thought confused as he felt himself run in the forest and infor a small abandoned town, he kept on running. He didn't know how long he ran at a point he stopped running and noticed a group of people running

That's odd...humans running at night? Seeing this, he fought the urge to turn away,he wanted to run away, he caught his reflextion on a broken glass bottle that was laying on the ground, he was shocked at what he saw, a wof. this wasn't right at all, he was a human and not a wolf! he cried out and found himself
in a cold sweat. with shaking hands he ran his hand in his hair and stud up, almost falling but stud up "that had to be a nightmare..."

Gold n' Silver 04-14-2012 05:10 PM

As they ran Jessica thought of how happy she would be if she saw Jake again. She also though she saw a wolf, but that didn't matter, she had to keep her mind on the task. Get to 50th street, save Jake, and stay alive. It seems like hours before Emily finally said we were close, and we should quietly walk from here. Jessica was relieved to stop running, but her mind was racing as if it was doing a 200 meter sprint! Then suddenly, the whole group stopped...and listen. Jessica could hear faint voices. "That has to be the Vampires!"Jessica though. They listened more, Jessica could barely just make out a little boy's saying "LET ME GO!" "JAKE! IT'S JAKE!" She went up to Emily, who by the look on her face, knew what Jessica was about to say. "I'll go around this building and see what their doing." Jessica whispered. "Ok." Emily whispered back.

When Jessica came behind the building and looked, she didn't like what she saw. The Vampires had tied up Jake to a post and where yelling at him. "SHUT UP YOU LITTLE BRAT!" one Vampire said. "If you don't want your mommy to die, you better listen to him!" said the other Vampire. "My mommy will kill you all!" Jake cried. The Vampires just chuckled. "Ohh, I'm so scared!" one said still laughing. Jessica was so mad she just wanted to go kill them all right now, but she new that was impossible. So she just went back to the group to tell them what she saw.

After she was done explaining she felt a sudden urge to tell the the group that she had some special power that she didn't know she had. She just had to get it out, "Guys, i think i have some kind of special power!" Jessica blurted out. "Uhh... are you ok?" Emily said to her. "Just tell me if something weird happens." Jessica said. She concentrated really hard on one word....and that word was Invisible Just then the group gasped and Jessica new something had happened. She didn't feel any different, but when she looked down she could see herself! She concentrated on being visible, and when she looked she could see herself again. "Whoa, ok maybe your not crazy. Your one of the gifted!" Emily exclaimed.

squee 04-14-2012 06:07 PM

Hearing the boy scream again, James looked over to him “’will you just shut the hell up?!” He was quickly losing his patients, he didn’t understand why his dear sister insisted to bring this child with them and tie him up, and he was just a nuisance to them. “Will you stop huffing and puffing james, the humans are almost here” Victoria said as she cooling looked at his brother “if you keep on talking to him, he’ll just be louder and more whiny” she kept her sight on where she was hearing a few humans.

“you know what Vic, I think I would prefer to be back home where that human Dyson, and have a decent meal” he smiled “blood with fear is so much more sweeter then the farmed stuff” he said and received a glare from his sister “fine, i’ll shut up and wait for the group, but after this we go back”

They came at the same hour: wake him up, give him food, make sure he was still alive and start the routine again. This time, he felt something diffrent within him yet he couldn't put his finger on it.

Gold n' Silver 04-14-2012 06:59 PM

((It's Jake not James))

"What's a gifted one?" Jessica asked. "There are only five gifted ones in the whole world. Each one contains a special power, and in this case you have the ability to be invisible." Emily explained. "And i know another gifted one who could help us if i could track him down.....his name is Dyson. He has the ability to change shape, but she doesn't know that yet. I didn't want to tell him because i thought the time wasn't right, now i don't know where he is or if he is even alive." Hearing this stunned Jessica, could it be possible that that wolf she saw could be him! No, i couldn't be him. That's would be impossibleJessica thought. "Where do you think we can find Dyson?" asked Jessica. "I don't know," Emily said "but first lets work on getting your son back. And here's the plan...."

squee 04-14-2012 08:05 PM

(( occ : i was refering to another vampire that's holding the son - victoria&James))

“How much longer do we have to wait for James and Victoria” Said Aro as he looked down at Black with impatiens. “We’ll hear from them within the hour, they should capture the elusive group...” Aro nodded and looked at his human “come here” the human nodded and walked over to the vampire, his eyes were dull, he was in a trance like most humans salves were. “do get me Dyson, I think it’s time we brake him” Black nodded “as you wish”

He left Aro and his human and walked to the room were Dyson was being held. “Finally” he mumbled to himself as he opened the door to the room “Aro wants to see you”.

Dyson looked up and sighed, he figured as much , the vampires in this mansion didn’t bother him until the next meal or unless Aro wanted something from him, which was the case. “sure, lead the way”
As he got up, the hair on his back stud up, his gut telling him to run, he ignored it for now and walked down the hall.

finx15 04-14-2012 11:51 PM

Name: Finx Sunfara
Age: 100
Race: vampire
Biography: Finx was one of the original vampires of old the none "virus" kind. She couldn't believe the scientist called her kind virus's they don't understand anything about virus they weren't there for the dieseses that swept threw the world.
power: Mind reading

Gold n' Silver 04-15-2012 01:58 AM

"Here's the plan," Emily starts to explain." One of us goes to distract the Vampires and lead them off in the other direction, and then we all sneak up and untie Jake." Jessica is okay with the plan, but there is only one thing, "Who is going to distract the Vampires?" she asked. "Me." Emily says bravely. "B..But..." Jessica sputtered. "It's okay Jessica, all you need to do is untie Jake. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." Jessica nods and Emily bravely walks into the night.

squee 04-15-2012 03:31 AM

Pointing out a silhouette James lunged to his feet and went after the diversion. “James! God damn it come back here!” Victory yelled at her friend and went in chase after him. “You’re so dead when i get my hands on you!” she yelled as she pushed her legs harder to catch up to him.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
He didn’t know why he was feeling nervous, it wasn’t his first time meeting Aro nor was it the first time he was being guided by Black “care to give the human a hint?” He asked knowing full well that he wasn’t going to be told anything until he was in the room with the vampires. “you know the rules Dyson” said Black. Moments later they arrived at the door, the small seed of fear grew to a large ice ball.

Gold n' Silver 04-15-2012 05:17 AM

"Yes!" Jessica whispered excitingly. "It worked! Emily's plan worked!" As Jessica led the group, Jake finally noticed them. "MOMMY!" He cried out. "Shh, it's ok i'm here and were going to get you out" Jessica whispered as she hugged Jake. She couldn't believe how much Jake had changed, but she was so glad that they were finally together... for now. Jessica quickly tried to loosen the knots of the rope."Ugh, it's no use." Jessica said. "Here, use my pocket knife." one guy said. She gratefully took the knife and started cutting the rope. As soon as she was done, Jake got out and squeezed his mom tight. "I missed so much, mommy" Jake said crying. "I missed you too, baby," Jessica said. "But we need to stay strong!" Jessica looked around, "We can't stay here for long, we have to help Emily." "I'll take Jake to hour grounds and keep him safe" a woman from their group offered. Jessica nodded and gave Jake one last hug and a kiss on the cheek, "I love you, Jake." Jessica said. "I love you too, mommy. Promise me you will come back!" Jake cried. "I promise." Jessica said gently. And with that Jake and the woman went off. "I just hope i can keep your promise, Jake" Jessica whispered to herself.

squee 04-18-2012 12:45 PM

(( i'm so terribly sorry, I couldn't acess mene for a few days from my home or the college! I'll post rigth away!.....again, i'm so sorry! i didn't vanish on you!))

Gold n' Silver 04-18-2012 02:14 PM

((No it's fine. I couldn't get on mene either, no one could. Apparently mene shut down for some reason.So need to be sorry.))

finx15 04-18-2012 06:45 PM

((I think everyone had the same problem no i need to think of a way to appear.))

Gold n' Silver 04-18-2012 10:24 PM

((do you want to start the play on your character finx?))

finx15 04-19-2012 12:16 AM

((I don't know were to start but I think of something))

Gold n' Silver 04-19-2012 12:23 AM

((That's ok :) ))

finx15 04-19-2012 12:28 AM

Finx sat in her house staring at the table in front of her glaring at the picture of doctors and scientist that littered the table. She growled slightly and knifed one of the pictures violently "stupid humans they don't understand anything about us original vampires they thing were a diesese were not." she leaned back and sighed "not all of us are bad or evil we're hungry and lonely without hope of having children and it drives most of us insane to the point we kidnap and change children or try least I had my sister before she was killed." she lapsed into silence.

squee 04-19-2012 02:17 AM

(( Occ: alright, and welcom to the fun!))

He was running at his fastest, he could almost hear the heart beat of the human, he could almost taste the blood...almost! when he got to where the human was, he smiled “what do we have here...” he walked infront of the girl “you look lost...” he was about to wrap his arm around her when victory appeared “JAMES, You stupid idiot!” Victoria grabbed him by his neck and shoved him to the ground “because of you we lost the damn brat!” she glared at the girl “and have her now, fuck” she was angry.

She turned around and walked back and forth, trying to calm herself “when we get back to Aro, you are going to explain him why we lost that damn brat!” she eyed him as he slowly got up from the ground “sorry...” he mumbled and didn’t look up, “so...what now?”
“we head back to Aro and hopefully get this mess clear before you screw something else”


At Finx's house, A male Vampire knocked at the door out of respect before he enterd the room, where she was. "Finx? Aro has asked your presence..."

Gold n' Silver 04-19-2012 03:04 AM

Jessica was lost in thought when she finally came back to her senses, she remember about Emily. "Guys! We have to go save Emily she could be in trouble we..." Jessica stopped herself. Wait, would Emily really want this? No, she would want us to go find Dyson, the other gifted one! Jessica though for a long time before she came to a decision. "Forget what i said, we can't go for Emily now." Jessica said. "We should find Dyson so he could help us. I just hope he has discovered his power, it could really help us" It was a long silence before some one spoke up, " But how do we find him?" Jessica looked around, she hadn't thought of that. "Hey guys! Look over there!" one man pointed out. "What's that?" Jessica said as she went to go pick up the piece of paper. "What could this be?" She said unfolding it. "Holy crap!" Jessica said as she read the note which read: Reminder: Don't forget about Dyson (Vamp lane) "Wow who keeps reminders?" Jessica snickered. " Any way, come on guys time to meet up with a certain shape shifter."

finx15 04-20-2012 01:53 AM

"Why does he want me?" Finx asked turning to face the other vampire anger flashing over her face. "And why do you always enter with out my say so?" she paused "what happened this time?" she asked with a dramatic sigh

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